February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    So ok....my goals. I don't so much have specific numbers I want to hit with my lifts - but I want to see a definite reduction in BF%. I would like to lose 10% body fat in the next 6 months. And when I am finished with 6 months of SL I am switching to Wendler 5/3/1....so those are my goals more than anything.

    My goal to accomplish this is lifting 3x a week and then doing Cardio 2X a week and Yoga 1 X a week as time permits.

    Outside of that, for my calories, I seem to be losing at 1650 right now. But my goal is to stay between 1650 and 1800 daily, and not go over. So I'll be logging my exercises differently starting next week, just the activity not the actual calories burned.

    Hopefully this will give me one smoking hot body and strong as hell. I'm already a bad *kitten* *****, so we just need to add on to that *laugh*

    yeah for all the other bad *kitten* *****ery out there!
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member

    3) Now today, my shoulder and neck are hurting and my arm and hand are tingling. I've had radiculopathy/muscle spasms in that area for 7 years, and I'm concerned that doing Stronglifts is going to make it worse again. So I don't know what to do. My main goal is to lose body fat in my thighs and butt, and everyone (you guys and others) say lifting heavy is the way to do that. But I'm not sure I can or should be lifting heavy with my shoulder problem. I just googled "weightlifting and pinched nerve" and a lot of people on the bodybuilding.com forums said you simply shouldn't be lifting.

    Ok so first thing is - anytime you do dumbbells, assume you'll be doing way less. Dumbbells are harder to stabilize than a barbell.

    Second - dumbbells are a LOT harder to stabilize than a barbell. And thus I find I am MUCH more likely to tweak something with them. Again, go light. I realize that's a repeat of the above, but ...yeah.

    also bodybuilding.com is not a very reliable source of information. There IS good information there but there's also lots of crap or lots of stuff that doesn't apply to beginners.

    So anyway, third - There is a right way to bench and a lot of wrong ways, but the bench press is probably the number one most easy way to injure your shoulders if done wrong. The reason is because if you don't set up your form correctly in the first place, your shoulders end up taking a bunch of rotational strain instead of your chest. Look at this again:

    And pay particular attention to how her shoulder blades lay against the bench. The back arch is INDICATIVE of this being done correctly -- it took me a long time to understand this, but the back arch itself is not exactly important, the lower back arch is just what happens when you keep your butt on the bench and you have your shoulders/shoulder blades/upper back in the RIGHT position.

    so fourth - given your space constraints, one of these is probably your best option. http://www.amazon.com/Valor-BD-3-Squat-Stands/dp/B002CNIML2 although a squat RACK would be better (but take up more space).

    Thank you SO much Tameko - this is extremely helpful. Any other ideas ladies, keep em coming, thanks!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    so tonight's workout was OK... just OK.... I did my SLs stuff ( I do all 5 exercises each workout) but didnt do my machine stuff ( hip adductor or leg press)
    Im temporarily working night shift... got off at 7am.... been running all day til I went to gym at 6pm... Suffice to say I didnt have much energy

    Im only on night for 8 weeks....Im in week 2... I notice my best workouts are on the days I go straight to the gym at 7am....

    Anyway, Ive been doing SLs via Smith machine.....I think on Monday Im gonna try without ( even if I have to deload) ...Eventually I will need a spotter or go back to Smith

    COnfused about the weights though.... I was told to count the 35 lbs bar on th Smith only as 15lbs..... Why come?
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    The trainer at my gym said it's really only worth about 5 lbs according to him. The reason is that it's all cabled up, and that adds some natural anti-gravity effect. To put it very, very unscientifically. :tongue: I discovered that this is about accurate before I asked - I increased my weight about 25 pounds when I tried the Smith and it was still easier. I had no idea why this was happening until I asked him. :laugh:
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Woot. Today I hit all my lifts. Squats 100, OHP at 67.5, and Deadlift at 155 because of an epic math fail (should have been 145).:blushing: Still got it though. :laugh:
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    I do feel like a bad *kitten* when I lift!

    My goals this month is to up my OHP....want to get past 60# and rows..85#
    I'm happy with progress on all other lifts squat 145#, BP 95# DL 135#

    My biggest goal for the month is to get my protein up and I'm running a 5K in march sooo that too!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Okay, now that I'm on a computer...
    My goals for the month, hmmmmmmmm.

    *To lift 3 days a week for at least 3 weeks of the month
    *To hit my protein macros--this is hard for me sometimes
    *to get to 60 lbs OHP
    *be a bit more consistent with my cardio and yoga--at least 2x a week.

    I'm also weighing/measuring/taking pics on Sunday, which is my newish method--I've been doing it since November. This will be the first month of doing so after upping my calories/not eating my exercise cals back, so I'm interested to see if there's a huge difference in weight, etc.

    After being waylaid by after-school *kitten* and then getting sick on Wednesday, I am going to lift tomorrow and go for a Saturday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule for the week...but we'll see how that goes.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    I did my SLs stuff ( I do all 5 exercises each workout)

    I was doing that too, until someone here pointed out that each workout (A and B when they are split) is a full-body exercise. Plus, the weights should be increasing, and when it gets harder, you don't want to be doing all the lifts on the same day.

    Anyway, someone else could probably elaborate better than me! I think Medhi has some info about it on his site, too.
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    So on Wednesday at my sons skating lesson I caught my figure skate pick in the ice and fell on my outstretched arm :( thought it was broken but all movement seems to have returned with only a little soreness in my elbow area. still cant make a full arm roation from palm face down to face up. I also seem to have thrown out my lower back or my hip on the same side as I fell so if hot baths and stretching don't work to fix this I may have to visit a chiropractor.

    Excited for next week because I'm taking a pole dancing beginner class for six weeks with a friend of mine. Is that Bada$$?

    Also wanted to share this video I saw. This women seems to have a lot of testosterone but I love how she describes her mental process doing OHP.

    Have fun pole dancing once a week.
    Get my form right with stronglifts so I can lift heavier and set lifting goals. Also I want to have all the exercises mentally stored so I'm not looking up what they are on my iPhone.
    Finish Insanity.

    That's it for now!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So on Wednesday at my sons skating lesson I caught my figure skate pick in the ice and fell on my outstretched arm :( thought it was broken but all movement seems to have returned with only a little soreness in my elbow area. still cant make a full arm roation from palm face down to face up. I also seem to have thrown out my lower back or my hip on the same side as I fell so if hot baths and stretching don't work to fix this I may have to visit a chiropractor.

    Excited for next week because I'm taking a pole dancing beginner class for six weeks with a friend of mine. Is that Bada$$?

    Also wanted to share this video I saw. This women seems to have a lot of testosterone but I love how she describes her mental process doing OHP.

    Have fun pole dancing once a week.
    Get my form right with stronglifts so I can lift heavier and set lifting goals. Also I want to have all the exercises mentally stored so I'm not looking up what they are on my iPhone.
    Finish Insanity.

    That's it for now!

    I'm going to start a beginner pole dance class towards the end of the month with one of my friends too! Woohoo for stripper dancing!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Pole dancing is definite bada$$ery! Have you seen some of those mika models? If not google "mika yoga wear." They totally make me want to work out.

    ETA. The best thing about Mika is they have shorts that are barely not showing buttcheek and they call them modest. :laugh: To be fair they are selling active wear for hot yoga and pole dancing.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Pole dancing is definite bada$$ery! Have you seen some of those mika models? If not google "mika yoga wear." They totally make me want to work out.

    ETA. The best thing about Mika is they have shorts that are barely not showing buttcheek and they call them modest. :laugh: To be fair they are selling active wear for hot yoga and pole dancing.

    Oh my god Fit, you have ALL the best clothing links. I also need a super hot bikini for this year, whatcha got?
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    When I get my Deadlift booty I'm totally buying me a pair of those Mika Yoga shorts.
  • daoc1972
    daoc1972 Posts: 92 Member
    So, I gave up reading last month's thread. I was travelling on business and was busy, busy, busy. You are very chatty! I come back & already 3 pages into Feb.'s thread.

    Anyhow, my goals for this month are to be consistent with my lifting and eating. I weaned my almost 1 year old over my business trip, so I need to reevaluate my calorie goals.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    I did my SLs stuff ( I do all 5 exercises each workout)

    I was doing that too, until someone here pointed out that each workout (A and B when they are split) is a full-body exercise. Plus, the weights should be increasing, and when it gets harder, you don't want to be doing all the lifts on the same day.

    Anyway, someone else could probably elaborate better than me! I think Medhi has some info about it on his site, too.

    I have only been doing it for a week and a half. my weights are very light. kinda focusing on form. Now that I'm going to try without Smith Machine I'm going back to A/B days

    my routine is obviously a work in progress

    NSV! I met a lady on the local HS track a few months ago while doing C25K. we became FB friends and found out we had friends from other states in common. my friend in Atlanta told me this lady had been her yoga instructor back when they both lived in Atlanta 20 years ago
    this lady teaches yoga at my gym now
    I haven't seen her since early December until yesterday in the gym. She asked me to tell her what I do in the gym. says she was amazed at how much my body has changed and how good I look. I'm also gonna be able to take her yoga class twice a week while I'm working on nights
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    I'm having some issues with my right arm and should so not sure what to do.
    I was hoping to get started on this program and had the gym owner should me how to do squats. I got my form down pretty good just using a broom stick but when I switched to the empty bar I realized how bad my should hurt.. argghh and damn it!
    I'm thinking a couple week of trying not to strain that arm may ? help?.. it actually hurts to type.
    I feel like such a wimp and I'm eager to get started and afraid of doing more damage.
    Going to give it a break this weekend for sure and see how it feels Monday.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @HIIT.....that's awesome! It's always so nice to get those random compliments :smile:

    @Fittree.....I've never heard of that site. Pretty sure that I wouldn't even kind of be able to look decent in those "modest" shorts though :laugh:

    @Mcctin....have you been to the dr? Do you know what is causing the pain?

    So finished up week 9 today! Whoop! I failed miserably on my OHP at 54#, but I think that I should be about to smash it next workout. Squat 5x5 @ 130# (yeah baby!!!!) and DL 1x5 @ 140#! Overall I'm pleased :bigsmile:

    Now forgive me, I can't remember who posted the link to the crossfit girl doing the OHP, but I did watch it last night (thank you!) and besides the fact that she is a beast, I think I realized that my grip has been far too wide on the OHP. Brought it in just outside of shoulder width this morning and it did feel better.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Hey all!

    I just finished up week 2 of SL so my goals this month are just to keep progessing where I can. Pretty sure I'll be hitting my limit on OHP next workout though (at 55 pounds). I have fractional weights though so I'll try to slowly increase where I feel I can. Working on my form as well for all the lifts and gaining more confidence in the weight room.

    Current weights:
    Squat - 65 lbs
    Bench - 50 lbs
    Row - 50 lbs
    OHP - 50 lbs
    Deadlift - 110 lbs
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Pole dancing is definite bada$$ery! Have you seen some of those mika models? If not google "mika yoga wear." They totally make me want to work out.

    ETA. The best thing about Mika is they have shorts that are barely not showing buttcheek and they call them modest. :laugh: To be fair they are selling active wear for hot yoga and pole dancing.

    After googling, all I can say is, wow, I'm not flexible...
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Tameko- I have nothing for swim wear. My current suit is from Target and I've worn a whole two times, and I've had it for 3 years. My last bikini I got at J.C. Penny maybe 4 years ago pre- quitting smoking weight gain. It is actually super cute though. It was on clearance- bonus! When I lived in west Michigan I got much more use from bikinis as Lake Michigan is beautiful, but when I lived on the east side the part of lake huron near me is kind of stinky and sea (lake?) weedy. Now I'm in PA with no lakes :sad: but my bfs parents have a pool, so if you find something let me know!

    zorrena and mcctin- Maybe you two can combine arms. Just switch off so you each can get your sets in- like sharing the power rack. Or just get better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Vegas you are totally going to nail that OHP.

    Hiit- lookin good :wink: