February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I found this instructional link for bent over rows which I found to be very helpful. This guy does talk about using another type of grip (I think it's the same as an underhand grip, but I'm not sure) but I believe that Mehdi advises against it.


    ETA: Not sure if any of you have ever watched them, but Mehdi has full instructional workouts for both A & B on youtube. They are also super helpful :smile:
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    So, I was feeling a bit chipper after my chiro appointment. He hasn't officially cleared me to lift again, but I feel 90% recovered and all he does when I go in is some heat, some massage and a back crackin' lol. I am seriously in and out in 15 min. Anyways...went to the store. Bought some Converse All-Stars.

    Drove over to the gym, warmed up and then squatted 95x5...
    ...And then 105x4x5 (PR!!)
    I felt like doing this:
    And then I went to OHP and tried my last weight, and got my *kitten* handed to me. lol
    Skipped the deads since I am still not 100%

    All and all, a happy camper! Dunno if it was the shoes, the placebo effect, or what...
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Great job Vette!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    I'd like to take credit since you used a packer photo, Vette :). You're welcome :D
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    So, I was feeling a bit chipper after my chiro appointment. He hasn't officially cleared me to lift again, but I feel 90% recovered and all he does when I go in is some heat, some massage and a back crackin' lol. I am seriously in and out in 15 min. Anyways...went to the store. Bought some Converse All-Stars.

    Drove over to the gym, warmed up and then squatted 95x5...
    ...And then 105x4x5 (PR!!)
    I felt like doing this:

    And then I went to OHP and tried my last weight, and got my *kitten* handed to me. lol
    Skipped the deads since I am still not 100%

    All and all, a happy camper! Dunno if it was the shoes, the placebo effect, or what...

    Haha, that's awesome!

    I figured this morning at the gym was going to suck. I got home late last night, and almost got into an accident on the way home, and it's rather difficult to fall asleep when your heart is pounding. So, a crappy sleep night, I figured it would be a bad morning at the gym. Squats were feeling more difficult than I expected even just at 55lbs. Don't know why, but on a few of them it seemed like a struggle to get up, even though I could. Wow, I suck.

    Struggled with OHP, but did actually do a full 5x5 at 50 for the first time, so it couldn't have been that five. It wasn't particularly pretty though. The left arm was lagging a few inches behind on the last set. DL was no problem at 115, but I forgot warmup sets. Whoops. Then I managed to finish and walk into the men's locker room. Luckily it was empty, but I think I really need more sleep...
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hi all!

    vette - I hear ya on trying to not go to the chiro. I just got done with about 4 visits to get my hip back to normal. It's still bugging me a bit, but not preventing lifting, thankfully.

    The hip is still doing good, which is awesome. Been able to go ATG on my squats as I work on getting my weights back up where they should be.

    My goals for the month

    lift 3x week
    yoga 3x week (I do this on lifting days)
    cardio on nonlifting days
    work on pull ups

    I forgot where I was last week on deadlift, since I hadn't updated my lifting plan from when I started over. Need to back to January thread and find what I posted there.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    my goals for the month : work on form!! been adding weight to squats & dls, but haven't been super strict on form and as i get into the 100s it needs to be perfect. get even lower on squats.

    add weight to my BP & OHP. been stalled out on both for about a month. i can add 5 lbs for maybe 2 sets before i have to go back down to complete the rest of my sets.

    keep up cardio to get the fat off to show off my muscles.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    So, I was feeling a bit chipper after my chiro appointment. He hasn't officially cleared me to lift again, but I feel 90% recovered and all he does when I go in is some heat, some massage and a back crackin' lol. I am seriously in and out in 15 min. Anyways...went to the store. Bought some Converse All-Stars.

    Drove over to the gym, warmed up and then squatted 95x5...
    ...And then 105x4x5 (PR!!)
    I felt like doing this:
    And then I went to OHP and tried my last weight, and got my *kitten* handed to me. lol
    Skipped the deads since I am still not 100%

    All and all, a happy camper! Dunno if it was the shoes, the placebo effect, or what...

    Congratulations!! I think I better get some of those shoes!! : )

    And Auddii Congratulations on that OP!!! That kind of adrenaline rush can mess you up for a while. How are you doing now?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member

    I updated my blog with some pics if any of you are bored. There's a sweet pic of my nekkid back (and my granny panties) that you don't want to miss. lol

    I finally got a chance to look at these! Your back looks awesome. I keep trying to make mine look like that and I can't. I notice on most women they seem to get really good back definition first, before anything else. But not me, because I am a freak. *cries*

    I got *shoulder* definition first, but otherwise my body seems determined to keep an evenly distributed layer of fat on everything. Which I'm not complaining about but it does mean I don't' get an awesome back shot like everyone else.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    My butt hurts I'm so happy! So I know DOMS doesn't mean you're actually doing something useful or that you got a good workout, yet I always feel sad I never get butt DOMS. It makes me feel like I have a lazy butt. = < But (no pun intended) this past week I've had butt doms after every workout. At first I thought it was a fluke, but maybe it's because I'm becoming a SQUAT BEAST??? Oh my workout yesterday. Squat 5x5 105, Bench 5x5 80, Row 5x5 80.

    Fisher I like your new avatar. It's like one of those stories where the painting changes subtly. Sneaky Sneaky. And you look bamf.

    Sarahz I wish I could give you my old bras without it being weird I have tons of 36D! :laugh:

    Kit-Katty- That is so awesome. I've lost BF too (not sure how much) and I feel giddy about it all the time so I understand your excitement. Like when I notice there's more room in the belly area when I zip up my coat. :drinker:

    Vette: WOOOHOOO. Not to be rude, but when you feel like that it looks like you need extra conditioner. Don't forget in your post gym shower!

    Tamkeo- Don't feel bad I'm a shoulder girl too. I do have a good 40 pounds on you at I think the same height, so that might be part of my reason.:wink: Or the many push ups I did before I started lifting. Either way I get mad excited since the only other place I can see definition are my tiny tiny calves. They are effing ripped though! Rawr.

    I love how many women here are concentrated on form. From the atrocities I see committed at the gym every day where I think half the weight lifting population is going to need a stretcher to leave it would seem form focus is best.

    ETA: Conjugation is hard. >.> Why is there no shifty smiley?
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    My butt hurts I'm so happy! So I know DOMS doesn't mean you're actually doing something useful or that you got a good workout, yet I always feel sad I never get butt DOMS. It makes me feel like I have a lazy butt. = < But (no pun intended) this past week I've had butt doms after every workout. At first I thought it was a fluke, but maybe it's because I'm becoming a SQUAT BEAST??? Oh my workout yesterday. Squat 5x5 105, Bench 5x5 80, Row 5x5 80.

    Fisher I like your new avatar. It's like one of those stories where the painting changes subtly. Sneaky Sneaky. And you look bamf.

    YAY for butt DOMS! I also prefer to have butt DOMS and finally got some today...

    Also, I didn't even notice Fisher was in her avatar until you said something!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Tamkeo, I get some boss shoulder definition right away too...but I never get ab definition. *cries* I'm pretty pleased with my back, though.

    I didn't make it to the gym last night--I had a meeting after school and I was asleep after Delaney went to bed. Tonight for sure!!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    My butt hurts I'm so happy! So I know DOMS doesn't mean you're actually doing something useful or that you got a good workout, yet I always feel sad I never get butt DOMS. It makes me feel like I have a lazy butt. = < But (no pun intended) this past week I've had butt doms after every workout. At first I thought it was a fluke, but maybe it's because I'm becoming a SQUAT BEAST??? Oh my workout yesterday. Squat 5x5 105, Bench 5x5 80, Row 5x5 80.

    Fisher I like your new avatar. It's like one of those stories where the painting changes subtly. Sneaky Sneaky. And you look bamf.

    YAY for butt DOMS! I also prefer to have butt DOMS and finally got some today...

    I used to get DOMS all the time, but not since starting SL. No clue why not. One of the stranger things I've noticed is that my back will randomly feel really warm. Almost like there's a heating pad on it. Really odd since I'm normally freezing. I'll just pretend like I can actually feel my muscles repairing themselves. :laugh:

    ETA: I'm fine now. I eventually calmed down, and since I live in Houston, you have to get used to really ****ty drivers...
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    So, I was feeling a bit chipper after my chiro appointment. He hasn't officially cleared me to lift again, but I feel 90% recovered and all he does when I go in is some heat, some massage and a back crackin' lol. I am seriously in and out in 15 min. Anyways...went to the store. Bought some Converse All-Stars.

    Drove over to the gym, warmed up and then squatted 95x5...
    ...And then 105x4x5 (PR!!)
    I felt like doing this:
    And then I went to OHP and tried my last weight, and got my *kitten* handed to me. lol
    Skipped the deads since I am still not 100%

    All and all, a happy camper! Dunno if it was the shoes, the placebo effect, or what...

    This is so awesome, haha :)
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    My butt hurts I'm so happy! So I know DOMS doesn't mean you're actually doing something useful or that you got a good workout, yet I always feel sad I never get butt DOMS. It makes me feel like I have a lazy butt. = < But (no pun intended) this past week I've had butt doms after every workout. At first I thought it was a fluke, but maybe it's because I'm becoming a SQUAT BEAST??? Oh my workout yesterday. Squat 5x5 105, Bench 5x5 80, Row 5x5 80.

    Fisher I like your new avatar. It's like one of those stories where the painting changes subtly. Sneaky Sneaky. And you look bamf.

    YAY for butt DOMS! I also prefer to have butt DOMS and finally got some today...

    I used to get DOMS all the time, but not since starting SL. No clue why not. One of the stranger things I've noticed is that my back will randomly feel really warm. Almost like there's a heating pad on it. Really odd since I'm normally freezing. I'll just pretend like I can actually feel my muscles repairing themselves. :laugh:

    ETA: I'm fine now. I eventually calmed down, and since I live in Houston, you have to get used to really ****ty drivers...

    I hurt today too!!! Yay for DOMS!!!!! I guess that's a bonus for not lifting weights for almost 2 week! Though you are so right, that it does make you feel like you did more somehow. Weirdness.....

    Now to go stretch it out in yoga tonight.

    I've been kinda quiet - it's been stressful at work lately. My company just had major layoffs in my area on Thursday, and today was the meeting to discuss it. Sounds like they wanted to get the over at the beginning of the year so that nobody had to worry if it was going to be phased or not. I know that nobody likes layoffs - but I'm just glad they did it that way, rather than a tiered approach, I'm also very happy to be employed yet.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I'm so glad you kept your jobby-job, Darwin.

    I hear you on the sh!tty Houston drivers...I was a polite, un-insane driver until I lived there for 3 years. :laugh:
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Good News! My arm seems to be pretty much normal. Bad news got laid up with a head cold BUT by afternoon the headache was gone so I went and did a Stronglifts workout anyway.

    Still not sure about form for Rows. However I'm feeling better about squats and bench press.
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Fittree I too am noticing more room in my jacket. It makes me happy too. Scale isn't moving but my clothes are getting loosey.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    My company has had so many layoffs over the last 5 years I start to get anxious and confused when we DON'T have one.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    I've been kinda quiet - it's been stressful at work lately. My company just had major layoffs in my area on Thursday, and today was the meeting to discuss it. Sounds like they wanted to get the over at the beginning of the year so that nobody had to worry if it was going to be phased or not. I know that nobody likes layoffs - but I'm just glad they did it that way, rather than a tiered approach, I'm also very happy to be employed yet.

    Phew, know what that feels like...glad you are still there, it is very stressful not knowing...stressful changing jobs too...ah, we will overcome, we always do... : )