NORM! (An Introduction Post)



  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I don't use untappd, but you can find me on twitter @denverbeerchick -- I talk about brewing and local beer on occasion.
  • Stormchasegrl
    Stormchasegrl Posts: 61 Member
    @trogalicious - woooah I just saw your weight loss tracker. Major congratulations!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Hi BigDog and everybody. I'm a beer and scotch drinker. I do enjoy ciders and good wine as well. You can pretty much expect that I end the night with a nightcap of some sort.

    I tend to favor the trappist and belgian style ales most, but also love a good IPA or porter. I've probably tried 200 or more beers over the past few years.

    Life's too short to not fit a good brew into my macros.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    @trogalicious - woooah I just saw your weight loss tracker. Major congratulations!
    much thanks :)
  • TCondor
    Greetings all ... I'm a home brewer currently hanging out in the suburbs of Boston, MA and checking out all the groovy breweries in New England. Glad to see how active this group is. This weekend I'm planning to sample the Honey Amber I bottled a few weeks ago.

    Also wanted to mention that there's a Real Ale group on the boards too. You may want to check that out.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hello all. I'm Kristen and I live in Columbus, OH. I'm in the maintenance phase of my "journey" trying to keep off the 43 pounds I lost over the past 2 years. So far so good. I lost it while drinking beer and eating carbs and I got pretty tired of everyone questioning "liquid calories". This isn't about "stopping" your life, it's about enjoying it in moderation. If you need to quit something you really enjoy to lose weight it will come right back later.

    My boyfriend home-brews so I get all the benefits of that - I think he's gonna start a new batch within the month, of course he wants to make an IPA which I am not a fan of, but there's always next time.

    Thanks for the invite - let the beer talk continue!
  • mswize
    mswize Posts: 113 Member
    Hello Everyone! what a great idea for a group, I am glad to be here! I live in Southern California, near San Diego. There are so many good brewery choices within a 90 minute radius from me. My favorite spot to visit is Stone Brewery in San Marcos. I am a big fan of their super hop forward IPAs. If you are ever in the area the brewery and restaurant is a "must" visit.
  • Hello Everyone! what a great idea for a group, I am glad to be here! I live in Southern California, near San Diego. There are so many good brewery choices within a 90 minute radius from me. My favorite spot to visit is Stone Brewery in San Marcos. I am a big fan of their super hop forward IPAs. If you are ever in the area the brewery and restaurant is a "must" visit.

    Stone is my all-time favorite California brewery!!!! I love their Vertical Epic Ales.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    No one invited me. I just showed up cuz I heard there was beer.

    I love good beer. My favorite styles are Imperial Stouts and Belgian Quads and Tripels but I don't discriminate too terribly much. I'm not a fan of IPAs or overly hoppy beers but I'm working on that and have found a few that I like. It bothers me that there is an entire style that I don't like and I can't really have peace in my heart with that kind of burden.
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    LOL... Welcome sjohnny.

    If you persevere I'm sure you and those IPA's will get along just fine. ;-)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Mmm beer. Not a brewer, but love craft beer. I'm a regular at the Flying Saucer, and I'm currently on beer 174 of my third plate. (If you drink 200 different beers you get your name on a plate on the wall.) I'm a lush, what can I say...

    Also becoming a huge whisky fan (woohoo for going to Scotland in April!!!).
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome Auddii,

    I'm really starting to enjoy whiskeys more too. Sippin whiskeys not the mixen kind. I'm especially liking the single pot Irish whiskeys currently.
  • numsquat
    numsquat Posts: 133
    Just wanted to say Hi. Saw this group mentioned in another and thought I would crash the party. Long time homebrewer (20-some years) based on necessity living in rural areas and not having choices locally (though it's getting better). I mostly brew ales with the occasional lager, also do quite a bit of cider, mead yearly, have done some wine in the past (but takes too long for me) and make various other specialty alcohols. Haven't had time to read through the group yet but will later when I get home tonight.
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome numsquat!

    This group is brand new so you aren't crashing anything. Glad to have ya aboard. Pass the word on to anyone else of like mindedness.
  • bonemuse12
    bonemuse12 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey all,
    I'm in the Chicago suburbs. We get a lot of beer from everywhere, which is terrific. However, we fight in the streets and chase distributor trucks for the special ones (looking at you, King Henry). Okay, only some of us do that. With Oskar Blues and Deschutes recently introduced to our market, we are in heaven. Of course, we also get the lion's share of Goose Island Bourbon County products, are a stone's throw from 3Floyds, and get lots of love from the Michigan breweries. I've gotten my wife on the craft brew bandwagon-- our honeymoon was a road trip to Colorado, including stops at New Belgium, Odell, and many, many liquor stores.

    You can add me on untappd: bonemuse

    I'm on Beer Advocate too: bonemuse07

  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome bonemuse,

    I know one Michigan brewery I wish would keep more here and stop sending so much to you guys is Greenbush. They have some awesome brews and they seem to like you guys better than us. ;-)

    I'm mcarrell on untappd.

    Request sent on untappd
  • thatcrazykat
    thatcrazykat Posts: 73 Member
    Hello all! I was excited to come across this group as I really don't want to be judged for saving calories for that end of the day beer. Although I am cutting way back on my intake to loose weight, I still want to look forward to the weekend splurge of a rich chocolaty stout to remind me of the good things in life. My husband and I love good beer and love searching for good beer on mini vacations away from our 3 pre-teen/teenage daughters. Cheers to loosing weight while still enjoying life.
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome thatcrazykat!

    I hear ya. I just don't get why all those people keep harping on alcohol is nothing but empty calories... I think those calories are the fullest of any other. Alcohol calories (more often than not) bring with them smiles, new and old friendships, new experiences, wonderful and delicious flavors, reduced inhibitions, etc... The list is practically endless.
  • On untappd you can find me as sweeter_than_C6H12O6 (yea I'm a nerd)
  • mattagascar
    mattagascar Posts: 708 Member
    Howdy y'all. Thanks for the invite.

    I'm strapped on time now but I look forward to getting to know you.

    I all-grain brew on a Synergy system with 26g kettles. I usually come out with 15-16 gallons finished. I love brewing because i work in finance and administration and it is my creative it tastes outstanding!

    Right now i have an IRA and a Smoked Vanilla Porter in the keg...i'm planning a brew day for next Friday.
