March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    I read this recently on the subject, and while I already had the above feelings (it came from a professor I had in college actually - behavioral psych - who felt like using food as an incentive or reward was a useful tool because most people react so strongly positive towards it) it kind of reminded me that it really is about how you feel.

    Thanks, for that link. It was really interesting and brought up memories of the restrictive eating in my parents' house. I've always been heavy and I think it really caused my mom distress. I got exercise videos for Christmas, I played a bunch of sports, and she tried to control my eating (not just mine but siblings' too). It lead to us binging in the afternoon after school. We had a window of about 2 hours from the time we got home to the time my dad got home, and we'd eat a lot of things that wouldn't be missed, like cheese or peanut butter sandwiches. I think some of my binging is simply habit: eat eat eat before someone comes home.

    It's interesting to think what my eating habits could have been if the attitude towards food wasn't so weird.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I’m chuckling at the description of the Shamrock Shake, LOL…. :) I am a suckah for mint chocolate chip ice cream, so naturally a minty green shake from Mickey D’s would be a wonderful thing for me.

    Ok…earlier, at the office, I posted the following goals, which was not smart, because I didn’t have my spreadsheet in front of me:

    -Not drink green beer.
    -Avoid Shamrock Shakes (OMG, have loved those since I was a kid, LOL...)
    -Squat at LEAST 65 lbs.
    -Bench Press at least 65 lbs.
    -OHP at least 50 lbs.
    -Row at least 50 lbs.
    -Deadlift? OMG...120 lbs. That's the biggie for me right there.

    Bzzzzt…Wrong answer.

    Will still not drink green beer, nor partake of the shake, as it were, but I grossly underestimated my numbers.

    Just tonight (and it’s only the 1st), I blew past my underestimated row and nailed 5x5 @ 60 lbs! I was amazed! Tried to start warm up with 30 and I thought, “Dafuq?” because the bar just flew up like it was nothing. WTH? :bigsmile:

    So with spreadsheet in my face, I offer the following updated goals:

    Squat - 110
    Bench Press - 70 (at least - 45 was a b!tch tonight, but I did it!)
    OHP- 75
    Row- 90
    Deadlift-140 (and I am being really conservative, because I should be doing 150 on March 31, if I keep going the way I have been)

    And for tonight’s festivities?
    Squat - 5x5 @ 50
    Bench - 5x5 @ 45
    Rows - 5x5 @ 60, which surprised the h3ll out of me, but danged if I don’t want to go throw Mini Coopers around or something, LOL…

    Ok-reference binging…I have never been a huge food binger. Wine is my weapon of choice, and given the sugar/calorie content? Bad. Very VERY bad. Like Fittree, I was at my heaviest EVER before getting back to logging and keeping track of every. stinking. calorie. I have become so very aware of what I put in my mouth that I’m almost becoming OCD about it…but hey. You do what you gotta do. Needless to say? Wine consumption at my house is at an all time record low. I don’t need it to help me sleep (I do just fine all by myself), I’d rather EAT my calories now, and that is way weird, even for me. :wink: Wine used to fix everything (ok, it didn’t, but at the time, I FELT like it did), and now if I stress, I just exercise or something. This whole thing is really mucking up my unhealthy lifestyle. :flowerforyou:

    On a side note…After surprising myself with the 60 pound rows, I was so stoked, I called Mom. I hadn’t talked to her in about two weeks. I think we’d just put the bench/rack in the studio. When I told her what I was lifting she was a little mortified. Now mind you, Mom is a little old school and in her early 70’s (WITH osteoporosis, I might add), and she asked if I wasn’t scared of being all ripply and muscle bound. I had to explain to her that I would have to be hitting testosterone and steroids and training like the devil to do that, and no, that wasn’t on the agenda. “But why would you do that, then? What could you possibly gain?” I rattled of the whole lean muscle looks better that flabby fat on me, and she really took notice when I told her it helped with bone health, and that it was more fun, to me, than trying to choke down (and gag on) those calcium horse pill supplements. I don’t think she knew what to think. Apparently I am going to have to send her my before/during one month in photo, LOL.

    Ok, I believed I’ve rambled on long enough, so I shall bid you all a wonderful night!

    Can’t wait to see everyone else’s goals, and go back and re-read Tameko's post. :heart:
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member

    Ok-reference binging…I have never been a huge food binger. Wine is my weapon of choice, and given the sugar/calorie content? Bad. Very VERY bad. Like Fittree, I was at my heaviest EVER before getting back to logging and keeping track of every. stinking. calorie. I have become so very aware of what I put in my mouth that I’m almost becoming OCD about it…but hey. You do what you gotta do. Needless to say? Wine consumption at my house is at an all time record low. I don’t need it to help me sleep (I do just fine all by myself), I’d rather EAT my calories now, and that is way weird, even for me. :wink: Wine used to fix everything (ok, it didn’t, but at the time, I FELT like it did), and now if I stress, I just exercise or something. This whole thing is really mucking up my unhealthy lifestyle. :flowerforyou:

    When I got back on track I gave up my beloved wine (a bottle a night sometimes) and my coffee with flavored creamers. Now the only calories I drink are my chocolate milk ( you'd have to pry it from my cold dead hands) or occasional flavored kcup which are normally around 60 cals per 8oz. I did switch to 2% choco milk and its only 170 cals of yummy goodness.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member

    Thanks, for that link. It was really interesting and brought up memories of the restrictive eating in my parents' house. I've always been heavy and I think it really caused my mom distress. I got exercise videos for Christmas, I played a bunch of sports, and she tried to control my eating (not just mine but siblings' too). It lead to us binging in the afternoon after school. We had a window of about 2 hours from the time we got home to the time my dad got home, and we'd eat a lot of things that wouldn't be missed, like cheese or peanut butter sandwiches. I think some of my binging is simply habit: eat eat eat before someone comes home.

    It's interesting to think what my eating habits could have been if the attitude towards food wasn't so weird.

    While not entirely binge related formed terrible habits relating to portion size and food choices in middle and high school. The reason? This oddly prevalent idea that being overtly feminine is unattractive to boys, and attracting boys is the most important thing you will ever accomplish. Apparently healthy food is considered feminine. Don't ask me why. I'd read 17 and later cosmo and see first date tips that included things like, "Don't order the salad guys love it when you get a big juicy burger." Then they'd have some random guy in the side bar saying things like, "it's so sexy when a girl eats like a man." 'I hate when a girl just gets rabbit food." So you know you have to eat like a man while keeping the figure of a super model and not working out. So realistic! I'm not sure why this idea stuck with me so much more than most of the crap found in those magazines. I mean I've never cared about fashion or the horrendous Cosmo circuit training tips. I would eat literally whatever I wanted without thinking about it. Supersize McDonalds for lunch, Burger king for dinner. Sure! I feel like a sundae. Okay! Fortunately I was really active in jr high and high school, and later worked active jobs. It eventually caught up to me a bit, and no dudes were ever like OMG TREE THE WAY YOU POUNDED THAT BIG MAC MEAL WAS SO HOT.

    Onto my workout:

    Squat: 115 5x5
    Bench:100!!!!! 5x5.
    Row: Depressing as heck. I did 1x5 and 1x3 of 95 and it just didn't feel right. I'm not sure if it's from eating a few hundred calories less, or that I blew my load on my bench, or if i psyched myself out cause I was worried about trying to hurry as the gym was closing in 20 minutes. Bleh. Will try again next time, and if I don't get it I'll just have to deload.

    Overall though I'm pumped about my bench. It was so hard, and I pushed through it. (And told myself not to be a little penis.) Then I sat up and was smiling over the penis comment in my head. Probably looked like a crazy woman, but that just means no one will try to talk to me. :laugh:

    Link if you don't know what I'm talking about. courtesy of ExtraordinaryMachine.
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Wow March already!!!

    @juliej....great work on the bada$$ numbers and ditching the scale! That is so awesome :bigsmile:

    In other non-workout related news...Doozer you might want to skip past this because this really might be TMI :laugh:

    So my man friend really is not a douchetard. I think I was/am hormonal and was just in a grumpy mood and I kind of tend to really over-react more often than not when it comes to dating. Result of being effed around and lied to far too much....and it's hard to not pretend the new guy is the same as all the old guys :grumble:

    Anyway, things did "progress" last night if you know what I mean :wink: and OMG I just need to know from you ladies....did you notice a big difference in well, how capable you were at being on top? :laugh: Sorry I know it's a little much but I really have no one else in my life that would understand this! I could have been in a rodeo :smokin: Didn't even break a sweat (although I'm a little stiff today :laugh: ) and it was WAY better than ever before! Plus I think I felt way better because, for the most part, anything that was bouncing was supposed to be bouncing :blushing:

    Sorry if TMI but that was kind of in a weird way my NSV for the week OMG :drinker:

    Whoo hoo Vegas!!! I haven't tried that particular position but now I think I should try. I've definately seen a difference in the quality of the big 'O'. Also increased desire too which means a happier hubby for Moi. Yipppee!!!!
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Binge eating:

    I've been doing this since I hit puberty. Hiding bags of Oreos under the bed. I spent a good portion of the spending money I made on poor food choices. In university I would eat bags of candy to fall asleep at night. I guess addicted to sugar high/crash cycle? Who knows. I tried to ask my doctor about it when I was 21 and she practically laughed in my face. Her response was don't eat candy. It's taken me a very long time to figure out the triggers which are stress or sleep deprivation. I now have minimal stress due to making different choices to reduce this. Sleep is still an issue occasionally but it's my own fault. If I don't get a good sleep I seriously crave sugar. If there isn't any raisins in the house my next go to is the brown sugar container. Wow big confession here. My husband shortly after we were married was not impressed with my candy binge behaviour so for the past 8 years I've had stashes in secret places around the house which I only went to when he was sleeping. I'm proud to say - right now - I'm in CANDY recovery. This is a huge NSV for me. I had a relapse with some black licorice twizzler goodies a few weeks ago BUT instead of eating the entire big bag I made it work with my food diary until they were gone. I've also mistakenly stocked raisins a few times. Now just going to keep the single serve boxes to reduce relapse. This is a huge issue for me. I'm still eating too much sugar in my MFP diary but I can't imagine what that number looked like a year ago when I are entire huge bags of candy sometimes two bags in one night.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Holy *kitten*, it's March!!

    I've never been a binge eater--and I'm a stress-starver. When my ex-H and I were on the skids, I dropped something like 20-25 pounds in a couple of months and kept it off until I met Kelly (that would be current husband.) I look at pics from that time and damn...I was not healthy.

    I ended February with these numbers:
    Squats: 112 3x5
    Bench: 90 (sorta, I'll explain in a sec) 3x5
    Row: 85 (sorta) 3x5
    Goblet Squat: 50 3x8
    OHP: 60 3x5
    Deadlift: 145 1x5
    Lat Pull: 80 3x5

    So yesterday was my A day and I busted out 112 squats with little issue, so going to 115 at my next A day should be an issue. I mean, it was a challenge, but I never once thought I needed the catch bars or anything. My rows and bench, on the other hand were a disaster.

    Lemme preface this with I went in thinking it was going to be a sh!tty lifting session. I was doing it on my plan time, so I only had 90 minutes to: drive to the rec center, change, warm up, lift, change, drive back. The rec center I went to isn't my preferred one--there's a heat vent right above the power rack so it's always hot as hell in there, I decided to try and do rows with just putting the catch bars on the lowest setting to save time, but then I was doing two lifts in a sauna. Oh, I also forgot my t-shirt in the car, so I lifted in a long-sleeved t-shirt, which made it hotter.

    Like I said, squats were fine, but the rows...ugh, I went 5, 3, 2 with 80 pounds...even wtih all the form tweaks that I learned a couple weeks ago. I really think I should have taken the time to stack plates and lift from those. *sigh*

    Then, bench was 90. I knew I was going to struggle, because 88 was tough, so I wanted to try it. Yeah, I went 5-4-2. No roll of shame, so I had that going for me. :laugh:

    I'll finish the week with B on Sunday (which also happens to be my weigh/pic/measure day) and I'll try the weights again, but if I fail twice, I deload, right?

    Sorry, that was probaby tl;dr. I'm chatty when I'm on an actual computer!

    Goals for March:
    Squat: 120
    Bench: 3x5 90
    Row: 3x5 85
    Goblets: 3x5 60
    OHP: 65 (70 is my "ultimate" goal, so I'll take a 5 pound increase this month)
    Deadlifts: 170--which will be 35 lbs over body weight

    I'd also like to keep up with my yoga 3x a week and try to up my cardio a bit--I have a race in April and a race in May, so I should probably start training for it.

    The end of March will mark my 12 week SL cycle as well. I need to decide what to do after that...deload and start over? Maybe do something else? My race in May is the Rugged Maniac and they have a 5 week training regimine, so I might take a short break from SL and do that instead. Any suggestions are welcome--you b!tches know I need your input on everything! :wink:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    I read this recently on the subject, and while I already had the above feelings (it came from a professor I had in college actually - behavioral psych - who felt like using food as an incentive or reward was a useful tool because most people react so strongly positive towards it) it kind of reminded me that it really is about how you feel.

    Thanks, for that link. It was really interesting and brought up memories of the restrictive eating in my parents' house. I've always been heavy and I think it really caused my mom distress. I got exercise videos for Christmas, I played a bunch of sports, and she tried to control my eating (not just mine but siblings' too). It lead to us binging in the afternoon after school. We had a window of about 2 hours from the time we got home to the time my dad got home, and we'd eat a lot of things that wouldn't be missed, like cheese or peanut butter sandwiches. I think some of my binging is simply habit: eat eat eat before someone comes home.

    It's interesting to think what my eating habits could have been if the attitude towards food wasn't so weird.

    That was so me growing up. I'd shovel all the food in my mouth when no one was around. And I learned to eat the weirdest foods because like you said, you'd try to eat what wouldn't go noticed.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ok, time for progress pics!


    Last night was a **** fest as expected. Sushi and beer. Oh and saki. Crap, forgot to log the saki. Did limit myself to one roll and some spring rolls (probably should have gone for edamame instead, but whatever). Super amazed that I weigh the same today as I did yesterday. I'm thinking it's dehydration, not that I'm not retaining water.

    Still seeing progress, but I wish the scale would move faster. Oh well. It also marks a 5lb loss, so I got to update my spreadsheet, and due to loss of a bf% point, I actually get to eat 30 more calories a day. :smile:

    Everyone is putting up great numbers, and looking at everyone's goals, we're going to be awesome at the end of the month!

    ETA: Ack! Photos are huge. Give me a minute.

    EATA: Ok, fixed. Hm, I'm thinking I should mark a place on the floor to stand. Looks like I'm getting further from the mirror each time... :grumble:
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Ok, time for progress pics!


    Last night was a **** fest as expected. Sushi and beer. Oh and saki. Crap, forgot to log the saki. Did limit myself to one roll and some spring rolls (probably should have gone for edamame instead, but whatever). Super amazed that I weigh the same today as I did yesterday. I'm thinking it's dehydration, not that I'm not retaining water.

    Still seeing progress, but I wish the scale would move faster. Oh well. It also marks a 5lb loss, so I got to update my spreadsheet, and due to loss of a bf% point, I actually get to eat 30 more calories a day. :smile:

    Everyone is putting up great numbers, and looking at everyone's goals, we're going to be awesome at the end of the month!

    ETA: Ack! Photos are huge. Give me a minute.

    EATA: Ok, fixed. Hm, I'm thinking I should mark a place on the floor to stand. Looks like I'm getting further from the mirror each time... :grumble:

    Hot damn Auddii, that is freakiing awesome.

    ETA: I think your butt is sitting higher too!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Audii you look fantastic!!!! Are you tall?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Audii you look fantastic!!!! Are you tall?

    Thanks! I'm 5'8".
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Ok, time for progress pics!

    Girl, those pictures are amazing!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • CoCoRedRider
    CoCoRedRider Posts: 47 Member
    Last month I was a lot better at lifting twice a week rather than once, so this month I'm shooting for three times a week. Since I haven't been as frequent as I should be I'm only technically on week seven and I've decided to switch to 3x5 to see if that inspires me to increase weights faster and more frequently.

    current stats:
    squats: 95
    OHP: 50
    deadlift: 125
    bench: 60
    row: 65

    Would really like to add 20 lbs to all those. That's the goal. And to get myself into the BodPod (I'm just claustrophobic enough that I get cold sweats thinking about it) and take some progress photos.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Last month I was a lot better at lifting twice a week rather than once, so this month I'm shooting for three times a week. Since I haven't been as frequent as I should be I'm only technically on week seven and I've decided to switch to 3x5 to see if that inspires me to increase weights faster and more frequently.

    current stats:
    squats: 95
    OHP: 50
    deadlift: 125
    bench: 60
    row: 65

    Would really like to add 20 lbs to all those. That's the goal. And to get myself into the BodPod (I'm just claustrophobic enough that I get cold sweats thinking about it) and take some progress photos.

    Hey, since we have similar stats and goals, and I'm doing anywhere between 3x5 and 5x5 anyway, why don't we keep each other going? I do lift 3x/week.

    Today's numbers:
    Squat - 45x5, 55x5, 65x5, 70x5 (PR)
    Bench: 45x5, 3x55x5 (PR)
    Row: 55x5, 3x65x5 (PR)

    Happy weekend y'all! I now smell of Ben Gay and am going to help the hubs clean the garage. Y'all keep being fierce! :heart:
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Last month I was a lot better at lifting twice a week rather than once, so this month I'm shooting for three times a week. Since I haven't been as frequent as I should be I'm only technically on week seven and I've decided to switch to 3x5 to see if that inspires me to increase weights faster and more frequently.

    current stats:
    squats: 95
    OHP: 50
    deadlift: 125
    bench: 60
    row: 65

    Would really like to add 20 lbs to all those. That's the goal. And to get myself into the BodPod (I'm just claustrophobic enough that I get cold sweats thinking about it) and take some progress photos.

    Hey, since we have similar stats and goals, and I'm doing anywhere between 3x5 and 5x5 anyway, why don't we keep each other going? I do lift 3x/week.

    Today's numbers:
    Squat - 45x5, 55x5, 65x5, 70x5 (PR)
    Bench: 45x5, 3x55x5 (PR)
    Row: 55x5, 3x65x5 (PR)

    Happy weekend y'all! I now smell of Ben Gay and am going to help the hubs clean the garage. Y'all keep being fierce! :heart:

    Great numbers!

    I am so doing a happy dance. Bench 50lbs today all 5 sets and all 5 reps. Thought I would be stuck at 45lbs forever.

    My hubby was not impressed with some of my music selections today, Meredith Brooks " I'm a *****" and the Commodores "Brick House". Made me feel all bad *kitten*. I just gave him an eye roll and went on my business.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Last month I was a lot better at lifting twice a week rather than once, so this month I'm shooting for three times a week. Since I haven't been as frequent as I should be I'm only technically on week seven and I've decided to switch to 3x5 to see if that inspires me to increase weights faster and more frequently.

    current stats:
    squats: 95
    OHP: 50
    deadlift: 125
    bench: 60
    row: 65

    Would really like to add 20 lbs to all those. That's the goal. And to get myself into the BodPod (I'm just claustrophobic enough that I get cold sweats thinking about it) and take some progress photos.

    Hey, since we have similar stats and goals, and I'm doing anywhere between 3x5 and 5x5 anyway, why don't we keep each other going? I do lift 3x/week.

    Today's numbers:
    Squat - 45x5, 55x5, 65x5, 70x5 (PR)
    Bench: 45x5, 3x55x5 (PR)
    Row: 55x5, 3x65x5 (PR)

    Happy weekend y'all! I now smell of Ben Gay and am going to help the hubs clean the garage. Y'all keep being fierce! :heart:

    Great numbers!

    I am so doing a happy dance. Bench 50lbs today all 5 sets and all 5 reps. Thought I would be stuck at 45lbs forever.

    My hubby was not impressed with some of my music selections today, Meredith Brooks " I'm a *****" and the Commodores "Brick House". Made me feel all bad *kitten*. I just gave him an eye roll and went on my business.

    Woohoo for progress on the bench. And f the hubs, you rocked it!

    Another day at level 9 on the arc trainer for 45 minutes. I remember when I started I could only do level 6 for about ten minutes. Kind of sad it only has 10 levels. :ohwell:

    Now I need to head over to goodwill to see if I can find some better fitting dress pants. And maybe buy two sizes so I have something to look forward to (and less shopping trips; I HATE shopping).
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    @Auddii Awesome Job! Your pictures look great.

    As for the shamrock shake it has now infiltrated my Facebook feed. WTH.

    As for bingeing I never do that. :grumble: Didnt happen to just drink to the tune of 1650 calories or anything last night. --.--
    I never binge ate as a kid. I mean I ate a lot in general but I was super active I was a multi sport kid in highschool. There was never the need to stuff my face just because I was always just eating because I needed it. Fast forward to when me and my wife had been separated for a bit. One night I was on the computer playing video games and got hungry and wasnt really paying attention when I called up the it italian restaurant that used to deliver to us. Even though she hadnt been there for a couple months I still ordered for her. Ended up eating two big italian meals in one sitting with a 2 liter bottle of Dr Pepper.

    If it had just stayed at that and then moved on fine. No it escalated horribly from there for the next 3 years a couple times a day I would either be at wendys in and out or mcdonalds ordering enough for two or sometimes 3 people. I was also at least consuming a 12 pack of soda a day. I believe that it is a true miracle that I am not 350 pounds right now because the way I ate was sickening. It just kept getting worse. At somepoint one pizza became the normal for me to eat and 1 and a half to 2 pizzas was my bingeing. I have no clue how I fit all that food in my body.

    And I never felt full. The only thing that made me stop eating was that I literally could no longer fit any more food down my throat.
    Things have changed since then my baseline is back to normal and I still do it sometimes but its few and far between. I didi get stressed and ate 2 footlong subs from subway last week.

    Also the only time I ever left the house was to goto fast food places. It was a great few years --.--

    I also used to smoke so that may have been what kept me from doing it sooner. Didd that from 14 - 25 about 1-2 packs a day.

    All of this is why I dont count calories though. I want a healthy relationship with food and be able to eat what I want with out feeling guilty that I went over some number. Because that would honestly make me feel more guilty and could just cause me to eat more. So I just focus on trying to eat in moderation. And know that the binges are going to happen. I dont try and stop them right now. I think the more I try to the more I end up doing it.

    So far it's working for me.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    @Auddii Awesome Job! Your pictures look great.

    As for the shamrock shake it has now infiltrated my Facebook feed. WTH.

    As for bingeing I never do that. :grumble: Didnt happen to just drink to the tune of 1650 calories or anything last night. --.--

    Thanks! And I didn't even think about binge drinking. Sadly, I have discharge papers from Tulane Hospital that say "don't binge drink" in the instructions (it was a friend's bachelorette party). Whoops. I try to keep those few and far between, and the best thing for reducing my drinking has been lifting and going to the gym more. I don't wan to drink and feel like **** the next morning because it will affect my lifts.

    Also helping with the drinking is taking fish oil. I got pretty toasty last night, and I take all 4 of my fish oil pills before bed. To get those down, I drink them with about 24 ounces of water, then I need more water for my multivit and allergy pill. So, my supplements keep me hydrated. I was surprised that I felt perfectly fine this morning. :smile:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @zoreena....yup huge difference in the big O as well!

    @audii....your pics are amazing! What a noticeable difference :happy: Great work and I love shopping so maybe I should just go for you....pretty sure I'm gonna go to the mall again today :laugh:

    So I did take my first set of progress pics today :grumble: I know that it's super important, now more than ever, but man I hate thinking one minute that I'm cute and not looking too bad and then the next minute I'm looking at the pictures and thinking ugh I'm so gross :sad: I do need to know does everybody make them go side by side like that? And also put writing on them? I'm so bad when it comes to this stuff!

    On a happier note, I also took weight and measurements this morning. Weight is still the same as last Friday which is a little discouraging since I was pretty strict with my intake being at 1800, sometimes a little less BUT I did see a 1" difference in my waist and 0.5" on each thigh which considering how much I have been struggling the past 2 months, well that was a deal :smile: My other plan is to go buy a new scale today. The one I have is REALLY old and is only whole numbers, no decimals, and I think that with where I'm at with lifting and such, I need something a bit more accurate. I'm going to continue on right around 1800 cal/day for the next 4 weeks and see what happens. Official start of SL cycle 2 is on Monday and because of the deload, I should be find to progress on 1800. I'll just have to monitor and see!

    As for the binging....YES YES and YES. I am every kind of eater there is. Binger, grazer, eat because I'm happy, sad, mad, bored. Everything and anything. The biggest thing for me has been identifying my triggers and not putting anything "off limits". I find that if I have a choice....rather than being told NO....that I make an educated decision rather than one based on fear, if that makes sense. I have really always been heavy and I remember times that I would eat a 20 piece nugget meal from McD's when I was in high school. Plus fries and pop. I remember loving icing so much that I would actually make and eat an entire bowl or it. Or even buy the premade stuff and eat it out of the container. Oh yeah, that's how you get fat alright!