March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Happy Sunday all! Welcome to the newcomers!

    I had a great workout this morning that consisted of 50 minutes of yoga followed by 30 minutes of intervals on the treadmill. Worked up a sweat and I feel great!

    Ended up buying a new scale yesterday and even though I did stats yesterday morning, I decided to weigh on the new one this morning just to get an idea of how close they was 1.1 lb more on the new ultimately pretty close as 1lb could be bloat. This one also has the BF% and # of fat lbs, bone density, hydration and BMI which is pretty cool. I know it's not super duper accurate, but it will give me a much easier snapshot!

    So I found out that the boxing club by my house is super cheap ($225 for 3 months, 3 or 4 hours/week) so I'm thinking that this is something I'm going to do :bigsmile: I have always wanted to learn, plus it's a crazy workout, plus it's a co-ed gym so I might actually be able to be in the presence of boys (that is so exciting for me the single girl!!) :love: Now I just have to find out if I can make it work with my daughter....finding sitters and such as boxing is only offered M-Th from 730-930pm. Also trying to figure out if boxing will impact SL in any way? Any opinions and/or suggestions?
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member

    What a mixed emotion workout.

    The good news? I hit my first triple-digit lift - deadlifts @100!!!!

    I failed my OHP. Managed 4x5 @ 40 and 1x4 @ 40. Pissed me off. :mad: I am not used to this, LOL...

    DID squat 55, too, tho. THOSE are getting easier.

    Went to the strength standard website. You’d think I was a 98 pound weakling looking at those little graphs. *face palm* Like I needed confirmation.

    I also found a beginner Yoga DVD buried amongst my belly dance DVD’s so am going to review that, and maybe do a little of that later,

    I guess I should give myself some props. I was tired coming into it, and once I put on the music I was fine, but this was the workout that almost didn’t happen. Now I think I shall go watch some tv in the recliner. :smile:
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Welcome to the new people!

    I did my weight/stats, etc. this morning and I've regained about 7 of the 9 pounds I lost in November...*siiiiiiiiiiigh* but my lifts are improving, so I don't know what the frell to think. I need to spend some time getting to know "the spreadsheet" and go from there.

    Today's lifts:
    goblet squats: 3x5 55 lbs I think I'm going to max on these wee hands are having a hard time picking up the dumbbell!
    OHP: 3x5 62 lbs
    Deadlifts: 1x5 150 lbs
    Lat Pull Down: 3x5 85 lbs

    I've decided to continue SL through March, which will be 12 weeks, then switch to the Rugged Maniac 5 week training. It's more cardio and bodyweight/plyo stuff, but I'll be coaching track during that time and getting to the gym 3x a week will be hard.

    Congrats on the triple digits Mouse!! (is it okay that I call you mouse? too many Julies up in here!)
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    @ extraordinary - yes, Mouse is great! I like it! And thank you. DL is my favorite, with squats and bench right behind, even tho I struggle with upper body.

    @ All - is anyone who isn't already on my FL opposed to a friend request? I am kinda shy about sending them for whatever stupid reason.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member

    I'm sure there are more than a few of these in here.

    That is all.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member

    FR away!!
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Here are my progress pics.

    On December 15th (a bit more than a month postpartum, when I had stopped losing weight automatically, and before christmas so I still looked like this pretty much until I started working out in January)

    And today March 3d, 3 1/2 months postpartum after a full month of stronglifts.

  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Hi new and existing folk!

    So, lots of dancing over the weekend. Achey, achey calves (ceilidh & Irish dancing is to blame!) so no squats for me today.

    Bench: 40lbs (hard!). Then I tried the empty (45lb) Oly bar after my rows, and it was easy. I don't understand...
    Rows: 55lbs I think I need to repeat these because I'm still not happy with my form.

    I do graduate to the Oly bar for bench press next time though! Woohoo!

    Calories for the week...probably slightly over. It's been kinda hard to log exercise properly and I'm sure FitBit has screwed up a couple of days this week. Meh.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Happy Sunday all! Welcome to the newcomers!

    I had a great workout this morning that consisted of 50 minutes of yoga followed by 30 minutes of intervals on the treadmill. Worked up a sweat and I feel great!

    Ended up buying a new scale yesterday and even though I did stats yesterday morning, I decided to weigh on the new one this morning just to get an idea of how close they was 1.1 lb more on the new ultimately pretty close as 1lb could be bloat. This one also has the BF% and # of fat lbs, bone density, hydration and BMI which is pretty cool. I know it's not super duper accurate, but it will give me a much easier snapshot!

    So I found out that the boxing club by my house is super cheap ($225 for 3 months, 3 or 4 hours/week) so I'm thinking that this is something I'm going to do :bigsmile: I have always wanted to learn, plus it's a crazy workout, plus it's a co-ed gym so I might actually be able to be in the presence of boys (that is so exciting for me the single girl!!) :love: Now I just have to find out if I can make it work with my daughter....finding sitters and such as boxing is only offered M-Th from 730-930pm. Also trying to figure out if boxing will impact SL in any way? Any opinions and/or suggestions?

    I did a boxing fitness class and that was very hard and involved a lot of circuits. The sparring was fun but certainly challenging. I am considering trying kickboxing myself. I am struggling to find an exercise regime I enjoy currently. Treadmill and stationary bike are getting boring. I have found a local dance school so am definitely going to get back into doing some dance again.


    Deadlifts - 5x110
    Squats - 3x8@66
    Overheads - 3x8@44

    Just seem to gravitate towards sets of 8 right now.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Here are my progress pics.

    On December 15th (a bit more than a month postpartum, when I had stopped losing weight automatically, and before christmas so I still looked like this pretty much until I started working out in January)

    And today March 3d, 3 1/2 months postpartum after a full month of stronglifts.


    Brilliant changes, you can really see the progress there.
    You are obviously doing something right. Well done!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Lex! Amazing difference!!! :flowerforyou:
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    looking good Lex you must be pleased
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Hi new and existing folk!

    So, lots of dancing over the weekend. Achey, achey calves (ceilidh & Irish dancing is to blame!) so no squats for me today.

    Bench: 40lbs (hard!). Then I tried the empty (45lb) Oly bar after my rows, and it was easy. I don't understand...
    Rows: 55lbs I think I need to repeat these because I'm still not happy with my form.

    I do graduate to the Oly bar for bench press next time though! Woohoo!

    Calories for the week...probably slightly over. It's been kinda hard to log exercise properly and I'm sure FitBit has screwed up a couple of days this week. Meh.

    Whoo hoo, Girl! So excited for you!

    Your dancing sounds like a lot of fun!
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    I am!! I was actually feeling a bit down on myself because I gained weight during christmas and I was 63.3 kg in the December pic but weighed in at 64.3 kg today (I went up to 65.5 during xmas). So I'm actually heavier now! I had forgotten all about taking the first pic until today. Anyway it's visual proof that the progress is real (sometimes i wondered if I was just not measuring at the exact same spot or something.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Everyone is doing great!!!

    @jstout and sampson - welcome!! awesome numbers
    @adini - hot damn! your pics are wonderful! your butt is definately lifting up there..great job
    @extra - awesome bp!
    @soosannah - another awesome bp!!
    @HIITMe - you will totally make your ex-H wonder what a mistake he it!
    @Juliemouse - awesome numbers girlie...and I think it was you who said you've never been a binge eater, more likely to not eat at all under times of stress...thats me..I have to fight myself to eat when I'm upset or under a lot of stress...yes, I have forgotten to eat strange as that seems. I don't really binge eat per se..but I can overindulge in doesn't take much to get huge cals
    @Lex - awesome work!! I really see a huge difference!

    Okay ladies, Time to talk your token psycho off the ledge...

    Yeah, today is weigh in day...I did we go...*kitten*.
    I got on the scale and it said I had gained 4oz...bearing in mind that I dropped my cal goal from 1400 to 1200 on Tuesday. I've done pretty good NETing that 1200, eating my cals back, went over on Friday at 1500...but it wasn't junk, I was just hungry so I ate more protein, I don't really feel bad about that..then I realize I had to I weighed in after that and I was exactly the same as last week. How can I not have dropped an ounce when I've been eating at a deficit???

    Now for the measurements...I lost .5" on my ribcage, and .75" on my natural waist..and GAINED .5" on my already enormous thighs...WTF?? Hello Ledge, shall I jump from here?? whats that? you want to push me??

    Ladies, my thighs were 20" this I've put 1.5" back on my already fat, fat thighs...yeah, I'm gonna jump.

    Now for the good thoughts...None of this makes me want to stop lifting...wait, what?

    So I trued up...took some pics...and I'm going to lay it all out for you guys here...bear in mind I think I look terrible...but I do like the definition I see in my side abs. And please bear in mind that I'm only 5'1" and anything over 132lbs is considered overweight for this height, so yeah, I need to lose weight...well fat...and as you can see I've got it in spades around my butt and thighs.


    but I'll be posting more pics as I progress..gak I hate looking at these and this is after losing 35lbs, and doing circuit training since last May AND doing SL for a month. ugh.

    I'm going to head to the gym now for the beginning of week 4. It took me 2.5 hours to do this post...sheez.

    and here is me with Banana Joe, the Best In Show winner at Westminster, so the top dog in the world...he is obviously OVER his star status..but I'm geeked out...damn I hate that pic of me...bwahahaha

  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163

    What a mixed emotion workout.

    The good news? I hit my first triple-digit lift - deadlifts @100!!!!

    I failed my OHP. Managed 4x5 @ 40 and 1x4 @ 40. Pissed me off. :mad: I am not used to this, LOL...

    DID squat 55, too, tho. THOSE are getting easier.

    Went to the strength standard website. You’d think I was a 98 pound weakling looking at those little graphs. *face palm* Like I needed confirmation.

    I also found a beginner Yoga DVD buried amongst my belly dance DVD’s so am going to review that, and maybe do a little of that later,

    I guess I should give myself some props. I was tired coming into it, and once I put on the music I was fine, but this was the workout that almost didn’t happen. Now I think I shall go watch some tv in the recliner. :smile:

    I failed my OHP at 40 lbs too but got it the next time and I managed to go up after that, too. It's normal to fail that one more often I think.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    @ Julie - girl, I have been thinking about your weigh in all day and wondering how you are doing. You look amazing! I want your guns, Babe! Step off the ledge, sweetie! Up 4 oz. is not a huge thing, and if my math is okay? The increase in your thighs has to be muscle, and like me & my arms, the fat just has to come off so we can see the amazing muscle underneath. I can FEEL the muscle in my arms and shoulders, but I can't SEE them, yet. Is that making any sense?

    @ Lex - thank you for sharing that with me. I am really glad it isn't just me. Plan on nailing it on Thursday.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Doing something like a 1 rep max calculation seems to decay at higher reps - so if you fail on a 3-4 set that's probably reasonably close, but if you fail on a 10 set its really hard to say because its becoming an issue of endurance at that point, not strength.

    Anyway, 3 months is too soon to worry about it. When you switch to an intermediate program like madcow or wendler you'll have much lower rep higher weight days, and those will be better estimates. Plus after a year you could plan to start doing some testing.

    Aallllso, supposedly women are able to do work sets at much closer to their 1 rm (or rather our ability to do 1 super big heavy rep is actually not as good as a guys) so those calculators may overestimate a bit for women. Not to depress anyone or anything. If you're lifting 2-3x a week and you're adding weight at regular intervals, you're getting stronger and staying committed, and that's what matters.

    I haven't had a chance to read everything else but the pictures grabbed my attention, congrats lex the results are very visible, and julie you look great as well, I bet you won't need to lose a full 25 lbs (like your ticker says) to be happy with your body.

    I had an awful awful AWFUL OHP failure at 80 again. Just gonna deload next month. I'm not *too* worked up I guess, I did get 80 in the air once and that's a pretty good number. I'll give 82.5 a chance before I deload -if I make that I'm gonna call it my 1rm for that and be reasonably happy.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @ lex & julie - Great progress pics for both of you!!! Don't listen to the scale. It lies to me all the time :wink:

    @ mouse - I'm open to FR so feel free to add me!

    My next two weeks are going to be crazy. I have travel for work this week and then a vacation the next week. I will get in a SL session tomorrow and then again on Thursday and hopefully I can squeeze one in before leaving again on Saturday. I don't know if I will be able to do actual SL on vacation....I have to check out the facilities on the cruise first.

    So tomorrow will be:

    Squat: 100 - staying here until the form issues are corrected
    Bench: 80
    Row: 80

    Edited because I hit the reply too early :laugh:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    @Julie, hun, you do not need to jump off the ledge. 4Oz is nothing, and your legs look toned, not fat. Mine, for the record, are 21.5-22" of muscle and when I get around to posting pics, they show as muscle.

    Finally did a summary of progress, 14 Dec to 1st Mar, 16 sessions

    Squat 55lbs (+25)
    Row 55lbs (+25)
    Deadlifts 120lbs (+30)
    Bench 40lbs (+20)
    Overhead 35 lbs (+10)