March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Did workout B today, and deadlifted 155. Yeah, I'm kinda awesome like that. My chinup resistance bands finally came so I was able to also do 3 sets of 5 reps with them. Weak, but its more than the 0 I did last week.

    But afterwards I let a friend drag me to Zumba. It was fun, but I think that after a badass workout is going to make me hurt tomorrow.

    Yeah, doesn't it make you feel strong to hit a weight like that? AWESOME!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    @ all the picture posters - love the progress pics so motivating to see. Also WTG you guys for finding SL and finding visible results that are noticeable in such a short timeframe.

    Foam roller has been purchased. Tightness is pretty bad after my last workout. I'm pushing the heavier numbers now. I'm having a lot of trouble with hip flexors and IT band. Now they are pulling my back out so have one problem side of my lower back that gets "out" from muscle tightness. Hopefully foam roller, steam room and stretching should help.

    My question for you ladies and rundozer is should I continue powering through my next workout? My husband r
    Says muscles get used to this so he says power through. I'm concerned ill cause injury somehow if I don't get the muscle tightness reigned in.

    Pretty excited I squatted 100 on Friday though! Was gonna hold steady as I'm having trouble not pronating my knees inward as I come up. So going to do that weight again tomorrow depending on how I'm feeling. Also victory on the rows I got DOMS in the all the right places after this last time.

    I've started stretching twice a day: once in the morning right after I get up and then again before bed. This seems to help quite a bit.

    I don't really remember what all I was going to say, but:
    the pictures look good. I can see progress, so congrats!
    @Julie, don't worry about the scale. I'm guessing it's water. Also, that dog is adorable. I'd be a crazy pet lady if I didn't reign it in. @Vegas, sort of congrats for not turning to food in your time of stress. I don't think the fat girl issues ever go away, but fingers crossed, they get a little better.

    I pretty much did nothing this weekend. Yesterday was spent in the recliner. I think I did a load of laundry. My fiance put curtains up and vacuumed. He even got behind the couch and in the vents. :love: Today is a cardio day if I can make myself go to the gym.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Ugh...I screwed up and hurt my back, though not too badly.

    I was going to try going up by 5 on my deadlifts, from 155 to 160. I didn't pay attention to what I was doing and added 5 to each side. It doesn't sound like so much, but I could barely budge the bar. I perservered and did two. On the second one, something in my upper back just went wrong. I deloaded enough to get the bar re racked and stopped.

    It is weird though, to think of injuring my upper back, but it is what it is. I've been able to realign some of it with stretches and have popped some ibuprofin, but my neck is going to be jacked up for a day or so.

    And I've got to get my upper body to progress. I'm stuck at 75 for bench presses and 65 for OHP. I can't seem to get any more on them. So, do I just have to be patient (not good at this) or is there a 'trick' one of you super smart girls can share? j

    Oh and an hour of Yoga class last Thursday just about killed me. Clearly, that is a skinny girl's game.

  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    I must get foam roller today!!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I must get foam roller today!!

    They hurt like, well, a very very painful thing when you use them, but boy do they help. Well worth the investment IMHO.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    So, I actually got to enjoy muscles being swollen and recovering last night. I was in the mirror and didn't have my shirt on right before bed, and reaching up to brush my hair, and I was like holy crap! My shoulders were all ripply and looking bad *kitten*. They're normally just straight and covered in fat. It was awesome, and I spent a few minutes staring at myself in the mirror.

    Unfortunately, they were back to normal and all boring this morning. *sigh* Guess I have something to look forward to in the future though.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    So, I actually got to enjoy muscles being swollen and recovering last night. I was in the mirror and didn't have my shirt on right before bed, and reaching up to brush my hair, and I was like holy crap! My shoulders were all ripply and looking bad *kitten*. They're normally just straight and covered in fat. It was awesome, and I spent a few minutes staring at myself in the mirror.

    Unfortunately, they were back to normal and all boring this morning. *sigh* Guess I have something to look forward to in the future though.

    OMG this cracked me up!!! Dayum girl...all ripply and *kitten*...bwahahah....

    I had a negative NSNonV this morning...I couldn't wear a pair of slack I wore last week, I mean I could get those suckers to even THINK about Please don't tell me I have to go up another size in pants...or my inner anorexic will take over and we'll be eating 1 peanut for a month...the SAME peanut. I guess it is because I was at the gym yesterday and things are swollen??? But really? am I going about this wrong? maybe I need to get this 20lbs off then come back to the lifting..I really don't want to do that..but I don't think I can put weight on without losing it emotionally. I guess I really am a basket case... :sad:
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Do foam rollers work on hamstrings and lower back? Those are the only two places I really need it.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Well something very strange has happened to me.

    For the first time ever in my life emotional distress has lead me to not be hungry. Like NOT HUNGRY. I forced supper down and am only at 1000 cal for the day. Luckily I am worried about my protein so that does include just under 100 grams and I'll force down another 20 before bed but WTF?? This has been 2 days now. And I have to lift tomorrow. Ugh!

    In a perverse sort of way it makes me happy? Sweet Jesus lol

    I can totally relate. but you have to try! I did this during a really bad patch some years ago, I lost a TON of weight, and I was too upset to even realize it. I ended up 111 pounds, and I'm 5'11" tall. (ETA: in my profile pic, I am 159, if that tells you how bad it was...) I truly didn't see the damage I was doing until a friend I hadn't seen in a while introduced me to her boyfriend as "Debi, my friend from Cambodia."

    It took me years to rebuild from there. My hair, nails, and skin were awful. I lost almost all muscle tone. I probably did permanent damage to my bones that will show itself as I get older.

    I don't know what is going on in your life, but I can tell you that starving your body isn't likely to help it, whatever it is. Take care you, hon! I hope what's troubling you passes quickly, or that you gain strength and wisdom and move beyond it. (((hugs)))
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Do foam rollers work on hamstrings and lower back? Those are the only two places I really need it.


    I can expand on this if you like.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Do foam rollers work on hamstrings and lower back? Those are the only two places I really need it.


    I can expand on this if you like.

    Please? I am starting to get sore the day after lifts, and relief would be amazing...esp. lower back.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I posted on my "home" page that I had an NSV in that I'm wearing a sweater I hadn't worn in many years, and am sporting it today. The girls took a picture of me, and while I still think I look like a chunk in the pic, I have to keep telling myself that the camera will and does put poundage on. So here it is, for those of you that asked:

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I posted on my "home" page that I had an NSV in that I'm wearing a sweater I hadn't worn in many years, and am sporting it today. The girls took a picture of me, and while I still think I look like a chunk in the pic, I have to keep telling myself that the camera will and does put poundage on. So here it is, for those of you that asked:


    Looking great!!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I posted on my "home" page that I had an NSV in that I'm wearing a sweater I hadn't worn in many years, and am sporting it today. The girls took a picture of me, and while I still think I look like a chunk in the pic, I have to keep telling myself that the camera will and does put poundage on. So here it is, for those of you that asked:


    Great NSV! And you don't look like a chunk.
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    I posted on my "home" page that I had an NSV in that I'm wearing a sweater I hadn't worn in many years, and am sporting it today. The girls took a picture of me, and while I still think I look like a chunk in the pic, I have to keep telling myself that the camera will and does put poundage on. So here it is, for those of you that asked:


    Congratulations you look great!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Thank you guys. :) They told me no pic or it didn't happen, LOL...
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Thank you guys. :) They told me no pic or it didn't happen, LOL...

    You look AWESOME!!! and yeah, the rule is "pics or it never happened" bwahahah
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @jarrett.....thank you for sharing your story :smile: I did managed to get some cereal down after I typed that last night which boosted me to just under 1500 and although that is still low for me, it could totally be worse. I think it's just a rough patch and that I will bounce back in a day or two. Ultimately I think it alarmed me more because I'm used to wanting to eat my way through my emotions, not the other way around!

    @zoreena....yeah, I would say to power through your workout. I have found that yoga is super duper helping with flexibility. Even if you can find a few key poses to do after your workout, or like someone else mentioned, the foam roller. look awesome lady! Great work!

    @juliej.....I'm sure it's just bloat and your pants are being stubborn! Persevere through this lady! You are becoming healthier....physically and mentally :happy:

    So today I officially started cycle 2 of SL! Whoop me! After those couple of days of not eating where I should be plus a few nights of less than satisfactory sleeps I really thought I would suck it but I actually had a good workout. I'm starting from my deloaded weights, so they are not as impressive, but that's okay. I'm happy with a little bit of a slower progression....especially since I will hopefully be starting to box this week :bigsmile:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    @juliem - looking fantastic!

    @juliej - have you looked at reasons for water retention?
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Ugh...I screwed up and hurt my back, though not too badly.

    I was going to try going up by 5 on my deadlifts, from 155 to 160. I didn't pay attention to what I was doing and added 5 to each side. It doesn't sound like so much, but I could barely budge the bar. I perservered and did two. On the second one, something in my upper back just went wrong. I deloaded enough to get the bar re racked and stopped.

    It is weird though, to think of injuring my upper back, but it is what it is. I've been able to realign some of it with stretches and have popped some ibuprofin, but my neck is going to be jacked up for a day or so.

    And I've got to get my upper body to progress. I'm stuck at 75 for bench presses and 65 for OHP. I can't seem to get any more on them. So, do I just have to be patient (not good at this) or is there a 'trick' one of you super smart girls can share? j

    Oh and an hour of Yoga class last Thursday just about killed me. Clearly, that is a skinny girl's game.


    Oh I hope your back feels better! You know what's weird is that the first time I tried to pull 155, I felt a little twinge in my lower back after 3 reps. I immediately stopped, it hurt a little that night, and by the next morning it was fine. I hope you heal as quickly!

    And silly girl, 65 for OHP is awesome! I finally hit 60 after failing 3 times and deloading. Have you tried that because it really does seem to work to go back down and then work your way back up. I also go up in only 2 pound increments by attaching my little one pound handweights with rubber bands to my barbells. It looks silly, but it works.