March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ugh today my workout wasn't so great.

    It started out with a guy deciding I needed "help" putting the bar into the cage for squatting and he was very condescending. A lot of mansplaining about squats ensued.

    The good: I hit 5x5 at 48 kg on the squat (about 105 lbs)

    The not-so-good, downright embarrassing, is that on the bench press I failed my second set (29 kg) because I didn't rest long enough (I know this because I was fine for the other sets after that). Instead of calling for help I used the method of tipping the bar to the side so the weights would fall off. It was the easiest thing to do at the time since I didn't know any of the guys. It was pretty embarrassing.
    So next time I'll try the bench press at 29 kg AGAIN (I've already tried it twice at that weight)

    If you don't want to tip the bar, there's always the roll of shame:
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Something I've noticed about guys in the gym:

    Type 1 (most guys): ignore you, do their own thing :)
    Type 2 (a few): friendly - say hi - help -when asked - and encourage you as you make progress.
    Type 3 (a few): OMG why are YOU lifting weights? Are you sure you can handle that bar? That weight? WHYYYYYY?
    Type 4 (a few): NO. It's pathetic to use just the (10kg) bar for the bench press, you're not "allowed" to. Add weights there's no way you're that weak (I was doing a WARM UP SET). Aww I'm sure you can do just one more rep, you're not going to stop at 5 are you? You're weak!
    Type 5 (thankfully only one in my gym so far): creepy, follows you around and tries to follow you into the women's sauna after lifting! Reported him.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Something I've noticed about guys in the gym:

    Type 1 (most guys): ignore you, do their own thing :)
    Type 2 (a few): friendly - say hi - help -when asked - and encourage you as you make progress.
    Type 3 (a few): OMG why are YOU lifting weights? Are you sure you can handle that bar? That weight? WHYYYYYY?
    Type 4 (a few): NO. It's pathetic to use just the (10kg) bar for the bench press, you're not "allowed" to. Add weights there's no way you're that weak (I was doing a WARM UP SET). Aww I'm sure you can do just one more rep, you're not going to stop at 5 are you? You're weak!
    Type 5 (thankfully only one in my gym so far): creepy, follows you around and tries to follow you into the women's sauna after lifting! Reported him.

    Really? You should come to my gym there are 2 types of guys.

    Type 1: ignores you does their own thing
    Type 2: Friendly, works in with you at the squat rack, asks you what got you into lifting, compliments your squat form.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    If you don't want to tip the bar, there's always the roll of shame:

    Only problem I have with that video was that roll of shame was made way too easy because his arms weren't dead tired from doing reps. Anytime ive had to do this Ive actually had to roll it down my body and not lift it down. Other than a key area that no matter how dead my arms are I'm not letting that bar roll over.

    Only one type of guy at my gym (probably because Im a guy)

    Type 1: ignores you does their own thing

    We actually have a lot of women that work out in the weight room at my gym. Nice to see.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Sorry the boys were hogging the squat rack...I have no problem walking over there, asking how many more sets, and then sitting there, starting until the meatheads move their *kitten*. :laugh:

    I offer to let people work in. But otherwise if you wanna wait and stare go ahead I'm not rushing for anyone. I need my rest inbetween sets. Had people do that I don't really care that they get mad when I take my 5 mins between OHP sets. I can't get through em otherwise so meh

    You mad, bro?

    I was merely stating that I have no problem letting the people know that I'm waiting for the squat rack---and I might was well wait there so no one ganks it from me while I got get a drink or something. I could give two sh!ts if someone needs to take 5 minutes between sets to rest or whatever. I stretch or do pushups or something.

    The thing that chaps my *kitten* is when dudes will use the power cage for something, rest for 5 minutes, do bicep curls elsewhere (but not unrack their weights) rest 5 minutes, then rinse, repeat.

    Also, I was trying to encourage a fellow lifter (one who has lady parts) to empower herself and let the guys who are using the rack that she's waiting for it...because, you know, that's what we do here.
  • Amazing1985RSD
    Something I've noticed about guys in the gym:

    Type 1 (most guys): ignore you, do their own thing :)
    Type 2 (a few): friendly - say hi - help -when asked - and encourage you as you make progress.
    Type 3 (a few): OMG why are YOU lifting weights? Are you sure you can handle that bar? That weight? WHYYYYYY?
    Type 4 (a few): NO. It's pathetic to use just the (10kg) bar for the bench press, you're not "allowed" to. Add weights there's no way you're that weak (I was doing a WARM UP SET). Aww I'm sure you can do just one more rep, you're not going to stop at 5 are you? You're weak!
    Type 5 (thankfully only one in my gym so far): creepy, follows you around and tries to follow you into the women's sauna after lifting! Reported him.

    I try to be type 2. :)
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    only type 1 at my gym...I'm totally ignored..which is how I want it...

    But the guys at my gym like to do a little circuit between machines..and expect everyone else to stay off the equipement while they are doing it...yeah, I'm psyhic *kitten*..
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Sorry the boys were hogging the squat rack...I have no problem walking over there, asking how many more sets, and then sitting there, starting until the meatheads move their *kitten*. :laugh:

    I offer to let people work in. But otherwise if you wanna wait and stare go ahead I'm not rushing for anyone. I need my rest inbetween sets. Had people do that I don't really care that they get mad when I take my 5 mins between OHP sets. I can't get through em otherwise so meh

    You mad, bro?

    I was merely stating that I have no problem letting the people know that I'm waiting for the squat rack---and I might was well wait there so no one ganks it from me while I got get a drink or something. I could give two sh!ts if someone needs to take 5 minutes between sets to rest or whatever. I stretch or do pushups or something.

    The thing that chaps my *kitten* is when dudes will use the power cage for something, rest for 5 minutes, do bicep curls elsewhere (but not unrack their weights) rest 5 minutes, then rinse, repeat.

    Also, I was trying to encourage a fellow lifter (one who has lady parts) to empower herself and let the guys who are using the rack that she's waiting for it...because, you know, that's what we do here.

    Always mad bra,

    Just saying it's just as inconsiderate to sit there and stare as it is to take up the rack for things like you said doing other sets while you're hogging up the rack.

    If you want to be polite ask how many sets they need to still do and if its more than just a couple ask them to grab you when they're done. Most people will be happy to oblige.

    And yea people should ask rather than just waiting till they think someone might be done because then they're just wasting their time when they could do something else. Also, theres no reason not to ask. I dont think there is any reason that someone wouldnt be anything but nice about it. Well unless you ask in the middle of a set. Some people dont get too happy about that,
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    well just to point out that this bro was in the squat rack for an hour...I generally think if the barbell is still loaded someone is using it...smh...but sometimes they just leave those 45lbs weights up high so I can't get them off...douches..

    I'd say for the most part the guys are okay at my gym, but I've reracked my share of weights...that weren't mine! its annoying.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Doozer, and I say with with respect, but it's your attitude of "eff you, you can wait, but don't stare!" that makes this thread becoming less and less female-friendly.

    Yes, I could work in, but for the dude that's squatting with 2-3 plates on each side...and I'm putting maybe 35 on a side, it's just silly to ask to work in, and frankly, I can't imagine many guys at the gym that would be okay with unloading and reloading their bar.

    Again, when I said in my first response, that I was trying to empower her--I was trying to do just that--giving her the inner-oomph to walk up to a male-stranger-person and talk to him without feeling like she was stepping on his toes. I threw the "staring" comment in there as a quasi-joke. Only once did I actually stare at the dude hogging the rack, most of the time, I play on my phone, stretch, do push ups, etc.

    However, your insistance with us wee women being patient with your mega-rests between sets, so maybe we should just find something else to do, is condescending and insulting to all of the women who are on here--vets and newbies alike. It's this attitude that turns many women AWAY from the free weights section, and frankly, it p!sses me off that you are giving me crap for trying to give someone advice about how to feel comfortable doing something that feels completely alien to her.

    /drops mic
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I don't think it's in the best interest of anyone here to continue this so just going to drop it now.

    No disrespect was meant to anyone and sorry if any has been caused.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Most of the guys at my gym ignore me, but most of them also use the smith machine or dumbbells. I've seen one guy use the squat rack. He was very nice the first time we met (I had just finished and he noticed I had a beer shirt on). Then I think he realized I would actually be using his squat rack, and he hasn't spoken to me since. :laugh: But other than the one guy on Sunday mornings, not many people use the squat rack. Kinda nice. I occasionally will start with other exercises, but I hate doing squats last (and I've never actually tried cleaning the bar for OHP, and I feel kind of like I might fall on my *kitten*).
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Also, I have nothing to add to the gym convo; I work out at home so occasionally I just have issues with my hubby. :wink:

    But it sounds to me like everything else; there are some jerks everywhere, and nice, considerate people everywhere, too. It just so happens most of the people in the weight rooms are men, but I say give them a chance, too. Some of them are probably just assuming you are doing your own thing, while they are doing their own thing. I'd say ask them how long they think they'll be, or if they'd mind if you work in, or whatever. Even if one guy is rude it doesn't mean they all are.

    Edited to add: Whoops. Said I had nothing to add, but apparently I did. Guess I lied. :happy:
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    The only dillholes in the weight area that I've noticed are the "trainers". I had one give me stink eye for asking how much longer he was going to have his client doing pushups in the power rack. I admit, it was partly my fault since I had *****-face-sarcastic-voice, but still. There's a whole area that you can do pushups; why there?

    Other than myself and two other dudes, everyone else uses the rack for arm/chest/shoulder stuff. They're usually nice about speeding things up if you ask how many more sets they have.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Our gym has all types. No one has said boo to me yet over in the barbell area

    Wow, I just can't keep up with y'all! LOL But I'm just gonna keep posting 'cause I like feeling like I'm part of the group :bigsmile:

    Monday my workout was gosh darned hard :grumble: I don't know if I posted about it afterwards, but let's just assume that I did and move on .

    Today I had a fabulous workout. Sorta. I forgot that I am trying to just follow someone else's directions and I increased my weights more than I shoulda and I didn't stick to the reps/sets/warmups directions

    Squat 60 X 5 oops I was only supposed to do 55, DID do warmup sets though

    Bench 60 X 5 oops I forgot to do any warmup sets but at least I got the weight right

    Rows 65 x 3, 70 x 4 oops only supposed to do 65 X 5 and no warmups either geez totally screwed that one up

    OK, Friday I promise to focus more on following directions.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Our gym has all types. No one has said boo to me yet over in the barbell area

    Wow, I just can't keep up with y'all! LOL But I'm just gonna keep posting 'cause I like feeling like I'm part of the group :bigsmile:

    Monday my workout was gosh darned hard :grumble: I don't know if I posted about it afterwards, but let's just assume that I did and move on .

    Today I had a fabulous workout. Sorta. I forgot that I am trying to just follow someone else's directions and I increased my weights more than I shoulda and I didn't stick to the reps/sets/warmups directions

    Squat 60 X 5 oops I was only supposed to do 55, DID do warmup sets though

    Bench 60 X 5 oops I forgot to do any warmup sets but at least I got the weight right

    Rows 65 x 3, 70 x 4 oops only supposed to do 65 X 5 and no warmups either geez totally screwed that one up

    OK, Friday I promise to focus more on following directions.

    Nice workout. I can't math well and I have unintentionally added more and wonder why it felt so dang heavier.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Got my big *kitten* washers today and used them. I highly recommend searching out a Fastenal store!

    Squats 65lbs. This are starting to be akin to the OHP I am really beginning to hate them just as much
    Bench 57.5lbs. big *kitten* washer time. Glad I got them because I couldn't have went up a whole 5lbs. failed my 4th set at 4 and got put in timeout by my iPad app. Finished up my 5th set no prob.
    Rows 75lbs
    Seriously considering not adding weight every workout. Just add weight at beginning of week and use those all week. Anyone else do this?

    Out of curiosity I decided to wear my HRM tonight and see what my calorie burn was. 454 cals for 45 mins. Of course I had a little bike pedaling and dancing around on there too between sets.

    Nothing to add on the gym thing since I have my own at home. Just wish my hubby who lifts more than I do would unload the bar and rack his plates damn it!
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Most everyone at my gym is really nice. I have on occasion asked someone how many sets they had left but also told them not to rush that I would wait.

    There was a girl beside me today doing squats and deadlifts and some crazy stuff in-between. Her form was horrible. I'm no expert but she was really rounding her back on the deadlifts and not extending all the way up at the top. It made me a liitle nervous that she might hurt herself. I didn't say anything though.


    Squats 110 lbs
    Bench 85lbs 5x5x4x3 I think I could have done it all but I didn't have a spotter and didn't want to risk it
    Rows 85lb
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Soos: I'm doing something like that with squats. I stick with one weight a little longer, to make sure my form is really good. I'm so weak on them, reason being. Every other lift I progress as recommended. Unless I get all my reps but suspect my form was slipping or something.