March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    a_vette, looking awesome! Love the definition you're getting in your arms. And if you're not gaining on your bulk, maybe your TDEE is higher than you think. After all, it's just an estimation. If you're not satisfied with your bulk, try upping them for another month and see how it goes.

    Everyone's putting up some great numbers.

    And I agree with whoever told Doozer to write **** down. :wink: :laugh:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    @vette you have just become my 5-months-does-this inspiration. Awesome progress!
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    Vette, looking fab, woman!!

    Did A today and failed on my bench and rows again...well, not "again" as in in a row.
    squats: 120 3x5--felt good
    bench: 92 5, 4, 1
    rows: 87: 5, 5, 3

    I had a couple dudes compliment my squats and ask for tips on how to get *kitten* to grass, so that was fun!

    impressive stuff! I did A today as well.. tried some front squats for fun and felt like a beast :)
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Thanks guys! and FYI - the weight difference in all the photos is less than 4lbs.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    vette, nice nice pics lady. You look as firm as as as....hard as a rock is the wrong analogy, but something similar : )
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Tattoo question (since so many beautiful ladies on here have tattoos): I really want to get some sort of tree branch with flowers and a hummingbird on my back (so a fairly large piece, saving up and looking at artist profiles for now).

    I have no idea about getting a tattoo as I have none, but I have to say a tree is clearly an awesome idea for one!

    I love looking at tats though. Like when I'm at the grocery store or gym and I see someone with a sleeve, I try to slyly check it out when really all I want to do is rush up to them and ask them if they can sit still for 10 minutes so I can look at it. :laugh:

    I do have some piercings which are fun cause they're not permanent, so if your spur of the moment one doesn't really look so hot then no harm done.
    @ fit: I totally want your lifting numbers. You are inspiring.

    :blushing: :blushing: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :blushing: :blushing: Thanks! It's crazy how much progress you make in the first 12 weeks, especially if you start eating near maintenance :laugh:

    Extraordinary- I would compliment your squats! Also don't be a little penis, and you can get out one more rep before you die laughing.

    Xidia i forgot to tell you how hot your leg is! No wonder it wants to go run. :laugh:

    Everyone has such fantastic numbers I love reading them. Makes me want to go to the gym and kick *kitten*. I kicked so much *kitten* yesterday I all my muscles are sore today. :laugh:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member

    Tattoo question (since so many beautiful ladies on here have tattoos): I really want to get some sort of tree branch with flowers and a hummingbird on my back (so a fairly large piece, saving up and looking at artist profiles for now). What would be the best time of year to do that and how long do you think I'll be out of commission as far as lifting/exercise after the tattoo?

    My next will be a back piece. I have yet to discuss with the artist, but based on the last two, i was ok after a couple if says as far as clothing went. I hadn't started lifting at that point, but i was running. I think i decided that a couple of days after it stopped oozing (which was 12hours) i could sweat gently. No immersion in water for at least 2 weeks though.

    @tree and others thanks for the compliments!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Little penis!:laugh:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Ok so was kind of a bigger idiot than usual this morning. I have been sleeping all kinda of weird hours and its really kinda throwing my workout schedule off track. Well I had thought I had remembered going to the gym at 11 Pm on Thursday night which would have been a day and a half since my workout which is still really close but I thought I could probably get through it . It wasn't till I got to the gym when I realized that I didn't actually end up going until 5 am so basically it was only a day between my last workout. Walked on the treadmill and noticed my back was a bit tight nothing more than usual though. Started doing warmup sets back still tight. Go agead and do the first set and it was pretty rough but stil made it through ok form wise. But my back was getting tighter so I'm like ok let's do one more and see what happens. So I get through the next 3 reps ok and then remember that I'm supposed to be keeping my head neutral kinda looking towards the ground. Well I did that and on the way back up I was leaned so far forward that I almost fell on my face. Luckily I was able to recover and re rack it but then I had the bright idea of trying to bust out that last rep and boy was it bad it was an almost fail I had to grind it from the bottom all the way up. After that I said a few choice words to myself, re racked my weights and left.

    Live to fight another day I guess

    My backs only a little sore I think it just needs to be stretched out not very good at that. Need to work on getting better

    I'm glad you are only a little sore! Hope you feel better by now. Back pain is not nice.

    I am lost! Whose leg is that!! Very Beautiful! In fact all the body parts i've been seeing look sexy and strong!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Holy Moses! Y’all are killin’ me! I know it’s Saturday slow, but dang! :bigsmile:

    @Vette, you look incredible…and don’t take it the wrong way when I say I want your body, LOL…

    @Doozer - please be careful.

    RE: Tatts…Winter/early spring, most definitely. I hate keeping out of the sun and chlorine in the summertime, so most of my ink has been done in the cooler months.

    I did a blog today…in honor of you guys. :flowerforyou: And I fought the HTML until I was ready to chunk the keyboard across the room, so I posted the image in my “album” here, and this is the one I WANTED to post in my blog:


    Today was a busy one. Up early, had to go to the dump to be rid of the old rusted out grill (which I mentioned in my blog), ran to the store, then to the garden center for a truck-bed full of mulch for the front yard. For grins, wore my hrm and burned 441 calories in just under an hour and a half.

    KNEW I had to lift today, so went in, changed, and did workout “A”…I got over the row hump, and killed my bench press. :happy: Numbers as follows:

    Squat - 70 lbs, 5x5
    Bench - 50 lbs. 5x5
    Rows - 65 lbs. 5x5 (a re-do because of the failure on the last three sets last time.

    Now I am starving. The hubs and I were going to have a romantic dinner for two because Baby Boy was supposed to be gone till nine this evening, and he comes strutting in the door, hungry, at 6:15. :sad:

    So now it’s thaw out salmon and WAIT longer for dinner for three. *sigh*
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    Looking AWESOME, everyone!!! I am so inspired by all these pics.

    @mouse...sorry your plans got pooped on! you certainly earned a nice dinner that YOU didn't have to cook after your day!!

    I'm on the couch, watching Beauty and the Beast with the kiddies. They ate, but I have no clue what I want to eat for dinner!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @nex....glute bridges are easily one of my favorite exercises! I used to add on some weighted ones to Workout A but since I started doing yoga I've found that I'm doing them fairly often anyway.....we'll see though....might start to miss the weighted ones too much!

    @vette....holy eff you look so awesome!!!! Another great reminder that this process takes TIME! I'm glad that I have started with the progress pics :smile:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Quick check-in before I crash (soo much walking around today, and then lifting this evening ... I'm done)

    Nothing to speak of, had to deload on OHP from 50 to 46.2 but at least that's still progress from 45 and I knocked out my 3 working reps on everything. Deloaded on squats some too because I noticed my knees were starting to come in on the way up.

    So today looked thusly (working sets):
    Squats 3x5x60
    OHP 3x5x46.2
    Deadlifts 1x7x115 (hubby checked my form and I was going too far forward on the way down so had to correct that, hence the couple extra lifts but it's deadlifts and they're fun and who cares? I got my 2-day lifting break coming up anyway :laugh: )

    Y'all's numbers are rocking! I'm having an ongoing chat with an internet acquaintance who asked me if she should start lifting with 2-pound dumbbells ... well, y'all know what my answer was to that one, dontcha? :wink: I'm trying my darndest to get her to see the light!

    Doozer ... watch your back there, bud, glad nothing serious happened. Wouldn't want our token guy to be laid up, so ya better stay safe and sharp! :smile:
  • Poppin in just to *kitten* out my progress pics, lol! Took these this morning. Still "bulking" but have actually only gained a pound in one month, with an 11,000 calorie surplus *scratches head*, maybe I should bump my cals up some more!

    First of all, you look amazing! You are so inspiring!

    At what point did you start 'bulking'? Just curious really. I'm still trying to eat at a defecit but with all the lifting I've been kind of hungry so I keep going over somewhat...
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    hi guys! *wave* I had a super busy day so I'll never catch up, but keep being awesome. I had a terrible TERRIBLE workout, not even :noway: worth talking about.

    Oh speaking of backs, doozer -- in your video of your squat, I noticed you kind of dive down quickly, then stop yourself and go back up. When you do that, it looks like you lose some core stability and end up leaning really far forward. That could also be messing with your back -- you end up leaning forward and your neck ends up craned back further than you think it is relative to your shoulders. I think you might benefit from doing a more controlled drop -- at the very least use your warmups to really practice that.

    I could be way off base as the video was only the one angle, but that's what I was seeing - and I THINK you could go a tiny bit deeper but you hit 'bottom' when your stomach hits your thighs? and like I said - then you're kind of craning your neck up just because to look at the wall you're actually tilting back further than you would if your torso was more upright.

    I'm so depressed by the way my overhead press went today. Bah. BAH.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Fishlover - I asked a lot of knowledgeable ladies on MFP about bulking. They all suggest that I waited until I cut down to around 18-20%. So that's what I did. It was scary at first, but I have seen tons of women on my friends list go through the process successfully and saw their awesome results, so decided that it was the right thing for me to do. Just eat more than you burn (which is tough to figure out that "magic number") and lift heavy.
  • Fishlover - I asked a lot of knowledgeable ladies on MFP about bulking. They all suggest that I waited until I cut down to around 18-20%. So that's what I did. It was scary at first, but I have seen tons of women on my friends list go through the process successfully and saw their awesome results, so decided that it was the right thing for me to do. Just eat more than you burn (which is tough to figure out that "magic number") and lift heavy.

    Thank you! I do find it kind of scary sounding... haha. Maybe once I'm up on lifts and down on %bf I won't be so scared

    @Tameko - OP is the worst. You'll do better next time!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    a-vette: Your pictures are amazing! Hot!
    Doozer: be careful
    Juliem: sorry your dinner plans got crashed.

    I did Workout A yesterday and they're all repeat numbers

    120x5 squat
    85x5 bench
    90x5 rows

    Last workout, I noticed my knees wanting to turn in on the way up from the squat. This time, I made a conscious effort to keep my core tight, and that seemed to help with the knee thing. All of the lifts were a little tough this time even though they were repeats. I don't think I had the bar up off the floor high enough for the rows.

    I don't remember who asked, but I have a really hard time making myself do cardio. I have a treadmill at home that I've started walking on and I'll do that for an hour while watching trashy tv. I have a goal of going to the gym once a week for cardio, but that hasn't happened in about 3 weeks.
  • Angellaree
    Angellaree Posts: 71 Member
    Wondering what everyone's favorite SL "move" is? I am new but I LOVE the deadlift! Made me feel badass. All 65 whopping pounds! Lol
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Wondering what everyone's favorite SL "move" is? I am new but I LOVE the deadlift! Made me feel badass. All 65 whopping pounds! Lol

    Dead lifts and squats. Absolutely! :smile: