March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Wondering what everyone's favorite SL "move" is? I am new but I LOVE the deadlift! Made me feel badass. All 65 whopping pounds! Lol

    Bench press. I keep amazing myself with that one.

    Hope everyone is having great weekend! Been trying to spend some time with my husband instead of surfing MFP
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Wondering what everyone's favorite SL "move" is? I am new but I LOVE the deadlift! Made me feel badass. All 65 whopping pounds! Lol

    Squats definitely I like. Deadlift would be second I think. Deadlifts are getting really heavy at this point and I feel like a badass but at the same time theyre really hard when you start getting close to your max. Or at least I think I'm getting there. I keep surprising myself when I can finish those 5 reps each week.

    Ok so taking the day off today off after the not so hot semi session yesterday. Wanted to make sure that my legs were completely rested this time. May goto the gym and swim today because thats the only thing I can think of thats really low impact but still works me out. Or head to walmart and look for yoga dvds. Or netflix them I guess.

    Seriously thinking about squatting everyother session because my legs are just not recovering the way I want them to. My legs feel great when I have 2 days off inbetween and the weight Im lifting seems really light. But if theyre not recovered fully its really a struggle. So gonna keep going for a bit and maybe reevaluate. Maybe I should just be more willing to fail doing every other day. Not sure tho. Maybe I just need a full off week to let my entire body catch up. It has been 13 weeks with out a break. Hrm dunno.

    You ladies are doing awesome. Definitely an inspiration and keep me going even if I don't want to sometimes so thank you!
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Wondering what everyone's favorite SL "move" is? I am new but I LOVE the deadlift! Made me feel badass. All 65 whopping pounds! Lol

    Bench Press. No question.

    Deadlifts are my second favorite.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Wondering what everyone's favorite SL "move" is? I am new but I LOVE the deadlift! Made me feel badass. All 65 whopping pounds! Lol

    Now that I'm onto the Oly bar, bench press. I love the full body feeling from barbell squats but since i can only do hack squats in my current gym, they're not even close.

    So, today, i had my first proper fail. Guess what? It was OHP @40lbs. 5,4,4,4,3. The first couple of failure sets the last rep went just past my chin and stalled. The last two sets i didn't even attempt the remaining reps. Next time I'm going to eat first, and do them before the hack squats, since those things do work my arms indirectly.

    Squats: met my March goal of 70lbs. These seem easy...
    DL: 125lbs, a mere 5lbs off mh March goal. Gonna try 120lb in my next warm-up and decide whether to increase or not.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Wondering what everyone's favorite SL "move" is? I am new but I LOVE the deadlift! Made me feel badass. All 65 whopping pounds! Lol

    Bench Press. No question.

    Deadlifts are my second favorite.

    This probably for me. Not really sure why, but I am really surprised how I'm progressing at the bench considering how weak my arms are (even though I just had to deload). Again with the DL, surprised at how much weight I can move, and I can be all loud and "slam" the weights on the floor (I'm actually pretty good about it, but I'm definitely the loudest one in the gym since no one else is lifting from the floor). Definitely making me feel BAMF.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Wondering what everyone's favorite SL "move" is? I am new but I LOVE the deadlift! Made me feel badass. All 65 whopping pounds! Lol

    Everything but rows. :laugh:

    I love squat and deadlift cause I can throw around tons of weight. I love/hate OHP cause I'm pretty good at putting up a decent amount. When I put up a new weight I feel awesome because its so freaking hard. I didn't used to like bench, but I just hit 100 which seems like a ton of weight to me so now I like it. :laugh: Rows are still evil.

    Doozer I'm starting to feel that way about every lift. It's making me wonder if I should go to 3x5 even though I haven't had to deload from stalls on any lift yet. I've been eating pretty much at TDEE the past week too, and it's still happening.
  • vashnic
    vashnic Posts: 93
    Feeling much better after a couple days rest. New goal is to eat one banana a day!

    Squats: 120 (so close!)
    DL: 135
    OHP: 50 (failed why my arms gotta be so tiny :grumble: yet bench presses are going so well wat is this)

    Squats and bench-presses make me the happiest. They feel very natural!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Wondering what everyone's favorite SL "move" is? I am new but I LOVE the deadlift! Made me feel badass. All 65 whopping pounds! Lol

    Everything but rows. :laugh:

    I love squat and deadlift cause I can throw around tons of weight. I love/hate OHP cause I'm pretty good at putting up a decent amount. When I put up a new weight I feel awesome because its so freaking hard. I didn't used to like bench, but I just hit 100 which seems like a ton of weight to me so now I like it. :laugh: Rows are still evil.

    Doozer I'm starting to feel that way about every lift. It's making me wonder if I should go to 3x5 even though I haven't had to deload from stalls on any lift yet. I've been eating pretty much at TDEE the past week too, and it's still happening.

    I think Doozer said that he's on his second round, and I can't remember where you're at, but maybe you need a rest week? Just give your body some time to heal up then start again?
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Fave's for me are definitely squat and row! Didn't care for the row until I got it down now I'm loving it!

    For people's having troubles with recovery.....I would highly recommend a deload if it has been some time (or ever) since you have had one. I did that between cycle 1 and 2 and my body was super happy and I feel very refreshed moving forward. I do really think it's something to consider.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm so behind on posts. Spent time with hubby cleaning up outside yesterday and cleaning inside today. Cleaned the grill and grilled out last evening.

    Yesterday was treat day for me. I was curious to see how many calories I had been eating before I started logging so I said what the h3ll I'm gonna eat like I used to just to see. 4000+ cals and I'm pretty sure I forgot to log something. No wonder I got so fat! Overall I was miserable all evening, felt and looked bloated and was so tired feeling, I even had to take a nap before supper! Never again. Was so glad today was a new day and I have been so thirsty even though I did drink tons of water yesterday, I have felt like I'm thirsting to death today. So ends my stupid experiments. I will stick to a reasonable treat MEAL from now on. The train wreck that was yesterday is in my food diary if anyone is curious lol.

    I took a few days (3) off from lifting. I really wasn't sore, but when I stretched it felt like my muscles wanted to spasm and they felt really fatigued. Back on it today with workout B. I didn't add weight except to my deadlift. Still working on form and I am finally completely parallel on squats. Yes!

    Squats 60lbs
    OHP 45lbs (hate these *kitten*!)
    Deadlift 115 lbs
    Bench 55lbs
    Rows 70lbs I think

    Hope everyone had a great weekend! It was gorgeous but still cool here. I'm so ready for Spring!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Nice lifts there Soos!

    Yeah I did take a week off about 3-4 weeks ago, but I was nursing a sprained knee and a cold. In 6 more workouts I'll be through cycle one, so maybe I'll pull a Vegas and deload the last week of March then start building from deload weights. :smile: Good advice friends. Vegas did you deload a specific % for your light week or did it depend on the lift?
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    wahooooo my OHP didn't suck today! still only 45lbs, but I managed 55554 and only didn't try that last one bc i felt like this guy and his kid were staring at me LOL

    also, squats after a 3 mile run are rough. but i feel like a BA after, so that's cool. ; )

    hope everyone had a great Sunday!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    wahooooo my OHP didn't suck today! still only 45lbs, but I managed 55554 and only didn't try that last one bc i felt like this guy and his kid were staring at me LOL

    also, squats after a 3 mile run are rough. but i feel like a BA after, so that's cool. ; )

    hope everyone had a great Sunday!

    Yay for kicking the OHP *kitten*!!! (And speaking of kicking *kitten*, you should have taken that guy and his kid out...)

    I don't think I could squat much of anything after a 3 mile run. Mostly because at the end of three miles I'm celebrating that I didn't die. You're definitely BAMF for lifting after running!
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    Yeah, I didn't increase my weight on the squats after the run....just my normal 95 5x5.

    Could have totally taken them out LOL...he was an upper body junkie with chicken legs and his kid was lifting less than me. ;)
  • Angellaree
    Angellaree Posts: 71 Member
    Wondering what everyone's favorite SL "move" is? I am new but I LOVE the deadlift! Made me feel badass. All 65 whopping pounds! Lol

    Bench Press. No question.

    Deadlifts are my second favorite.

    This probably for me. Not really sure why, but I am really surprised how I'm progressing at the bench considering how weak my arms are (even though I just had to deload). Again with the DL, surprised at how much weight I can move, and I can be all loud and "slam" the weights on the floor (I'm actually pretty good about it, but I'm definitely the loudest one in the gym since no one else is lifting from the floor). Definitely making me feel BAMF.

    Ha! I have not heard BAMF in forever, but that is so how I felt after my whopping 65 lb deadlifts today! Lol. I am sure once I start lifting more (and get some mats since I lift at home) I will be "slamming" my weights down too! :laugh:
  • Angellaree
    Angellaree Posts: 71 Member
    Oops...didn't realize I mentioned how much weight I did twice. Need more sleep!
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    For people's having troubles with recovery.....I would highly recommend a deload if it has been some time (or ever) since you have had one. I did that between cycle 1 and 2 and my body was super happy and I feel very refreshed moving forward. I do really think it's something to consider.

    When would you recommend it? What do you consider to be a "cycle"?
    I'm considering doing a little deload since even though I can complete the 5x5 on most lifts (except OHP and bench where I fail every other workout and am progressing slowly), I'm starting to notice that my form, while still ok, isn't as good as it was last week.

    I'm also wondering about rest weeks. I know the program doesn't advocate it but as I've read often Mehdi is a bit of a hack even though the program is good. In NROLFX books they advise you to take rest weeks every month or two, so I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    For people's having troubles with recovery.....I would highly recommend a deload if it has been some time (or ever) since you have had one. I did that between cycle 1 and 2 and my body was super happy and I feel very refreshed moving forward. I do really think it's something to consider.

    When would you recommend it? What do you consider to be a "cycle"?
    I'm considering doing a little deload since even though I can complete the 5x5 on most lifts (except OHP and bench where I fail every other workout and am progressing slowly), I'm starting to notice that my form, while still ok, isn't as good as it was last week.

    I'm also wondering about rest weeks. I know the program doesn't advocate it but as I've read often Mehdi is a bit of a hack even though the program is good. In NROLFX books they advise you to take rest weeks every month or two, so I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not.

    A "cycle" is officially 12 weeks of the program. However, last month we were talking about if that was more just an advertising gimmick; "I can make you stronger in 12 weeks". It's not like the program is supposed to end after 12 weeks, and there is not "official" deload period. That said, most everyone I see who lifts recommends deload periods. Somewhere I read that your ligaments and tendons take longer to heal because there is less blood flow to them. Not sure if that is why, but rest/deload periods seem pretty universal. Seems like it would make sense to put them at the end of a cycle, but if you feel you need it before that, you should probably listen to your body.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    For people's having troubles with recovery.....I would highly recommend a deload if it has been some time (or ever) since you have had one. I did that between cycle 1 and 2 and my body was super happy and I feel very refreshed moving forward. I do really think it's something to consider.

    When would you recommend it? What do you consider to be a "cycle"?
    I'm considering doing a little deload since even though I can complete the 5x5 on most lifts (except OHP and bench where I fail every other workout and am progressing slowly), I'm starting to notice that my form, while still ok, isn't as good as it was last week.

    I'm also wondering about rest weeks. I know the program doesn't advocate it but as I've read often Mehdi is a bit of a hack even though the program is good. In NROLFX books they advise you to take rest weeks every month or two, so I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not.

    A "cycle" is officially 12 weeks of the program. However, last month we were talking about if that was more just an advertising gimmick; "I can make you stronger in 12 weeks". It's not like the program is supposed to end after 12 weeks, and there is not "official" deload period. That said, most everyone I see who lifts recommends deload periods. Somewhere I read that your ligaments and tendons take longer to heal because there is less blood flow to them. Not sure if that is why, but rest/deload periods seem pretty universal. Seems like it would make sense to put them at the end of a cycle, but if you feel you need it before that, you should probably listen to your body.

    I don't know that the 12 weeks is a gimmick exactly considering that it's a free program. All programs have a time frame associated with them and Mehdi says to continue on with the program as designed until you are no longer progressing. If it ain't broke don't fix it mentality. It bugs me that he doesn't address deload weeks or rest periods as it is pretty much a universal concept. From what I have read and researched, I would say every 12 weeks is reasonable to have a deload, but listen to your body for sure and if you feel like you need one before, then take one. I took an exercise break mid January and then deload at the end of February and it didn't hurt my progress at all.

    Once other thing that I would like to not is that it is normal to start to slow on your progress as well as to fail. It's part of the program and actually it should be embraced as this is the time when the magic starts to happen. Obviously there will come a time where you can't continue to progress using 5x5 but I really do feel that doesn't/shouldn't happen very quickly.
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    I have a question related to the rest/deload ones. I'm nearly done with the first 12 weeks (workout 29 is tonight). I'm thinking I will take a rest week afther the next 7 workouts.

    But after that I'm not sure what to do. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss cardio. And I have an itch to complete Tapout XT (I have a weird obsession with dvd programs). Has anyone dropped to 3 x 5 just because, instead of because they needed to? I'm wondering if I could pull off 3 x 5 two times per week and Tapout. But maybe that's way too much? Any thoughts?