March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I like that idea too Xidia - I'm going to do it for April.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Okay, I took a week off--between Vegas and the end of the quarter, I just couldn't do it. I'm hitting the gym soon and I'll probably just do a redux of my last Workout B...goblets at 55, ohp at 70, and deads at 160.

    eta: I just went back and found my goals for the month. Here they are:
    Squat: 120
    Bench: 3x5 90
    Row: 3x5 85
    Goblets: 3x5 60
    OHP: 65 (70 is my "ultimate" goal, so I'll take a 5 pound increase this month)
    Deadlifts: 170--which will be 35 lbs over body weight

    So, I've hit these goals: squat, row, ohp (beat it) and I'm almost there on bench. My last bench day I did 90 lbs for 5-4-4, so I'm close!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    @extra - I aspire to do your deadlifts!

    @Vegas - way to go, girl!!!!!

    RE: Goals...Mine are almost laughable -

    Squat - 110 (at 95 tonight, this may be possible)
    Bench- 70 (this is iffy.)
    OHP - 75 (About the same as a snowball's chance in h3ll.)
    Row - 90 (In all honesty I started out increasing by 5 lb increments, but three fails and tonight's deload?)
    DL - 140 (I thought I would get there, but I am struggling with 115, sooooooo...)
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    So I weighed in this morning! Lost 13.4 since January! Body fat % was lower than I thought though...only a loss of 3%. I'm not convinced that's accurate, but it should be consistent anyway, since it was the same scale as last time. I'll find out tonight if I win my hundred bucks!

    No gym tonight , but I'll go tomorrow. Need another lifting day this week!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    HOLY COW, hofo! 13 pounds since January is BADASS. And 3% loss of BF is certainly nothing to sneeze at. I'm on my way out of the office and to a bar to watch some basketball. I'll drink to you! :drinker:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Hofo congrats on the awesome loss!!

    Vegas congratulations on your tape measure loss!!

    Squats: 125 lb
    OHP: 67 lb tried 70 again but so such luck
    DL: 145 lb (I'm pleased about this one because although I don't weigh 145 now I do remember weighing 145 at some point! So it's kind of like lifting my weight! LOL! The mind games we play!)
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Back to the gym today after my rest week! I also did a 10% deload "just because". It was nice getting 5x5 on all my lifts for once :)

    I also did some negative chins (It finally dawned on me that pull-ups & chin-ups are the BEST use of the Smith machine since the actual pull-up bar is so high I need to climb on a bench just to reach it.)

    I got 3 good compliments today and 1 inappropriate one. I was chatting with a girl during my rest time between sets and she asked how long I've been coming to the gym. I explained that it's been a year and a half but I left during my pregnancy and have been back for 3 months. She said I look good for 4 months PP and she wouldn't have guessed! A guy I'm friends with was there too and he agreed with her and said he can tell that I've been losing weight since I came back. Another guy I'm friends with said "well done on the bench! You've improved your form!"
    And then a creepy guy started telling me how hot i am while I was in the jacuzzi (along with 4 other people). I told him that it was inappropriate. Ugh. I told him a good test to tell if a compliment is appropriate is "would you compliment another guy in the same way under the same circumstances? No? Are you dating the girl? No? Then keep it to yourself!" I talked to another girl later about it and she agrees with me that the guy is really creepy.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    And then a creepy guy started telling me how hot i am while I was in the jacuzzi (along with 4 other people).

    Well, to be fair to the dude, I bet you such creepy comments work really well with the female crowd with horrible self-esteem issues who will latch on to any "complement" they can. Dude just wan't prepared to encounter a lady who has no such issues. Good for you. I hope he paid attention. :smile:

    I'm about to go pick things up and put them down again ... woop woop!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    @hofo - Outstanding!!!! So excited for you! :)

    @lex- WTG on form that gets compliments! Not so much on the creepy guy, tho. Ewwww….It’s like that hog of a man at work that thinks it’s ok to make boobie comments to me since I’ve lost everywhere BUT there. He’s a pig and his “stuff” doesn’t work (his confession, not my observation) and it’s also ewwww that he even felt the need to share. WAY TMI, no?

    I think that THIS group of women are bad@$$ enough to not “need" to hear creepy comments to validate that we rock the house. I like the comments guidelines…I am totally going to remember that and use on the aforementioned piggy.

    Well, after bailing on the lift last night, I’m feeling much more bad@$$ today so am about to start picking up heavy things and put them down, now, too. :bigsmile:

    Happy Saturday, yo!
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    @julie ewww at that guy...
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Hi guys! Did workout A today - think i might stay at this weight for the next workout too. I'm on 30kg for squats, 25 for bench presses and 35 for rows. The rows were fine, but i'm not sure i've got the form down for the BP and squats I'm beginning to find impossible without a squat rack. I can barely get them on and off my shoulders without one, so need to wait until the rack at my gym is free. We only have one though and if somebody's on it, they tend to hog it for ages, and i don't like to wait! If i'm there and ready, I just want to get on with it, rather than hang around... So either staying at the same squat weight or hoping to get on the rack next time!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Workout A yesterday, 40kg squats, wish I could get someone to video my form, still not sure it's right, but pretty sure I'm at least getting low enough. Shoulders still sore after even with the padding.
    22.5kg bench press (well I did 25kg for the first set but that was scary!!), tried to do the form like y'all said (pushed shoulder blades in and chest up, planted my butt).. kept arms at shoulder width so arms came down straight to chest - is that right? felt weedy towards the end, but did them.
    used the smaller bar (10kg) for the pendlay rows, so could stick 10kg on each end. probably slightly low as I'm tall but better than trying to balance it on other weights. Form felt good, and weight felt manageable (I'm sure this is the same as my very first attempt which felt too heavy at the time, yay I must be stronger!)...

    did see a chap doing deadlifts with the most curvy banana back (slumped forward shoulders) and bit my tongue... I might be using all my broadband up (oops!) but at least I'm looking at form...
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    So I bought a big foam roller the other day to be able to get to my upper back/shoulders etc.

    The last couple evenings I've been getting used to it, including rolling out my piriformis/glutes.

    Today I was squatting deeper than ever (I always go below parallel, but today things were somehere between parallel and ATG).

    Methinks there might be a connection ... :huh:

    Also, today was day 3 of week 1, cycle 1 in All Pro's. Bang on with form on the deadlifts, I think, and very happy so far with the routine I put together. My GF mentioned that I looked like I lost some weight, even though I haven't according to my frenemy the scale, but I know something is working because picking up non-barbell heavier things are no big deal anymore.

    I really, really, really am getting the itch to do Olympic lifting. I'm going to check into that and see if I can put something together and cycle it with AllPro's for boredom avoidance and incorporating explosivity ... somehow.

    Happy Saturday!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Just quickly, then I will go back and catch up with what you all are up to...

    It snowed a lot here today and I thought I would have to do another TRX workout at home, but this afternoon I got my tiny car out into it and went to the gym.

    Squats 75 still going well, actually as I add more weight they feel better and I feel stronger and feel like my form is better. I know that will change at some point :devil:

    Bench 65, a repeat from last time. Much better form, ready to up it next time.

    Rows 80 for the first set but my form was awful so went back to 75 and killed the rest of them..

    Going to Applebee's for dinner tonight, yum!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I really, really, really am getting the itch to do Olympic lifting. I'm going to check into that and see if I can put something together and cycle it with AllPro's for boredom avoidance and incorporating explosivity ... somehow.

    Oh hey you reminded me, an empty bar and I spent some quality time working on power cleans! The gym was really empty so I didn't think anyone would mind, and there was pretty much no one there to laugh at a fat 49 year old woman jumping an empty bar up!! :laugh:
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Ges, you're braver than I...we have a foot and there was no way I was going out in it! Since I bailed on the gym, I did some 25 lb kettlebell stuff. It wasn't great, but it was better than nothing, I guess.

    I'm pimping out my blog...but there's a purpose! I found some pics from last June and I was between 140-145...I'm sitting at 140 now, but the body recomp that I've gotten from lifting heavy is cray-cray!

    Moral of the story--throw out the scale...seriously.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So I bought a big foam roller the other day to be able to get to my upper back/shoulders etc.

    The last couple evenings I've been getting used to it, including rolling out my piriformis/glutes.

    Today I was squatting deeper than ever (I always go below parallel, but today things were somehere between parallel and ATG).

    Methinks there might be a connection ... :huh:

    I finally picked up a foam roller today.....omg I was not expecting the pain :laugh: Haven't been able to do it for too long at a time because it darn well hurts, but glad to know that it won't take long for me to see the difference!
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Ges, you're braver than I...we have a foot and there was no way I was going out in it! Since I bailed on the gym, I did some 25 lb kettlebell stuff. It wasn't great, but it was better than nothing, I guess.

    I'm pimping out my blog...but there's a purpose! I found some pics from last June and I was between 140-145...I'm sitting at 140 now, but the body recomp that I've gotten from lifting heavy is cray-cray!

    Moral of the story--throw out the scale...seriously.

    Read a few of your blog post. Hilarious! You're looking seriously buff btw!

    I took a few days off from lifting. Having the whole neck/shoulder muscle pain again. I swear its the way I sleep. And the fact I need a serious massage. may book one next week. Hoping tomorrow it will feel better. If not I'll just lift with empty bar. I don't like taking so many days off.

    Ref goals (yeah I'm wayyyy behind on posts) so far
    * binge free all month woohoo
    * cut way back on my clif bar obsession
    * haven't b!tched about hubby being unable to locate the trash
    Can't remember what else I had down but these were my biggies.

    Keep being all bad *kitten* ladies. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Wow - I hope to be setting those kind of goals someday! Finished my second B today, though, so it will be a while! Even though the squat weight still 'feels' light, the OHP and the deadlifts were very tough. And holy cow, my appetite. Is this normal? I can't seem to stop eating - usually after dinner I have to make myself eat the rest of my calories, but today I have a black hole where my stomach used to be! And it sounds like maybe I need to make friendly with the foam rollers at the gym - I've only ever used them for ITB injury, but all over body massage sounds good to me! :)
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Wow - I hope to be setting those kind of goals someday! Finished my second B today, though, so it will be a while! Even though the squat weight still 'feels' light, the OHP and the deadlifts were very tough. And holy cow, my appetite. Is this normal? I can't seem to stop eating - usually after dinner I have to make myself eat the rest of my calories, but today I have a black hole where my stomach used to be! And it sounds like maybe I need to make friendly with the foam rollers at the gym - I've only ever used them for ITB injury, but all over body massage sounds good to me! :)

    The first few weeks of lifting I kept looking for small horses to devour. :bigsmile: Yea it's normal. Especially if you're eating at a deficit. My appetite has settled in somewhat as I've focused on getting adequate protein intake and timing my protein shakes either right before or after a lifting session, although I still have my small horse moments and at times struggle to make them fit in. There's definitely a learning curve involved.

    Use a foam roller right after you lift. They work wonders to cut down on soreness.
    I finally picked up a foam roller today.....omg I was not expecting the pain Haven't been able to do it for too long at a time because it darn well hurts, but glad to know that it won't take long for me to see the difference!

    Yea the during is not so fun, but afterwards is like ahhhhhhhhh. :bigsmile:
    Oh hey you reminded me, an empty bar and I spent some quality time working on power cleans! The gym was really empty so I didn't think anyone would mind, and there was pretty much no one there to laugh at a fat 49 year old woman jumping an empty bar up!!

    Cleans are a lot of fun now that I'm getting the hang of them! I keep sneaking them in here and there to get the bar up off the floor and onto the squat rack.

    I told hubby today I wanted to learn how to clean, snatch and jerk, and then I realized it sounded kinda dirty so we both cracked up a bit. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I told hubby today I wanted to learn how to clean, snatch and jerk, and then I realized it sounded kinda dirty so we both cracked up a bit. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    We get a lot of mileage out of things like that at our house :wink:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Workout wasn't so bad this morning:

    Week 12, workout 1 (B)
    Squats 5x5 90
    OHP 55534 57.5
    DL 1x3 1x2 175 (minimal rest, but I just can't do them straight through)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Well I finally hit my first official stall :sad: BP @ 66#'s I just can't was 3rd time giving it a go and on set 1 I could only push out 2 :grumble: So I deloaded to 60 and knocked out my last 2 sets. I'm thinking of maybe increasing by 1# increments on this lift instead of 2.....ugh!!!!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Weedy today but still focusing on form. 40kg squat I've done the last two times but after first set deloaded to 35kg as I thought I'd collapse! Think form was better certainly focused on imagining the bar staying mid foot which helped. Stuck at 22.5kg PHP and still hard but did it. Used smaller bar so I could dead lift 50kg and use the bigger plates. Felt manageable and think form is OK..
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    I have officially switched to 3 x 5 and I am back in love with lifting!!!! Plus I scored a deal on craiglist yesterday and now have an olympic bar and weights instead of my standard ones, which is a huge upgrade.

    And I nailed 120 squats today--like I could have done them all day. I'm seriously happy as 4 weeks ago I could not hit 115.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Tameko I need to know what is on your plate in your profile picture??

    Chunkmunk congratulations on the 120 Squats!!!

    Vegas you will get past that stall! Do you have food before your workout? I find I do much better if I am well fed right before. And even the day before.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Tameko I need to know what is on your plate in your

    That is the warm gooey cinnamon roll that I shared with nick at breakfast yesterday.

    I need to take it down soon - it's kind of starting to torment me! I also set off a flurry of cinnamon roll cravings on my friends list.

    I had deadlifts today. They felt pretty good until the last set and then I wimped out on my last rep. We also have added front squats today and found out that nick literally cannot set up a front squat due to his upper back and neck curvature. He refuses to go to a chiro right now so I'm trying to think of things he can do at home besides just lay with his upper back on the foam roller.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Tameko I need to know what is on your plate in your

    That is the warm gooey cinnamon roll that I shared with nick at breakfast yesterday.

    I need to take it down soon - it's kind of starting to torment me! I also set off a flurry of cinnamon roll cravings on my friends list.

    I had deadlifts today. They felt pretty good until the last set and then I wimped out on my last rep. We also have added front squats today and found out that nick literally cannot set up a front squat due to his upper back and neck curvature. He refuses to go to a chiro right now so I'm trying to think of things he can do at home besides just lay with his upper back on the foam roller.

    It truly looks glorious! I can see why everyone is wanting to start eating cinnamon rolls!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I'm pimping out my blog...but there's a purpose! I found some pics from last June and I was between 140-145...I'm sitting at 140 now, but the body recomp that I've gotten from lifting heavy is cray-cray!

    Moral of the story--throw out the scale...seriously.

    You look terrific and what a great story of recomposition!! Did you simply eat at maintenance all year or did you do something fancy-shmancy?
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Well I finally hit my first official stall :sad: BP @ 66#'s I just can't was 3rd time giving it a go and on set 1 I could only push out 2 :grumble: So I deloaded to 60 and knocked out my last 2 sets. I'm thinking of maybe increasing by 1# increments on this lift instead of 2.....ugh!!!!

    I'm planning on only increasing OHP by 1/2 pound at a time. 2 pounds sounds very ambitious to me -- unless it is just my age showing :laugh:
This discussion has been closed.