March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Ok...I need those washers and we have a fastenal right around the corner from work.

    Their web site only shows a couple of gazillion 2' washers...How do you KNOW?

    ETA: that our sorry little store carries all of one 2" washer and it's only 0.5876 lbs., altho, I could probably just use them to add a pound per pair. Keep the numbers easy, I guess...

    2" zinc finish USS flat washer are the ones that weigh 0.62somethingorother
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Have the DOM,DA, DOM,DOM,DOMS. Seriously thinking about making it a 2 day rest instead of one. Actually hurts to sit, and this is the first time ever I have done an exercise and seriously felt it in my inner thighs, the bane of my existence! And I'm walking funny because my *kitten* and backs of my thighs are so sore.

    So does anyone exercise with DOMS or do you take another rest day? I seriously don't think I could have proper squat form today. May just do BW squats and then the bench and rows.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Have the DOM,DA, DOM,DOM,DOMS. Seriously thinking about making it a 2 day rest instead of one. Actually hurts to sit, and this is the first time ever I have done an exercise and seriously felt it in my inner thighs, the bane of my existence! And I'm walking funny because my *kitten* and backs of my thighs are so sore.

    So does anyone exercise with DOMS or do you take another rest day? I seriously don't think I could have proper squat form today. May just do BW squats and then the bench and rows.

    For me it depends on how severe the DOMS is. Exercise often seems to be helpful in relieving the pain, which is a good reason to try. And if you find you can't do full weight squats (for example) then lighter or body weight squats would be a good solution. If it's REALLY bad, sometimes I take another day, but I also look at how that will affect my schedule for the week, too.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Have the DOM,DA, DOM,DOM,DOMS. Seriously thinking about making it a 2 day rest instead of one. Actually hurts to sit, and this is the first time ever I have done an exercise and seriously felt it in my inner thighs, the bane of my existence! And I'm walking funny because my *kitten* and backs of my thighs are so sore.

    So does anyone exercise with DOMS or do you take another rest day? I seriously don't think I could have proper squat form today. May just do BW squats and then the bench and rows.

    Working out will actually help your DOMS. I would say do your workout and then have a bath in epsom salt to help reduce. Also make sure you are getting enough protein as that also helps.
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Have the DOM,DA, DOM,DOM,DOMS. Seriously thinking about making it a 2 day rest instead of one. Actually hurts to sit, and this is the first time ever I have done an exercise and seriously felt it in my inner thighs, the bane of my existence! And I'm walking funny because my *kitten* and backs of my thighs are so sore.

    So does anyone exercise with DOMS or do you take another rest day? I seriously don't think I could have proper squat form today. May just do BW squats and then the bench and rows.

    Working out will actually help your DOMS. I would say do your workout and then have a bath in epsom salt to help reduce. Also make sure you are getting enough protein as that also helps.

    I only do Stronglifts 3 times a week. So if I've got bad DOMS I take the extra day but even if I haven't recovered by my lifting day I do it anyway. I also find stretching in a steam room or after a hot bath has been super helpful. Also since starting SL I've gone through 3 big bags of Epsom salts. Drinking ****loads of water makes a big difference for DOMS too.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    P.S. I know some people deload by 40-50% on a rest week. That's what I did the last time. Here are a couple articles about it.

    It seems like from these articles that theyre doing 50- 60% of their working weight for a week then go back at it 100% the next week correct?

    I guess I may be thinking about this wrong. I was thinking as a deload as taking a week and 20% off then restarting linear progression from there. Which would take me a long time to get back to working weight.

    So I guess I should ask what everyone else's understanding of a deload week is.

    From what I'm seeing I have these options.

    A. Rest for a week then start back 100%
    B. Light -60% week workout then go back 100% the next week
    C. Deload by 10 percent and begin linear progression again.
    D. Deload by 20 percent and begin linear progression again.

    Not trying to win any races just trying to figure out what is going to push my body for an effective workout without killing it. I am kinda leaning towards option B. But as always your feed back is appreciated.

    Tageekly just messaged me yesterday about deloads and I know I need to update the FAQ.

    There are two uses of that word - one is regarding a 'rest' week and one is 'deloading' your weight. And whether you do one, the other, or both, depends on where you are at.

    Stronglifts already has deloads built in, and you should be dropping reps at some point so I wouldn't plan to do the latter outside of the built in plan, or if you have some kind of situation (you get sick and take a long time off, or go on vacation, or you're a quittyquitmcquitterson for a while).

    The rest version, there are lots of different things you COULD do but the idea is just to rest that week. I personally do NOT like taking a week completely off. I've done it and I felt it was detrimental for me, at the time. I know other people do it without issue, and I *think* it might make sense at higher levels of experience but for now, I wouldn't recommend it. Weeks off happen on accident anyway, due to traveling and illness and the like.

    I prefer to do a light workset across the board. This is what I sent T yesterday:

    "3x5 at something in the range of 55-65-75. So if you squat 100, you'd do one set of 55, one set of 65, one set of 75. And do that for 4 days probably (So you do each workout that way twice)

    Honestly, what you do SPECIFICALLY is not very important. Get in a little gym time, keep up the basic movements, and make it actually genuinely restful. Meaning, just because you dial down your other lifts doesn't mean you add some more gym time elsewhere. Get in, do the basic movements to stay warm, no major extra mileage or new lifts added, and go home."

    (those are percentages by the way) The reason I would do that is to keep everything warm, mobile, not let the tendons or joints get stiff from a week of inactivity, etc. Also I think this helps people not go stir crazy and provides an outlet that isn't detrimental (whereas the impulse on a full week off might be to just run a lot instead which means you'll be fatiguing the muscles differently, instead of resting).
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    ETA: that our sorry little store carries all of one 2" washer and it's only 0.5876 lbs., altho, I could probably just use them to add a pound per pair. Keep the numbers easy, I guess...

    Mine weighs 9.5 oz apiece or 0.59 lbs. Gets you to 19 oz per 2 and 38 oz per 4, or 1.18 lbs per 2 and 2.36 per 4.

    It basically puts you in the neighborhood of 1.25 and 2.5 lbs weight increases, which for our purposes is close enough (even though my anal retentive side thinks "No! It's not exact! What do you mean close enough? U crazy!" :angry: )

    It's close enough. Really. It is. :smile:

    I love them. I'm in fractional heaven right now, because I can safely increase without hurting myself and overdoing it. Came in super handy today. No PRs to speak of but I was very consistent in my lifting and found that balance between form, safety and challenging myself which is what I was looking for.

    Final numbers:
    Squats: 2x5 working sets of 67.5 lbs (Between all the warmup sets I somehow got 40 squats in; 10 unweighted and 30 weighted. Holler!)
    Bench: 3x5 working sets of 56.2 lbs
    Barbell Row: 3x5 working sets of 61.2 lbs

    Which makes me happy because I really tweaked my back Saturday when I overdid it on the deadlifts and I hadn't anticipated getting anything done at all today since it was still hurting last night, but it felt lots better this morning and I got a full workout in, although I had to use my belt, but that's what those are for, right?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I have no opinions on deload weeks or rests since I've never done one. I did have to deload my BP, but did a strict 10% only on that one exercise after three failures.

    That said, I had my workout this morning.

    Squats @80 again. When I started squatting I could not for the life of me start with my hands near my body because my shoulders were too tight. So, they were out almost as wide as the squat rack. I realized this morning that while my shoulders don't bother me any more, I never bother to move my hands back in. So, this morning I tried moving them closer. It's going to have to be stages. I had them about the same distance as when I bench if not a little further, and that was as close as I could do. And then it threw me off my game. I kept kind of falling forward. Combination of not being balanced right on my feet and my torso dropping. Crap. More to work on before upping the weight again. And they were wearing me out!

    Bench was 5x5 @72.5. This is after a deload and should have been easy. It wasn't. Sucks. I think I can add more weight next time, it's just not as easy as I expected. I hope I'm not stalling way early. :grumble:

    Rows were 5x5 @77.5 (I think. Notebook is in the car). I still think these are all wrong. ARGH!!! I feel them in my legs and arms, but no back.

    And it's starting to hurt to move. I need to stop pretending like I'm going to start yoga and actually start yoga.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Ok...I need those washers and we have a fastenal right around the corner from work.

    Their web site only shows a couple of gazillion 2' washers...How do you KNOW?

    ETA: that our sorry little store carries all of one 2" washer and it's only 0.5876 lbs., altho, I could probably just use them to add a pound per pair. Keep the numbers easy, I guess...

    2" zinc finish USS flat washer are the ones that weigh 0.62somethingorother

    I totally :heart: you, Soos! Thanks!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    ETA: that our sorry little store carries all of one 2" washer and it's only 0.5876 lbs., altho, I could probably just use them to add a pound per pair. Keep the numbers easy, I guess...

    Mine weighs 9.5 oz apiece or 0.59 lbs. Gets you to 19 oz per 2 and 38 oz per 4, or 1.18 lbs per 2 and 2.36 per 4.

    It basically puts you in the neighborhood of 1.25 and 2.5 lbs weight increases, which for our purposes is close enough (even though my anal retentive side thinks "No! It's not exact! What do you mean close enough? U crazy!" :angry: )

    It's close enough. Really. It is. :smile:

    Oh, See? You sound like me...It's not exact, LMAO...

    Yeah, obviously I'm in the right group. :bigsmile:

    AWESOME numbers, Dani!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @Tameko...curious as to how the deloads are built into SL? In my understanding, a deload due to stall vs a deload in lieu of exercise break are not the same thing at all?? Am I completely misunderstanding what you said....I had a bad hair day and it's totally messing with my brains ability to comprehend right now :laugh:
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Thanks for everyone's input. What I think I am going to do is deload by 60 % this week and then next week goto a 10% deload. Then the week after that go back to full workload. The reason I'm gonna do the 10% deload is that I;ve already had 3 days off and taking another week which I want to do to focus on form a bit. So having 10 day off I think will be a bit much to just jump back in at 100%
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    Rows were 5x5 @77.5 (I think. Notebook is in the car). I still think these are all wrong. ARGH!!! I feel them in my legs and arms, but no back.

    And it's starting to hurt to move. I need to stop pretending like I'm going to start yoga and actually start yoga.

    I finally feel like I got the form right for rows. I didn't feel it in my back initially, but the next day, my lower shoulder blades/armpit area was sore-ish. My only advice is to watch a crap-ton of videos and just practice the move at home in the mirror. I did that so I could at least see what it should look like before adding weight.

    I need to start yoga or something as well. I was thinking of digging out my mom's old Callanetics VHS. It was awesome for stretching.

    Workout B for me today.

    The workout was ok. I did deadlifts first because the rack was taken. The weight went up easy, but I felt like my form was a little wonky and my sciatic nerve was protesting (makes me sound so old). If I do the workout as written, I have less problem with the nerve, so I just need to make sure to save the deads for last. Squats felt really rushed but I'm not sure why, OHP were done with only a few problems getting the weight up.

    Squats: 125x5
    OHP: 65 4-5-3-5-5
    Deads: 150

    ETA: I have nothing to add to the deload conversation, but following with interest.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    YES!! YESSSS!!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! NEW PR ON BENCH!!! WOO-HOO!! 72.5, 3x5! *happy dance*

    Edited to add: AND ON ROWS, TOO!!! *happy wiggle*
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    @Tameko...curious as to how the deloads are built into SL? In my understanding, a deload due to stall vs a deload in lieu of exercise break are not the same thing at all?? Am I completely misunderstanding what you said....I had a bad hair day and it's totally messing with my brains ability to comprehend right now :laugh:

    No I think you got it - the deloads due tostalls are built in, but there is no discussion (that I recall, although there may have been vague mention on his blog) of a deload for the sake of backing off for a week. But doing a 1 week backoff is good.

    And what doozer just posted is good - he evaluated based on his circumstances, still set up for a genuinely 'light' period, and that's that.

    Jay - Woo!!!!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @Tameko...curious as to how the deloads are built into SL? In my understanding, a deload due to stall vs a deload in lieu of exercise break are not the same thing at all?? Am I completely misunderstanding what you said....I had a bad hair day and it's totally messing with my brains ability to comprehend right now :laugh:

    No I think you got it - the deloads due tostalls are built in, but there is no discussion (that I recall, although there may have been vague mention on his blog) of a deload for the sake of backing off for a week. But doing a 1 week backoff is good.

    And what doozer just posted is good - he evaluated based on his circumstances, still set up for a genuinely 'light' period, and that's that.

    Jay - Woo!!!!!

    Gotcha....I totally just misinterpreted what you said.....told you it was the bad hair day.....
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Thanks for everyone's input. What I think I am going to do is deload by 60 % this week and then next week goto a 10% deload. Then the week after that go back to full workload. The reason I'm gonna do the 10% deload is that I;ve already had 3 days off and taking another week which I want to do to focus on form a bit. So having 10 day off I think will be a bit much to just jump back in at 100%

    Sounds like a good plan to me.
  • vashnic
    vashnic Posts: 93
    Good workout day!

    Squats: 125 (bodyweight OH YEAH \o/)
    Rows: 70 (same as last time I hate them so awkward)
    Bench: 75 (feel like a BOSS)

    Someone had left a bar with 45s on the floor of my squat rack (yes it is MINE do not touch) like a giant roll of quarters so rude. But! Giant guy in next rack was nice enough to pick up the whole thing and tilt so they all slid off in a stack. Amazing! And new hero. :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Also it took like an hour to get through them all SO LONG for limited gym time. But between cardio vs. weights, no contest. :bigsmile:
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    @vash Great job! Squatting your bodyweight is a fantastic accomplishment. Cheers to you! :drinker:
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Ok...I need those washers and we have a fastenal right around the corner from work.

    Their web site only shows a couple of gazillion 2' washers...How do you KNOW?

    ETA: that our sorry little store carries all of one 2" washer and it's only 0.5876 lbs., altho, I could probably just use them to add a pound per pair. Keep the numbers easy, I guess...

    2" zinc finish USS flat washer are the ones that weigh 0.62somethingorother

    I totally :heart: you, Soos! Thanks!

    I went by Fastenal today and ordered 6 @3.65 ea. Guy says to me "these are really big washers". i think for a moment he thought I was confused until I explained what I was doing with them lol. They will be here in the morning. So I am going to take another rest day for my DOMS and get back on it tomorrow with my new toys :bigsmile: totally beats paying big money for some fractionals!