March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Have you tried chalk at all??

    No. Do you think that would help?

    Yes but it sounds like your issue might be that you grip it too high in your palm and then it inevitably slides down a bit and tears at your hands? Try to think of where the bar is when you are at the top of your lift and start all your pulls by gripping it there. It should be more or less along the line of your fingers where they meet your palm.

    Chalk will make a difference if her hands are placed correctly. If not then probably won't.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I use gloves cause I type for a living and can't afford to have my hands torn up by weights, so ... I know gloves aren't really recommended, and even frowned upon by some, but I'm not striving for super huge lifts anyway and I do need my paycheck. :smile:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    All the update pics are looking great!!!! I always love seeing the change people get with lifting.

    Had an interesting day. I'm traveling for work, but made it to the gym before hitting the road. Was able to hit:

    Squat: 100 with better form - I think I'll stay here for a few more times while I get the form 100%
    Bench: 80
    Row: 80

    Still working on form for the row, but I am feeling better about it each lift.

    I decided to splurge on dinner and a dessert. Had PF Chang's Pad Thai, but I was able to stop when I was full and take some back to the hotel. Later I did get a treat of Tempura Fried Cheese, it was good and I would say worth it. Can I eat for bulking for just a few days at a time? :laugh:

    re: Foam Rollers - yes, they can be a little painful, but they really do help. I had pulled a calf muscle in December and it really helped me recover and get back to full speed.

    Happy Lifting everyone!
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Have you tried chalk at all??

    No. Do you think that would help?

    Yes but it sounds like your issue might be that you grip it too high in your palm and then it inevitably slides down a bit and tears at your hands? Try to think of where the bar is when you are at the top of your lift and start all your pulls by gripping it there. It should be more or less along the line of your fingers where they meet your palm.

    Okay. My grip may be wrong. I will try this on Friday and see if it makes a difference. Thanks for the advice.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Awesome progress pics! So inspiring!

    I feel like if I leave the thread for an hour, it blows up. :smile:

    TMI Train coming through: I noticed that lifting during my period made PMS symptoms and cramps a lot better. I used to never had many problems but due to some issues, I had to go on the pill. It wreaked havoc; I'd be irrationally angry one minute and crying at cat pictures on the internet the next. I quit my hbc in October because I was tired of the side effects but the PMS and cramps remained. So it could be my system is straightening itself out, but lifting consistently is the only thing I've really changed recently.

    I did Workout A this evening. My regular lift days are Tues, Thurs, Sat. but we're supposed to get a monster snow/ice storm tonight or tomorrow. I don't usually go to the gym in the evening with the after-work crowd. It was hot as Hades and STINKY. Ugh. My workout was awesome though. My lifts seemed super easy this time.

    Squat: 115x5
    Bench: 85x5
    Row: 90x5

    I had an older guy tell me my squat form was perfect (doubt it) this evening. He said it really bugs him that people half-*kitten* it and it was nice to see someone that knew what they were doing. I'm glad he came over to talk to me because I saw him staring at my butt in the mirror (it was sweaty). It made it seem a little less pervy.

    ETA: I think the problems I've been having with rows are my boobs and belly getting in the way. I've been watching videos to see what I was doing wrong, and I think this is why they seem so awkward. Does anyone else have this problem?

    Edit 2: I'm going to have to practice this. It looks so simple though.
  • mrskchris
    mrskchris Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Everyone! This thread is growing like a monster already. I had an awesome February in my progression of building strength. I am feeling pretty bada$$ in the weight room - all 5ft 1/2inches and 126 lbs of me!

    I hope to start bench pressing this month since I will be getting some PT at the end of March. My progress so far is:

    Squat - 140
    Row - 55
    Deadlift - 115
    OHP - 55

    In March I would like to -

    Squat - 155
    Row - 65
    Deadlift - 135
    OHP 65
    Bench - 55

    I think I would like to change my goal to be 121lbs. At the rate it's going, it will take me at least until June to get there, but I not sweating it because I still like my body now. I just need some wiggle room for eating on vacation in July. Getting enough protein is another goal for the month. I've had to switch to vegan protein since I can't handle whey.

    Are you guys taking any other supplements beside vitamins to recover or make your muscles pop faster?

    Holy yikes you are moving some serious weight for such a a little thing! I'm incredibly envious of your squats. Any tips on what makes you so badass in that department?

    I've been wondering about supplements too. I take a multi-vitamin and calcium (I'm months away from 40 and worrying about my bones). I also take magnesium and fish oil on and off, but really for no good reason.

    @chunkmunk - Thanks! My legs have always been strong, i think because I am only 5' 1/2", so I am compact. My upper body strength is weak in comparison. I'm 38 yrs old, so I'm not that far from 40 myself. I absolutely love squats. When I start, I have to have just the right song in my ear, and I wear gloves for all my lifts. i had a trainer critique my lifts when I first started, and she warned me to keep my chest up and to push through my whole foot, and not just the ball of my foot. Having a determined attitude helps too.

    I take a multi-vitamin, fish oil, calcium, and Vitamins D and B-complex. I have been reading about glutamine and wondering if I should add that as well.

    Happy lifting!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Hi Everyone! This thread is growing like a monster already. I had an awesome February in my progression of building strength. I am feeling pretty bada$$ in the weight room - all 5ft 1/2inches and 126 lbs of me!

    I hope to start bench pressing this month since I will be getting some PT at the end of March. My progress so far is:

    Squat - 140
    Row - 55
    Deadlift - 115
    OHP - 55

    In March I would like to -

    Squat - 155
    Row - 65
    Deadlift - 135
    OHP 65
    Bench - 55

    I think I would like to change my goal to be 121lbs. At the rate it's going, it will take me at least until June to get there, but I not sweating it because I still like my body now. I just need some wiggle room for eating on vacation in July. Getting enough protein is another goal for the month. I've had to switch to vegan protein since I can't handle whey.

    Are you guys taking any other supplements beside vitamins to recover or make your muscles pop faster?

    Holy yikes you are moving some serious weight for such a a little thing! I'm incredibly envious of your squats. Any tips on what makes you so badass in that department?

    I've been wondering about supplements too. I take a multi-vitamin and calcium (I'm months away from 40 and worrying about my bones). I also take magnesium and fish oil on and off, but really for no good reason.

    @chunkmunk - Thanks! My legs have always been strong, i think because I am only 5' 1/2", so I am compact. My upper body strength is weak in comparison. I'm 38 yrs old, so I'm not that far from 40 myself. I absolutely love squats. When I start, I have to have just the right song in my ear, and I wear gloves for all my lifts. i had a trainer critique my lifts when I first started, and she warned me to keep my chest up and to push through my whole foot, and not just the ball of my foot. Having a determined attitude helps too.

    I take a multi-vitamin, fish oil, calcium, and Vitamins D and B-complex. I have been reading about glutamine and wondering if I should add that as well.

    Happy lifting!

    I have to have Some Nights by fun going before my squat and deadliest sets. Or they just don't go well.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    You ladies with the pictures are looking quite good. :love: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :love:

    @chubby. I try to aim for my underboob when I row. Speaking of underboob. Underboob sweat might be the worst ever. :angry: :mad:

    I went to the gym pretty late tonight (got done at 11:45.) It turns out I've gone from being slightly intimidated to wanting an audience for my badassery. I felt like I didn't push as hard as I do when the gym is full. :laugh:

    Squats: 120
    OHP: Repeated 74 just cause they were a little sloppy last time.
    Deadlift: back up to 165 YAY.

    I'd also like to celebrate finally making it glove free! They can go from my gym bag back into my panniers! :drinker:

    I did hang a bit on the chin up bar. My back has been so tight between my shoulder blades for the past few weeks cause you have to squeeze them together for so darn many lifts. This was like sweet sweet heaven. I forgot when you ladies first mentioned it, but then it came up again recently, and I remembered!

    I'm celebrating with Xidia's tuna pasta which is very adaptable as today it's salmon and still delicious. Something about a warm bowl full of pasta and cheese is so comforting. I feel like this is going to be my new go to meal when I don't have anything planned. I added peas the other day and it was good that way too. My bf rated it A+ and he is a v strict food critic. :wink:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    @darwin: your back and stomach are definitely more compact. Way to go girl!

    @tree: oooh, adding vegetables instead of intending (and failing!) to do them on the side. I bet pre-cooked, diced chicken breast would work too instead of fish. Thanks, i shall have to try these!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Nice progress pics Xidia and Xtra, wish I was as brave as you all....maybe when I shift this last bit of lard I might, just, some pics, better take one of now though too, to compare...eeek!

    Ladies, time of the month...I might just be one of the lucky ones who can still lose scale weight (no bloating and water retention, etc) and also lift and do hardcore exercise during that time, even the week before and after. It makes no difference, in fact the hormones seem to make me hotter and more likely to want to lift heavy things or run like a mad thing or swim lots of laps. Also my strength seems to increase during my period as does libido. Even with all the pain and angst going on pfffffffft!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Well tonight's workout was almost a disaster. Haven't been eating the past two days plus didn't sleep last night also dehydrated. Was thinking of not going. Should have listened to myself. Decided it was still a good idea to go at 12 pm. It was way harder than it should have been. That said I did hit all 3 lifts for new PRs. Barbell row 150, Bench 135(yay for 45 lb plates), and squat at 220 which is body weight. Not doing that again lol.

    Probably -3500 calories over the past two days. Not sure what's going on. I even tried to eat and just couldn't take a bite. However about to goto jack in the box to scarf down about 2000.

    One thing that happened tonight that hit me pretty hard was when I loaded those 45 lb plates for the bench press. Got through the first two sets just fine then the last 3 were pretty hard. I was like I breezed through 130 last time this shouldn't be this hard. Really probably just from the calories was really the problem. But it made me realize that at the beginning of December last year before I started stronglifts my friend dragged me to the gym with him to work out together. He loaded up the bar @ 135 and busted out 15 reps. I thought I'm bigger than him I should be able to do this too. Boy was I wrong. As soon as that bar came off the rack it went straight to my chest. Couldn't even manage a single rep. Had to drop down to 95 pounds and even that was a struggle. That was a bit of an eye opener for me. Funny enough I'm the one still lifting and he's the one sitting around now. Although it was a bit scary lifting by myself as it was so late that no one else was in the weight room. Tho I just left the clips off and figured if I have a problem I can just slide the plate down the end.

    Nice to have confirmation that I really am getting stronger.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I'm at a crossroads and I'm really wondering where to go at this point. SL is not getting me where I want to go, maybe I'm not giving it enough time, Idk. I'm trying to be calm about this and rational...but the facts are that I've gained 5lbs since starting this January and I just can't live with that. I really love the program, but am wondering if I need to go down to twice a week and go back to some cardio. I also think that maybe I shouldn't be eating my exercise cals back, mainly because I'm probably over estimating them.

    So questions...
    1. TDEE -30% or -20%, I've been bouncing back and forth between these two numbers (1200 and 1400) since both are below my TDEE with is'd THINK I would actually lose weight not put on 5lbs. (freaking special snowflake status isn't making me happy :grumble: I know my thyroid is compromised, but it always has been, this isn't new).
    2. Too much lifting? move from 3 days a week to 2 days a week?
    3. Stop using a cals burned number for my lifting and just eating within that range mentioned above. exercise history, been circuit training since May, really ramped up in January with cardio and circuit, then started lifting heavier with DL and squats. Started SL first week of Feb, am in 4th week now.

    Two months doesn't really seem long enough to judge anything by, but to be honest this extra weight has made the inches go up, the pant size go up, and made someone actually say I looked chunkier....and it is sending me into depression. Yeah, weight and bf can effect me like that....

    I guess my problem is I really enjoy the challenge of SL, really like pulling down heavier and heavier numbers...but if I gain much more I'm going to be in a world of hurt that will take me months to get out of...

    I could really use some advice...I will do my utmost to take it..and for the record I think I'm pretty good at logging cals I don't think I'm doing any major miscalculations.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I think MFP over-estimates the calories from lifting, so I've stopped including those.

    I don't know, from your photos, where on earth you can lose another 25lbs from without chopping off a limb or something. *concern* That makes me think you're closer to a healthy goal than you think, which means that a 20% or 30% (what on earth?!) cut is way too high for healthy weight loss. I'd suggest you want a 0.5lb per week deficit, which would put you on 250 cals deficit a day, which is 1510 eaten based on your TDEE (which I haven't checked).

    I really can't comment on how messy thyroid would influence it though.

    I still suspect a lot of your "weight gain" is water weight from the amount of exercise you're doing. Do you have rest days? Do you ever have two at a stretch? I find a pee like a greyhound around 36-48 hours after a hard SL workout, and can drop 2-3lbs and 0.5" or more from waist and hips. If you're not getting the rest time, you'll never see the water come off.

    So my advice would be:
    1) stop counting lifting cals as edible
    2) take 2-3 days off from exercise, keep your sodium and carbs low and see if any water weight disappears and/or your pants get looser
    3) reevaluate your intake, but definitely go for a lower % cut than you're suggesting
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I have to have Some Nights by fun going before my squat and deadliest sets. Or they just don't go well.

    This is my favoritest song right now. But only the original studio version with the awesome drums. All the other versions are weaksauce.

    @Darwin - You look fantastic. Screw compact, you're looking amazing. You're tummy's so much smaller than your boobs! (Always my point of reference, and I'm waiting for that day...)

    I had a very meh workout today. Really focusing on engaging my abs during squats, and they went fine (still holding steady at 75). FINALLY nailed 5x5 at 52.5 for OHP. Not sure if I want to repeat it to make sure I have it or if I want to try 55. Probably will be a last minute decision next time.

    Also had my first failure on deads. My warmups felt a little off and were difficult, so I knew it was going to be bad. I did manage 5 reps at 165, but it was more 1x2, 1x2, and 1x1. I just needed rest between some of them. I've been steadily adding 10lbs each time, so I figured this would happen soon. In fact, I probably should have just tried 160, but I really wanted to try until failing. Whelp, I know what I'm doing next time...

    There was another entertaining guy at the gym. He was also there on Sunday. Both days he was doing bicep curls on the preacher bench, and he had maybe a 2-3 inch range of motion, and was supporting his forearm with the other arm. Hello, try deloading and doing it right. *Sigh* I think the higher powers are testing my ability to restrain myself from laugh. Or maybe they're just trying to encourage me to engage my core more...

    And today is going to be horrible food wise. It's trivia at the bar, and a plate part for a friend, so free food, plus bananas foster cupcakes, plus it's another friend's birthday so his wife is also bringing a cheese cake. Because everything else wasn't already ridiculous. And with my TOM coming up next week, I'm going for record weight gain on Saturday... :grumble:
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    So my advice would be:
    1) stop counting lifting cals as edible
    2) take 2-3 days off from exercise, keep your sodium and carbs low and see if any water weight disappears and/or your pants get looser
    3) reevaluate your intake, but definitely go for a lower % cut than you're suggesting

    I agree with the above. I don't know how much weight you have left to lose, but I'm betting the 20-30% is way too agressive. That's the cut I should be doing and I need to lose 95-100lbs. Also, with the TDEE - %, you don't eat your calories back. They're already included (if you chose the correct activity setting).
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    There was another entertaining guy at the gym. He was also there on Sunday. Both days he was doing bicep curls on the preacher bench, and he had maybe a 2-3 inch range of motion, and was supporting his forearm with the other arm. Hello, try deloading and doing it right. *Sigh* I think the higher powers are testing my ability to restrain myself from laugh. Or maybe they're just trying to encourage me to engage my core more...

    I'm pretty sure they're testing me too. I spend a lot of time thinking: "WTF are they doing?!" and "Don'tlaughdon'tlaughdon'tlaughdon'tlaugh."

    And I'll take a bananas foster cupcake, please and thanks.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I'm at a crossroads and I'm really wondering where to go at this point. SL is not getting me where I want to go, maybe I'm not giving it enough time, Idk. I'm trying to be calm about this and rational...but the facts are that I've gained 5lbs since starting this January and I just can't live with that. I really love the program, but am wondering if I need to go down to twice a week and go back to some cardio. I also think that maybe I shouldn't be eating my exercise cals back, mainly because I'm probably over estimating them.

    So questions...
    1. TDEE -30% or -20%, I've been bouncing back and forth between these two numbers (1200 and 1400) since both are below my TDEE with is'd THINK I would actually lose weight not put on 5lbs. (freaking special snowflake status isn't making me happy :grumble: I know my thyroid is compromised, but it always has been, this isn't new).
    2. Too much lifting? move from 3 days a week to 2 days a week?
    3. Stop using a cals burned number for my lifting and just eating within that range mentioned above. exercise history, been circuit training since May, really ramped up in January with cardio and circuit, then started lifting heavier with DL and squats. Started SL first week of Feb, am in 4th week now.

    Two months doesn't really seem long enough to judge anything by, but to be honest this extra weight has made the inches go up, the pant size go up, and made someone actually say I looked chunkier....and it is sending me into depression. Yeah, weight and bf can effect me like that....

    I guess my problem is I really enjoy the challenge of SL, really like pulling down heavier and heavier numbers...but if I gain much more I'm going to be in a world of hurt that will take me months to get out of...

    I could really use some advice...I will do my utmost to take it..and for the record I think I'm pretty good at logging cals I don't think I'm doing any major miscalculations.

    I really like Heybales spreadsheet because it does all the calculating for me, and I don't think it's as bad about overestimating calories burned. It's the TDEE method, so you wouldn't eat more when you exercise.

    I use the simple set up, and just fill everything out. Super easy.

    Also, I lift three days and still do cardio on two days, and that leaves me with two full rest days. I don't know if you're too burned out after three lifting days to do cardio or not. You need to focus on the goals you want, so you may want to drop down to two days if you need the extra time for cardio.

    I know it's hard to accept, but if you are undereating, your body will slow it's metabolism to match those calories, and then it will do everything it can to preserve your weight or even gain a little (you have historical times of famine to thank for that). While it was incredibly useful when we ran around in animal hides, it's really annoying right now. I can't remember if you're eating at 1200 or not, but that really just isn't enough with your activity level. You're going to find it hard to lose at that level due to your body trying to match your energy expenditure to your intake (it's called adaptive thermogenesis). It's a very long process, but if you've eaten at 1200 for years, that may explain why you aren't losing. Your body may have learned to live off those calories (in theory, you could lose by eating lower, but it will adapt again, then you will need to go lower, and pretty soon you are causing your body serious damage due to under eating).

    I have no words of encouragement. At some point, it will get better, but when you eat more, your body needs to realize that it doesn't have to hold on to every calorie in case of another famine. Until it realizes that you're going to gain. It takes time, and it's horribly frustrating. And I have no good advice for how to deal with it, except put away the scale. I know that's really hard for you, but right now it just isn't your friend. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this.
  • fishlover888

    So my advice would be:
    1) stop counting lifting cals as edible
    2) take 2-3 days off from exercise, keep your sodium and carbs low and see if any water weight disappears and/or your pants get looser
    3) reevaluate your intake, but definitely go for a lower % cut than you're suggesting

    I agree with the above. I don't know how much weight you have left to lose, but I'm betting the 20-30% is way too agressive. That's the cut I should be doing and I need to lose 95-100lbs. Also, with the TDEE - %, you don't eat your calories back. They're already included (if you chose the correct activity setting).

    I agree, too, with all of this. Also give yourself some credit for the hard work you are doing and don't give up!! You are doing awesome!! If you are enjoying SL keep with it. Make sure you are getting the rest days and getting enough to eat (odd how your body sometimes won't lose when it's hungry).

    If you think the thyroid problem might be affecting you, I would really suggest you consult your physician or a nutritionist if you can. They might be able to give you a more personal and accurate calorie goal.

    Other thoughts Julie... What are your macronutrient %'s set at? I found I couldn't really recover from workouts with the pre-sets from MFP and I think their protein is kind of low.
  • fishlover888
    Sorry for the double post here.

    @Doozer - Are you getting sick? It's SO hard for me to lift when I haven't eaten so I am impressed that you did what you did! Now get back to feeling better!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I know it's hard to accept, but if you are undereating, your body will slow it's metabolism to match those calories, and then it will do everything it can to preserve your weight or even gain a little (you have historical times of famine to thank for that). While it was incredibly useful when we ran around in animal hides, it's really annoying right now. I can't remember if you're eating at 1200 or not, but that really just isn't enough with your activity level. You're going to find it hard to lose at that level due to your body trying to match your energy expenditure to your intake (it's called adaptive thermogenesis). It's a very long process, but if you've eaten at 1200 for years, that may explain why you aren't losing. Your body may have learned to live off those calories (in theory, you could lose by eating lower, but it will adapt again, then you will need to go lower, and pretty soon you are causing your body serious damage due to under eating).

    I have no words of encouragement. At some point, it will get better, but when you eat more, your body needs to realize that it doesn't have to hold on to every calorie in case of another famine. Until it realizes that you're going to gain. It takes time, and it's horribly frustrating. And I have no good advice for how to deal with it, except put away the scale. I know that's really hard for you, but right now it just isn't your friend. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this.

    Yeah, this too. :(