Non-Scale Victories



  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    my NSV today

    my daughter has a game away so after school gets out we are grabbing something fast to eat. before I wouldn't pre plan today I went online to check the menus of the 5 choices we have and wrote down the healtheir choices of food options to take with me so I know what to do.

    Awesome taking charge
  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    A special NSV happened last Tuesday as I was picking my daughter up from jr. High. As I walked up to her group, she had got a big smile on her face and quickly introduced me to everyone. When we got to the car she told me how cute and skinny I looked.

    NSV-my daughter is proud of how I look
    - she is really happy for me and that makes me happy.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Ran a 5k with a double jog stroller. Could barely run a single minute by myself in December.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    my mile is about 16 minutes. You are encouraging me to push myself faster.thanks
    Did my mile in 14mins 31 sec today! A whole Minute faster than usual.

    I really thought about quitting at about 0.6 miles, but then I though "you won't get anywhere doing that" I just kept repeating in my head"you can do this, just a bit longer, can't quit now!"

    I am really proud of myself.

    You should be proud of yourself. You know that all runners - no matter how elite - face that same challenge. And they get through it exactly the same way. That feeling of needing to quit is a GOOD thing, that's the zone where you improve. The longer you continue to run in that state, the more you gain for the next time.
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    yesterday while warming up on my usual jogging route that I've been using for the last 4 months, a dog walker, who I don't know but I see often, stopped me to ask how my training was going and to keep it up because she thought whatever I was doing was working and I looked great!

    so using that as my motivation, want to make it through today, my hardest day for sticking to my planned meals and if I can I will reward myself by taking half an hour out of my revision time tonight to paint my nails!

    it's not just friends and family that notice the difference in you, it's everyone you interact with on a daily basis, shop workers, dog walkers and bus drivers! I hope everyone else has a fantastic day! I plan to!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Ribs! I have ribs again!
  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    I held the unbearable awful horrible squat at Zumba twice now. It's a deep squat and we hold it for almost a minute. BURNS so good! I have to close my eyes and breathe through it, it's pretty intense for me.
  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    Ribs! I have ribs again!

    Woot! Congrats!
  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    yesterday while warming up on my usual jogging route that I've been using for the last 4 months, a dog walker, who I don't know but I see often, stopped me to ask how my training was going and to keep it up because she thought whatever I was doing was working and I looked great!

    so using that as my motivation, want to make it through today, my hardest day for sticking to my planned meals and if I can I will reward myself by taking half an hour out of my revision time tonight to paint my nails!

    it's not just friends and family that notice the difference in you, it's everyone you interact with on a daily basis, shop workers, dog walkers and bus drivers! I hope everyone else has a fantastic day! I plan to!

    Aww! That's amazing. What a motivational post. Thanks for sharing. :)
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    I've never tried zumba, I feel uncomfortable exercising around people I know, is it best to do zumba at a class or are home DVD's good too?

    didn't quite achieve my Tuesday goal, but I made it till 10pm till I had a moderate binge of an extra 500cals, that I didn't need or want, but couldn't stop myself from eating! I could blame it on my essay deadlines which are looming over me, but more likely it's all in my mind, I know Tuesdays are hard day for me so I didn't fight temptation hard enough!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    If Tuesdays are a hard day for you, maybe you should cut yourself some slack and find a way to give yourself a little boost that day, so you can get what you need without feeling like you're not meeting your goals.
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    If Tuesdays are a hard day for you, maybe you should cut yourself some slack and find a way to give yourself a little boost that day, so you can get what you need without feeling like you're not meeting your goals.

    that's what i thought! tomorrow is another day, and today was fantastic! and my 'binges' are a lot less than they used to be, 500 is much better than 2000-3000 like they used to be last year!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    dropped a size on top to a size medium today:smile:
  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    Congratulations to everyone on their non-scale victories!!

    As for the Zumba question, if you aren't comfortable exercising in front of people (trust me I understand), the at home is nothing to be ashamed of. I know a lot of people that burn lots of calories doing it that way! Do what you are comfortable with. That said, I personally go to the classes for some accountability. I go to a small fitness studio (not a big gym) and over the last 6 weeks have gotten to meet everyone. Everyone there is super supportive and always is friendly and happy to see me. While it is still embarrassing to exercise in front of others, knowing people are expecting me to show up helps. Plus, it helps force me to go all out. When I exercise at home I tend to half *kitten* it or stop when I get tired, because no one would know if I did. The classes force me to push through it. But, if you're not ready for that, workout at home. It can work too!

    Congrats to sweet gurl on dropping to a size medium!!

    My own NSV - Today at zumba when we were doing our cool down stretches... there's the one where you put your hand between your shoulder blades and grab your elbow with your other hand and stretch out your triceps. Today I could actually reach my elbow. Never could before. When I started six weeks ago I was just holding my wrist but now I can grab that elbow! Flexibility increased! Woot. :D
  • jb1164
    jb1164 Posts: 40 Member
    Today... I was reaching to put back a bag of granola, cos the nutritional information was so shocking, (that's a NSV on it's own!), but as I reached up, my jeans slipped right over my hips, exposing my 'gorgeousness' to all! This weight loss thing has dangerous side effects!

    Well done, everyone! You are all fab!

  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    Today... I was reaching to put back a bag of granola, cos the nutritional information was so shocking, (that's a NSV on it's own!), but as I reached up, my jeans slipped right over my hips, exposing my 'gorgeousness' to all! This weight loss thing has dangerous side effects!

    Well done, everyone! You are all fab!


    Well, excellent job doing some label reading! Too many people go with the foods that they think are healthy, are labeled healthy, or have the fewest calories (diet foods) without ever reading a label. For me, what's in the food is usually more important than the number of calories! Good for you for putting back a deceptively bad choice!

    And to your second half, haha, congratulations on your pants being too big! :D Great NSV.
  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    The granola pants thing is too great/funny.

    Super congrats on reaching your hands together behind your back. I still cat do that.

    Today I saw daylight between my toes. They look so cute.

    So many NSVs surprise us. We don't even know to look for them.

    Little daily blessings to see us through our journey.
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    my fisrt NSV - I have had no binges since my minor slip up on Tuesday and stayed on or just under my calorie goal (of 1600) every day since including Saturday! if I can make it to next Tuesday it will be the first time EVER, that I have honestly weighed and logged everything I have eaten for a whole week.

    my second NSV - this morning at 7.30am, me and my son, got up and had a light breakfast and then took our bikes to the local racing track and cycled 4500m in 21 minutes (about 8mp/h). We were both exhausted after but very pleased and he's agreed to try for 4 laps next week, 6000m!!

    and third NSV - to add a cherry to the very positive cake I've felt so happy and confident I've been able to take a picture of myself where I actually like the person looking back at me for the first time in over a year!

    I hope everyone else has a wonderful week to come (and happy st Patrick's day!)
  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    Super congrats on all your NSVs and felling good about taking charge of your life
    my fisrt NSV - I have had no binges since my minor slip up on Tuesday and stayed on or just under my calorie goal (of 1600) every day since including Saturday! if I can make it to next Tuesday it will be the first time EVER, that I have honestly weighed and logged everything I have eaten for a whole week.

    my second NSV - this morning at 7.30am, me and my son, got up and had a light breakfast and then took our bikes to the local racing track and cycled 4500m in 21 minutes (about 8mp/h). We were both exhausted after but very pleased and he's agreed to try for 4 laps next week, 6000m!!

    and third NSV - to add a cherry to the very positive cake I've felt so happy and confident I've been able to take a picture of myself where I actually like the person looking back at me for the first time in over a year!

    I hope everyone else has a wonderful week to come (and happy st Patrick's day!)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    This might seem strange, but I've achieve a "plateau." My scale tends to veer up and down wildly over a day, week or month. I can be three pounds HEAVIER in the morning than after lunch. Seriously.

    For the last week, I've been spot on at 191.5. This means that I've achieved a new set point. If I stopped using MFP, I'd probably "naturally" eat at a level that would maintain this weight for at least a few months instead of slowly gaining like I was a few months ago.

    I know that if I continue at the same level of calories and exercise, I'll continue to lose fat and start gaining "scale victories" in a few weeks, but it's nice to know that I've taken off all the easy, excess weight and that my body has adapted to my new fitness level.