10LB Goal.. Starting NOW? Anyone with me??



  • 1BSCahill1
    1BSCahill1 Posts: 4
    Been holding onto the last 10lbs for a few months now. I'm healthy & definitely fit, but I'd like to lose the very last bit of this. Since hardcore committing, I've lost 2 of those pounds. Woot!
  • ohtender
    ohtender Posts: 21 Member
    I have been the same weight for about 10 years. (150-155, 5'7"). I would love to shake 10 pounds off and tone up my stomach and legs!
  • SLVUnit
    SLVUnit Posts: 21 Member
    I see your stats - you are where i want to be right now!!!! Think of that and be happy - im only 2 cm taller than you - your goal of 55 sounds super tiny!!!! However we all know where we want to be to feel confident - keep up the good work!!
  • lucyhross
    lucyhross Posts: 87 Member
    aghhh! had such a bad week!!!! Lost 3lbs only to put 4lb back on! now at my highest weight of 154lb!!! :mad: feel like crying and giving up!:sad: the more i think about my food the more i want to eat it- must get this all back under control! desperate to be under 140lb again.....
  • riascheme
    riascheme Posts: 6
    5'4" and half and weigh 147 lbs. I really want to get down to 135-130, so I need to lose 10-15lbs. I've lost 6 so far :) I start working Monday...so I really want to keep healthy eating in check and working out after work. Ahhh!
  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    I have another 13 lbs to loose as I've already got 12.8 off and now going from a new goal to get to 133lbs( 9 and a half stone)
    which i haven't been for 13 years
  • shellyt27
    shellyt27 Posts: 8 Member
    I would like to join this challenge too! Started yesterday at a143 and want to get to 133, if not a bit lower, but will settle for 133 now! Aiming to get a good chunk off by end of month!
  • jeannemccann
    jeannemccann Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! I've been battling the same 10 lbs for 2 years now! It's TIME to get it off. Maybe by August 1, to be realistic. I'm 56 years old, female, 5'9" and 168 lbs. I58 is my dream!
  • osubeam
    osubeam Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 5'2 and at 133lb now but 120 is my goal. I'm just not sure what to do beyond cardio, any tips on how to shake off these pesky 10 (+3) pounds?
  • jewly_74
    jewly_74 Posts: 4
    I am looking to loose about 10-15 lbs. I am currently at 132 biggest I have ever been and not liking it at all...my thighs have a rash from rubbing together in this heat WTH is up with that! Not liking it one bit! So as of June 1st I started the 30 day Ab Challenge, 30 day Squat Challenge every day and doing the P90X lean program but only every other day due to my busy schedule. I also started keeping track of my calories again. The new scanner option helps a ton with that. I have a hard time getting enough healthy calories and am normally below 1000 thats not subtracting my workout calories I am losing. So I need support in eating healthy, reaching my calories, and keep the workouts going. I have my 20 yr high school reunion in September I WILL BE FIT by then.
  • mangogirl272727
    mangogirl272727 Posts: 95 Member
    YES! I need to lost the last 10 pounds too! I have lost 35 but have been at a plateau now for almost 6 weeks. SO looking forward to ridding myself of these last frustrating 10! I am committing to upping my exercise to a minimum of 4 times per week.
  • CherryStar86
    CherryStar86 Posts: 11 Member
    UGH! I gained 10 pounds this year, so YES! I need to lose them! My office has a food court and it's ruined me with high calorie lunches and sedentary living. I just got a new job so I'm hoping the new job and my new apartment will make me work out more and eat better. :)
  • Maddyannfrost
    Maddyannfrost Posts: 2 Member
  • bdkglk
    bdkglk Posts: 67 Member
    I am still with you even though I have had a severe knee injury for a month. I am still losing weight, however I noticed that I am gaining some of my inches back. I still want to lose 11 more lbs. I have 6 more to go to reach my first goal. Any suggestions on what I can do to keep from gaining back inches while I cannot exercise ( other than my physical therapy I am receiving) would be greatly appreciated!! I do intend to start strength training with my arms.
  • seabuckaroo
    OK I am starting today! I am in it.

    10 more, the last few are tough but it only takes commitment and routine. At first I really need to just focus on committing to a routine.
    Here are things I promise the group and myself to do:

    I will log my food in everyday- netting 1200 calories
    I Will continue to run at least 3 x week
    I will do yoga with my husband in the evenings ( yoga is not a euphemism for sex, we'll do that too)
    I will start weight training ( kettle bell, dumbbell and calisthenics) 3 x week

    that should do it!!!!!!

    Good luck all, wish me luck too
  • joyb31
    joyb31 Posts: 8
    I am yo~yoing with the last 10 lbs..I have lost it and then gained it back!..I am now looking to tone up and maintain my weight..So, count me in! :drinker:
  • ziggiezambi
    ziggiezambi Posts: 253
    I have 7pounds to go. 122-115 I started out at 140. I'd like to get there by my b-day, July 29th but we'll see.. Ever since I hit 125 it’s been harder to get them off. I can get about a pound a week with a lot of effort.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    The pic of the 10lbs of fat...

    This... Powerful.

    Hoping to lose 6-7 lbs on the scale, but joining you all in the 10 lbs (of fat) goal.

    ***Those 10 lbs.... Amazing***
  • to_mel
    to_mel Posts: 1
    Let's do this. Then 10lb more to go. :explode:
  • abbyherrington
    I'm in too! I started 2 and a half weeks ago with the goal of losing 11 pounds. So far I have lost 5 of those pounds. It's my birthday weekend so hopefully I can still stay on track. Aiming to have the last 6 pounds gone by the end of July!!

    Good luck to everyone and anyone feel free to add me or message me for advice or support.