April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack



  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi everyone, do you girls lift with gloves if so what is a good brand that are not too thick. I'm up to 63 kilo deads and my hands were feeling it today.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Hi everyone, do you girls lift with gloves if so what is a good brand that are not too thick. I'm up to 63 kilo deads and my hands were feeling it today.

    Yes I do! Fed up of the callouses. However I'm not on big weights yet and mine ate the biggest (washable) ladies gloves the gym had. I suspect I will need to get technical at some point!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I don't use gloves but I do use chalk for my deads!

    So I did my first ever barbell complex after workout B this morning.....YES YES YES!!!!! Absolutely loved it and holy *kitten* I had a sweat going! Here is the complex:

    Overhead Squat
    Back Squat
    Good Morning
    Front Squat

    Flow through each exercise one after another for 3 sets of 8. I used the oly bar for all EXCEPT overhead squat because quite frankly that *kitten* is hard and my form with the oly bar was AWFUL.....so I used a broomstick :laugh: You are also NEVER supposed to put the bar down until you're done the complex however I was unsure of how to get the bar from good morning to front squat so I did rack it briefly to switch positions. I did all 3x8 and rested for about 1 minute between sets and it took my just under 13 minutes.

    I was looking for more lower body work and by golly I think this might be it :bigsmile:

    Happy Saturday all!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    So I did my first ever barbell complex after workout B this morning.....YES YES YES!!!!! Absolutely loved it and holy *kitten* I had a sweat going! Here is the complex:

    Overhead Squat
    Back Squat
    Good Morning
    Front Squat

    Flow through each exercise one after another for 3 sets of 8. I used the oly bar for all EXCEPT overhead squat because quite frankly that *kitten* is hard and my form with the oly bar was AWFUL.....so I used a broomstick :laugh: You are also NEVER supposed to put the bar down until you're done the complex however I was unsure of how to get the bar from good morning to front squat so I did rack it briefly to switch positions. I did all 3x8 and rested for about 1 minute between sets and it took my just under 13 minutes.

    I was looking for more lower body work and by golly I think this might be it :bigsmile:

    Happy Saturday all!

    Awesome! Who says lifting isn't cardiovascular? :laugh:

    Also for OH squats, you're supposed to start out with a broom stick or somesuch because it's so different and you're squatting so much lower anyway (if you're doing it in true olympic form).
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Yeah I read that a broomstick is recommended for overhead squats....so I don't feel bad about it. I did *try* with the oly bar and everything about it felt wrong :laugh:

    And yes, a complex is most certainly a cardio workout! I was sweating this morning like a was yesterday after hill sprints!

    Dani you and I can be the complex queens :bigsmile:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Vegas - That sounds like a great workout! I've been working with the broomstick for squats and will do some overhead as well. That squat is no joke!

    So today I had an interesting gym experience. It was great having a friend join me. I also was distracted enough to forget how to do plate math. In my head I put 105 on the bar for bench, but was thinking WTF when I tried to get it off the rack. I managed it and did a set, but then bumped down to 100 for the final 4 sets. They were a bit of a struggle and I was telling my friend that some days you feel great and hit a number and then the next time you just can't seem to do it. Well, got that done and was loading up for rows and realized i WAS at 105 for the bench. I had first stacked 110 on the bar....:laugh: so my plate math was off a little, but it is nice to know that I can at least do 1 set at 110.

    Then there was another younger lady working at the other bench next to us with a male friend. She was working with the bar and made a comment to him about wanting to do lower weights for higher reps because she wanted to tone versus build muscle. :huh: I was very happy I still had the bar racked before hearing that because I think I may have had it come crashing down on me when my concentration was broken. I normally don't hear things like that because I have my headphones in. I'm very happy to have learned that gaining strength can be done in as little as 5 reps without gaining too much muscle :wink:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Hi everyone, do you girls lift with gloves if so what is a good brand that are not too thick. I'm up to 63 kilo deads and my hands were feeling it today.

    Nope none for me. I actually tear up my hands more ringing bells since the hemp rope does a number on them (and it's not safe to wear gloves while ringing). In fact, my middle finger on my right hand is pretty much one continuous callous along one edge. It's pretty sexy, and it's how I plan on picking up guys. "Let me rub my rough hands all over you" <-- This probably explains why I'm still single...
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Vegas you continue to impress me. After I dead lift I pretty much want to collapse on the floor and sleep. That complex does sound pretty fun though!

    Gloves- I just used to use my cycling gloves, because the knurling hurt my hands- even for squats:laugh: . Over time I've made it a point to acclimate my hands, and now I do everything sans gloves or chalk. I'll probably have to use chalk at some point, but it gives me the feeling of nails on a chalkboard when I have it on my hands so I'm putting it off. :grumble: So far I don't have any really discernible callouses, but when it gets over 200 it does still hurt a bit. When I was a bartender I had a sweet diagonal callous on my palm from opening beer bottles, and I had no problems picking up guys. :wink:

    Jstout- What an awesome eavesdrop.

    I had an awesome workout last night. I did yoga before lifting. It's generally frowned upon to do stretching before lifting, because you need tension in your muscles to lift. Apparently I'm super tight, because all those hip openers made my squats spectacular.

    Squats: 3x5 135
    Bench: 3x5 107
    Row: 3x5 90
    Pushups: 1x15 (stupid planks and downward dogs messing with my numbers!:laugh: )

    Also I'm so happy I listed to Tamkeo and stuck with fixing my row form because my back is sore as heck today- a clear indication of future sexiness:wink:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Dani you and I can be the complex queens :bigsmile:

    You can be the queen. :flowerforyou:

    I'll be the court jester, kettlebell and dumbbells in hand, cause barbell complexes are still out of reach for me. I gotta work my way up to the empty bar. Again. :laugh:

    Workout today went well, we sweated our butts off in my 80 degree garage, and I showed my friend the basics of lifting, had a grand time and ended up in the pool with our workout gear on after we went out there to "stick our feet in" to cool off. Haha. Good times. :bigsmile:

    Happy weekend y'all!
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    Just wanna say you ladies are the best! :flowerforyou:

    I'm just lying on my heated rice sock, nursing this shoulder. I've been able to get back to 80# squats, just gonna keep doing squats until I'm 100%. I've been trying to stay active with spinning, step and Zumba. I also discovered the foam roller at the gym! :bigsmile: happy girl over here! Got dinner with the gfs tonight. I'm excited to see their reactions cause I look a lot different since last they saw me heehee..:smile:
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Vegas, do you have a link for the barbell complex? Is it one of the ones you listed earlier, cause if so, I'll go back and find it. That sounds like lots of fun.

    Jstout, you should have casually stretched out your arm and made a bicep, then said something like "Hoo boy, I sure wish I'd stop building these sexy muscles. I mean, really, who wants to see a healthy, strong body on a woman?" :wink:

    Sounds like there are some great lifting sessions going on out there!

    Today and tomorrow are 'rest' days for me, but I worked most of the day today on building a new run for the chickens. I gotta tell you, my amount of 'casual' strength is so much greater than it was 6 weeks ago. Lift up the chop saw over the side of the truck? No problem. Carry 2 2x10's to the backyard? No problem. Fork up a year's worth of accumulated chicken bedding? No problem. I love pretty much everything about lifting (even my callouses), but the amount of just everyday strength is top of the mountain right now.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Vegas, do you have a link for the barbell complex? Is it one of the ones you listed earlier, cause if so, I'll go back and find it. That sounds like lots of fun.

    I'm sorry but I don't! I usually bookmark everything like that but yesterday when I was doing my googling for ones besides the BB.com ones (not sure how comfortable I am with some of those Olympic lifts) I didn't bookmark ANY of the pages :sad: And the one that I did today I didn't even print off because I couldn't print it off! BUT with all that being said, it's exactly as I wrote it out above! 3 sets of 8 of each exercise with a rest period in between....I took about 1 minute maybe 90 seconds, but basically until your heart rate comes down. And as I mentioned above, I did use a broomstick for the overhead squat because it's super tough! Give it a go :happy:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    There you go, it's in my favorites (for the day I'm actually strong/fit enough to do it):

  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Awesome - thank you!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Just an FYI....the barbell complex I did this morning was not one of the ones from the BB.com link :smile:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Jstout, you should have casually stretched out your arm and made a bicep, then said something like "Hoo boy, I sure wish I'd stop building these sexy muscles. I mean, really, who wants to see a healthy, strong body on a woman?" :wink:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It took all my control not to bust out laughing right there. Funny thing was after they left I made a comment about it to my friend and she said "Well, don't you have to have muscle to tone it in the first place?"
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Workout A
    Squat - improved to 45kg (99lb), all good except lost focus on the last couple of reps on the final set and my knee buckled a bit. So will repeat! don't want to do any damage... did notice there is a side on mirror though and snuck a peek during one of my warmup sets, looked like the bar was going straight down, so that's something!

    Bench - should have been 32.5kg. Had to do the roll of shame on my 4th rep second set (ow!), so dropped back down to 30kg for the rest, which was still hard.. I suspect only one full rest day and not eating lunch before going to the gym (we went out to cheer the huz on in his first 10k race this morning..) didn't help, so I'm frustrated at myself rather than anything else.

    Pendlay rows - should have been 45kg, I managed to rack 50kg to start with (yes I'm using the proper oly bar this time!), looked at it, thought 'that isn't right it needs to be 2.5kg extra each side not 5, swapped it out on ONE side of the bar (durr) and wondered why the first attempt was vile. Dropped back to 40kg, and the final set still challenging so will repeat that next time too.

    Trying to remind myself that slow and steady is the way to go, and to take enough break between sets!
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    I did my third workout yesterday, I am really enjoying this. Increased all weights.
    My squats are ok, better than the first time I tried. I watched a load of vids and read everything I could find. They are my fav by far, them and deadlifts. Even with my little weights, I feel strong when I do them.

    I rest today and tomorrow, I lift agin Tuesday morning. I can't wait.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Today is a rest day for me....and THANK GOD because.....

    That complex kicked my *kitten* yesterday! and surprisingly it's my upper body that is hurting the most! I definitely underestimated the work my upper body was doing during all of that!

    This stuff will get results, I'm telling ya! :bigsmile:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Vegas you are an example for us all! I still had doms in my shoulders from OHPs on Friday so dread to think how I'll feel tomorrow!