April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack



  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Y’all, I am so jealous of all these bad *kitten* lifts.

    Re-injured my back yesterday doing a combat crawl (of all things) through the tunnel. I am going to let it heal COMPLETELY (this time) before trying to work out.

    Posted a blog about the whole 5K Mud Run off of MFP here for those who are interested or didn’t catch the post this morning in “Success Stories.”


    That said, I’ve gotten the taxes filed/paid for, posted all the pictures online that the girls wanted to see, am nursing a sick doggie here, and am thinking a nap would be just awesome sauce, so that is what I think I shall do. As I write this, however, I am looking longingly at my Oly bar and wanting to pick it up SOOOOO badly, but I’m NOT gonna do it. :wink:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Hi everyone, do you girls lift with gloves if so what is a good brand that are not too thick. I'm up to 63 kilo deads and my hands were feeling it today.

    No gloves, I use chalk for my barbell rows as they are not mixed grip and am at 72.5 kg (159.5 lbs)...I use mixed grip for deads so no chalk there yet. Have changed my grip (there is a Rippetoe video about this) and it seems to be helping with callus limitation.

    After my voluminous leg workout on Friday (had to get the foam roller and spikey massage ball out, ouch!), a bloke in the gym said he could not believe I was doing heavy squats and deads today again. Um yeah, I am strength training and trying to lose fat...he is lean as and an iron man competitor...


    You gals sound awesomely BAMF as usual...keep strong! And carry on!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi everyone, do you girls lift with gloves if so what is a good brand that are not too thick. I'm up to 63 kilo deads and my hands were feeling it today.

    No gloves, I use chalk for my barbell rows as they are not mixed grip and am at 72.5 kg (159.5 lbs)...I use mixed grip for deads so no chalk there yet. Have changed my grip (there is a Rippetoe video about this) and it seems to be helping with callus limitation.

    Yes I saw someone post that the other day I'm definitely going to give it a go.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Julie - just read your blog entry about the mud run - How awesome that your team was so supportive, and that you found parts of it to love! Now rest, woman. :)
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Stopping by to say hi. I seriously love this group.

    I have the complex link bookmarked to study thoroughly soon. I'm coming up on the end of round 1 of SL. Just finished week 10 on Saturday. I'm trying to work out what I want to do. So far, I'm thinking of taking a week off, deloading, and doing another round. I'm going to take the week and focus on cardio ( :ohwell: ) and maybe incorporating some yoga. I really want to get some of this fat off. My mom started doing the HCG diet and has "lost" 20lbs in 2 weeks. She wants me to do it too, no matter how many times I politely tell her to blow it out her *kitten*.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Stick to your guns, girl! :flowerforyou:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Stopping by to say hi. I seriously love this group.

    I have the complex link bookmarked to study thoroughly soon. I'm coming up on the end of round 1 of SL. Just finished week 10 on Saturday. I'm trying to work out what I want to do. So far, I'm thinking of taking a week off, deloading, and doing another round. I'm going to take the week and focus on cardio ( :ohwell: ) and maybe incorporating some yoga. I really want to get some of this fat off. My mom started doing the HCG diet and has "lost" 20lbs in 2 weeks. She wants me to do it too, no matter how many times I politely tell her to blow it out her *kitten*.

    Instead of doing a week of cardio, you could do your deload and start working back up but add in workout finishers at the end.

    ^^ tghat's long and salesy so here's the short version:

    99 Problems but the Twitch Ain’t One Workout Finisher

    Do the following circuit ONE time, resting ONLY when needed. Time yourself. The next time you perform this finisher, try to beat your previous time. Why? Because it’s just awesome. Quit asking questions and rock it.

    33 Jump Squats

    33 Decline Close-Grip Pushups

    33 KB or DB Swings

    The 3’s Company Density Workout Finisher

    Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 3 minutes, resting ONLY when needed. Once the 3 minutes is up, you’re done.

    1A) Burpee/Spiderman Pushup Combo (3)

    1B) Lunge Jumps (3 reps per side)

    1C) X-Body Mountain Climber (3 reps per side)

    The Burpee/Spiderman Pushup Combo is something I made up on a random walk. It hit me out of nowhere. This is when you perform a burpee, but once you kick your legs out, you perform a Spiderman Pushup by bringing in one knee as you lower yourself and repeat that with the other leg (1 rep per side), and then kicking your feet back in and then stand back up.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Instead of doing a week of cardio, you could do your deload and start working back up but add in workout finishers at the end.

    ^^ tghat's long and salesy so here's the short version:

    99 Problems but the Twitch Ain’t One Workout Finisher

    Do the following circuit ONE time, resting ONLY when needed. Time yourself. The next time you perform this finisher, try to beat your previous time. Why? Because it’s just awesome. Quit asking questions and rock it.

    33 Jump Squats

    33 Decline Close-Grip Pushups

    33 KB or DB Swings

    The 3’s Company Density Workout Finisher

    Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 3 minutes, resting ONLY when needed. Once the 3 minutes is up, you’re done.

    1A) Burpee/Spiderman Pushup Combo (3)

    1B) Lunge Jumps (3 reps per side)

    1C) X-Body Mountain Climber (3 reps per side)

    The Burpee/Spiderman Pushup Combo is something I made up on a random walk. It hit me out of nowhere. This is when you perform a burpee, but once you kick your legs out, you perform a Spiderman Pushup by bringing in one knee as you lower yourself and repeat that with the other leg (1 rep per side), and then kicking your feet back in and then stand back up.

    This may be something I do at home to see how well it works. 270lbs means that maneuverability can be an issue and pushups are incrediblty difficult (even the "girly" ones). I think doing a deload and lifting anyway is good. Thanks!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    This may be something I do at home to see how well it works. 270lbs means that maneuverability can be an issue and pushups are incrediblty difficult (even the "girly" ones). I think doing a deload and lifting anyway is good. Thanks!

    yeah my complaint about those is that they are pretty difficult moves. (I didn't notice how much you had to lose) You can modify them all down to easier stuff but the short version is "do some full body with slight resistance jumping around and getting up and down from the floor for a few minutes".

    You could also just finish your workouts with some more normal metabolic work -- swith only a minute or two of rest between sets. Bodyweight work is good here too, especially since at this point for you its probably plenty difficult. You could do bodyweight lunges and sit ups one day, and modified pushups or burpees and leg raises the next day. 3 sets of 12, lets say for now. Expect to be exhausted by the end of it. (and then when bodyweight lunges get to be too easy you either add jumping or hold a dumbbell).
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Never got back to check in yesterday, but my arm is about 90% better. I was able to do workout A, although certain movements bring a screaming protest from my elbow (none of the workout movements...mostly just picking up the plates movements).

    My fractional "plates" are working great. I've been increasing by 2.5 pounds a workout instead of 5. It may be more of a confidence thing, but I guess whatever works, right? I may have to make smaller fractional set just for those *%&^% OHPs!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    My mom started doing the HCG diet and has "lost" 20lbs in 2 weeks. She wants me to do it too, no matter how many times I politely tell her to blow it out her *kitten*.

    Post of the day. I can't stop laughing.
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    I have the complex link bookmarked to study thoroughly soon. I'm coming up on the end of round 1 of SL. Just finished week 10 on Saturday. I'm trying to work out what I want to do. So far, I'm thinking of taking a week off, deloading, and doing another round. I'm going to take the week and focus on cardio ( :ohwell: ) and maybe incorporating some yoga.

    If you intend to continue a lifting program of some kind after your first round of SL, I strongly recommend that you NOT TAKE AN ENTIRE WEEK OFF from lifting. I say this from experience. A nasty, nasty recent experience. It has taken me 2 weeks to recover from taking one week off. Lift lighter, but please lift. Your legs will thank you for it.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    My fractional "plates" are working great. I've been increasing by 2.5 pounds a workout instead of 5. It may be more of a confidence thing, but I guess whatever works, right? I may have to make smaller fractional set just for those *%&^% OHPs!

    ^^ yeah. I use fractional plates even on my deadlifts now. For whatever reason that 2.5 matters in my head . And lifting is as much a mental game as it is a physical one.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    It's been a gray and rainy day here in North Carolina. That coupled with the events in Boston had me feeling down.

    And then my almost-3-year-old started squatting ATG up and down - up and down and said "Look Mommy, I'm getting strong muscles!"

    And if you ever have any questions about form - watch a toddler - whether it is doing squats or picking up heavy rocks ala deadlifts, she always has perfect form, the little stinker.


    I hope you and yours are safe today.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    The Burpee/Spiderman Pushup Combo is something I made up on a random walk. It hit me out of nowhere. This is when you perform a burpee, but once you kick your legs out, you perform a Spiderman Pushup by bringing in one knee as you lower yourself and repeat that with the other leg (1 rep per side), and then kicking your feet back in and then stand back up.

    My brain says "Who would subject themselves to this madness?" while my inner masochist is jumping up and down going "ME ME ME!! It sounds FUN!" :laugh:

    Standard cardio/non-SL workout for me today with workout B scheduled for tomorrow. Going to try a front squat with an empty bar tomorrow to test out the hip flexor.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Workout this morning went ok. Squats are still a bit of a struggle. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I couldn't add 5lbs every time if my life depended on it. Oh well. I just stayed at 80lbs and struggled through them all. Kept feeling like I'd get stuck at the bottom.

    Bench went alright at 77.5. I'm worried about 80 because I've never been able to get past it. I'm not sure if I "count" this week as a deload as in three deloads before moving to 3x5? I'm guessing not since I'm deloading due to time off and not necessarily failure.

    Rows felt pretty good at a whopping 67.5lbs. I did notice I stood up-ish on my last rep on set 4. I have no clue why, but I'll need to watch that and stay focused.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Morning all!

    Today was pretty light for me....40 minutes on the treadmill on a mountain climb program. I am still in love with my barbell complex, however I have sadly determined that I should probably only be doing it 2 maybe 3 at the most times per week :frown: I think that these complexes will prove to be wildly effective!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    @auudi: when I feel myself wanting to stand up in the rows, it's because my legs are wanting to take over for my back. Could that be it (a fatigue thing)?

    Vegas: I was gonna try to do a complex today, but I was so wiped after my deads I could barely get the weights back on the rack. Glad to see you still like them - it keeps me motivated to add them in (maybe Thursday).

    Weird workout today. I'm on a diet break, and Fittree had me totally convinced I'd go in there and be superwoman. :smile: That didn't happen, but my eating was faaaaaar from clean over the weekend, and I had some gluten, which messes me up in a wide variety of ways. Sigh.
    Squats 95 - was able to keep the good form from last week, and really focused on driving my hips up out of the hole.
    OHP - I started with one set at 65, and realized that was stupid. Backed down to 60 to finish and next time I'll use my fractionals. I've been stuck here for a few weeks, but it's definitely my hardest lift, so I'm going to keep soldiering through
    Deadlift - 155! This actually exceeded my goal for the month! I'm going to need to start using mixed grip, I think.

    I also did some back extensions and bicep curls while I waited for some half-squatters to move off the racks. :smile:

    Quick question - do you all do warmup lifts for your deads? I did two, one at 95 and one at 135 (5 reps each) and I felt like they zapped me for the working weight. Just curious how other folks handle this.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    kira - I don't do any warm ups for deads at this point. I had been doing two sets at working weight, but only when I didn't do any weighted squats.

    Workout B for me today:

    Squats - 65 with a front squat. Hip flexor felt okay so I will work here for a time or two.
    OHP - 70 and hit every rep with okay form so I will move up to at least one set of 75 next time.
    Deadlift - 175 --was supposed to be at 165, but I again got lazy with my plate math and jumped 15 lbs since the last time. I got all 5 in, but my grip suffered. I normally use chalk and the gym was out so I will probably try for 175 again next time to clean up my form/grip a bit more.
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    <--- I posted a picture from dead lifts last night. 185 lbs for reps! 27 weeks preggers this week. Feeling pretty BAMF.