April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack



  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    wow Leanne you are toally BAMF!!

    B for me today, missed a golden opportunity for some BAMF weights of my own - 70kg (154lb) deadlifts and could have used 2x25kg plates, but it didn't even enter my mind. First time that has felt HARD, and I'm going to recheck some videos as I don't want to hurt my back!! But I'm jumping ahead as that was my last lift (and no I don't do any warmups!!)

    Stuck at 45kg for squat and felt good, aware I'm not dropping quite down far enough on my last set so will keep an eye on it, and definitely go up next time. My pet gym receptionist was busy tonight but is working on Friday, so if I manage to get there after work (and before I go out for a curry with the girls! yay!) I'll try to finally get a video.

    OHPs went up to 27.5kg (60.5 lb) and managed 55543 so quite chuffed with myself! I'm sure my form is horrible towards the end, but it feels good at the start. Remember ladies, squeeze everything! made such a difference :)

    Finished with a hysterical text from the huz 'no rush the fatties will be a while'.. followed by '*kitten*. tatties'. Very funny! So yes we are having jacket potatoes with chilli, sour cream and avocado tonight, I'm going to be over my cals AGAIN (darn bran muffins!) but not by the horrendous unloggable amounts of recent days...
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Nothing to report, no lifting again til Thursday (tomorrow I have to sleep in as I'll be out late for a music show tonight!), but was interested in the deadlift warmup. I also have been doing a warmup at a lower weight...perhaps I shouldn't?

    @kira....I love your happy-looking chicken photo. I've got some crabby chickens living in a 10x12 run as they won't go out in the snow, and it won't stop snowing!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Workout B today
    Squats 155lbs
    OHP 75lbs 3x5
    Deadlift 175lbs

    It was hot as Hades in my gym this afternoon. It wasn't so bad that it made me sleepy, just enough so that I was sweating like none other.

    Leanne: You are a BAMF! I love that picture.

    I do some warmups with my deadlifts. It's more of a form check than anything.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    You GUYS!!!!!!!! Are all an inspiration to me !!!!!!!!!

    So ... I said I'm going back to 3x5 ... well, today ended up being more of a staggered 5x5 (with weight increases on every set, with 1 final heavy "working" set).

    I'm obviously not quite done playing around with things. LOL Feels great to push for heavy again though.

    Squats ended up at 72.5, DLs back in the triple digits (100), BP was 62.5 and OHP 46.25. Super happy with the new program (and I use the word "program" loosely) so far, especially after a 2-day break of doing nothing much to speak of.

    Time to clean the kitchen and then start work. Keep lifting, y'all amazing wonder-womens, you! :flowerforyou:
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I have a little warmups caculator app and I put in deadlifts at 150 and it gave me:

    45 2X5
    75 1X5
    105 1X3
    135 1X1
    150 1X5

    I had no idea! I hadn't been doing *any* warmups for deads. :blushing:
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Ges - do you have the SS calculator? That's what I have on my iPod, and I always adapt it somewhat. I just started doing the warm-up deads because I warm up on everything else - but shouldn't everything be pretty warm from the squats?

    Dani - sounds like you are finding something that works for you, AND being a BAMF.

    Leanne - Wow. I seem to find a new superhero every week in this forum! :smile:

    Chubby - that is some serious weight on your squats!

    Macy - I only have 3, so they manage in an 8x12 run okay. I used to have 4, and they free-ranged. But then a hawk found our house. . .so now they are on pretty permanent lock down. They don't like it, but my daughter loves to dig up worms for them, so it's not all bad. :)

    lwoodroff - glad your OHP went so well - I'm at the same level, and boy is that tough! I did squeeze it all together today, per your suggestion, and it definitely helped!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    <--- I posted a picture from dead lifts last night. 185 lbs for reps! 27 weeks preggers this week. Feeling pretty BAMF.

    OMG you are too effing adorable!!!! That picture is priceless!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    You GUYS!!!!!!!! Are all an inspiration to me !!!!!!!!!

    So ... I said I'm going back to 3x5 ... well, today ended up being more of a staggered 5x5 (with weight increases on every set, with 1 final heavy "working" set).

    I'm obviously not quite done playing around with things. LOL Feels great to push for heavy again though.

    Squats ended up at 72.5, DLs back in the triple digits (100), BP was 62.5 and OHP 46.25. Super happy with the new program (and I use the word "program" loosely) so far, especially after a 2-day break of doing nothing much to speak of.

    Time to clean the kitchen and then start work. Keep lifting, y'all amazing wonder-womens, you! :flowerforyou:

    So I'm in the process of reading Rippetoe's Practical Programming because I want to learn more about his intermediate program. Your post here got me to thinking though.....and I know its super early in your lifting "career" and you really "should" be sticking with a "beginner" program for longer (see what I was doing there??lol) maybe due to your personality type you might be better off with a more intermediate program where there is some variety. Have you considered that avenue?

    Gosh I hope people don't come out of the MFP walls and fry me for this recommendation.....I just feel like you maybe aren't giving yourself a true chance to "progress", know what I mean???

    :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    So I'm in the process of reading Rippetoe's Practical Programming because I want to learn more about his intermediate program. Your post here got me to thinking though.....and I know its super early in your lifting "career" and you really "should" be sticking with a "beginner" program for longer (see what I was doing there??lol) maybe due to your personality type you might be better off with a more intermediate program where there is some variety. Have you considered that avenue?

    Gosh I hope people don't come out of the MFP walls and fry me for this recommendation.....I just feel like you maybe aren't giving yourself a true chance to "progress", know what I mean???

    :smile: :flowerforyou:

    Would you prefer being fried in coconut oil or peanut oil? :laugh:

    I hear ya. The thing is, I am progressing though. Because my squats went from 45 to 72.5, my DL from 90 to 100 (hey, that's something! and I'm still being uber cautious because I pulled a muscle at 115 so I'm taking it slower this time around), my OHP went from 20 to 46.25, and my BP from 45 to 62.5 in 2 months, including my detour to rep gains versus strength gains that lasted about 3 or so weeks, but I learned from it and at least didn't have to deal with a full reset when I went back to strength training. I could go up with the DL, but today I tried the mixed grip and so didn't care about lifting any big numbers.

    I got my next few weeks planned out and printed up already and I expect to increase about 5 or so pounds/week on the big lifts and about 2.5/week on the upper body stuffs, which means my numbers are going to look a lot less dinky in about another month or two (here's to hoping! :drinker:)

    I know I'm taking the scenic route, but I'm enjoying every minute of it. That's just as important to me as adding numbers every week. Believe me, once I set a firm goal for myself, I usually achieve it. I just happen to not have one at this time beyond something absolutely generic. I'm still enjoying the discovery phase, I guess you could call it.

    I would have stuck with the 3x5, see, but this morning I wasn't happy with my effort so far, so I switched it up a little to a 5x5 of sorts. But, I don't care much for the A/B approach and so SL and SS as they're written aren't going to suit me. So, homebaked it is. Because I actually enjoy doing squats, benches, and OHP every.single.workout. Weird, Iknowrite? I get in my garage and grab my barbell and plates, and all is right in the world for about an hour. If I end up lifting a few extra pounds than I did last time, then that's just the cherry on top. :smile:

    I'm really more intrigued with concepts rather than programs. Because I look at programs with the thought of "ok why did they put it together this way?" Then I pick it apart until I understand the concept(s) and thought process and gain enough confidence to try it my own way, more tailored to what I want and/or need from it. I really don't think you need to lift for 20 years to be able to put a basic program together, honestly, as long as you're a person of reasonable intelligence and you understand the main concepts and honor them. Mine probably isn't as effective as anything Rippetoe can come up with, but it lets me play the way I want to and it makes me happy. And stronger. And gets me in that garage regularly. I'm walking that line between "exercising" and "training" and that's fine. I got nothing specific to train for anyway, but my program helps me to do something other than just willy nilly "exercise" without actually accomplishing anything. :smile:

    I think it's awesome that you care enough to put thought into my situation. Lots of brownie points for you in that regard!!! I love it !!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:

    And maybe we should take this to PMs so we don't make Tameko crazy with our constant fiddling about. :laugh: :laugh:
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    I am enjoying this program I just gotta work on getting back to clean eating. I usually eat clean, work in court and have been in jury trials for the last 2 and a half weeks. Clean eating went out the door while staying late for deliberations, eating pizza and other bad carbs. Not to mention trouble sleeping. Soooo, the carb and sugar cravings kicked up a few notches and it is hard to fight them.
    So my goal is to get back on that clean eating wagon so all my hard work won't be for nothing.

    Okay, 2nd week on SL's workout #4 and B results are as follows:

    Squat starting 45 today 60
    OHP " 45 " 50
    DL " 95 " 100

    I know its early in the program but I am really working hard on form. So I am excited to see what is to come.

    Happy Lifting to you all.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @Dani....I hate coconut oil so let's go with peanut :tongue:

    I totally hear ya :smile: And I'm totally not saying that there is anything wrong with what you are doing.....but looking into these intermediate programs got me thinking about how you do crap loads of research as well and are always trying new things. I'm like that but just not with my lifting program so I think we are similar in different ways if you know what I mean (ie yoga, tabata, barbell complexes :laugh: ). And you know I'm a big supporter of doing what is right for you. I know there are a lot of people who think I'm foolish for effing around with SL and the reps the way I have but it's working FOR ME and that's what's important! I probably just made the horrible assumption (and you know what they say about doing that) that you weren't progressing as you would like to be....probably thinking because of the way the All-Pro routine is designed.

    In any event....I'm glad you aren't ready to pull my fingernails out because I truly didn't mean to offend :smile: I was really just trying to be the helpful little lifter that I am trying to become!

    And yes, we could move to PM's but then all the rest of the fantastic ladies wouldn't be able to benefit from all of our hard sought after and well researched thoughts, now would they :drinker:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    In any event....I'm glad you aren't ready to pull my fingernails out because I truly didn't mean to offend :smile: I was really just trying to be the helpful little lifter that I am trying to become!

    And yes, we could move to PM's but then all the rest of the fantastic ladies wouldn't be able to benefit from all of our hard sought after and well researched thoughts, now would they :drinker:

    Girl, I know never to expect anything from you than support and well-intended helpfulness. :heart:

    Pssh. Like I'd have a problem hijacking a Wendler program and totally bastardizing it to suit myself. The only reason I haven't done it is because it looked way too complicated to me to even bother, and a basic 3x5/5x5 works just fine for me right now :laugh:

    I almost tried dinking around with NROLFW when I read the book, but then I was like ... nah. That program is way too busy for my taste.

    I'm sure I'll get around to butchering Wendler or Madcow eventually, being that I've already butchered 3 beginner programs in my illustrious 2-month lifting career. Hahahahahahahahahaha. :drinker:

    And, Mehdi doesn't own the 5x5, so eff around all you want. It's your body and your goals, and you gotta do what works for you so that you'll stick with it and be happy. I'm a big fan of ranges, so I'll stick with someplace between 3x5 and 5x5 for a good while until I stall out and then I'll switch to something else. I'm in no hurry. Plus I gotta keep things from progressing too quickly until I can afford a power cage anyway, so my current dinking about while making slow and steady progress suits me just fine.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Dani have I told you lately that I :heart: you???!!!!

    And I'm looking forward to you butchering 5/3/1 or Madcow....then I can reap the benefits :laugh:
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Darn, darn, darn!

    On deadlifts, I got up to 170! Then, on my last one, I let my form get sloppy and now my lower back hurts a lot.

    It's on one side and it just occurred to me that the problem is in the exact area I hurt lo these many years ago now. I was thrown from a horse and snapped one of my lower vertebrae, the "wing" part just snapped off and is still floating in there, but I was warned that the muscles in that area would be easier to strain because there is now an anatomical asymmetry or some such thing.

    Right now, I'm going back to bed for some quality time with an ice pack.

    On other lifts, still progressing on squat form, up to 80 (major deload, but doing it right is a LOT more work).
    OHP is still my nemesis and I'm stuck at 80. I failed on my last rep, but only on the last one. Working on keeping my back aligned too, which is hard.

    Really, really need to watch my form on those deadlifts. Carelessness causes pain.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    @kira -- yes, I have the SS calculator. I just got it last week, though, so I am just starting to play with it. And SS only has three work sets whereas we are doing 5, so I do think cutting back on the warmup sets is a good thing so that we aren't too tired to work LOL

    OK, so my workouts... Last week I had been working out every other day for a month and I was exhausted. So I took two days off, did two very (~75% on squats & deads) deloaded workouts, took two more days off, and that brought me to Tuesday (yesterday).

    While I was resting, I reread Starting Strength and asked myself why I was afraid of power cleans now that my knee is so much better... Poked around on the SS wiki... And decided to try SS and see if I can learn to power clean. The other big difference is that there are three working sets instead of five, and maybe that will suit my poor 49 year old body a bit better. :laugh:

    I also had a stern talking-to with myself about how fast I was going to progress my weights. I paid close attention to Rippetoe on this part -- I'm paraphrasing, but "it's better to progress slowly and not get stuck than to have to get unstuck". (Rippetoe also is not a fan of failing reps. He says not to do the rep if you think you are going to fail it. Gah, is that ever a different mindset than what I've been doing!!) I decided that I will only add 1 pound to bench and 1/2 pound to OHP no matter what. I have a ways to go with squats but at some point I will switch to two pound or one pound increases. With deadlifts I think I am close to a sticking point, and I will switch them to two pounds. And when I learn power cleans I'll probably be adding 1 or 1/2 pound to them.

    So anyways I won't be doing SL any more, but hopefully I can still hang out here. This is the BEST group on MFP, or at least the best one that I have found! :heart:

    So yesterday I did Squats at 95 (previous best was 100) and they felt good. Well after the first warmups they did. The first 10 reps I thought I wasn't going to be able to workout!! :tongue: Then everything began to warm up (hey that's why you do the light sets) and it all gelled. I have quite a ways to go, strengthwise, with squats -- how exciting for me!

    OHP I had gone back to the empty bar and been working on form. The last two times my form was awful. Well really the whole two months my form has been awful!! Yesterday was so much better. I finally am getting the bar up & down in a straight path. So of course I wished that I hadn't made that 1/2 pound rule for myself LOL 'cause now I feel so much better about the OHP!! But, 45.5 is in the books.

    Then I did deadlifts. I warmed up for deadlifts for the first time ever LOL. I think it was nice in that it gave me a chance to work on my grip & my breathing... I liked warmups for the form check but I didn't notice whether it helped my work set that much. I did 145 with all systems go (previous high was 155).

    And I felt great afterwards & can't wait for tomorrow to start trying me some power cleans!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    @glwerth: that's an awesome DL. I your back is happier after the ice!

    @gesn: we have people doing all sorts of heavy programs on here, and there are no SL5x5 police here to kick you out :-)

    First lifting session in 10 days. Third time I've done the same workout A at the same weights. Dropped the volume to 3x5 and i currently feel energetic and high rather than knackered and high. This is good.

    Squat: 77, and I've spotted another way the scoliosis screws up form if I'm not concentrating
    Bench: 50, fractionals to increase next time
    Row: 60 and I've finally got the hang of these

    Also, all ecochalk, no gloves. Will see how my hands hold up the rest of the week.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Workout B this morning followed by a medicine ball workout.....did 2 rounds for a total of about 9 minutes and holy eff I am SORE. My upper back was already a little sore this morning but wow....and it was only an 8lb med ball wtf :laugh: Meh, I actually feel really awesome all things considered.....now I'll just start planning my finisher for Fridays workout :love:

    @Ges.....as long as you are lifting heavy *kitten* you are welcome here! Funny you mention the slow progression as that is something that started to occur to me when I started cycle 2 of SL. I did a deload at the end of cycle 1 and it was then that I realized that while my form was "good" during cycle 1.....it was not as good as it should have been while increasing weight so quickly. I have taken a much slower progression to focus on form and to an extent comfort level during cycle 2 and I'm finding it to be MUCH better and honestly I really do feel it has taken my training to a different level, if that makes sense. I know that I still have a lot of room to progress and that makes me happy because I know that this program could (providing I don't get super tired of it :laugh: ) last me and my "beginner" status for a long time!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    @Vegas and Dani: You two are awesome. Please don't resort to PMs. I want to read it all.

    @Ges: I switched to 3 x 5 a couple weeks ago, and I LOVE it. I am scared of power cleans, though, so I'm still doing the SL lifts, just not the volume. No one has kicked me out yet.

    I'm slowly working my way back up after taking that week off. It killed my squats, but it seemed to really help my upper body lifts. Go figure. Looking forward to workout A tonight. Plan is 115 squats, 90 bench, and 82 row.

    I"m really trying to nail squat form but I swear the more I think about it the worse it gets. I've decided it's like golf to me---when I think too much about my swing, I struggle. But when I just grip and rip, I do fine. I've found that beer helps with the golf issue---but that's probalby not such a good idea when squatting, huh? :laugh:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    So anyways I won't be doing SL any more, but hopefully I can still hang out here. This is the BEST group on MFP, or at least the best one that I have found! :heart:

    And I felt great afterwards & can't wait for tomorrow to start trying me some power cleans!

    What is this "Stronglifts" you speak of ??? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Power cleans are fun, and I think olympic lifting is the shiznit, personally. I watched some ladies get their olympic groove on, and ... yea, no way. It's like gymnastics with a barbell. And I've always sucked at gymnastics.

    Now of course I wish I would have discovered barbells 20 years ago, but what ya gonna do? I'm going to enjoy it for as long as my body lets me.

    @chunk Beer and squatting ... hmmm ... let me know if you find a way to combine those !!

    Power cleans are nothing to be afraid of. You start of in kind of a deadlift, bring the thing up to about thigh level, and explode the bar up. It looks more convoluted than it is, really. And Rip doesn't teach the olympic version of it where you gotta get under the bar with ATG squats and all that good stuff. We do "power clean lite" around here. :smile:

    AND BY THE WAY !!!!!!!

    Olympic girls doing barbell gymnastics:

  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    So anyways I won't be doing SL any more, but hopefully I can still hang out here. This is the BEST group on MFP, or at least the best one that I have found! :heart:

    And I felt great afterwards & can't wait for tomorrow to start trying me some power cleans!

    What is this "Stronglifts" you speak of ??? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Power cleans are fun, and I think olympic lifting is the shiznit, personally. I watched some ladies get their olympic groove on, and ... yea, no way. It's like gymnastics with a barbell. And I've always sucked at gymnastics.

    Now of course I wish I would have discovered barbells 20 years ago, but what ya gonna do? I'm going to enjoy it for as long as my body lets me.

    @chunk Beer and squatting ... hmmm ... let me know if you find a way to combine those !!

    Power cleans are nothing to be afraid of. You start of in kind of a deadlift, bring the thing up to about thigh level, and explode the bar up. It looks more convoluted than it is, really. And Rip doesn't teach the olympic version of it where you gotta get under the bar with ATG squats and all that good stuff. We do "power clean lite" around here. :smile:

    AND BY THE WAY !!!!!!!

    Olympic girls doing barbell gymnastics:


    Thanks for sharing! I do "power clean lite" too. Love it! They are so much fun, and make me feel so powerful.