5k Training thoughts



  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Was another day off for me. I woke up feeling good, put my shoes on and ran a few errands with my fiance and son, and by the time we got home the side of my foot and ankle was killing me. ahhhh this may be a long recoup period.....

    Better to let that injury heal up before you get back out running.

    As for me, 3rd attempt at the 5k app (injury and weather and lack of motivation is why) and finally made it to Week 3, did workout 1 on Monday and managed 6km. Hoping, British weather permitting, to be out later to do workout 2. :drinker:
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    Was another day off for me. I woke up feeling good, put my shoes on and ran a few errands with my fiance and son, and by the time we got home the side of my foot and ankle was killing me. ahhhh this may be a long recoup period.....

    Try keeping your running shoes on all the time.
    I read going barefoot or wearing non supportive shoes only aggravates the issue.
    When mine was bad, I put my shoes on when I swung my feet over the bed and didn't take them off until I got back in.
    The few times I wandered without them (not putting them back on after shower or whatever) I noticed the pain increased quickly.

    Great job kendra! Don' t let the weather get you down. :)
  • msuspartan10
    msuspartan10 Posts: 72 Member
    Guys guys guys. I rested the quad for two weeks. Soccer game tomorrow so finger's crossed that I can restart my training! I'm actually excited to get running which I never ever thought I would say. I'm really disappointed that I won't be ready for my 5K on the 8th but hopefully my leg will at least be healed so I can run comfortably.
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    Guys guys guys. I rested the quad for two weeks. Soccer game tomorrow so finger's crossed that I can restart my training! I'm actually excited to get running which I never ever thought I would say. I'm really disappointed that I won't be ready for my 5K on the 8th but hopefully my leg will at least be healed so I can run comfortably.

    WOOT! Two weeks of rest is hard to accomplish.
    Glad to hear you're healing and can't wait to hear how you hold up in the game.
    Fingers crossed! Be careful!
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    Today is a hard day for me. I had to put my cat down and it's going to be suuuuper hot. I think it might be a treadmill day. ZRW5D1 today. I started it the other day but it didn't feel good so I stopped and walked instead. Still did 3.5mi at 14.5min pace, but I jsut couldn't DO a jog.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    I'm so sorry about your cat, SB. It's such a hard decision...! While I am absolutely not in any way a hugging kind of person this situation is one of the few that I'd make an exception for, so I am sending a hug your way. (You are under no obligation to accept, of course.)

    There's apparently an update to Z5K on Android now:
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member

    Thanks just downloaded it now.
  • pduk
    pduk Posts: 11 Member
    Well, tomorrow is the big one for me - the full 5K run at the end of week 8. I'm nervous but the last couple of sessions have gone pretty well, and I have worked out a pace that seems to be sustainable for a long time. Assuming I survive I will post back tomorrow ... without spoilers :-)
  • msuspartan10
    msuspartan10 Posts: 72 Member
    Guys guys guys. I rested the quad for two weeks. Soccer game tomorrow so finger's crossed that I can restart my training! I'm actually excited to get running which I never ever thought I would say. I'm really disappointed that I won't be ready for my 5K on the 8th but hopefully my leg will at least be healed so I can run comfortably.

    WOOT! Two weeks of rest is hard to accomplish.
    Glad to hear you're healing and can't wait to hear how you hold up in the game.
    Fingers crossed! Be careful!

    Thanks! I've definitely been doing up tempo walking and stuff a little jogs when I'm in a hurry somewhere but nothing intense. pretty sure I'll cry if it's still painful after this game lol.

    Sorry about your cat, sb :(

    good luck, pduk!
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    Today is a hard day for me. I had to put my cat down and it's going to be suuuuper hot. I think it might be a treadmill day. ZRW5D1 today. I started it the other day but it didn't feel good so I stopped and walked instead. Still did 3.5mi at 14.5min pace, but I jsut couldn't DO a jog.

    *Hugs* Steph. So sorry to hear about your kitty.
  • pduk
    pduk Posts: 11 Member
    ... and, it's done! Here are a few tips for those that haven't done it yet. First of all, the mission launches you straight into running right from the start, no warm up. If you want to do that 5/10 mins of walking first, I recommend you do that before starting the mission. Secondly, there'll be a point in the mission when you think it's all finished (you'll know when). Don't stop then, keep going until the "MISSION COMPLETED" voice. Enjoy the other messages that come in, in the meantime.

    I ended up running about 7.5K and in fact I think I could have gone on for a full 10K. I'm amazed. My average speed was 7.18 km/h which is probably very slow by a lot of people's standards but speaking as an until-recently sedentary 48 year old man, I am very pleased with myself. And I can't wait to go onto the "proper" full app now. I loved the way they interleaved the story into the training missions for the 5K app, and I really want to dig into the full story. I'd be pretty interested in a 10K training app as well and I'm going to contact them and suggest it.


  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Just started week two yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't as difficult to do as I had thought. I have never been a runner, so increasing from 30 seconds to a minute (doubling the time!) was slightly worrying to me, but it was just fine. In fact, I ran more during the free form than I usually do, because I was all geared up for a challenge and felt I didn't quite get it. ^_^

    Does anyone know the purpose of the heel lifts? Is it just to stretch out your calves a bit or to strengthen them? Maybe the app explained that and I missed it, my phone was cutting in and out a bit last night.
  • msuspartan10
    msuspartan10 Posts: 72 Member
    Does anyone know the purpose of the heel lifts? Is it just to stretch out your calves a bit or to strengthen them? Maybe the app explained that and I missed it, my phone was cutting in and out a bit last night.

    I don't know what the purpose is but I sure feel silly doing it lol. There's a straight shot on my run route and I'm sure the people coming toward me are watching me and wondering what I'm doing when I'm walking, start running for a minute, stop, doing a couple heel lifts and then walking again.
  • QJ2013
    QJ2013 Posts: 45 Member
    hey guys! hey guys! hey guys! Guess what... I did it!

    I was like the little engine that could today, for some reason.

    It's pouring here, so I went to the gym.
    I hopped on the treadmill and ran 1.10 miles in 14 minutes Without Stopping!
    (I went further, but who cares about the rest)

    Today is a hard day for me. I had to put my cat down and it's going to be suuuuper hot. I think it might be a treadmill day. ZRW5D1 today. I started it the other day but it didn't feel good so I stopped and walked instead. Still did 3.5mi at 14.5min pace, but I jsut couldn't DO a jog.

    So sorry about your cat. It hurts more than it seems like it should. I am right about where you are - just did W5, D2 - and was moving a little slow myself. (Slipped on the stairs Tuesday and am stiff and sore). But I know we can do it!
    ... and, it's done! Here are a few tips for those that haven't done it yet. First of all, the mission launches you straight into running right from the start, no warm up. If you want to do that 5/10 mins of walking first, I recommend you do that before starting the mission. Secondly, there'll be a point in the mission when you think it's all finished (you'll know when). Don't stop then, keep going until the "MISSION COMPLETED" voice. Enjoy the other messages that come in, in the meantime.

    I ended up running about 7.5K and in fact I think I could have gone on for a full 10K. I'm amazed. My average speed was 7.18 km/h which is probably very slow by a lot of people's standards but speaking as an until-recently sedentary 48 year old man, I am very pleased with myself. And I can't wait to go onto the "proper" full app now. I loved the way they interleaved the story into the training missions for the 5K app, and I really want to dig into the full story. I'd be pretty interested in a 10K training app as well and I'm going to contact them and suggest it.



    Congratulations! That is awesome. Thanks for the tips. I will be there in just a few weeks and am looking forward to it - which is really weird! LOL!
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    ... and, it's done!

    Way to go! Congratulations! :drinker:
    Does anyone know the purpose of the heel lifts?

    To strengthen your calves. Strong legs = you can go faster and for longer.

    And if you thought you felt silly doing heel lifts, wait until they make you do high knees... :bigsmile:
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    I'm starting Week 3 this week - I'm scared! I am going to try anf jog the whole 5 minute free-form at least once this week - wish me luck
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    I don't know what the purpose is but I sure feel silly doing it lol. There's a straight shot on my run route and I'm sure the people coming toward me are watching me and wondering what I'm doing when I'm walking, start running for a minute, stop, doing a couple heel lifts and then walking again.

    That was my thought. I have a few routes I take depending on time, weather, etc. and last night I was on my loop around my neighborhood. At one point, a car slowed down, then pulled over ahead of me, as if they were going to turn around. Once I started walking again, they drove away. I think they were worried there was a problem and meant to help. LOL
    To strengthen your calves. Strong legs = you can go faster and for longer.

    That makes sense, I thought it was probably something like that, but wasn't sure.
    And if you thought you felt silly doing heel lifts, wait until they make you do high knees..

    Oh goodness! I think I'll be sure to go out to the trail that week!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    And if you thought you felt silly doing heel lifts, wait until they make you do high knees..

    and the two minute stretching. which ever way I run it always works out to be on the busiest part of the road.
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    and the two minute stretching. which ever way I run it always works out to be on the busiest part of the road.

    Is that something they add in later or do you mean at the end when Dr. Myers tells you to be sure to stretch? I always just keep walking until I get home or back to my car and do it then.
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    and the two minute stretching. which ever way I run it always works out to be on the busiest part of the road.

    Is that something they add in later or do you mean at the end when Dr. Myers tells you to be sure to stretch? I always just keep walking until I get home or back to my car and do it then.

    In week 3 they start giving you longer FF runs at the end broken up by 2 minutes of stretching. I'm naughty, I typically save my heel lifts/knee raises/etc for after the w/o is done and then I do them all at once. It's too hard to stop and do them on days when I'm on the treadmill. I usually just continue what the last thing was before the cue to change and then I pick up with whatever activity it calls for after the exercise.