Daily Check In Thread



  • kristinwesterfield
    kristinwesterfield Posts: 34 Member
    So encouraged by everyone's progress! Just signed up for my 5k... Time to get really serious!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    While I was without any internet access whatsoever, I completed W6D1 (Thursday morning) and W6D2 (this morning).

    I was out at family camp out in the county. I went running on a dirt road (first time) and enjoyed the sounds of birds chirping, saw some bunnies, squirrels and a deer! Certainly don't get that running in the city!
  • kristinwesterfield
    kristinwesterfield Posts: 34 Member
    Week 5, day 3 complete!!! Who cares if the scale only showed 0.8 lbs lost this week - I just ran 21 straight minutes!!
  • Stanlee202
    Stanlee202 Posts: 47 Member
    Week 5 day 2 done!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I just wanted to add that I learned the importance of stretching before and after a run. I didn't last week for the first couple days. My lower back legs were killing me for a couple of days. I wanted to go for a run Friday morning, but knew I had to rest my legs. Saturday they were feeling better and I made sure to properly stretch before and after. No issues today.
  • DamieAnne
    DamieAnne Posts: 103 Member
    Just done week 7 day 1, still can't believe i'm running 25 minutes and its not feeling like i'm dying!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I made sure to properly stretch before and after.

    You shouldn't need to stretch beforehand, as the five minutes warm up walk should get things moving. Stretching on cold muscles can lead to further injury risk.

    You'll get much more effect from spending 15 minutes stretching afterwards, than stretching before and after.
  • Jdoster06
    Jdoster06 Posts: 55
    Week 4 day 1 complete. Hardest day to get out there so far, because I played basketball for an hour and a half last night. But I did it. Went 1.86 miles in the 21 minutes of not warm up or cool down. Need to work on my pace a little still.. Slow down a tad
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    Great job everyone! I was scheduled to do week 6 day 3 yesterday, but my body was too sore from the weekends activities o I knew it would not go well. Hoping it's not too hot today so I can get it in. Keep on Keeping on everyone!!!
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    W7d3 done, although it was tough! It's really, really humid here and I only got out at 10 a.m. I'm also a bit tired because I went to the gym to lift last night and ended up swimming laps, too. I still ran the 25 minutes, though!

    I tend to run the c25k time and then after that walk/run the rest of the way until I'm home. I have a variety of routes I take because of the paths in our community and I like to mix it up to prevent boredom. Today, I did 2.6 miles which has become a "short" distance for me. It cracks me up that 2+ miles is a short run to me now.
  • SquishyLaughter
    SquishyLaughter Posts: 124 Member
    W5D1 today. It was really easy!

    Need to extend my route though, currently going 2.1 miles, going to up it to 2.6 by Friday.
  • kristinwesterfield
    kristinwesterfield Posts: 34 Member
    Week 6, day 1. Somehow, I think it was tougher than the 21 minute run!! Anybody else have that experience? I think maybe the shorter times (ha! 5 mins is short! Who saw that coming??) made me pay more attention to how much time I still had to go. Plus, still a little sore from the 21 minute run.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Week 6, day 1. Somehow, I think it was tougher than the 21 minute run!! Anybody else have that experience? I think maybe the shorter times (ha! 5 mins is short! Who saw that coming??) made me pay more attention to how much time I still had to go. Plus, still a little sore from the 21 minute run.

    Week 6 was tough for me too!
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    Week 6, day 1. Somehow, I think it was tougher than the 21 minute run!! Anybody else have that experience? I think maybe the shorter times (ha! 5 mins is short! Who saw that coming??) made me pay more attention to how much time I still had to go. Plus, still a little sore from the 21 minute run.

    Week 6 was tough for me too!

    I had found it tough also. BUT, we all finished it, so cheers to us!! :happy:
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    Did Week 6 day 3 yesterday afternoon, wasn't too bad till near the end and I found my focus was starting to wander but I pushed through and made the 22 minute mark. I'm going to need to switch up some of my songs on my playlist, there is one that repeats and I find when I get to a certain part, I'm no longer motivated by the music like at the beginning. I like fast pop type music, my first song is #Selfie LOL and I have Animals and some Britney Spears, even some C&C Music factory (gonna make you sweat) etc., what is everyone else using to run to?
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Did my first day of Week 9 on Sunday and doing the second today. Can't believe I'm this close!

    I have a playlist that I put on shuffle, but I'm thinking for these last couple runs I might try to organize it so I hear all my favorites and build up to a good finishing song.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    I generally use Pandora, "80's cardio"...generally does the trick though once in a while they throw in a dud.
    I did Week 7, Day 1 yesterday. 25 minutes! Holy crap! It felt awesome, I was tired but in a great way, if that makes sense. It's more mental for me now, like I wonder, "what am I going to do in my head for that long?" lol...This is good practice for mental focus.
  • kristinwesterfield
    kristinwesterfield Posts: 34 Member
    Did Week 6 day 3 yesterday afternoon, wasn't too bad till near the end and I found my focus was starting to wander but I pushed through and made the 22 minute mark. I'm going to need to switch up some of my songs on my playlist, there is one that repeats and I find when I get to a certain part, I'm no longer motivated by the music like at the beginning. I like fast pop type music, my first song is #Selfie LOL and I have Animals and some Britney Spears, even some C&C Music factory (gonna make you sweat) etc., what is everyone else using to run to?

    Try the RockMyRun app! I love it! They have a few great free playlists or you can buy more, but all upbeat songs and no breaks in between. Plus, you can sort through the lists by bpm to help achieve your desired pace.
  • leahfrederiksen
    leahfrederiksen Posts: 23 Member
    Feel like a novice here! Completed week 3 day one yesterday and did it fine, had to restrain from doing a little dance when I ran 3 minutes straight, as stupid as it sounds I don't think I have ever ran for three minutes straight (and yet I've managed to complete THREE TRIATHLONS.....!). I would so recommend this app to anyone, if it's got a runaphobe like me to be able to do that then it can work miracles!

    kristinwester: thanks for the app suggestion, I have just downloaded it and it looks really good :)
  • DamieAnne
    DamieAnne Posts: 103 Member
    Did Week 6 day 3 yesterday afternoon, wasn't too bad till near the end and I found my focus was starting to wander but I pushed through and made the 22 minute mark. I'm going to need to switch up some of my songs on my playlist, there is one that repeats and I find when I get to a certain part, I'm no longer motivated by the music like at the beginning. I like fast pop type music, my first song is #Selfie LOL and I have Animals and some Britney Spears, even some C&C Music factory (gonna make you sweat) etc., what is everyone else using to run to?

    Try the RockMyRun app! I love it! They have a few great free playlists or you can buy more, but all upbeat songs and no breaks in between. Plus, you can sort through the lists by bpm to help achieve your desired pace.

    Personally i'm using the NHS C25K program, in which the podcasts have music built in with some woman telling you how long you've done and when to speed up/slow down. I've found it pretty awesome, mainly because i don't have to find music to listen to :D