Daily Check In Thread



  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    I tried b210k week 9 day 1 yesterday and failed miserably. Couldn't make it through the second 10-minute run interval. Then again, it was a really hot day and I just kept feeling like I was overheating. I'll have to try it again when it's evening and not so hot.
  • rnurse82
    rnurse82 Posts: 94 Member
    edited May 2016
    W5D1 done yesterday! Felt great! Actually, started out on w6d2 by accident, and looked and I had been 6 mins. I went ahead and started walking b/c I had some knee issues a couple weeks ago and was told not to push. So, I had to watch the timer and adjust to my 5min run 3 min walk intervals. Anyway, it felt great! Can't wait to do D2 tmrw!!!

    Great job everyone!

    Love the pic as always!
  • inka912
    inka912 Posts: 66 Member
    I tried b210k week 9 day 1 yesterday and failed miserably. Couldn't make it through the second 10-minute run interval. Then again, it was a really hot day and I just kept feeling like I was overheating. I'll have to try it again when it's evening and not so hot.
    Dont worry, you'll get it. Just give yourself a time :)
    I tried it today too. I made it but I ran a lot slower than I thought I would. After yesterday's running failure I didn't feel like I had a good workout (I wanted to run 5k, barely ran 2 miles and decided to call it a day; I guess it was one of those bad runs that happen to everyone sometimes) so I figured I was gonna try running today again and start b210k. Like I said, I made it but I was so slooow.
    I guess I'll stick to week 9 for a while though, until I feel I am ready to move forward.
  • rnurse82
    rnurse82 Posts: 94 Member
    I did my W5 D2 this morning! I am a little nervous regarding the 20 minute run on D3. I made it through the first 8 mins today fine, no issues. Thank goodness she said "one minute left" on the last 8 minutes (at the 7 minute mark) Wasn't sure I could do it! It is so weird. I totally get what you guys mean when you say "its a mind thing". B/c thinking about it now, my legs weren't tired, my breathing was fine, I just didn't think I could do it! How do I overcome this!? During the second 8 minute run, I kept telling myself "you made it through the first 8, you can make it through this one!". Should I repeat D2?? I am planning on just going for it and seeing how far I get and then repeating the 20 minute until I reach it...IF i don't make it the first time. Thoughts?
  • smiles4jo
    smiles4jo Posts: 202 Member
    rnurse82 wrote: »
    I am planning on just going for it and seeing how far I get and then repeating the 20 minute until I reach it...IF i don't make it the first time. Thoughts?

    This was exactly the strategy I used - I figured I had nothing to lose by trying the 20 minutes. It took me three tries, but I finally did it! The first time, I got to 16 minutes before my brain gave up (not my legs or my lungs!). The second time, I got to 15 minutes. The third time, I re-adjusted my route so it was flatter and I did it!

    Tonight, I'm moving on to week 6! :)

    Good luck!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    If there's one thing I've learned by doing c25k, it's that running is about 95% mental. You start running, and your brain is like, "WHY ARE WE DOING THIS?!" and you have to just keep pushing through the desire to stop. There have been a few time where I've been able to let my mind wander while I'm running, and that helps tremendously because you're not thinking about the fact that you're running. But I haven't been able to do that very often. I'm hoping as I get better I'll be able to focus my brain elsewhere and just run.
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    rnurse82 wrote: »
    I did my W5 D2 this morning! I am a little nervous regarding the 20 minute run on D3. I made it through the first 8 mins today fine, no issues. Thank goodness she said "one minute left" on the last 8 minutes (at the 7 minute mark) Wasn't sure I could do it! It is so weird. I totally get what you guys mean when you say "its a mind thing". B/c thinking about it now, my legs weren't tired, my breathing was fine, I just didn't think I could do it! How do I overcome this!? During the second 8 minute run, I kept telling myself "you made it through the first 8, you can make it through this one!". Should I repeat D2?? I am planning on just going for it and seeing how far I get and then repeating the 20 minute until I reach it...IF i don't make it the first time. Thoughts?

    Great job! I just finished W5D3 yesterday and was extremely nervous about it... so much so that I didn't sleep very well the night before. A few days before I found a nice long stretch of our greenway trail that is fairly flat and I went there for the 20 min run and I also slowed my pace down a little from what I had been doing on the interval runs... was still under a 10 min mile, so felt good about it. I also felt I could have kept running at the end of 20 minutes, but I am really trying to stick to the program and not burn myself out. I will also agree that it is a mind thing... I had a good playlist on and kind of estimated how long I had run by the number of songs that had played. Good luck and don't let your mind trick you into thinking you can't do it... because you can!
  • lornaharton
    lornaharton Posts: 18 Member
    I'm doing W5D3 tomorrow and can't wait! I know it'll be hard but I'll just go really slow so I can complete it. Speed will come later (I keep telling myself lol)

    Good luck!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Finally was able to run 3 miles today! It took me 40 minutes but who cares. I DID IT!!!!
  • rnurse82
    rnurse82 Posts: 94 Member
    edited June 2016
    Thanks for the words of encouragement!
    I'm doing W5D3 tomorrow and can't wait! I know it'll be hard but I'll just go really slow so I can complete it. Speed will come later (I keep telling myself lol) ]

    I do it tomorrow morning as well. I will be VERY slow LOL So, I get it. According to Mapmyrun I am between a 16.5-17 min mile at the moment. It will be a long while before I get to 10 mins! But, I'll get there, I know it!
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    If there's one thing I've learned by doing c25k, it's that running is about 95% mental. You start running, and your brain is like, "WHY ARE WE DOING THIS?!" and you have to just keep pushing through the desire to stop.

    So glad this isn't just me.
  • sweets1973
    sweets1973 Posts: 66 Member
    rnurse82 wrote: »
    W5D3 DONE!!!! I did the full 20 mins!!!!!! Whoop!

    I'm starting week 5 day 1 on Monday looking forward to it
  • angie55575
    angie55575 Posts: 90 Member
    Doing W7D2 tonight after work. My typical MWF schedule got all messed up from the long weekend (I was in a car for 8 hours on Monday). I'm wondering if I should try to get one more run in this week- or just continue to W8D1 next Monday. Hummmmmm!
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Attempted another 5K run today, but it didn't go well. It was warming up outside, we'd already done a 5 mile walk, and I haven't been sleeping well. So, I ended up walking a lot of it. I should have just skipped it in favor of something less strenuous or at least chosen a shorter run.
  • sweetdianachka
    sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
    Finished w7d2 tonight! I signed up for. Race for the Cure 5k next week because there is a team registered from my work, but I'm not sure if I'll be ready to go the whole 5k without really really wanting to stop. I can do the 25 min run, but after about 20 min I'm looking forward to the end, and knowing there's only a few minutes left it's ok.

    Also, I've been looking for tips on running your first 5k, especially what to do the week before. (ie how many rest days should I have before the race) haven't found too much yet, but I'm sure the information and advice is out there.