Daily Check In Thread



  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Well, my knee held out and I did The Color Run in London yesterday - SO MUCH FUN!

    I didn't run all the way because I wanted to stay with my friend who had to take walk breaks because it was so freakin' hot. I would have lost her in the crowds otherwise and I'm pretty certain I would have had to walk at some point anyway. Typical that the hottest day of this heatwave happens on run day!

    They had a fire hose at the finish that was most definitely welcome!

    I'm going to carry on with C210k and regularly do my local ParkRun to keep a check on my 5k time.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    W5D2 done this morning.

    First half was through the woods and it felt easy - actually surprised me when the voice chipped in to say walk at the end of the 1st 8min run! The second run was on an open track by a railway line in the sun and even at 6.45am it was starting to get hot so I had to slow it down for the last 2mins but still kept going so I'm quite pleased with myself.

    It's hard to believe that I struggled with 1.5min runs a few weeks back and now I can do 8mins without feeling like my lungs are on fire! lol
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    So I moved on past the 5k portion of c210k and tried to do w9d1 today.... TRIED. :frown: In c210k (zen labs version), w9d1 is run 10 walk 1, 4x. It was so hot and humid that I only got a few minutes into the third running interval and had to stop and walk home. I was on the verge of passing out. My head was pounding, and I felt like I was about to collapse right there on the trail. It was awful. My last 5 or so runs have been bad. I know runners go through periods of bad runs sometimes, but it doesn't make it less frustrating. I guess I'll be repeating w9d1 on Tuesday.

    It's supposed to be even hotter on Tuesday and Thursday for my next runs, which I usually do after work, so it looks like I'll be waking up at 4:30 and braving the trails in the dark. :sick:

    I'm doing this exact programme. The first run was pretty tough but by the third I was used to it. Starting week 10 today. 15 mins three times. Will let you know...

    Ps the heat here is really high too. I don't think you should under estimate the difference that makes so keep your chin up x

    C2 10 K
    Week 10 Day 1 down and done.
    These 3 times 15 minutes intervals were much easier to achieve than the 4 10 minute intervals. Much better to get into your running groove.
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    Week 2 Day 2 done. I'm hoping I'm ready to up a gear for day 3.
  • Trent1612000
    Trent1612000 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Kidfree run today and had my best time yet, a solid 5 mph. oh, and.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I signed up for my first official 5k on August 10th.

    After finishing C25K last week, I thought about what to do next. I feel like I'll stick with something better if I have goals. So, yesterday morning, I decided to give 5 to 10k a try. Week 1, day 1, distance version was 5 intervals of run 8/10 mi, walk 1/10. Total distance with wu/ cd and walking intervals- almost 5 miles. The major issue with this is going to be the extra time commitment.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    So I moved on past the 5k portion of c210k and tried to do w9d1 today.... TRIED. :frown: In c210k (zen labs version), w9d1 is run 10 walk 1, 4x. It was so hot and humid that I only got a few minutes into the third running interval and had to stop and walk home. I was on the verge of passing out. My head was pounding, and I felt like I was about to collapse right there on the trail. It was awful. My last 5 or so runs have been bad. I know runners go through periods of bad runs sometimes, but it doesn't make it less frustrating. I guess I'll be repeating w9d1 on Tuesday.

    It's supposed to be even hotter on Tuesday and Thursday for my next runs, which I usually do after work, so it looks like I'll be waking up at 4:30 and braving the trails in the dark. :sick:

    I'm doing this exact programme. The first run was pretty tough but by the third I was used to it. Starting week 10 today. 15 mins three times. Will let you know...

    Ps the heat here is really high too. I don't think you should under estimate the difference that makes so keep your chin up x

    C2 10 K
    Week 10 Day 1 down and done.
    These 3 times 15 minutes intervals were much easier to achieve than the 4 10 minute intervals. Much better to get into your running groove.
    Good to know. :smile: I'm expecting Tues/Thurs this week to be rough because it's supposed to be so hot. I'm going to do my best, but I'll probably be on W9D1 until next week.
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    I got through W6D3. It is soooooo hot out. :)
  • Madmoo70
    Madmoo70 Posts: 25 Member
    Did Week 3 last week and treadmill broke 24mins into Day 1, we thought we'd fixed it but it gave up again 11 mins into Day 2 so I just kept moving then legged it out the door and along quite a main road for the remainder. Really cant get to grips with running outside yet and can focus a lot more when on treadmill. Missed Day 3 session altogether as had very busy weekend. However, a lovely friend has loaned me her treadmill so that I can keep up with the programme. So tonight, with great apprehension I proceeded with Week 4, Day 1 and despite my reservations and bad mood before it - I DID IT! Cant believe I ran for a whole 5mins twice. Before starting C25K I wasn't able to run for 30 seconds without feeling like I was gonna pass out. By reading all the reviews, hints and tips from others before starting, it has motivated me to stick with it and see what I can achieve. Thanks to those on this community forum for telling it how it is. :happy:
  • Cherie0622
    Cherie0622 Posts: 87 Member
    FINALLY finished W5D2. Took me 3 tries! Surprinsingly, I was able to finish without much of a problem. No cramps or anything! Yay! The 20 min run is next. I will try to do it the first time. If not, I'll just keep trying. No problem!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Week 9 Day 3 done! Woo Hoo! I finish C25K! For this run I just relaxed and ran an easy pace. Still only covered 1.82 miles in the 30 minutes, but I ran for the entire time. Now on to 5 to 10K training and maybe I can actually run 5K one day. :)

    Congrats! What 5K-to-10K training program are you doing? I started it this morning (using the Active app, which I used for C25K) and decided I don't like it, so I'm going to try the Hal Higdon version instead.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Silly me didn't read ahead. I use Zen labs and week 9 just says "you've graduated" and to go practice running 30 mins at a time. The next box on there is for the 5K. Yay me. I'm going to work on the endurance more and see if that improves and brings up the speed. I can see a 5K in the fall, when it's not as hot.
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    Week 6 day 2 done. Nicer than the last run, much less humid. Also the sunset was so beautiful it took my mind off the running :love:
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    Week 5 day 2 complete! A little intimidated for the notorious week 5 day 3, but I have been able to complete every workout so far, so I'm gearing up for success!

    I felt exactly the same, nervous the days leading up to it but I just kept going at a steady pace and couldn't believe it when the chime told me I was done. You will do it! :smile:
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Week 9 Day 3 done! Woo Hoo! I finish C25K! For this run I just relaxed and ran an easy pace. Still only covered 1.82 miles in the 30 minutes, but I ran for the entire time. Now on to 5 to 10K training and maybe I can actually run 5K one day. :)

    Congrats! What 5K-to-10K training program are you doing? I started it this morning (using the Active app, which I used for C25K) and decided I don't like it, so I'm going to try the Hal Higdon version instead.

    I used the RunDouble C25K app and am planning to use their 5to10K app. Haven't started it yet though.
  • ortega1990
    ortega1990 Posts: 236 Member
    Today I actually did an official c25k run -W7D3 completed.
  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    W8D1 complete. I am so glad that I got it in early today. It is already warm and humid and it is only going to get worse once the sun comes up.

    My pace wasn't as good as last week's but I am confident it will be there at the end of the week. It is amazing to even think about my pace when I look back at where I started and was struggling to run for even 3 minutes then. I have come a long ways and I think I am actually developing into a real runner. That 5K I registered for on August 3rd is no longer scary the daylights out of me.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Zen Labs c210k W9D1 complete! It's supposed to be beyond hot today with a heat index of around 103F (39C) so I woke up crazy early to go out around sunrise. It was so humid already! But thanks to the lower temps and lack of blaring sun, I was able to complete the run that I couldn't finish on Sunday. I'll have to keep getting up early to run until it starts to cool down a bit.

    According to my MapMyRun app, I got through 3.17 miles in 43 minutes (40min running, 3min walking: 10, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10). I'm hoping to do a 5K in about a month, and I'd like to run the whole thing in under 40 minutes. So far it looks like I'm on a good track. :smile:
  • BeingKevin
    BeingKevin Posts: 109 Member
    I ran W8D1 last night. Ended up running 2.24 miles in the 28 minutes.

    I was really just happy to finish, it was very hot (92° when I started) and humid. I was completely drained when I was done. It is supposed to get hotter, and more humid, as the week progresses so I guess just proving to myself that I can finish under these conditions is a victory.