Daily Check In Thread



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I am starting back at the beginning on C25K. I graduated in January and have run two 5ks in the meantime (times of 39:45 and 35:45). I've been running on my own over the past six months, and have tried to find some more 'advanced' podcasts that I can use. However I really liked my original C25K podcast (it's the British NHS Couch to 5K).

    So, I'm starting over with C25K, but instead of a light jog on my running intervals I'm really trying to RUN. I got through week one, but we'll see how tomorrow goes with 90 seconds of RUNNING! I'm hoping that going this route will help improve my speed.

    Any other ideas or hints??

    The NHS website also do a 5K+ podcast - I haven't listened to them as I'm only on W5D2 of C25K but hopefully this link will work and you can see if they're any use to you:


    These are awesome resources as they really get your stride rate up, which helps you with form and speed.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Realized to my dismay that my most recent C25K workout was W7D1 on June 29. *blinkblink* Between vacationing at the cottage, camping, a crazy storm with a 2 day power outage, going biking with DH instead, 2-1/2 weeks slipped by! Did NOT want to make any more excuses, so sucked it up and ran this morning, despite the heatwave. It was 26C; 36C with the Humidex at 7 am this morning. I wasn't sure if I would be able to do the entire 25 minutes without stopping, but I did it! Only 4 more workouts and I'll graduate. Never in a million years did I think I'd be able to do this. And yet here I am...doing it.

    Yay for getting back in the saddle again!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Woke up this morning and was at the lowest weight I had been in 2-3 years. I did W6D2 today and it went fine. Friday will be another "real test" as it is W6D3 (25 minutes of running). We'll see how that goes. Considering I was able to do the 20 minutes last Friday, I'm sure I'll be able to do the 25.

    Yes, you will.
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    Fell asleep before my run! Oops!! Went anyway, just a bit later than usual. Week 6 day 3 done :smile: Enjoyed it, I find it much easier to get into the rhythm of running now there are no walk breaks.

    This is my favourite thread on MFP, I like reading everyone's updates, you're all doing brilliantly, well done! :drinker:
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm a recent graduate of C25K who hasn't actually run a full 5K yet (although I'm getting closer). After a false start with the Active 5k-to-10k app I moved on to the Hal Higdon 10k program this morning, which suits my goals better.

    I had a horrible run this morning. I can't even call it a run. I don't know that I can even call it a jog. This morning I shuffled for 2 miles. My legs were tired, i was tired (it's hot here and I don't have a/c so I didn't sleep well last night), it was still hot & humid at 6:00 this morning when I hit the road, and mentally I was not in the game. But I finished it. Ridiculously slowly, but I finished it.
  • BeingKevin
    BeingKevin Posts: 109 Member
    I ran W8D2 last night despite the heat advisory we were having. The heat and humidity really made it tough. In 28 minutes I only ran 2.10 miles. On W8D1 I ran 2.24 miles, so there was quite the drop-off. However, I was pretty please with just finishing.

    My hope was that I would be able to run 2.5 miles when I get to the 30 minute run, but that isn't looking very likely. I am not sure how much time after finishing the program it will take to actually running a 5K?!
  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    W8D2 in the books. The humidity was still high this morning so I didn't feel the greatest but I still ran nearly 3 miles during the 28 minutes. Hopefully it will be cooler when I have to run day 3 on Saturday morning so I can really push myself to see if I can get 3.1 miles in during the 28 minute run.
  • CogitoErgoSum2
    CogitoErgoSum2 Posts: 57 Member
    W8 D2 done. :smile:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm a recent graduate of C25K who hasn't actually run a full 5K yet (although I'm getting closer). After a false start with the Active 5k-to-10k app I moved on to the Hal Higdon 10k program this morning, which suits my goals better.

    I had a horrible run this morning. I can't even call it a run. I don't know that I can even call it a jog. This morning I shuffled for 2 miles. My legs were tired, i was tired (it's hot here and I don't have a/c so I didn't sleep well last night), it was still hot & humid at 6:00 this morning when I hit the road, and mentally I was not in the game. But I finished it. Ridiculously slowly, but I finished it.

    Sounds like my run. I think I need to be more hydrated in the AM.

    I even thought about taking Marc Parent's advice and quitting running... until my next training session on Sunday (http://www.runnersworld.com/runners-stories/always-stay-a-beginner-runner-at-heart).

    I briefly considered going the whole way and breaking something, but gave it up when I realized I would be completely unconvincing as a quitter.

    But, Baby, if both feet were off the ground, it was a run and YOU ARE FABULOUS!
  • mtcastillo86
    mtcastillo86 Posts: 119 Member
    I am stalled in W7 right now. Haven't run since Sunday. My calf muscle is fine now, but I'm having a twinge in my knee that I know better than to ignore. I've also had some asthma with these recent rainstorms, so it's just been out of the question. We're going out of town for the weekend, and I plan to take it easy, and, hopefully, I'll be back in the game on Tuesday, my next running day.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I woke up later than I wanted to, but went to the park for a run anyway.

    About 2/3 of the way through 5 to 10K week 1, day 3, my phone died. I finished the last 2 1/2 intervals as best I could without the app. I was running at a pretty good pace when the phone died, quite a bit faster than the previous run. Ticked me off that I didn't get a final pace, distance, etc. :grumble:

    I will tackle week 2 day 1 on Saturday (with a FULLY charged phone!)
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    I just finished Wk1D2 yesterday evening. I did really well until the last interval when I tripped over something and torqued my ankle and knee a bit. Slowed me down to a brisk walk. But my leg feels fine today so no lasting damage. Can't wait to do my next run!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm a recent graduate of C25K who hasn't actually run a full 5K yet (although I'm getting closer). After a false start with the Active 5k-to-10k app I moved on to the Hal Higdon 10k program this morning, which suits my goals better.

    I had a horrible run this morning. I can't even call it a run. I don't know that I can even call it a jog. This morning I shuffled for 2 miles. My legs were tired, i was tired (it's hot here and I don't have a/c so I didn't sleep well last night), it was still hot & humid at 6:00 this morning when I hit the road, and mentally I was not in the game. But I finished it. Ridiculously slowly, but I finished it.

    Sounds like my run. I think I need to be more hydrated in the AM.

    I even thought about taking Marc Parent's advice and quitting running... until my next training session on Sunday (http://www.runnersworld.com/runners-stories/always-stay-a-beginner-runner-at-heart).

    I briefly considered going the whole way and breaking something, but gave it up when I realized I would be completely unconvincing as a quitter.

    But, Baby, if both feet were off the ground, it was a run and YOU ARE FABULOUS!

    Thank you!

    I might need to be more hydrated too - I really didn't drink much before heading out. I've come too far to give up now!
  • FlabFighter86
    FlabFighter86 Posts: 233 Member
    Completed Week 5, day 3. Was really tough to go for 20 minutes straight, but I managed. Wasn't even exhausted after it either, just calves were hurting and I was sweating like mad. Looking forward to week 6.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Completed Week 5, day 3. Was really tough to go for 20 minutes straight, but I managed. Wasn't even exhausted after it either, just calves were hurting and I was sweating like mad. Looking forward to week 6.

    Great job! That's a huge milestone in the program. Hope you stretched out your calves well afterward.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I found the first couple of weeks a struggle as I was going too fast for my fitness level, my breathing was all over the place (my lungs were on fire on Wk2!) but it does get better. After Wk3 it seemed to get easier - or to be more precise, I started listening to what the lady on my podcast was saying instead of trying to be Usain Bolt over night lol

    I'm glad you're ok after your stumble - easily done! :)
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Week 8 day 2 is in the bag.. I had to redo it from yesterday since I could not really breathe yesterday on my normal route outside. we have a fire close to us, about 40 miles away but the smoke is high in the air and the ash is floating. so not the best air quality to be trying to run in.
    So today, determined to get my week 8 day 2 done with, I hit the gym and the treadmill. Cranked up the tunes to keep my mind in the game and plugged along.
    Its done, now I can move on to week 8 day 3, which might have to be done on the treadmill as well, unless I got out of town... Hmmm maybe the beach!!
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    Just finished Weed 3 Day 3, I'm a little disappointed in myself because I let myself stop 20 seconds early on the last interval and I know if I had pushed myself I could have done it. I went early this morning, but it was already so hot and humid it was hard to breath just walking outside. The great thing was, I taped my leg for the first time and my shin didn't hurt me at all, so I was thrilled about that.
  • ws8996
    ws8996 Posts: 24 Member
    As an ex-football player, I always thought of running as a punishment (especially distance running.) Now that I have a full-time desk-job, I wasn't getting as much exercise as I was used to so I decided on Tuesday to start the C25K. Of course, I picked the absolute hottest week of the summer to get started! Anyway, last night I completed W1D2 but wanted to see how far off I am from a 30 minute 5k so I actually kept going after the app ended.

    I completed a 5k on W1D2 in 40 minutes. Let it be known that in my life the only other times I've traveled 3.1 miles was via vehicle, so this was awesome. I'm really hoping to push harder to get to that 30 minute mark by October. Do you think this is possible???
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    WK5D3 this morning - didn't go brilliantly as it was already getting hot at 6.30 (I don't 'do' hot weather very well lol).

    The last 2mins I was barely running, my feet were really dragging the ground so I didn't feel it was that great an accomplishment when she said 'that's it'.

    I think I'll repeat it on Sunday and if it goes a bit better I'll chalk it up as a victory but for the moment, only half a tick!