Daily Check In Thread



  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    Hey everyone! I got out there and did W8D2 today. I decided to try running to a new park because I was getting bored with running around the nearest park by my house. I took on a hill today as well. I overdid it today, and now I pulled a muscle in my calf. Smh! :( Oh well. I'm still proud of myself for today. Ice, rest, and relaxation should take care of my poor calf.

    One more day in the Zen labs app! :)
  • CogitoErgoSum2
    CogitoErgoSum2 Posts: 57 Member
    Run 5K today, with a pace of 7kmph. It will get better, but now I am just happy to be able and run the distance. :)
  • lisetteparks
    lisetteparks Posts: 13 Member
    Week 1 Day 1
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    Completed w7d3 today again (since I went back to the beginning of week 6 when I hurt my knee)

    Felt great...dog wanted to quit before I did - which was the original goal when I started c25k...to be able to out run my pup. Really looking forward to week 8 and right into the 10k program.

    Anyone know what is a reasonable distance to expect a lab to jog? I really don't want to have to leave he home as I increase my distance

    I started cycling in the off days. It's fun but it takes up so much time. Not sure if I'm going to be able to keep that up. And it's only the end of July but I am starting to worry about the winter months. I am loving being outside to exercise.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    Haven't run in a month - I've been busy moving and relocating across the country. I restarted W1D1 today (I got to W4D2 last time I did this) only outside and with my 15yo son. We had fun and I didn't find it that challenging, so I guess I didn't get as out of shape as I thought :)
  • ShubhaBansal
    ShubhaBansal Posts: 80 Member
    I started today..Week 1 day 1.
    C25K Day 1 - Warm up 3.5km/hr Walk 4km/hr Run 5km/hr
    Distance Run: 2km
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    week 3,day 1..out at 530 am and got to watch the sun rising as I was running..the last 30 secs of the last 3 mins was hard but got there in the end,happy to have finished it as I didn't want to go this morning!
  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    Did a 3.5 mile run this morning in preparation for my first race on Saturday. It seems weird to not use the C25K app since I graduated last week but the Nike+ app is great for telling me the pace each mile. I will have to explore the app to see if there is a way to get reminders each half mile so I can make sure I am running a consistent pace.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Did a 3.5 mile run this morning in preparation for my first race on Saturday. It seems weird to not use the C25K app since I graduated last week but the Nike+ app is great for telling me the pace each mile. I will have to explore the app to see if there is a way to get reminders each half mile so I can make sure I am running a consistent pace.
    I'm not sure about Nike+, but I use MapMyRun, and I can set it to tell me my split pace, overall time, and total distance each 1/4 mi, 1/2 mi, 1 mi, etc.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Anyone know what is a reasonable distance to expect a lab to jog? I really don't want to have to leave he home as I increase my distance

    1) It's not too hot out for him and
    2) He's not overweight or elderly
    3) He builds up his runs, length and speed, as you do

    There is no distance that you can do that he cannot.

    Be serious about evaluating whether he's overweight as most pet labs are.

    Normal conversation with a veterinarian:
    Person: Is my dog overweight
    Vet: No, he's okay. <because he's probably not as bad as many of the dogs he/she sees>
    Person: Well I'm expecting him to <pick one below>
    - do flyball
    - do agility
    - run marathons with me
    Vet: Oh! Yes he needs to lose some weight.
  • andrea_marie3
    andrea_marie3 Posts: 39 Member
    Finished W7D1 last night. Husband and I started using the treadmill instead of outdoor runs because of the heat. I'm still amazed that a few months ago I had a hard time running for a minute. This has been wonderful so far!
  • spartania
    spartania Posts: 88
    Completed w9d2 today... the end is in sight!!!
  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    Did a 3.5 mile run this morning in preparation for my first race on Saturday. It seems weird to not use the C25K app since I graduated last week but the Nike+ app is great for telling me the pace each mile. I will have to explore the app to see if there is a way to get reminders each half mile so I can make sure I am running a consistent pace.
    I'm not sure about Nike+, but I use MapMyRun, and I can set it to tell me my split pace, overall time, and total distance each 1/4 mi, 1/2 mi, 1 mi, etc.

    I will have to check that app out. Thanks.
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    Anyone know what is a reasonable distance to expect a lab to jog? I really don't want to have to leave he home as I increase my distance

    1) It's not too hot out for him and
    2) He's not overweight or elderly
    3) He builds up his runs, length and speed, as you do

    There is no distance that you can do that he cannot.

    Be serious about evaluating whether he's overweight as most pet labs are.

    Normal conversation with a veterinarian:
    Person: Is my dog overweight
    Vet: No, he's okay. <because he's probably not as bad as many of the dogs he/she sees>
    Person: Well I'm expecting him to <pick one below>
    - do flyball
    - do agility
    - run marathons with me
    Vet: Oh! Yes he needs to lose some weight.

    Thanks for the response!

    Her coat is black and she definitely gets hot - I don't run her in the sun at all - only when it is cool and cloudy or usually after dark.

    She is just a puppy - will be 2 in Dec.

    I have walked her since we brought her home at 2 months - and she has done every day of the c25k with me since I started 8 weeks ago.

    She is the only dog I have ever owned so I could be totally off base but I doubt she is overweight - In fact by looking at her she looks like a small/skinny lab. But she is part husky, so maybe that is why. (once we officially graduate I will post a pic of her and me)

    She is probably due for a checkup at the vet. I will make to to ask him about her running with me when I am there.
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    Week 8 Day 1 done. At no point during the 28 minutes did I feel like I was going to die, I think I've cracked it :wink:
  • ladytrixibelle
    ladytrixibelle Posts: 22 Member
    Week 8 Day 1 done. At no point during the 28 minutes did I feel like I was going to die, I think I've cracked it :wink:

    That's awesome! I hope to get to that point at some stage! Going to do w5d2 tomorrow.
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    Week 8 Day 1 done. At no point during the 28 minutes did I feel like I was going to die, I think I've cracked it :wink:

    That's awesome! I hope to get to that point at some stage! Going to do w5d2 tomorrow.

    W8d1 here too. Felt great and probably could have put a few more mins in.

    Be patient. It happened for me sometime during week 6 for me. Now I'm trying to decide it it is ok to run everyday...because I am started to dread the off days not the run days! I can't believe I honestly just typed that....
  • fitgalin22
    fitgalin22 Posts: 76 Member
    I completed W1D1 today. :happy:

    I'm so proud of myself because yesterday I tried it and failed and today I accomplished the first step. :smile: I was able to do 25:00 min with 1.55 mi, which for me is better than yesterday's of 20:14 or 20:49 min with 1.33 mi. I lowered my mph by .3 and that sure did help me along with the music on my ipod. Hope everyone else is enjoying their C25K week. :happy:
  • ladytrixibelle
    ladytrixibelle Posts: 22 Member
    I completed W1D1 today. :happy:

    I'm so proud of myself because yesterday I tried it and failed and today I accomplished the first step. :smile: I was able to do 25:00 min with 1.55 mi, which for me is better than yesterday's of 20:14 or 20:49 min with 1.33 mi. I lowered my mph by .3 and that sure did help me along with the music on my ipod. Hope everyone else is enjoying their C25K week. :happy:

    Great work! Awesome way to start the C25k experience :D
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    W7D2 ticked off and a little bit extra due to feeling so good at the end! 30mins in total this morning - though it was lovely and cool.

    Average pace during the run section 11.48min/mile so I'm happy with that too.

    I'm still in a state of disbelief that I am running this far and for so long. My stamina always sucked even when I was young so this is all new to me - I love it! :bigsmile: