

  • Ranidan2
    Ranidan2 Posts: 13
    My name is Jeremy, and my superpower is resolving arguments. I really should have been a police negotiator, but instead I work in tech. I guess I can resolve arguments between different computers too. I'm also an Avid gamer.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    Hello! My name is Brigid, I'm 28. I caught myself babbling too much about Marvel and DC in General chit chat so before too many people headdesked and start bleeding out of their ears, I thought it would be strategically correct to look for safe waters. I discovered my super power at the young age of 5, inherited from my grandma. I bake. With great power comes great responsibility so, for the sake of the people closest to me, I try not to use it too often. Only when the duty calls. Majored on molecular biology and genetics, working on a neurobiology PhD, employed in Q&A in video game industry. Played basketball through the first half of teenage years, rowed through the second but after the World War I, I settled in Japan, got married, had a son. You know how that is...
  • kemartin2009
    kemartin2009 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello All. I'm Karen, K, or KMart. (That's what my coworkers call me. Wish I was joking.) My super power is giving pithy summations of any book I've read recently. Sadly, it's not widely useful, but it's great for making geeky friends. It also works for episodes of select television shows. I also happen to be a decent line editor--just not for my own work.
  • kitchenpenguin
    kitchenpenguin Posts: 39 Member
    Aloha! I'm Akiyo and I'm an Office Ninja. Files will appear on your desks before you ask for them, not as good as Radar but close. I'm also working on a culinary arts degree in the evenings and I'm active in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). So my real power and passion is cooking. I yell "There isn't enough food!" and then we go on to feed an additional 50+ people beyond the expected head count. My weakness? Grammar. I have a BA in English and I could, when I was in school, write about literary devices, parallels and allusions to other works, and literary theory but the grammar gets muddled. Yes, I've tried to read manuals and Eats Shoots and Leaves...doesn't stick to my brain. The ... is how I talk because I am full of brain crack and I often need to pause and recenter to keep a conversation on a linear path. And I collect penguins; including a 3' tall stuffed Tux.

    Speaking of squid...I have a great recipe for calamari.
  • animefiend7
    animefiend7 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there. My name is Ian. My super power...is...really lame. lol. Well sorta. I am really good at Music Theory, about to graduate as a music major, and I can play fantastic classical piano. So...my super power is...Piano skillz that melts souls? :3

    Also, What time does the Narwhal Bacon?
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    Hello! I'm a 47 year old female nerd- I'm so nerdy I run a shop for nerds with gaming rooms to play rpg, mtg, ygo, 40K and board games!
    My special power is in use every day-
    Within 5 minutes people tell me everything about themselves and I get them gaming with other people! This only works in line of sight though!

    I also get to meed cool authors!

    I have a sign for the gaming rooms saying 'Welcome to Nerdvanna!'
  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    Hi! I'm Erin from upstate NY. I teach Spanish and French to 8th graders. I am consistently throwing in anything about Star Wars, the SImpsons, LOTR, etc to my lessons. I must be doing something right because I always have quite a collection of gifts by the end of the year (Star Wars action figures, Simpsons related material) LOL We even watched A New Hope one of the last days of school (after exams) and they could see me quoting the movie. YEAHHH.

    I also am called a dork a lot, and I have fully accepted it. I let my students know that it's ok to be "weird" & "yourself" and not care what others think! :bigsmile:
  • ALittleLikeHell
    Howzit :happy: My name is Illona (from Mythology, don't ask..) and I am an ACE Tetris player (Tetrite?) :wink: If The Peanut Committee would just be so kind as to make Tetris an Olympic Event, my Life would be more or less MADE.

    I am also supernaturally good at Procrastinating, in fact ... Nah, I'll do it later!
  • Rage4lightning
    Rage4lightning Posts: 72 Member
    My name is Sarah though I tend to go by Lita instead.

    My superpower would be crocheting tiny amigurumi of video game or anime characters. And Cthulhu. Lots and lots of crocheted Cthulhus lying around my place.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Oh my goodness!! Geeks!! I <3 you all!

    Koldriana was my very first RPG pen and paper RPG character who has followed me for about 10 years thru all kinds of games from Vampire Masquarade to EQ2, Wow and most recently SWTOR in varied incarnations with slight variations. I'm obviously a gamer -though recently slowed down to experience.."outside" - It burrrnns us.. Seriously though I'm finding out I can be amazingly active for a fat girl.

    My boyfriend is a closet physicist so I tend to know all about odd things like Higgs & Branes and all things universe'y' (yes I made that up - deal!) I'm another Metal Head / Geek with special love of power metal and foreign bands - Sabaton FTW!

    My super power is that I can make food appear from virtually nothing..some flour, some eggs..BOOM pasta!
  • bowties_r_cool
    bowties_r_cool Posts: 66 Member
    Hello! I am so HAPPY I found this group! (Just had to say!) Name is Tanjha, pronounced Tonya. But I also go by 'hey you!' :D My superpower is my amazing ability to obsess over my multiple obsessions in a rotating cycle. i just start adding new fandoms to the rotation as they appear. I am not sure if that counts so.... I guess my 'other' super power would be my ability to make any recipe gluten free and make it yummy! Yay Squids!
  • LeeM86
    LeeM86 Posts: 124 Member
    Hello there!

    I'm Lee, 25 yrs old nerdy gurl from Spain. My superpower is being able to have the longest movie/shows marathons without falling asleep. I watched the three first seasons of Supernatural in 5 days, I had a 12 hours long LOTR (extended version... no breaks between movies, no bathroom, nothing) not long ago, and I tend to watch time and time again my fav shows/movies.

    I'm so obsessed with certain fandoms that I have my own pendrive for fanfic-archive purposes, a X Files tattoo, and the spanish Mulder voice actor in my messenger. LOL.

    My main obsessions are X-Men (go go Rogue), X Files (forever a X philer), Fringe, old video games, anything sci-fi related, all the horror movies in the world, and asian cinema.
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    Hi all! I'm Joan but mostly I go by Joey. My superpower is xray vision. How so? I'm going to school to be a sonographer which is a person who looks inside your body lol. I get to see all your gross inards. how awesome is that?!
  • luluzombie
    Hello everyone!
    My name is LuLu and my super powers include making chocolate disappear into my tummy, amazing dinosaur knowledge and mad analogue photography skills to name but a few.
    Lovely to meet you all too x

    Edited to save you all from my awful spelling.
  • kjcoul01
    kjcoul01 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Group...

    (This feels like a support group meeting somehow...not that I would know)

    My superpower is working with kids (and my kid) on the Autism Spectrum! I'm awesome!
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Hi all.

    I guess my superpower is a memory that retains all kinds of odd and pointless facts - somehow I remember practically everything I read, no matter how long ago I read it or how useless it was!

    And according to my colleagues, I have an uncanny ability to say what others were thinking (but were wise enough not to say out loud!).
  • thewinged
    Hiya! My real-life superpower is...reading animal body language? Especially birds of prey. I kind of spend my whole day monitoring and observing hawks, so I can tell you a lot of why birds do what they do.

    But man, I would LOVE to be able to fly!
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    Hi all.

    I guess my superpower is a memory that retains all kinds of odd and pointless facts - somehow I remember practically everything I read, no matter how long ago I read it or how useless it was!

    And according to my colleagues, I have an uncanny ability to say what others were thinking (but were wise enough not to say out loud!).

    That sounds like me!
    There's got to be some way of earning money with this ability, I just haven't worked out what it is yet! Oh and it's got to be more exciting that telling people where they have left their keys, or who said what last year in November!!!!!
  • CorasMama1
    I'm Kate, my husband Drew and I are doing this weight loss/healthier living journey together. We also, with my 14-year-old, spend a lot of time involved in science fiction convention running and our local scifi con fandom.

    My superpower, gained through my own medical stuff and my three kids with special needs, is getting doctors to bend to my will.
  • Adara13
    Adara13 Posts: 50
    Hi all! I'm Anjolize and I live in South Africa. My superpowers stem from being born in a Friday the 13 th . I can remember random facts but not my studies. I can read a book in an evening. And I have the world's most over active imagination yet! I get obsessed easily and bored fast, typical ADD. But the obsessed part.... *evil laugh*.