APRRAE's Progress : Body Revolution Started on May 2nd



  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR Day 83

    Cardio 3 this morning was hard. My legs just din't have the same energy as usual. Not sure why. I am glad that tomorrow is my rest day. If I were only doing 12 weeks, I would be done today, but I will be doing 1 more week for the full 90 days. 2 more times through each workout.

    Vacation is fast approaching. I am looking forward to spending a week in the sun with family. I can look forward to it even more knowing that I won't be making the "I just had 2 kids" excuse for the shape of my body. Since my youngest is 2 1/2, it was a pretty lame excuse when I used it last year. I won't be the skinniest or most in shape person on the beach, but I'll be feeling pretty good in comparison to where I was 3 months ago. It will be so nice to feel good in my own skin again and not feel embarrassed that I have let myself go.

    Have a good week everyone!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR Day 84

    Last official rest day. I put my scale away after last week's scale frustrations, so I won't weigh in until Thursday. I hope to add in a walk today as I am realizing that exercise is good for my overall attitude each day. I love sleeping a bit later on my rest days, but I feel like I am missing something now that the workouts are part of my daily routine.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • LeslePG
    LeslePG Posts: 105 Member
    I hope to add in a walk today as I am realizing that exercise is good for my overall attitude each day. I love sleeping a bit later on my rest days, but I feel like I am missing something now that the workouts are part of my daily routine.

    I totally get this! You are doing so great!!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR Day 85

    Workout 11 this morning. My body was so tired. I can't figure out why. I had my rest day yesterday, and never was able to find the time for a walk; so I know that I haven't been working out too much. I still have to do some modifying in this workout. My shoulder is still sore, so I go to my knees on the cable pushups and 3 point pushups. I could only hold the chaturunga for about 15 secs and then went to my knees. 2nd time through the workout, I just did crunches while they held it. Doing this move is what caused me the pain in my shoulder, so I don't want to push it. The workout still kicks me in the butt, and it will be interesting to see how I will do when I come back to it after repeating Phase 2 and 3.

    It is so great to see all the new members of this group who are starting the program. I hope that you have as much success as I have had. Keep up all the great work!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR Day 86 : End of Phase 3 Results

    I am going on vacation tomorrow, so I am reporting my Phase 3 results today, even though it is only day 85. I will continue on to day 90, but don't want a week at the beach to be included in my results. For those of you following my progress, I stuck to the workout regiment and did not miss any workouts. I did not follow Jillian's meal plan, but tried to follow her guidelines. I had many good eating days and many bad ones over the 3 months. I am so pleased with what 30 minutes a day has done to my body!!

    Phase 3 may be the end of the program, but I will keep going and hope to get even more fit.

    Starting Measurements:
    Weight: 189
    Waist: 37
    Hips: 43
    Bust: 43
    Thigh: 26
    Dress Size: 14
    %Body Fat: 37

    End of Phase 3 Measurements:
    Weight: 168.2
    Waist: 32
    Hips: 39
    Bust: 38
    Arm: 12
    Thigh: 24
    Dress Size: 10
    % Body Fat: 34.5

    Total Difference:
    Weight: 20 pounds
    Waist: 5 inches
    Hips: 4 inches
    Bust: 5 inches
    Arm: .3 inches
    Thigh: 2 inches
    Dress Size: 2 dress sizes
    % Body Fat: 2.5%

    So that is 20 pounds and 12.8 inches in 13 weeks, and I only measure a few body areas, so my inches are not comprehensive.

    I did not take before photos, so the first side by side full body pictures are from end of Phase 1.

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 3

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 3

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 3

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 3

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 3

    I also posted this to the graduates topic, so that it would be there for folks who are looking at a collection of results.
  • poomash
    poomash Posts: 20
    Awesome results. Great Job!!
  • chicatita
    chicatita Posts: 193 Member
    You look great! Awesome results! Enjoy your vacation:)
  • trudemeanor
    trudemeanor Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for posting your journey with Body Revolution. Reading it helps me to keep motivated and stick to the program. I just finished week 6 today. By reading your post about workout 7 I already know I need to prepare myself. You did excellent with Body Revolution. Have fun on your vacation.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    90 Days Completed and a Vacation to Celebrate!

    Well this will be my last post in this Topic/Thread, as I have officially completed my 90 days of Jillian's Body Revolution. You saw my results from last week, and I cannot tell you how proud I am of myself for making it through the program. I left for vacation last friday and completed my final workouts while even being on vacation. It felt so great to make 90 days.

    Being in a bathing suit was liberating. I was so nervous that my old body image frustrations would creep up on me and derail my feelings of being proud, but happily, all I felt was proud of the changes in my body and everyone noticed the results of all my hard work. I had 2 moments from the week that I'd really like to share:

    1. My sister in law who is in great shape and has exercised her entire life decided to join me in Cardio 3 on my 90th day. Before completing the program, I wouldn't have wanted anyone to do a workout with me, but by day 90, I had no problem. She was so impressed with the workout and how hard it was and kept saying how strong I must be to do all of the moves as well as I do. It felt great to hear and I really do feel strong!

    2. I went to the Outer Banks of NC for my vacation, and they have a monument there that sits on top a pretty steep hill. On a number of the mornings, a group of us went for a walk and we would walk the hill a few times. Someone joked that we should run up it. So my sister in law (who did the workout with me) and I ran up it. Not just once but 3 times. It was hard, but I did it. I even ran it fast, like a JMBR cardio interval.

    I want to share these 2 successes, because I know over the course of my 90 days, I felt discouraged and unsure that I was really seeing the results that I wanted. In both of those times on my vacation, I felt proud of my fitness level : something I haven't been proud of in years. The program works if you do the workouts. I am proof. I am thinner and more toned, which is GREAT, but I am proving to myself that I am capable of doing more and more. Keep making the workouts a priority in your day, and before you know it, you will be celebrating your 90th day too!!

    I've started up Phase 2 again and plan to complete it and Phase 3 again until I get bored and find something else that I think will be equally as successful. I will start up a new topic/thread to cover my second time through the program.

    GOOD LUCK ALL!!!!!
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    So encouraging to read someone who has completed the program. I feel like a lot of folks drop out after phase 1. I just did Workout 11 for the first time today. What a butt-kicker! Can't wait to see what 12 has in store. So, you're repeating BR again? My fiance is interested in doing it, but I really don't want to do Phase 1 again.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    One last post to showing a before and after shot. The before is from Thanksgiving 2011 and the after is from my vacation after the completion of my 90 day Body Revolution.


  • Dozy87
    Dozy87 Posts: 11
    Your results are amazing! I'm pretty much the same weight you were when you started, so what you've achieved is a huge inspiration to me! Really hope I can get brilliant results like yours! I'm starting tomorrow...eek!!!xx
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I read through your posts and found them very inspiring. Your results are great!

    I'm almost at the end of Week 2 and i can already feel my body changing. I totally get what you say on Day 82. My niece is a Beach Body consultant and has been trying to get me to do Insanity or Turbo Fire. But I know JM's 30 min workouts work for me since I"m a working mom.
  • Aimer45
    Aimer45 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you so much for posting your results. Your results are amazing and very inspirational! I am only a week and a half into but loving it so far (did other Jillian workouts previously). It is so nice to see that you got such great results even without following her diet plan.
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    You look great! Thanks for sharing your journey!