
  • Queenie_O
    Queenie_O Posts: 65 Member
    I didn't make my goal weight but I'm not too discouraged. I got off to a really slow start. I had a three week period where I did not lose. But I made a couple of changes and I think I'm back on track. Today I'm 218.6...I'll take it...out of the 220s. My next goal is 211 on September 23 and I'm going to work very hard to get those 7 lbs. My Christmas gift to myself will be to get to ONEDERLAND. I love this challenge and appreciate all the support.

    SW: 221 lbs.
    GW: 195 lbs.
    Goal #1 Aug 23: 216 lbs. - CW 218.6 - down 2.4
    Goal #2 Sept 23: 211 lbs.
    Goal #3 Oct 23: 206 lbs.
    Goal #4 Nov 23: 201 lbs.
    Goal #5 Dec 23: 195 lbs.

    I remember how great I felt when I made it out of the 220's -- congrats to you!!!
  • Queenie_O
    Queenie_O Posts: 65 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I just join about a week ago, so I have missed the August 23 date, but I would love to take this challenge if it's not to late to enter.

    SW: 274
    GW: 234
    Goal #1 Sept. 25: 264lbs
    Goal #2 Oct. 25: 254lbs
    Goal #3 Nov: 25: 244lbs
    Goal #4 Dec. 25: 234lbs

    Welcome! So glad to have you with us :smile:
  • thicknsexiTy
    thicknsexiTy Posts: 24 Member
    So today's weigh in day. Im down 1lb since I signed up for this challenge, but I gained 8 once I singed up. Immediatly after signing up I started drinking sodas and eatong sweets then I hurt my back so I couldnt get a good work out in. I worked hard for the past week in a half and I've lost the weight I gained so Im happy with that and a 1lb lost. Its better then another gain! Im gonna try hard to reacnh my Sept goal of 249. I work out twicw a day now sometimes 3 if I can get one in at work and I only eat sweets once a week. I time on whatever day I choose. Yesterday was M&M's. NO SODA'S at all. With this plan I WILL REACH MY GOALS.. :-)
  • markay_
    markay_ Posts: 83 Member
    So today's weigh in day. Im down 1lb since I signed up for this challenge, but I gained 8 once I singed up. Immediatly after signing up I started drinking sodas and eatong sweets then I hurt my back so I couldnt get a good work out in. I worked hard for the past week in a half and I've lost the weight I gained so Im happy with that and a 1lb lost. Its better then another gain! Im gonna try hard to reacnh my Sept goal of 249. I work out twicw a day now sometimes 3 if I can get one in at work and I only eat sweets once a week. I time on whatever day I choose. Yesterday was M&M's. NO SODA'S at all. With this plan I WILL REACH MY GOALS.. :-)

    It happened to me too, no worries..we can't let a gain hold us back WE CAN DO IT!! :)
  • Queenie_O
    Queenie_O Posts: 65 Member
    UPDATE: 1 - Aug 205 - reached 08/20 :happy: 8/23 official weigh in - 2 0 4 baby!

    @londaknight - losing inches is wonderful! The scale will eventually catch up :)

    @Beautifullymade j- 8.4 lb loss is excellent -- well done! (side note - I have GOT to get Dr Ian's book!)

    @mercymarque- Don't let it get you down. You were close to your goal. Next month will be better and by December's weigh in you'll be dancing your little 155 lb self around in celebration.

    @tclanton84 - So glad to have you here! We can all do this together.

    @noirnatural - that's over a pound lost in two days - yes!

    @TracyDiva28 - I know you'll be at goal tomorrow!

    @msamcoates - Welcome!

    @sweetp0380 - you can do it!!!

    @calyse90 - girl, I need a nap just reading how hard you work out! Excellent job

    @springbreakmission - YES!! well done.

    @4sandrad - holy crap, you already met your Sept goal??? Wooo hooo!!! Now go eat some chicken so you can keep up with those workouts! LOL

    @warriorsdont***** - love. that. name. !!! Welcome :)

    I'm sure I've missed someone, but my boss just caught me goofing around on the computer so I'd better get back to work :ohwell: So glad we're all in this together.

  • Queenie_O
    Queenie_O Posts: 65 Member
    @thicknsexiTy - YES YOU WILL!!! I'm so proud of you for not giving up. I know how hard it can be when you gain right after joining, that's exactly what I did too.
  • Ok I'm new to MFP and this group but would like to join the challenge. I hope I'm doing this right...well here goes...

    My name is Tonysha and I'm from Detroit, Michigan.

    SW: 295
    GW: 265
    Goal #1 Aug 23: 293lbs
    Goal #2 Sept 23: 285lbs
    Goal #3 Oct 23: 277lbs
    Goal #4 Nov 23: 270lbs
    Goal #5 Dec 23 265lbs

    Please feel free to add me as I need all the encouragement and support I can get!!!

    Aug 23rd weigh-in 296 (gained 1 lb) Sad and dissapointed but I know I just ate too many calories and too many of the wrong kinds of foods. Going to step it up this month and try to still hit my Sept we go!
  • markay_
    markay_ Posts: 83 Member
    It's weigh in day!! So I have decided to do my weigh ins monthly instead of weekly. At the beginning of this challenge I did gain 10 lbs, and as of today i weighed in at 376 :ohwell: I lost 9 of the 10 lbs I gained. That's a start in the right direction. I am determined to get back on track so I can hit my september goal on time :happy:


    GOAL #2: September GW 357

  • Ok, so my SW July 23rd was 240. I got down to 236.4. This morning my scale read 239. SO ANNOYED! I only worked out twice this week. It was a struggle. But I won't let this defeat me, just a little bump in the road! I knew I wasn't going to reach my goal for the month after my weigh in last week but thought I would get close to it....

    Well September, I'm coming for you! :tongue: :laugh:
  • Rochie81
    Rochie81 Posts: 106 Member
    SW 7/21: 305
    W1 7/28: 305
    W2 8/03: 302.8
    W3 8/11: 302
    W4 8/17: 298.8

    Goal #1 Aug 23: 293 lbs.....*****actual: 296.8 lbs.*****
    Goal #2 Sept 23: 280 lbs.
    Goal #3 Oct 23: 270 lbs.
    Goal #4 Nov 23: 260 lbs.
    Goal #5 Dec 23: 250 lbs.

    Congrats to all you ladies who have lost weight, inches or who despite gains are still in this to win it!!! It's been a great 4 weeks and I am proud and thankful for the support and commitment we have on here. I did not reach my goal, but I will do wait it takes to reach that Sept. 30th goal. I have been on the slow play and know if I totally commit myself to eating right as well as exercising consistently it should be a breeze ;)
  • thicknsexiTy
    thicknsexiTy Posts: 24 Member
    I wanna set new goals for myself. I don't care about winning because losing weight is winning for me! Ok here goes! Im truly motivated and dedicated, more now then ever!

    SW 280 from when I first started
    CW 257
    GW 217/215ish

    SEPT 247
    OCT 237
    NOV 227
    DEC 217
  • ceeceescurves
    ceeceescurves Posts: 15 Member
    Hello Sista's!!!

    I'm CeeCee from MD and just found out about this challenge. By all means please count me in. I'm starting on Aug 24th. I want to join to commit for myself, get help and help others if I can.

    8/31 w=214
    9/30 w=207
    10/30 w=200
    11/30 w=195
    12/25 w=190

    Good Luck All!!
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    UPDATE: 1 - Aug 205 - reached 08/20 :happy: 8/23 official weigh in - 2 0 4 baby!

    @londaknight - losing inches is wonderful! The scale will eventually catch up :)

    @Beautifullymade j- 8.4 lb loss is excellent -- well done! (side note - I have GOT to get Dr Ian's book!)

    @mercymarque- Don't let it get you down. You were close to your goal. Next month will be better and by December's weigh in you'll be dancing your little 155 lb self around in celebration.

    @tclanton84 - So glad to have you here! We can all do this together.

    @noirnatural - that's over a pound lost in two days - yes!

    @TracyDiva28 - I know you'll be at goal tomorrow!

    @msamcoates - Welcome!

    @sweetp0380 - you can do it!!!

    @calyse90 - girl, I need a nap just reading how hard you work out! Excellent job

    @springbreakmission - YES!! well done.

    @4sandrad - holy crap, you already met your Sept goal??? Wooo hooo!!! Now go eat some chicken so you can keep up with those workouts! LOL

    @warriorsdont***** - love. that. name. !!! Welcome :)

    I'm sure I've missed someone, but my boss just caught me goofing around on the computer so I'd better get back to work :ohwell: So glad we're all in this together.

  • Kaw169
    Kaw169 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey ladies!
    I didn't accomplish my monthly goal but I did lose 4 lbs from my starting weight of 265. I had about a two week plateau due to be being away from my surroundings. I am back on track not sure how I am going to get to my old goals so I am going to adjust my goals.

    SW 265
    August previous goal 255
    August CW 261
    Sept 251
    Oct 241
    Nov 231
    Dec 220

    Congrats to everyone even if you didn't lose just work harder next month! NSV I was able to buy a smaller size shirt the other day. I know I am losing inches!
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    Hello Sista's!!!

    I'm CeeCee from MD and just found out about this challenge. By all means please count me in. I'm starting on Aug 24th. I want to join to commit for myself, get help and help others if I can.

    8/31 w=214
    9/30 w=207
    10/30 w=200
    11/30 w=195
    12/25 w=190

    Good Luck All!!

    Hi CeeCee *waving frantically* Welcome to the challenge Diva!!!!
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    UPDATE: 1 - Aug 205 - reached 08/20 :happy: 8/23 official weigh in - 2 0 4 baby!

    @londaknight - losing inches is wonderful! The scale will eventually catch up :)

    @Beautifullymade j- 8.4 lb loss is excellent -- well done! (side note - I have GOT to get Dr Ian's book!)

    @mercymarque- Don't let it get you down. You were close to your goal. Next month will be better and by December's weigh in you'll be dancing your little 155 lb self around in celebration.

    @tclanton84 - So glad to have you here! We can all do this together.

    @noirnatural - that's over a pound lost in two days - yes!

    @TracyDiva28 - I know you'll be at goal tomorrow!

    @msamcoates - Welcome!

    @sweetp0380 - you can do it!!!

    @calyse90 - girl, I need a nap just reading how hard you work out! Excellent job

    @springbreakmission - YES!! well done.

    @4sandrad - holy crap, you already met your Sept goal??? Wooo hooo!!! Now go eat some chicken so you can keep up with those workouts! LOL

    @warriorsdont***** - love. that. name. !!! Welcome :)

    I'm sure I've missed someone, but my boss just caught me goofing around on the computer so I'd better get back to work :ohwell: So glad we're all in this together.


    Working on my protien girl!!! Thanks for the push!!!
  • I didn't reach my goal for this month and I actually gained weight...i'm kinda of dissapointed but I can only blame myself. I've been eating out a lot and not exercising. Reading all your stories is really motivating so I'll do better for sept!


    Goal #1 Aug - 150 - CW - 155
  • hellcatx
    hellcatx Posts: 17 Member
    I love the name of this challenge!
    SW is 194
    GW is 155 (I'd like to eventually get down to the 130-140 range, but I think 60 pounds is too much to safely lose in 4 months)
    Goal #1 August: 194
    Goal #2 September: 185
    Goal #3 October: 175
    Goal #4 November: 165
    Goal #5 December: 155
    Good luck ladies, we can do this!!!
  • isis2triple0
    isis2triple0 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey Ladies I passed my goal weight of 177lbs I'm at 174lbs!! So I'm changing my Sept 23 goal from 170lbs to 167lbs!! Good luck everyone!!
  • Congrats sistas! To those of you who are dropping pounds like it's hot, and those who aren't, but know what they gotta do to start dropping them again! We're doing the darn thang! I'm so proud of everyone!
    Hey sistas, I'm Tracy, 28, and definitely in on this challenge! I'll post my weight every friday.
    My stats:

    SW: 274 lbs
    CW: 263 lbs
    GW: 220 lbs

    8/23: 255 lbs
    met 8/24/12 :)
    9/23: 246 lbs
    10/23: 238lbs
    11/23: 229 lbs
    ~~*12/25/12*~~ 220lbs
  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    I made it, I made it, I MADE IT! * Screaming and jumping up and down*
    263.4 When I got on the scale this morning!!!!!!!

    YAY. I know Next month won't be easy, But I have a goal and I am going to make it. Thank you ladies for simply being an inspiration.

    Now let's get our "Jingle" on to the next goal!
  • HI everyone! I am Lakeshia. My SW as of today is 191.8. My GW is 170. That's a little over 1pd a week for me to lose. My weigh in day is on Sundays so I will post my update not this Sunday but the following Sunday. I am trying to find new recipes and workouts and plan to get back into my workout schedule by Monday.
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    My height is 5'11''

    SW - 294.2
    CW - 286.8
    GW - 250.2

    Goal 1 - August 25 = -8.8 (285.4) = 286.8
    Goal 2 - September 22 = -8.8 (276.6)
    Goal 3 - October 27 = -8.8 (267.8)
    Goal 4 - November 24 = -8.8 (259.0)
    Goal 5 -December 25 = -8.8 (250.2)

    I am 1.4 pounds from my goal, but I feel so good! It's working! September is my month! :)

    Good luck to all you ladies who made (and some who surpassed) your goals! For those, like me, who fell a little short - keep your momentum going into September. We've got a long way to December and we can make it!
  • smoore1988
    smoore1988 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey ladies, I did my official weigh in this morning. My goal was 260 for this month and I weighed in at 257.2 this morning!!! Great job ladies!! Let's keep up the great work!!!
  • cyndi851
    cyndi851 Posts: 7 Member
    My SW is 169
    CW 166
    GW is 140 which is a goal of 29 pounds lost.

    Goal #1 August: 166 MET!!
    Goal #2 September: 159
    Goal #3 October: 153
    Goal #4 November: 147
    Goal #5 December: 140
    Good luck ladies, stay positive we can do this!!!
  • cyndi851
    cyndi851 Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning ladies, I did my weigh in this morning. My goal was 166 for this month and I did it! My CW is 166.

    Goal #2 for September: 159
  • nbrown1989
    nbrown1989 Posts: 44 Member
    August 23 I weighed 321 a few lbs shy of my 318 goal.
  • Queenie_O
    Queenie_O Posts: 65 Member
    Good morning ladies, I did my weigh in this morning. My goal was 166 for this month and I did it! My CW is 166.

    Goal #2 for September: 159

    Way to go, Cyndi!
  • Queenie_O
    Queenie_O Posts: 65 Member
    August 23 I weighed 321 a few lbs shy of my 318 goal.

    That's ok, you'll make up for it this month. And don't forget to pat yourself on the back for losing 7 pounds last month!
  • Queenie_O
    Queenie_O Posts: 65 Member
    Monday check in - I'm up a pound from last week to 205, but yesterday I made some of my amazing spicy egg salad. It's loaded with sodium, so I'm not too surprised to be feeling a little fat & sassy this morning. It's totally worth it, though. The salad is chock full of olives, jalapenos, red onion and pepper flakes....have I mentioned it's amazing? :wink: I may even carry this salt baby all week, or at least until the boy discovers there's egg salad in the house. Once that happens, it doesn't stand a chance of lasting the whole week.

    How's everyone else faring after the weekend?