
  • thicknsexiTy
    thicknsexiTy Posts: 24 Member
    As the 23 apporaches I become more worried and scared that I won't reach my goals. I gained a few pounds when I hurt my back and although I've lost what I gained Im still a little discouraged. Im going to work hard eat less (don't go over my calories) and just try to lose at least 3-5 lbs before the 23. Even if I don't it will be good to say bye bye to he 60's hello 50's (but im not here to stay). I worked hard and so far im down 7lbs. YES I CAN , YES I CAN,, YES I CAN! (in my Sherman Klump voice)
  • Shawnette97
    Shawnette97 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm checking in. I love this challenge. It's helping to keep me motivated and accountable. Last week I was struggling to lose anything. I have been watching what I eat and exercising and the scale wouldn't move. My daughter's birthday was last week and I was very proud of myself for only eating one small piece of cake. She didn't want a party which meant the cake was in the house for a few days. I was so glad when they ate it all. When I weighed in on Monday I had lost 3lbs which was exciting. Today was the first day I exercised this week. The kids went back to school yesterday and I had a crazy week at work.

    I am starting to notice slight changes in the way my clothes fit:) I've got to quit focusing on the scale so much. I'm hoping to hit my target by the 23rd. If not I should be pretty close.

    Have a great weekend ladies.
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    As the 23 apporaches I become more worried and scared that I won't reach my goals. I gained a few pounds when I hurt my back and although I've lost what I gained Im still a little discouraged. Im going to work hard eat less (don't go over my calories) and just try to lose at least 3-5 lbs before the 23. Even if I don't it will be good to say bye bye to he 60's hello 50's (but im not here to stay). I worked hard and so far im down 7lbs. YES I CAN , YES I CAN,, YES I CAN! (in my Sherman Klump voice)

    You can do it, don't be discouraged. Seven pounds is awesome! Keep going strong, you can make your goal!
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    I wish I knew!
    I don't have the nerve to go off my diet for a week or stop exercising. I did take one day off from exercising which was the first in a month so we'll see how that works out. I am on a 1200 calorie a day diet and don't generally eat my exercise calories back. I think it's too early to call it a plateau. I suspect I may not be eating enough calories. Maybe this week was a fluke. I don't want to make any major changes until after the next weigh in just to see where things stand then.
    I wonder what's making you stall? Do you think it's something in your diet? Maybe you need to go off your diet for a week, stop exercising for a week, and start back up the following week. Shake things up a bit?
    Bah Humbug!!
    Greetings ladies!
    It's 8/16/12, my weigh in day. I am still at 238 pounds :grumble: ...
  • Rochie81
    Rochie81 Posts: 106 Member
    SW 7/21: 305
    W1 7/28: 305
    W2 8/03: 302.8
    W3 8/11: 302
    W4 8/17: 298.8

    Goal #1 Aug 23: 293 lbs.
    Goal #2 Sept 23: 280 lbs.
    Goal #3 Oct 23: 270 lbs.
    Goal #4 Nov 23: 260 lbs.
    Goal #5 Dec 23: 250 lbs.
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey ladies welcome new members update I have less thanks 2lbs to go to reach my aug 23rd weigh in after weeks of fluctuations the scale starting to go dwn a little bit changed my eating habits to more meat/protein/fruit hopefully ill meet/exceed my goal

    And those 2 pounds will be gone before you know it!!! Keep it up!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Ok I'm new to MFP and this group but would like to join the challenge. I hope I'm doing this right...well here goes...

    My name is Tonysha and I'm from Detroit, Michigan.

    SW: 295
    GW: 265
    Goal #1 Aug 23: 293lbs
    Goal #2 Sept 23: 285lbs
    Goal #3 Oct 23: 277lbs
    Goal #4 Nov 23: 270lbs
    Goal #5 Dec 23 265lbs

    Please feel free to add me as I need all the encouragement and support I can get!!!

    Welcome!! Glad to have you onboard!! Your goals and my goals are similar!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Hello Ladies:
    I am Candace and I am new to MFP. I would love to join this challenge. I am from Humble, Texas.

    SW: 280

    Aug: 274
    Sep: 268
    Oct: 262
    Nov: 256
    Dec: 250

    For a total of 30 pounds lost by December 27, 2012. Please feel free to add me so that we can encourage and uplift each other!

    Welcome Candace!! You've joined an amazing group of wonderful ladies!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Im afarid I won't reach my goal by the 23. :( but any loss is better then none at all! :)

    I don't think I am either (Teeaaarrssss) But, Its good i'm losing and not gaining! :)

    We got this! :happy: worries!! This is a lifetime change and a rollercoaster journey. Just because you don't meet one goal, doesn't mean that there will be no future success!! We're in control ladies!! Let's do this!!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Hello, I am not new to MFP but I just saw this challenge and I am super excited to join so here goes. Before I joined MFP I went form 378 to 278. I have gained some of the weight back so I am fighting to keep this journey going.

    My name is Charmaine and I am from Augusta, GA.

    I am 5'5" and
    SW (Aug. 15,) 287.2
    GW: 237.2

    Goal 1(Aug): 277.2
    Goal 2 (Sept): 267.2
    Goal 3 (Oct): 257.2
    Goal 4 (Nov): 247.2
    Goal 5 (Dec): 237.2

    Please feel free to add me and send all the encouragement my way. I am stuck and I hope this challenge will help to keep me motivatd and on track. Good luck ladies.

    Welcome Charmaine! Your weight loss so far is inspiring! I look to seeing you continue to lose weight throughout this challenge!!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    After weighing myself today and yesterday I'm 2-3 lbs away from my goal for the month and have a week to go until my weigh in! I am so happy to see some results! I've been reading everyone else's posts and it looks like everyone is doing great! (even if we do slip up once in a while!) Stay motivated and on track everyone!!!

    Great job!! Keep up the great work!! Those 2-3 pounds are well on their way to being MIA!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Didn't even realize i was to check in 1x a week. Well my weight now is 323.2 so I have lost 10lbs since I began this journey. On the 23rd I will do my one month weigh in from July 23. NSV...My work clothes are looser and I have more energy!

    AWESOME job!! Isn't it crazy how the energy just bounces back when you're fuelng your body properly and keeping active!?
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Congrats to everyone who has been losing! Isn't it exciting to see your body change? For me the change is increasingly mental. The past few days I've been working out twice a day, and I'm really challenging myself in the evenings to do more, go faster, and push harder. I even turned down a free lunch because I don't want to wreck my progress so far. That would not have happened two months ago.

    This past month has been amazing for me. Not only am I getting this weight off, I'm enjoying the journey. Last night I got a little upset because I was in a lot of pain, but once I managed to peel myself off of that yoga mat and stumble into the shower, I realized that while I will not see the results of my hard work tomorrow, or even the next day, if I maintain this level of dedication and fortitude, I can and will SOON see results. I already sleep better, my mood is better, I feel lighter, and I am generally in better spirits.

    For those who don't think that they will reach their goals, we are a looooong way form the finish line. Don't count yourself out! If you finish on Christmas day even 10 pounds less than you are now, that's still an awesome accomplishment - but there really is time to make your goals. I know that you can do it because I know that I am going to do it.

    Let this challenge be the catalyst to accomplish your weight loss goals, not just for Christmas, but forever.

    YOU can do this...We CAN do this!!

    What an inspiring post!! I smiled reading it from beginning to end! *round of applause* :flowerforyou:
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey Chicas! I thought that I posted when I started this challenge but I guess I did not :-(

    On August 8th, I starated at 180lbs.


    Goal Weight: 155 lbs with a BMI of under 25

    Aug 2012- 175 lbs

    Sept 2012- 170 lbs

    Oct 2012- 165 lbs

    Nov 2012- 160 lbs

    Dec 2012- 155 lbs

    I am working out at home and jogging at least three times a week. I began the Tapout XT on the 8th as well. I had my first weigh in with that program today and I am already at the my August goal weight of 175lbs!!! I am so Happy and Excited! I

    Congrats on meeting your goal!! Never heard of Tapout XT. Might have to check it out :)
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Challenge Sw 235
    Aug goal 228
    Sep goal 220
    Oct goal 213
    Nov goal 206
    Dec goal 199

    I'm 27 y/o and 5'6" tall.

    I'm in!!

    Well I gained a pound. I'm at 236. I weigh daily so I know I went down to 233 and then back up to 236. I've been here for a couple days. It might be because I wasnt eating enough or because TOM is here. I decided I'm going to try calorie zigzagging. Eat the same number of calories per week but vary the amount per day in either direction. I will not let this hold me. ............ Now that that's out the way I can move forward.

    TOM is a crazy time for me too! My hormones go crazy, and the scale ALWAYS shows me up 2-5 pounds. No worries though...this is a lifelong lifestyle change, so we'll have many successes between now and then!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, I'm GG and I am new to the group. Here are my achievable goals.

    SW 168
    GW 150

    Aug goal - 166
    Sept goal - 162
    Oct goal - - 158
    Nov goal -- 153
    Dec goal ---150

    I am 55 years old; 5'6' tall.
    We can do this!!!! :)

    Welcome!! And yes, we can and WILL do this!!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Bah Humbug!!
    Greetings ladies!
    It's 8/16/12, my weigh in day. I am still at 238 pounds :grumble:
    After only losing one pound at the last weigh in I decided to step up my routine a little. I've been adding an additional workout for the past several days. And this week = no weight loss.
    But again, trying to look at the bright side, at least it's not a weight gain. I guess it's still possible to reach 236 by next week. I'll be back on 8/23/12--my goal is still 236 by then.
    Take care ladies.
    Good luck on your journeys :flowerforyou:
    Greetings ladies!
    Hope everyone is still on track. Today was my weigh in day (8/9/12) and I came in at 238 pounds. :indifferent: Slower progress than previously but still on track to meet my first goal of 236 by 8/23/12. I think my problem may be eating too few calories. I'll try and see what adjustments I need to make. At least it's not a weight gain. My next weigh in is 8/16/12.
    Keep pushing! :flowerforyou:
    Greetings--it's 8/2/12 and I just wanted to check in. I am on track so far and currently at 239 lbs. Thursday is my weigh-in day so I should be back on 8/9/12. So far, so good! Good luck everyone. :smile:
    I'm in! I started my journey about a month ago with 110 pounds to lose. I am 5'4".
    For this challenge:
    SW 246


    *sprinkles some weight loss fairy dust your way* Good luck next week! Praying you have a great weight loss!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi gals, well today I weigh in at 256, so im just 1 lb away from my goal next week. I hope to make it, cuz we all know that ish happens. So we'll see :)
    Hey sistas, I'm Tracy, 28, and definitely in on this challenge! I'll post my weight every friday.
    My stats:

    SW: 274 lbs
    CW: 263 lbs
    GW: 220 lbs

    8/23: 255 lbs
    9/23: 246 lbs
    10/23: 238lbs
    11/23: 229 lbs
    ~~*12/25/12*~~ 220lbs

    1 pound!!?? You got this!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm checking in. I love this challenge. It's helping to keep me motivated and accountable. Last week I was struggling to lose anything. I have been watching what I eat and exercising and the scale wouldn't move. My daughter's birthday was last week and I was very proud of myself for only eating one small piece of cake. She didn't want a party which meant the cake was in the house for a few days. I was so glad when they ate it all. When I weighed in on Monday I had lost 3lbs which was exciting. Today was the first day I exercised this week. The kids went back to school yesterday and I had a crazy week at work.

    I am starting to notice slight changes in the way my clothes fit:) I've got to quit focusing on the scale so much. I'm hoping to hit my target by the 23rd. If not I should be pretty close.

    Have a great weekend ladies.

    Congrats on all of your NSVs!!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member

    SW (before this challenge started): 327
    SW of this challenge: 302

    Goal weights:
    August 23rd - 292
    September - 282
    October - 272
    November - 262
    December - 260 - Lord knows I will struggle around the holidays!

    Weigh In's:
    7.30.2012: 294.6
    08.06.2012: 292.2

    Hi ladies!!! It's been an interesting week for me. I didn't weigh in on Monday, but I've been checking in with the scale throughout the week to see how I'm doing. A lil 'sneak peek' for my official weigh in on Monday: I'm down another 7.2 pounds.....weighing in at 285!! I will officially weigh in on Monday, but I'm excited for the scale to move lower and lower!!