30 Day Shred Level 1



  • littlemisspiggy666
    Just finished day 2 of level 1, dragged myself out of bed just to do it. Quite proud :blushing: i had to use small tins of beans, will hve to invest in some small weights! The part i find hardest is the abs and press ups, i really struggle to do the moves correctly, hopefully will improve! Everyone in this group really motivates me to keep it up, is anyone taking rest days?? :smile:
  • MarjorieDawes57
    MarjorieDawes57 Posts: 35 Member
    Day 2 completed here too! Well done everyone, we can do this! :smile:
  • MarjorieDawes57
    MarjorieDawes57 Posts: 35 Member
  • ashleyminus30
    ashleyminus30 Posts: 29 Member
    I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't have weights! I am using big bottles of hot sauce that weigh 2lbs.
  • Cathcandoo
    Cathcandoo Posts: 107 Member
    OK......I gotta get me some cans of something that is less than 4 lbs!!!

    I just finished day 2 level 1 and the 4lb weights I have are just too heavy for the beginning of this....I woke up bright and early to get it out of the way with so it wouldn't be looming over me all day and when I was done and came upstairs huffing and puffing having just finished....my daughter greets me with an enthusiastic, "Hi, Mommy - wanna go for a walk?!!"

    How could I say no?....even tho I REALLY wanted to - so I sucked it up for a brisk 40 minute walk!

    I am sore! But proud of myself :) And all of you - keep up the good work!
  • Elisac2008
    Elisac2008 Posts: 83 Member
    30 ds l1d4 complete!
  • Evasavealot1
    Evasavealot1 Posts: 76 Member
    30 ds L1 D2 didity done! 28 more days
  • Dot2Dots
    Dot2Dots Posts: 137 Member
    Another day complete for me !!

    Level 1, Day 2 ~ DONE !!! :bigsmile:

    I decided that Iam going to do 2 days on, 1 day of rest then repeat. I am pretty sure that 30 Days STRAIGHT will do me in and I will lose momentum and give up. I don't want that to happen.

    What are YOU doing ? are you aiming for 30 Days straight or mixing it up by taking a rest day every now and then ??
  • jillianfan317
    jillianfan317 Posts: 89 Member
    30 ds level 1 day 7 completed
  • stephaniepittman
    stephaniepittman Posts: 8 Member
    L1D1 done .. but dissapointed that I let myself get this out of shape! I started 30DS before, and was feeling good after about 2 weeks in, but fell off the wagon. I figured this time would be a breeze since I just completed a C25K program and I'm now jogging for 30 minutes a couple times a week. Wrong! I wasn't doing any strength training along with the running program. This program is still super hard, but I'm going to commit with you all - I just proved to myself I can commit to a 8-week program, so this 30-days should be a no-brainer!

    (but PS, already dreading tomorrow !)
  • ashleyminus30
    ashleyminus30 Posts: 29 Member
    Another day complete for me !!

    Level 1, Day 2 ~ DONE !!! :bigsmile:

    I decided that Iam going to do 2 days on, 1 day of rest then repeat. I am pretty sure that 30 Days STRAIGHT will do me in and I will lose momentum and give up. I don't want that to happen.

    What are YOU doing ? are you aiming for 30 Days straight or mixing it up by taking a rest day every now and then ??

    I know I won't be able to do 30 days straight. I am aiming for at least one Jillian-less day a week, which will most likely be my weekday off from work. I'll give my body rest if it needs it though, or do something a little less intense.
  • vicyvix
    vicyvix Posts: 47 Member
    Karibear, what HRM do you use?
    I really want one but i don't really want to spend a fortune on one (I'm a poor, lowly student :P)

    BTW, Level 1, Day 2 is complete.
  • LaurDavies
    LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
    Two days in and my stomach is groaning (I can't cough or laugh without grimacing, those bicycle crunches certainly work!), as well as that wee muscle in my underarm from the press ups. Ooft. Tomorrow's going to hurt, but I know if I can suck it up, then even by day 7 I'll notice a huge difference.

    Taking my measurements tomorrow (I'll post in progress) and have taken my 'before' pics, which are utterly awful, but hopefully will make me feel great once I put those 'after' pics up next to them!

    Just want to say a huge well done to everyone, it's inspiring to see everyone's chat on here, as well as the updates in the news feed.

    Keep up the good work all! :)
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    I use 5lbs weight:ohwell:
  • nhernan6
    nhernan6 Posts: 21
    Oh my Day 2 down! The burn feels good - I thought it was a little easier but the pushup's KILLED me! I was a little tired tonight doing day2 - I guess softball practice for an hour and a half and then a game for an hour before doing shred isn't the best idea but my daughter and I have vouched to do this around 9pm every night - I am going to do it straight and not take a day off unless I absolutely have to!

    Tomorrow is another busy day for me - I am going to try to do Hip Hop Hustle at lunch time, then I have a softball game and then day 3!

    I am proud of everyone for getting though Day 2 ~ WE REALLY DO GOT THIS!!
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Day 2 done!
  • littlemisspiggy666
    Rest day for me, back on it tomorrow :)
  • MarjorieDawes57
    MarjorieDawes57 Posts: 35 Member
    Day 3 completed for me today - it's starting to feel a little bit easier (just a little, mind you!) Good luck for today, everyone! x
  • jtrousehouse
    Hi, I am using 6.5 lb weights but not sure what Jillian and her ladies are using. I think you should just use what is comfortable for you =)
  • jtrousehouse
    Day three was difficult after working 9 hours but I did it and didn't go easy on my self!! The push-ups were dreadful and my biceps are soooo sore this morning! Going to do day 4 early today since I don't have to work just to get it out of the way! Good job girls =)