TDEE & BMR: What they are and what to do with them



  • shes got it
  • tilishamichelle
    tilishamichelle Posts: 34 Member
    This was a great thread. Soooo excited i get to eat 2095 calories Whoop Whoop. LOL
  • tilishamichelle
    tilishamichelle Posts: 34 Member
    Okay i got a question. Since the TDEE includes my workout calculation i don't need to enter excersise at all or it will make me eat more than my net calorie goal.

    My TDEE-15% = 2100 ( this includes burning 500 calories 5 days a week)..If i enter that as my net calorie goal, my food entry will try to reach that number. However if i add 500 calories of excercise to MFP it will want me to eat 2600, alhough. So shouldn't i put in my net calorie goal my 1600 instead and then my 500 calorie burn so that net will equal 2100?
  • Instead of figuring out all the TDEE and getting confused with whether or not to enter exercise calories, wouldn't it be simpler to set your goals at your BMR, and then log your exercise? That's what I'm trying, at least.

    I figured out that my BMR is 1715, so that's my net goal, and if I workout, then I eat back those calories.

    Am I missing something, or is this a simpler way to do it?
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • tilishamichelle
    tilishamichelle Posts: 34 Member
    Instead of figuring out all the TDEE and getting confused with whether or not to enter exercise calories, wouldn't it be simpler to set your goals at your BMR, and then log your exercise? That's what I'm trying, at least.

    I figured out that my BMR is 1715, so that's my net goal, and if I workout, then I eat back those calories.

    Am I missing something, or is this a simpler way to do it?

    That's what i bascially ended up doing. LOL
  • SonicaBE
    SonicaBE Posts: 151 Member
  • jevoyager
    jevoyager Posts: 59 Member
    Instead of figuring out all the TDEE and getting confused with whether or not to enter exercise calories, wouldn't it be simpler to set your goals at your BMR, and then log your exercise? That's what I'm trying, at least.

    I figured out that my BMR is 1715, so that's my net goal, and if I workout, then I eat back those calories.

    Am I missing something, or is this a simpler way to do it?

    That's what i bascially ended up doing. LOL

    Awesome, I was just thinking today how to switch back to eating exercise calories, & you've saved me a lot of trouble, lol
    Yup, I'll admit it, having to exercise for extra calories works as an incentive for me :p
    Well, there's other things going on that's led to me not exercising as much as I was, but I'm thinking that not using exercise as a means to bump up my available calories has played a role too, so I decided this weekend I'd try going back to that method, but wasn't sure how. Setting my starting amt at my BMR is so easy, I'm glad I stumbled on this! :)
  • ezavora
    ezavora Posts: 59 Member
    I just posted a really long ramble asking about this. I realized I may have posted it in the wrong place so I just went searching for a better place and found this. Setting my goal in MFP to my BMR is exactly what I want to do. But, it seems that may be defeating the purpose. We want to have our metabolism working in an efficient manner, and if we just eat our BMR is that not only one step up from starving ourselves. Or maybe Im wrong. Reading some other threads I gathered that eating consistently is they key. And that should be a reasonable number given our daily activity, not just the bare minimum. The BMR is if you were doing nothing other then laying in bed all day. But again, I dont really know. I am curious to see what others say here. If I dont get a response from my zillion line post on the other page, I may come back and post it here. FYI, its on the "what to expect from re-setting...." thread.
  • jevoyager
    jevoyager Posts: 59 Member
    I just posted a really long ramble asking about this. I realized I may have posted it in the wrong place so I just went searching for a better place and found this. Setting my goal in MFP to my BMR is exactly what I want to do. But, it seems that may be defeating the purpose. We want to have our metabolism working in an efficient manner, and if we just eat our BMR is that not only one step up from starving ourselves. Or maybe Im wrong. Reading some other threads I gathered that eating consistently is they key. And that should be a reasonable number given our daily activity, not just the bare minimum. The BMR is if you were doing nothing other then laying in bed all day. But again, I dont really know. I am curious to see what others say here. If I dont get a response from my zillion line post on the other page, I may come back and post it here. FYI, its on the "what to expect from re-setting...." thread.

    I got to thinking about this last night, because you're right, we don't just lay in bed all day, so really you do burn more than your BMR regardless of exercise. So even eating back exercise cals, there's all the other calories you burn through out the day sitting, walking, etc etc. I thought about maybe redoing my TDEE for sedentary, then eat that plus exercise calories? I dont' know. Right now I have it set close to BMR (its like 1580 depending on the calculaor used, so I rounded up to 1600) plus eating exercise. I may sit down and figure out what it'd be doing the sedentary TDEE + exercise and see how that would work...
  • ezavora
    ezavora Posts: 59 Member
    I just posted a really long ramble asking about this. I realized I may have posted it in the wrong place so I just went searching for a better place and found this. Setting my goal in MFP to my BMR is exactly what I want to do. But, it seems that may be defeating the purpose. We want to have our metabolism working in an efficient manner, and if we just eat our BMR is that not only one step up from starving ourselves. Or maybe Im wrong. Reading some other threads I gathered that eating consistently is they key. And that should be a reasonable number given our daily activity, not just the bare minimum. The BMR is if you were doing nothing other then laying in bed all day. But again, I dont really know. I am curious to see what others say here. If I dont get a response from my zillion line post on the other page, I may come back and post it here. FYI, its on the "what to expect from re-setting...." thread.

    I got to thinking about this last night, because you're right, we don't just lay in bed all day, so really you do burn more than your BMR regardless of exercise. So even eating back exercise cals, there's all the other calories you burn through out the day sitting, walking, etc etc. I thought about maybe redoing my TDEE for sedentary, then eat that plus exercise calories? I dont' know. Right now I have it set close to BMR (its like 1580 depending on the calculaor used, so I rounded up to 1600) plus eating exercise. I may sit down and figure out what it'd be doing the sedentary TDEE + exercise and see how that would work...

    Thats what I was thinking, setting it to sedentary. But, sedentary for maintaining or with a cut of 15-20%? There is a 300 calorie difference between the numbers. Yesterday I set it to 100 over my BMR and added my exercise calories in and ate almost all of them back. What I have learned is that you never want to NET below your BMR, and never EAT below your TDEE cut. Therefor, you may have to eat over your cut if you have a hard exercise day.

    But what I realized I dont like about plugging in the lower goal is that it doesnt give the right numbers for your macros if you are not to eat below your TDEE cut. But then if i plug in my TDEE cut and add in exercise its also all jacked up! I have not been sure what to plug in for my TDEE cut, and I used 2 different methods for figuring them out and they were off by 150 calories. I ended up doing an average.

    I know I will not be able to exercise today so I may just change my goal to my TDEE cut and be sure to eat that. It may be a lot of work, but Im thinking that on exercise days I adjust my goal down to BMR +100,, and on non-exercise days I adjust to my TDEE cut. I am probably rare in that I have plenty of free time to mess around with this.

    I know no matter what, I will focus on not netting below my BMR, andnot eating less then my TDEE cut.
  • jevoyager
    jevoyager Posts: 59 Member
    Thats what I was thinking, setting it to sedentary. But, sedentary for maintaining or with a cut of 15-20%? There is a 300 calorie difference between the numbers. Yesterday I set it to 100 over my BMR and added my exercise calories in and ate almost all of them back. What I have learned is that you never want to NET below your BMR, and never EAT below your TDEE cut. Therefor, you may have to eat over your cut if you have a hard exercise day.

    But what I realized I dont like about plugging in the lower goal is that it doesnt give the right numbers for your macros if you are not to eat below your TDEE cut. But then if i plug in my TDEE cut and add in exercise its also all jacked up! I have not been sure what to plug in for my TDEE cut, and I used 2 different methods for figuring them out and they were off by 150 calories. I ended up doing an average.

    I know I will not be able to exercise today so I may just change my goal to my TDEE cut and be sure to eat that. It may be a lot of work, but Im thinking that on exercise days I adjust my goal down to BMR +100,, and on non-exercise days I adjust to my TDEE cut. I am probably rare in that I have plenty of free time to mess around with this.

    I know no matter what, I will focus on not netting below my BMR, andnot eating less then my TDEE cut.

    I *think* I remember reading in NROL4W (could have been somewhere else), that it gave two sets of TDEE ranges, one for workout days and one for nonworkout days. That may be something to check into too.

    Edited to add that yes it was NROL4W, here's a post that explains how the two differnt sets of calorie ranges are set up for anyone that's interested in taking a look
  • katieb63
    katieb63 Posts: 26 Member
    Three people have told me I need to eat more and am trying to digest this information. Thanks for the post.
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    Does this work the same for people who are morbidly obese? I am just looking at the numbers the scooby site gave me and am wondering if those numbers are too high? It could just be the 30 years of diet mentality pounded into my brain that is making me think the numbers are too high. It said my bmr was 2070 and that I should be consuming 2700 calories. That 2700 just scares the crap out of me. I work out 6 days a week and 4 of those days are HIIT and two of them are heavy lift days. Any thoughts?
  • bump
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
  • Elissalove
    Elissalove Posts: 22 Member
    I feel...stupid (for lack of a better word) for STILL being so confused! BMR is 1581 (according to Scooby).
    TDEE to Maintain is: 2451
    TDEE w/ 15% red. for fat loss is: 2083

    Do I eat the 2083/day? This is with my height/weight/workouts (moderate 3-5 days/wk) taken into account.

    It's just...not clicking. I don't understand and it's SO frustrating lol.
  • sscad
    sscad Posts: 73 Member
    I feel...stupid (for lack of a better word) for STILL being so confused! BMR is 1581 (according to Scooby).
    TDEE to Maintain is: 2451
    TDEE w/ 15% red. for fat loss is: 2083

    Do I eat the 2083/day? This is with my height/weight/workouts (moderate 3-5 days/wk) taken into account.

    It's just...not clicking. I don't understand and it's SO frustrating lol.

    That's what I got out of it! If you do it that way though, then you shouldn't log in your exercise cals, because then those cals will be added on top of your calorie goal. Your calorie goal or TDEE-15% takes into account your activity level.
  • sscad
    sscad Posts: 73 Member
    I just posted a really long ramble asking about this. I realized I may have posted it in the wrong place so I just went searching for a better place and found this. Setting my goal in MFP to my BMR is exactly what I want to do. But, it seems that may be defeating the purpose. We want to have our metabolism working in an efficient manner, and if we just eat our BMR is that not only one step up from starving ourselves. Or maybe Im wrong. Reading some other threads I gathered that eating consistently is they key. And that should be a reasonable number given our daily activity, not just the bare minimum. The BMR is if you were doing nothing other then laying in bed all day. But again, I dont really know. I am curious to see what others say here. If I dont get a response from my zillion line post on the other page, I may come back and post it here. FYI, its on the "what to expect from re-setting...." thread.

    This is the thought that occurred to me as well. Clearly, we burn calories beyond what we "exercise" off, and I'm assuming the TDEE accounts for that? I was going to just set my calorie goal to my BMR and have my exercise increase the net calories, but then aren't we essentially just eating back our exercise calories only and ignoring the other calories that we burn just by living? If that's the case, then our net calories would end up being lower than our BMR. :/ Does anyone have suggestions? I guess setting your calorie goal to your TDEE would be better, but I like keeping track of exercise, especially because it's rather erratic for me (some days I burn 500, other days only 200).
  • You should be eating *between* your BMR and your TDEE...... anything over your TDEE will of course cause a gradual gain, anything below your BMR is totally unhealthy and you will lose muscle, not fat.