Stage 1



  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member

    Nthbut I would add the extra set for the last 2 workouts and just continue on to stage 2 when its time. maybe pay more attention the amount of sets and reps for that stage.

    Thank you for the reply, Melissa. I ended up redoing 1A7 and adding and starting in with 3 sets from there. I started not feeling so well in the middle of my workout the first time I did 1A7. My kiddos were kind enough to share some cold bug with me. Lucky for me it hit me and sapped my energy right in the middle of that workout. So I called it a redo and decided to move on from there. Finished up 1A8 today and Im looking forward to 1B8 and AMRAP A&B next week.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Thank you so much for the reply Smntha! This is really helpful. I dropped the weights for the step ups today and just did them with body weight. That really helped and I think I might try that again next week and then add a weight again. I might also try not to put the foot down at the bottom.

    I stayed the same weight with the squats and I was pretty close to parallel on most reps. Happy about that.

    Today was really hard at the gym. I was so tired as I was out last night. When I was changing I noticed I forgot my top so i had to exercise in a vest that I had with me. Felt really concious. And then there were about 8 guys in the tiny weight section. I was so close not to go there but I did. Most of them were ok but one of them was an idiot. He kept saying how amazing his body his and when I walked past he said "lady's love my body". He later sort of stood in my weigh on purpose. I just smiled and walked around him. I just completely blanked him for the rest of time. Honestly some guys are just so primitive in their behaviour.
    Nevermind....I won't let them irritate me.

    Overall I think I prefer workout B over A but after my first week is done I can say I really love the program so far!
  • twinkletoes66
    twinkletoes66 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi guys , iv just finished week 2 stage 1 , I love it ! Feeling very sore today ! Going swim as it's a rest day aim for 100 lengths .
    Iv not lifted weights for a long time as I had very bad car crash 16 months ago hurting my neck & shoulder & lower back! I'm feeling stronger already and more focused mentally !
    Have a great day all Marie x
  • tilishamichelle
    tilishamichelle Posts: 34 Member
    Started Stage 1 saturday and should have gone heavier on the weights. Workout B is today. I will make sure to push it to the limit! lol
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi guys , iv just finished week 2 stage 1 , I love it ! Feeling very sore today ! Going swim as it's a rest day aim for 100 lengths .
    Iv not lifted weights for a long time as I had very bad car crash 16 months ago hurting my neck & shoulder & lower back! I'm feeling stronger already and more focused mentally !
    Have a great day all Marie x

    I hadn't lifted in forever either, just because I stopped taking care of me for quite a while. I was totally amazed at what I could do starting out and even more amazed at what I can do now! I'm nearly done with Stage 1, though I actually have been repeating 7 & 8 for the past 2 weeks, and will until I go on vacation in 2 weeks. I just felt it better to do that for me, rather than break mid Stage 2. I'll post my results when I get ready to do AMRAPS.
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm back! Was on vacation last week and had a bit of a cold over the weekend.

    I did workout B7 yesterday and was able to increase my deadlift weight and stay the same on everything else, so I'm happy about that.

    Now I have to pay more attention to diet.
  • yecatsml
    yecatsml Posts: 180 Member
    Can't wait to start this later this fall. I want to make sure I have enough time to devote to it and until then I'm just traveling too much to make the commitment. I am reading up on the forums and the book to prepare myself! I have already been doing 4 weeks at TDEE and love it!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Just completed by first B workout - my poor, poor legs!!! I was still feeling the squats in my legs from the A workout I did on Sunday, but I came out of the gym just now feeling like they were going to explode after the last set of lunges. Had to force myself to get on a bike and do a cool down phase, when all I wanted to do was crawl to the car LOL.

    Currently waiting for my delivery of protein to arrive, I hope a shake will help as I'm not sure I'll be able to walk in the morning! ;)

    Was a bit disappointed not to make 15 reps on my dumbbell shoulder press with 8kg dumbbells, could only manage 13, then 10. Just goes to show how much I was relying on back support with the shoulder press machine as I was doing 20kg on that.

    One thing I will say is I'm surprised by how much concentration is required to get the technique right and I'm not sure if I'm quite there yet with the deadlifts.
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Just done my fist 1B workout too:smile:

    My gym doesn't have an oly bar :sad: (well,it does in the body builders gym which is the opposite end of the building - a good 5mins walk from the main gym:explode: ) so I did deadlifts with the mini bars they do have - I did my squats with that on Monday too. They are longer than my shoulders are wide, so should be OK I hope. It means I am not totally sure of the weight I am lifting (they have numbers on them, but I don't know what the bar weighs, or if the numbers are including the bar or not) but it doesn't matter really - as long as I lift more this week than next week, the numbers are irrelevant:laugh:

    I was also still achey from 1A on Monday, but feel great now I've done the workout. Hurrah!

    I liked 1B MUCH better than 1A. It flowed better and didn't have the awful prone jackknifes:wink:

    I could only do 10 reps for the shoulder press too - but hopefully will see an improvement quickly. Deadlifts were easy though - at the ridiculously low weight I started with at least:laugh:
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Just done my fist 1B workout too:smile:

    My gym doesn't have an oly bar :sad: (well,it does in the body builders gym which is the opposite end of the building - a good 5mins walk from the main gym:explode: ) so I did deadlifts with the mini bars they do have - I did my squats with that on Monday too. They are longer than my shoulders are wide, so should be OK I hope. It means I am not totally sure of the weight I am lifting (they have numbers on them, but I don't know what the bar weighs, or if the numbers are including the bar or not) but it doesn't matter really - as long as I lift more this week than next week, the numbers are irrelevant:laugh:

    I was also still achey from 1A on Monday, but feel great now I've done the workout. Hurrah!

    I liked 1B MUCH better than 1A. It flowed better and didn't have the awful prone jackknifes:wink:

    I could only do 10 reps for the shoulder press too - but hopefully will see an improvement quickly. Deadlifts were easy though - at the ridiculously low weight I started with at least:laugh:

    The number on the bar is for the entire bar. You should use less weight for the shoulder press in order to get in 15 reps. You're using to much if you can't get through them all. :tongue:

    You should probably walk over to the body builders gym. I bet they have everything you need over there for both workouts. As you gain strength, you'll need that Olympic bar!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Just completed by first B workout - my poor, poor legs!!! I was still feeling the squats in my legs from the A workout I did on Sunday, but I came out of the gym just now feeling like they were going to explode after the last set of lunges. Had to force myself to get on a bike and do a cool down phase, when all I wanted to do was crawl to the car LOL.

    Currently waiting for my delivery of protein to arrive, I hope a shake will help as I'm not sure I'll be able to walk in the morning! ;)

    Was a bit disappointed not to make 15 reps on my dumbbell shoulder press with 8kg dumbbells, could only manage 13, then 10. Just goes to show how much I was relying on back support with the shoulder press machine as I was doing 20kg on that.

    One thing I will say is I'm surprised by how much concentration is required to get the technique right and I'm not sure if I'm quite there yet with the deadlifts.

    Lots of water will help. A long stretching session and a short walk first thing in the morning will help too!

    Again, if you can't get through the 15 reps, you need to drop the weight down. Especially if you can't make it through the first set since it only gets harder! You'll build up to the 8kg.

    Deadlifts suck. I just figured out (I'm doing 6B today) that I need to move the bar higher off the ground. I was rounding my back too much to reach almost down to the floor for it. You should NOT have to bend lower than you squat in order to reach the bar to deadlift. I actually needed the bar almost a foot off of the ground, not a few inches. :ohwell: Live and learn I guess!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Morning Ladies!
    back on the forum with 2 more workouts to go in stage 1 :-)
    I was derailed by a nasty abscess on my forearm which made lifting anything heavy impossible. Im on the mend and back at it.
    Finally got my squat rack that I ordered and I am more than happy with that purchase..My squats were at 100 and thats all I could muster so now in my last workout I'll see how Hard I can push myself. of course I'll keep you guys posted

    Mrs AGI I agree with Holley that you should drop the weight on the shoulder presses. those suckers are hard!! Ive been stuck on the same weight in those for the last 3 workouts! If your have the oly bar Id used that. less weights to load since the bar itself is 45lbs.

    Hi JS! welcome and I agree with holley again to drop the weight so that your completing the full set of reps. Protein def helps with the soreness as well as stretching.

    Holley, I love Deadlifts girl. I feel so dam strong picking up that bar!!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Holley, I love Deadlifts girl. I feel so dam strong picking up that bar!!

    I love them too! It's just my left SI joint that does not. I've been struggling with it for nine years after injuring it in high school. It's better than it used to be now that it's stronger, but the deadlifts are killer for me when it's sore. :angry:
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Hi guys, did S1B4 today and I feel great that I managed to increase the weight I used on all the exercises from last time (I am only doing 2 workouts a week) but the thing I find hard is that my grip gives out before my legs do. I had to switch from 12.5kg dumb bells for the lunges to 30lbs kettle bells as they are easier to hold. But as last week I was only up to 10kg, it was too big a jump going up to 30lbs but that was the smallest kettle bell they had. Anyone else struggling with this. Its the same for the step ups too.

    Would gloves help?
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Hi guys, did S1B4 today and I feel great that I managed to increase the weight I used on all the exercises from last time (I am only doing 2 workouts a week) but the thing I find hard is that my grip gives out before my legs do. I had to switch from 12.5kg dumb bells for the lunges to 30lbs kettle bells as they are easier to hold. But as last week I was only up to 10kg, it was too big a jump going up to 30lbs but that was the smallest kettle bell they had. Anyone else struggling with this. Its the same for the step ups too.

    Would gloves help?

    YES and no. Yes if this is truly a grip/friction problem. No if it's a grip strength problem. I have been trying to explain the difference to my mom because she has a grip strength problem and doesn't understand why her gloves "don't work." For me, the gloves work because my grip strength is fine; I just need the extra friction the gloves provide.

    You should definitely give gloves a shot! If they don't help, keep at it and your grip will improve. Make sure that you get ones that have no extra room in the palms or they will bunch up and cause problems. And gloves will help you to not get callouses! Yay!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Lots of water will help. A long stretching session and a short walk first thing in the morning will help too!

    Again, if you can't get through the 15 reps, you need to drop the weight down. Especially if you can't make it through the first set since it only gets harder! You'll build up to the 8kg.

    Deadlifts suck. I just figured out (I'm doing 6B today) that I need to move the bar higher off the ground. I was rounding my back too much to reach almost down to the floor for it. You should NOT have to bend lower than you squat in order to reach the bar to deadlift. I actually needed the bar almost a foot off of the ground, not a few inches. :ohwell: Live and learn I guess!

    Hi Holley, yeah I'll definitely start off with lower weight on the dumbbells next time around. I'll check my position also with the bar to see if it's at the right height, thanks for that :smile:

    Melissa, thanks for the welcome and reassurance.

    Livlovra, hope you get that grip sorted.

    MrsAgi, maybe it was sympathy failure with the shoulder press :bigsmile:

    I'm still feeling very sore today - doesn't help that I have a desk job which keeps me chained to a phone all day. The noises I made and my walk every time I got up out of my chair, kept my colleagues suitably entertained :laugh: I've decided to use this week and next week as the 2 additional workout weeks before I then go on holiday.

    When I get back I'll then be able to commit properly, 3 workouts a week as I'll know what I'm doing (in theory anyway!). I just don't want to go too mad before I go on my hols!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    I'm getting really frustrated with my squat weight. I simply cannot up the weights and keep form. I started stage 1 with 52 lbs. I did workout 6 this morning and tried for 62 lbs., but could only do one set and had to drop back to 57 lbs. for the other 2 sets. Are my legs just that weak? How long before they catch up? I'm deadlifting 87 lbs., and from what I've seen from the other ladies, their squats and deadlifts are usually neck in neck. I don't get it.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I'm getting really frustrated with my squat weight. I simply cannot up the weights and keep form. I started stage 1 with 52 lbs. I did workout 6 this morning and tried for 62 lbs., but could only do one set and had to drop back to 57 lbs. for the other 2 sets. Are my legs just that weak? How long before they catch up? I'm deadlifting 87 lbs., and from what I've seen from the other ladies, their squats and deadlifts are usually neck in neck. I don't get it.

    Are you having problems upping your weights with the other leg exercises? It sounds to me like your legs might need more time before you can move up! Or your form could be wrong for YOU. For me personally, I can't squat down so my hips and knees are in line like the picture in the book because my back rounds a few inches before I get there. You should only squat as low as you can keep the natural curve in your back. Everyone has a different squat range. Maybe do a few without weights watching your profile in the mirror to see if you're maybe going too low for you. Let me know if it helps!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm getting really frustrated with my squat weight. I simply cannot up the weights and keep form. I started stage 1 with 52 lbs. I did workout 6 this morning and tried for 62 lbs., but could only do one set and had to drop back to 57 lbs. for the other 2 sets. Are my legs just that weak? How long before they catch up? I'm deadlifting 87 lbs., and from what I've seen from the other ladies, their squats and deadlifts are usually neck in neck. I don't get it.

    I can't squat anywhere near what I deadlift. 110 on deadlifts and 85 for 1 set on squats but I always drop back to 80. You don't have to rush. I know, I think the same way "you should be able to do that much weight by now..." If you are hitting your form, try creeping instead of jumping up in weight. I have 1.25 and 2.5 lb weights that i use instead of adding a whole 5 per side.

    My real challenge is the shoulder presses. My max has been 21lb dbs but honestly, I still struggle with the last reps even at 18.5. I just don't seem to get much stronger with them.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    Yes, I struggle with the other leg exercises, too. I HATE step ups and lunges. I did 30lbs on my step ups today and thought I was going to die. I guess I just have wimpy legs. I will pay attention to form and try to creep the weights up. I have 1.25 and 2.5 weights as well. Oh, and shoulder presses are just hard to up weights on. Period.Thank you both for the responses!