

  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    My weightloss is creeping along in this challenge. Its starting to seem like 165 is not in the cards. 175 maybe. 170 if Im lucky. smdh. But 175 is better than my challenge start weight of 196 and definitely better than my MFP SW of 212 :drinker: . Gotta look at the bright side :happy:
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member

    This weeks update!!!

    SW: 247.8 CW: 235.4 Down 12.4 lbs since beginning this challenge!

    Goal 1: 237 by 9/ 30/12 Goal met on 9/11/12
    Goal 2: 227 by 10/31/12
    Goal 3: 217 by 11/30/12
    Goal 4: 209 by 12/25/1
    Goal 5: 199 by 01/31/12 ONEderland!!! I can't wait to see you again!!
  • slowedown
    slowedown Posts: 13 Member
    I am a little late to the game but I would like to play. SW 250 GW 220.

    October 240
    Novemeber 230
    December 220
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    It's never too late slowdown! Welcome to the challenge!!
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    I would like to join you all as well. SW 302.8 GW 270.8

    Goal #2- September: 300
    Goal #3- October: 290
    Goal #4- November: 280
    Goal #5- December: 270

    I will post my progress weekly. Let's do this ladies!
  • aunttwettie
    aunttwettie Posts: 2 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi i am a new member and i would like to join your group
  • aunttwettie
    aunttwettie Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations to You.
  • I am definetly not going to reach my goal,

    Hey Divas!!!

    I'm Nikki from Jersey and I am 27 years old. 5'7. My SW before mfp was 320. I lossed a total of 40 lbs so far by my Birthday (Jan 16th) I want to loss 100 lbs so by the end of this challenge I need to loss at least 60 lbs, I am not sure how often I will weigh in, currently I do it weekly, but I am thinking about changing it to monthly.

    SW: 281
    GW: 230

    Goal #1 Aug 23: 270 lbs - 273.4
    Goal #2 Sept 23: 260 lbs 10 lbs loss
    Goal #3 Oct 23: 250 lbs 10 lbs loss
    Goal #4 Nov 23: 240lbs 10 lbs loss
    Goal #5 Dec 23: 230lbs 10 lbs loss

    Had to change my goals to make it more reachable.

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Congrats on your progress this month whether it was weight loss, inches loss, staying the same, changing some eating habits or starting an exercise regimen every this counts. As the month progressed I realized my goals where unreachable and needed to be changed to be more attainable. I started this challenge at 281.8 my August Goal was 270 and today I am 273.4 that’s a total of 8.4 pounds, not the 11 lbs. loss I wanted but I’ll take that. I am 3.4 pounds away from losing 50 lbs. I am so proud of myself. God is so awesome; I couldn’t do this without him. Just want to thank all my MFP friends and FB friends because you guy are amazing. My Sept Goal is to get down to 260, if reached that will be a 13.4 pound loss. I owe my success this past week to the Dr. Ian Smith Fat Smash Diet detox. Monday I weighed in at 278 and today I am down 4.6 pounds in 4 days all’s. I may continue the diet or start over next month; I will make my final decision by Saturday. I have been slacking off on exercising because I have been taking someone to the gym with me who is not ready yet, 20 mins into the workout and she is ready to go home. If I am not working out with my cousin Mercy I prefer to work out by myself. 264 pounds is my next major goal on my 10% of body weight I set when I first started my jorney. I may weigh-in every week, I am still unsure; I am beginning to hate the scale LoL. Everyone keep up the hard work and I can wait to read everyone success stories next weigh in day. Be Blessed and Healthy. TTYL
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member
    Hey ladies checkn in... The last couple of weeks have been a burden school, work ,kids life issues... My eating hasnt been too bad lately ive been too tired too eat only craving sweets feeling very faintly lately if i dont eat sumthin sweet not a diabetic but going to doc soon becuz i just dont feel the same seem weak/faint but neways my way in on the 23rd unfortunately im not going to my september goal but ill try harder you ladies are amazing strong n capable of success!!! U all are truly my inspiration!!!!! Welcome new members!!!
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member
    Again I sit here, in tears this time because im 7lbs bigger. AGAIN!! I really feel like giving up. I lose the weight, start letting the compliments from my love get in my head and I get comfortable and just relax when I should be working harder to lose 50 or 60lbs. Frustrating but I have to start over and KEEP MOVING! I think im just going to drop this challenge and just focus on losing 25lbs by my bday which is 12-28. That seems more realistic to me. You guys continue soing great, and I'll peep in from tome to time. smooches!! :-)

    Awww Dont leave us :cry: . we set our own goals here. and we fall and we get up, and thats okay. The actual challenge is to just keep going. It doesnt matter how much you get off by Christmas, as long as you keep fighting for your health you are bound to be at a different fitness level and a better, healthier body by then end of this. But I do understand the frustration, i wish you much success on your bday goals :flowerforyou: dont leave us plz i didn't/will not make my september goal but just think of it this way rather you loss 0lbs.28th
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member
    Again I sit here, in tears this time because im 7lbs bigger. AGAIN!! I really feel like giving up. I lose the weight, start letting the compliments from my love get in my head and I get comfortable and just relax when I should be working harder to lose 50 or 60lbs. Frustrating but I have to start over and KEEP MOVING! I think im just going to drop this challenge and just focus on losing 25lbs by my bday which is 12-28. That seems more realistic to me. You guys continue soing great, and I'll peep in from tome to time. smooches!! :-)

    Awww Dont leave us :cry: . we set our own goals here. and we fall and we get up, and thats okay. The actual challenge is to just keep going. It doesnt matter how much you get off by Christmas, as long as you keep fighting for your health you are bound to be at a different fitness level and a better, healthier body by then end of this. But I do understand the frustration, i wish you much success on your bday goals :flwerforyou: dont leave us plz i didn't/will not make my september goal but just think of it this way rather you loss 0lbs. 0.2 lbs or rnb km 10 lbs atleast u r tryng if u gain 7 lbs just see where u can make improvements n aim for 7 the next month ur doing great!!!
  • fitanndfab
    Hi everyone,
    Congrats to all. I wish to join in also. I just joined MFP about a week ago and I an excited. I Thank God!

    SW: 221.4
    GW: For this challenge is -- 191
    Ultimate GW : 158
    Goal #1 Oct. 20th - want to lose 10bs
    Goal#2 Nov. 20th - want to lose 10bs
    Goal #3 Dec. 20th - want to lose 10bs
  • fitanndfab
    I also have a goal beyond this challenge. I will be with you:

    That's good. I agree with you. Losing one or two pounds a week is good and healthy without putting your body in shock. Good goals. I'm just starting so let's see here...

    SW: 200
    GW: 180
    CW: 195.5
    11/11/12: 190
    12/11/12: 186
    01/11/13: 182
    02/11/13: 178

    My goal weight is to actually get down to 150-160. I guess I will keep working on this even after the challenge is over.
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    Weighing in today 9/20/2012 at 222 pounds still going strong WooHoo--five pounds down from last week and my original September goal. That's the most I've lost in a single week since starting this journey in June. I'm definitely pinching myself. I hope I can keep it up.
    ONEderland here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ladies keep pushing!!! You can do it!!!
    I'm in! I started my journey about a month ago with 110 pounds to lose. I am 5'4".
    For this challenge:
    SW 246
    8/23--236//actual 235

  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    Yes ma'am, always look at the positives. Any weight loss is a step in the right direction & the positive changes you are making are for the better!
    My weightloss is creeping along in this challenge. Its starting to seem like 165 is not in the cards. 175 maybe. 170 if Im lucky. smdh. But 175 is better than my challenge start weight of 196 and definitely better than my MFP SW of 212 :drinker: . Gotta look at the bright side :happy:
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,272 Member
    Good morning, weigh-in day for me. This morning I weighed 217.2lbs...down 1.8. Very happy with this number. It's been very slow for me but I know that's the way it should be for successful permanent weight loss. I will check in again next Friday. Good luck ladies. We can do this!

    SW: 221 lbs.
    GW: 195 lbs.
    Goal #1 Aug 23: 216 lbs. / Actual 219

    Goal #2 Sep: 214 lbs.
    Goal #3 Oct: 209 lbs.
    Goal #4 Nov: 204 lbs.
    Goal #5 Dec: 199 lbs.

    Down only .2 this week. Not discouraged because I was crazy busy at work this week and too tired to exercise when I got home late each day. I'm still going to try my best to hit my September goal. I'm at 217 today. 3 pounds to go. Will weigh in next Friday.

  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    Great job Queen and KAR1959!!!
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    SW 302.8 GW 270.8

    Goal #1- September 30: 300 [Goal met 9-21]
    Goal #2- October 31: 290
    Goal #3- November 30: 280
    Goal #4- December 25: 270

    CW [9-21]: 298.8 -4 lbs
  • slowedown
    slowedown Posts: 13 Member
    Way to go!
  • fitanndfab
    Jesusislove you have done very well. Keep it up. Jesus truly is Love:love: