2nd Trimester



  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I'm almost 15 weeks now and I'm feeling like myself again. I start feeling better around 11 weeks and I've done a lot of walking this week and I even went to kickboxing yesterday!

    I was amazed at how tired I was; I thought I was going to be able to push through and keep my regular workout routine, but that didn't happen. I'm so happy to have some energy back and I think I am going to start lifting again and build up my stamina for the thrid trimester.

    It's kind of funny: the first trimester I was looking forward to all of the ultrasounds and wondering if something was wrong between all of them. Now with the second trimster, I'm waiting to feel the baby move and I'm wondering what's wrong because other 15 weekers have felt their babies move. I've decided to not worry about it too much though because I just want to enjoy feeling better.

    So glad to join you ladies!!

    Don't worry about movement I didn't feel any movement at 15 weeks. Mine didn't begin until the 20th week and it was light and not often not until I reached the end of my 24th week was it more constant. My placenta is to the back so as soon as I felt movement my husband and son were able to feel also.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Finally out of the first trimester. Still have absolutely no energy but that might have something to do with working 40 hours a week, volunteering a marching band instructor 3 hours a week, and chasing around a 2 year old little boy and a 107 lb 16 month old Newfie puppy when I am home :-/. Nausea is completely gone finally. I managed to maintain through the first trimester which my dr. is very happy about. Unfortunately, I have had to give up running while pregnant due to lower back pain and hip pain. I am sticking with walking and some very light jogging when I am not sore but unfortunately that seems to be few and far between.

    This weekend I had to pick up maternity pants which kind of bugged me. I know I am much healthier this pregnancy and being smarter about my choices and I know it was eventually inevitable but I finally got comfortable in my skin and now my body is changing again. I think I will feel better about it when I get out of that "is she pregnant or just getting fat" phase. I definitely have a belly but it isn't clearly a baby bump yet.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Well I managed a 5km walk today, that's the most exercise I've done in about 10weeks, not quite the fit pregnancy I was planning, but there are more important things than me right now! Anyway, no adverse effects just yet, so yay!

    Hope everyone is doing well, it's very quiet on here .... *tumble weed*

    I have been slacking, been tired and really gassy. I think if I get moving again, the gas would be gone, but getting the motivation is the issue!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Managed to sneak in early for my ultrasound today. I was booked for next week, but leaving Thursday for 2-4 weeks for work and will only be home 2-3 days in the middle. Baby is measuring right on schedule and due date is the same. Weight is about 8 oz, and it was so nice to clearly see all the great bone development. My daughter was very excited to see the baby moving (she is 4) and my son was disappointed to be in school and miss it. 19 weeks on Thursday......roughly 21 weeks to go, as I have been right near due date with both previous deliveries.

    Also managed to stick with my promise to myself to NOT find out the sex this time. I have boy and girl names short listed, and we have clothes for both, and an equal number of boy and girl babies on both sides of the family. Will be nice to surprise EVERYONE, including us on the big day!


    Anyone know how to edit size on tinypic.com ? Used to be easy to resize but they changed all the options.

  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Yay for an awesome scan Aeriel! Gosh that sounds like a busy time, being away all that time. Remids me I'll phone and book my anatomy scan now!

    Drcarrier - That is so totally awesome, you have done a magnificent job! I have gained sooooooo much already, I was doing LOTS of exercise before and couldn't seem to control my eating when I was feeling nauseous, carbs made me feel better, but only momentarily. I hear you on the is she fat/ is she pregnant thing! At least people at work know now, and one did say, it did seem odd that you had lost weight and were looking really good then all of a sudden you seemed to be gaining quite rapidly (and I did gain quite rapidly!).

    Anyway last few weeks have been much better. Not done much exercise this last couple of weeks, mainly due to sick kids and sick me (head cold), but have decided today (even though they're still here sick) I can just do some squats etc., just do something at home. I did go for a swim last week, and that felt awesome.

    Hope we're all well
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Finally got to see a pic of my little boy's face :smile:


    Right click on the picture and select, "View Image" to see it full size (sorry posting pics here is a PITA, and it won't resize it :frown:)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Awww, that's a great pic!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    booo everything seems to be going down hill for last few days. I'm having some joint pain when I walk so I started seeing a chiro this week. i can't walk as long as I used to becuz I start to get contractions and a lot of pressure.. I hope 3rd trimester goes by fast.
    I feel like this 3rd pregnancy is taking more of a toll on my body then previous times.
  • Nosila0815
    Nosila0815 Posts: 143 Member
    So I have been having some insane weight gain this past few weeks. I am currently 18w6d and I had a starting weight of 134 pre-pregnancy and now I am weighing in at 149.1. I have no idea how the weight creeped on me but in the last three weeks I have gained more than 7 pounds. Everywhere I look online I am showing to be way off the charts Has anyone experienced this crazy weight gain? Should I be worrying?
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    So I have been having some insane weight gain this past few weeks. I am currently 18w6d and I had a starting weight of 134 pre-pregnancy and now I am weighing in at 149.1. I have no idea how the weight creeped on me but in the last three weeks I have gained more than 7 pounds. Everywhere I look online I am showing to be way off the charts Has anyone experienced this crazy weight gain? Should I be worrying?

    baby goes threw a growth spurt 17-20wks. and then again at 24-28wks.

    I am 23 wks and I gained 18lbs, I pretty much average 1-1.5lbs week gain lately. I started around 124 and I am currently 142 :(( I feel your pain. LOL.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Well ladies I am off to the 3rd trimester. Good luck to you all and hope to see you there.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    So I have been having some insane weight gain this past few weeks. I am currently 18w6d and I had a starting weight of 134 pre-pregnancy and now I am weighing in at 149.1. I have no idea how the weight creeped on me but in the last three weeks I have gained more than 7 pounds. Everywhere I look online I am showing to be way off the charts Has anyone experienced this crazy weight gain? Should I be worrying?

    Don't stress about it. You're only up 15 lbs for your whole pregnancy sofar, which is great. Just tell your doctor.

    I'm 20 weeks on Tuesday, and I'm up 21. 2nd trimester has been a LOT of growth and weight gain. All normal.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I'm officially (I think?) 2nd trimester.... great to see you guys! :) Have our next appointment in a few days, looking forward to hearing results from NT scan & coordinating tests.

    Hope all are doing well! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    So I have been having some insane weight gain this past few weeks. I am currently 18w6d and I had a starting weight of 134 pre-pregnancy and now I am weighing in at 149.1. I have no idea how the weight creeped on me but in the last three weeks I have gained more than 7 pounds. Everywhere I look online I am showing to be way off the charts Has anyone experienced this crazy weight gain? Should I be worrying?

    I did a 7 pound gain between 12 and 16 weeks, then I leveled off and gained nothing for the next 3 weeks. I am up about 16 pounds total since I got pregnant and I am currently 19 weeks along. I went through a real "hunger" phase for about 2 weeks during that period and I think it was my body making up for the lack of gain from 6-10 weeks when I wasn't eating much.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Got out walking the last 2 days (put in ~4 miles in just over an hour) and what a difference it has made to my gassiness! Hoping to keep it up and keep my weight gain steady for the rest of the pregnancy.

    Hope all of you are doing well! Looking forward to my midway point on Thursday.....can't believe I will be halfway to meeting my new little one. Looking forward to getting home after work this time, as my birthday is on Friday, and my other 2 kids (4 & 5) are planning a party and a birthday cake for me with their Nana......so darn cute! Will be a week or so late, but will still be fun!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Hey mamas! I haven't checked in lately - I'm at 23 weeks now and moving right along. Getting ready for baby showers next month and trying to finish up the nursery (we're at the decorating phase now - painting/furniture are finished). I've slowed down the weight gain a bit recently by trying to make exercise a daily thing and by logging EVERYTHING and opening my diary back up to my friends.

    Still waiting for that 2nd trimester energy boost - it hasn't seemed to find me yet :) I have my GD 1 hour test on October 8th, so I'm a big apprehensive about that. Just praying I pass!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    I went for an ultrasound a couple of weeks ago, but the baby was really modest and kept turning away, so I am going back tomorrow, hopefully he/she wants to show a little bit more this time. On the plus side, I got great news today. I went to my appointment with my obstetrician and the baby is great, heartrate is 148, even kicked the doctor! He is not worried at all, everything is going great and he only wants to see me in 1 month. On my way home, got a call from work, a teacher is retiring, so I got offered a 100% permanent job starting this Thursday, which will help bring up my maternity leave pay, plus they do a top off for the first couple of months, I am SO happy. What a great day!!!! I'm thinking this might be my lucky day, I'm planning on going to buy a lottery ticket! :)
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Yikes, i have been neglecting this post! I have been so concerned with the weight ones that i keep forgetting to check back in for the second trimester!!! And sadly when i do check in its to tell you guys that I am moving on to the 3rd trimester board!!!! I will see some of you in a few weeks! good luck everyone!
  • togobug
    togobug Posts: 48 Member
    Hey everyone I'm making a comeback on mfp! I've gained 7 lbs in at 22.3 weeks trying to maintain so that way i can enjoy the holidays lol. I'm having a baby girl. Still have morning sickness so i have to take zofran. I started out obese so trying to not gain a whole lot total. If any of you want to be friends add me I'm trying to get a strong support system on here again :)
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey guys, I was gone for a while and I am back now from vacation. Proud to say I managed to maintain my weight and not gain while vacationing for 10days. For me its a shocker cause I was steadily gaining 1-2lbs a week. Annnnywho, I don't yet trust the scale, I will wait a few days until I stabilize and actual weight appears, lol. I'm 25.5wks now, yippy. Almost 3rd tri. Baby boy is super active. Apparently he loved hawaii cause I had barely any heartburn while I was there and this morning I have terrible heartburn. Go figure.