Hufflepuff Common Room



  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I went ahead and posted this weeks challenges in the great hall, and I will repost them here

    Here are the challenges from Hufflepuff for week 2

    NEWT (food challenge) Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. 1 newt daily for each color of the rainbow that you eat. Add 1 extra newt if it is fruit or vegetable you are trying for the first time. I am enclosing a link to some examples of how to ad a rainbow to your eating habits.

    OWL (exercise)challenge

    Focus on back and core strength
    Superman exercises 1 newt for each set of 12 completed

    Spirit - One earned for every day you post in your house's Common Room!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Heavy duty Step Reebok session in place of boot camp (and will continue as substitute for the rest of the month. Very sweaty (which is a good thing) and the push ups at the end are improving.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Yesterday, I completed the (100 overhead tricep extensions.)

    Today, I am doing the (200 calf raises ) .... wonder what's on tomorrow? Stay tuned and try it yourself!
  • dj_phx
    dj_phx Posts: 115 Member
    I haven't seen those mini challenge thread pop up. I'll have to keep an eye out for them, they look like a good challenge. Thanks for sharing.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I haven't seen those mini challenge thread pop up. I'll have to keep an eye out for them, they look like a good challenge. Thanks for sharing.

    They are a general thread created daily, not a Group, so if it doesn't happen to have just been relpied to, it would be hard to stumble on.

    The pattern to look for seems to be: go to Message Boards and under Search, type:

    [Day of the week] (M/D) mini challenge

    eg. Wednesday (8/8) mini challenge
    Thursday (8/9) mini challenge

    etc etc
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I didn't manage to get all the push-ups in on Friday (due to rescheduling beyond my control) Today's challenge is 150 leg lifts. the abs will sure feel THAT by the time I'm done!

    NINE rainbows / 4.5 miles / 431 cals covered on Sunday (make-up day for not making the Friday rainbows) - a bit scant on distance / cals because we left after lunch for the in-laws' cottage and didn't get home untll after 10:00 pm

    Unfortunately, it was too windy for my once-a-year kyak up and down their lake.
  • dj_phx
    dj_phx Posts: 115 Member
    Any news on what this week's challenges are?
  • Jillrw62
    Jillrw62 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm sorry if I am doing this wrong, but I would really like to join Hufflepuff for house challenges. Is there anything I need to do?
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Welcome Jill! I will post a link to our monthly spreadsheet and you can add your name to the bottom.

    As far as the challenges go...I had posted challenges for week 2 both in the Great Hall thread and on this thread. Ravenclaw is supposed to post for week 3, but I have not seen challenges posted yet in the Great Hall. I will keep checking. If none are posted by tomorrow AM...I will create and post the weekly challenges just for us to do.

    As for me
    sprained ankle+lack of vigorous exercise+overload at work=depression and just scraping by...I am making it out for a short bike ride today. Weight training and swimming just do not take the place of spinning or jogging in my book...though I lost a pound this week, so at least something continues to function!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Here are the challenges for the week as posted by Ravenclaw for this week

    Food (NEWT): Drink your water - replace one of your less-healthy drinks (soda, coffee, juice, etc) with a glass of water each day. One OWL for each day you meet your water goal plus one bonus OWL each day you replace another beverage with water.

    Exercise (OWLS): Target the abs - one OWL each day you do some focused ab work of your choice.

    Spirit: One OWL each day you post to your house common room.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Over the past few days, I have done massive catch-up on my Walking Out. I am now right up to date. I also just started Wii Exerbeat - working enough to unlock both the "Personal Trainer option" that will create routines for me; and the "Make Your Own Routine option. I scored surprisingly lower in Aerobics, earned medals in Hip Hop and got some perfects in Karate (which I have never done before) I also unlocked the "daily challenge" (you only get one try to score 70% or better, but can practice more than once) and the "weekly challenge" where you set your target total exercise time for the week.

    I have also started my 2 wks off work, so logging in may be a bit spotty. We will have to see.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Was on Exerbeat for the third day in a row ... for an hr ... and burned just over 500 calories. A pretty decent return on investment of time! This time, the "personal trainer workout - burn fat objective" was 40 mins long, and had LOTS of balance-board merengue moves, plus some hip hop and boxercise. I filled up the rest of the hour with karate, pilates, and trying our the "party exercises" selections of Swimming (very pathetic) Wall Bashing (very good) and Pizza Making (fairly decent)
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Uh oh... did everyone fall of the face of the planet?
    I myself have been kinda busy with real life. Trying to socialize and such. Getting school in order... but still trying to exercise and eat right. :)
    I hope everyone is staying on target and getting things done.
    I'm happy to report I've hit the 10 lbs lost mark. :D
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I have not missed a single day of Exerbeat since I started (even if only 12-17 minutes for Daily Challenge plus a little bit more instead of my more common 60+ minutes) I have also saved 4 or 5 personal exercise routines ranging from 600+ to just under 900 cal burns (according to "their" formula - still haven't found the watch-part of my hrm, so can't confirm absolute accuracy of cals burned). I am opening more and more of the higher-intensity / longer session options, which in turn allows for more flexibility in the make-it-yourself routines, even though they only allow 6 exercise slots. Some are even 26 to 30 minutes long, and have built in "turbo" sections.

    I won't be returning to Boot camp at the moment - this is plenty sweat producing / engaging / saves LOTS on gas (and registration fees)

    AND I am keeping up the Walk It Out rainbow making. The 3rd-Time-Through profile has been completed and deleted. I am now only running 2 (Thing 1 and Thing 2) With fewer rainbows to keep up, I am spending longer in each profile per day, covering more ground without pausing to refer to the map once the rainbow is up.

    I'm back at the office after 2 glorious weeks off (ending with a Holiday Monday weekend) and settling back into the reality of less time to do juggle Wii exercise and Other Stuff into the post-office window of opportunity.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I just noticed .... I am almost at my half-way mark! Yay, ME!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Wii Exerbeat is starting to open up (allowing access to) full 50+ minute "classes" in Boxercise, Karate, Hip Hop and Aerobics now. There are less intense options like Yoga/Pilates, Stretching, and three kinds of Latin Dance as well. Until now, they have varied from about 1:30 minutes, (introducing just Jabs and Crosses, for instance) to about 25 minutes that include a short Turbo-Drill in the middle or at the end. :noway:

    It takes time played to get to this point, but since I have dedicated an hour per day pretty much every day (a minium of 5 hrs per week), I have unlicked quite a bit. I haven't missed a day since I started (even if it means less than 15 mins, or turning the Wii calendar back one day to do a 30 min "make-up" followed by today's "shortened" 30 min session :wink: )

    The other extended sets shouldn't be long in coming. At this rate, I can attend a different type of class every day, (and switch up the order every other week :bigsmile: ) and never have to pay registration fees or get caught in bad weather / traffic jams :laugh:

    The trailer is here if you want to see what it is I'm doing. There are also some youtube snipits for specific sub-sets, like Karate, Aerobics and one of the Latin dances. FYI, I am more than 2/3 through my second "round the world" (mentioned in the trailer). Me mii is currently wearing a crown with a "1" floating over the top. And when you play progressive days in a row, succeed at the Daily Challenge, do 15, 30, and 1 hr exercise time, or meet your Weeky Challenge (X minutes in 7 calendar days) you get "bonus miles" credit in your "Round the World" score.
  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    new 'puff here! just started mfp a couple of months ago. looking for help where ever I can get it.
  • p0tt3rgl33k
    p0tt3rgl33k Posts: 54 Member
    (just saying hi from Slytherin)

    I am starting it back up again FOR GOOD in October ~tomorrow!! ~ Hope to see some Puffs being active!!
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well. :)

    Going through ups and downs myself. But such is life. :)

    I have been jogging still and plan to start 30ds soon.
    Thus far I've lost 13 lbs! and I'm rather proud of myself.
  • Mom3x2000
    Hello. My name is Lauretta, I joined MFP 2 days ago and just found the "groups". Please add me to the Hufflepuff Team. :)