The ye ol' welcome post.



  • lizabeth1127
    Hello. I'm happy to report I just survived my first fitness test! 59 days to go! I'm feeling very excited, motivated and optimistic. Sore, yes but that just means I did it right and have some work to do. At this rate I'll be done with my 60 days about 2 weeks before my 22nd birthday which is SUPER exciting since I had about given up hope of hitting any fitness goals by then. Now I'm looking forward to my birthday.

    EDIT: Feel free to add so we can motivate each other and share success. :bigsmile:
  • kleopatra9
    I'm on day 11 of insanity - surprisingly I love it. I decided for a change when I turned 30 two weeks ago. I've done many fad diets successfully, but I'm ready to be the best, strongest me there is :) please "friend" me, I'd love the encouragement and accountability through like-minded people on mfp!
  • pbedison
    pbedison Posts: 3 Member
    Just started Insanity yesterday. Did the first workout today and wow! I completed the first two months of P90X and also do TurboFire and I'm so glad cause I don't think I would've made it through!
  • fearlesskcl
    fearlesskcl Posts: 159 Member
    Hi ya, I'm new to the group! I'm on Day 16 of insanity and loving it but man is my body feeling it. So far I have not really lost any weight but have definitely seen changes in my body. So far my thighs are much smoother and I seem to have gained strength in my arms. I'm excited about the results at the end of the 60days. I'm hoping to lose some weight, get leaner and improve my fitness. BRING ON THE INSANITY!!! :happy:
  • neetneetneets
    neetneetneets Posts: 95 Member
    Hi everyone! I haven't bought Insanity yet but I am seriously considering it - I've been active at the gym since June hoping to get a fab bod (haha) by December but progress is so slow! So I feel like Insanity could be my answer... I'm interested to hear about everyone's experiences with it and if they think it is worthwhile :)
  • britanixily
    I started it once before.. im military tho and had to move from my base in germany back to the US right in the middle of it so i fell off the wagon. BUT im starting again! and this time im actually gonna stick to the diet plan more. last time i really didnt do the diet plan at all.. and still lost weight. so this time should be awesome :)
  • britanixily
    I was wondering...

    I will start Insanity tomorrow (fit test). I will do Sundays to fridays ( i need saturdays off for my kids etc).
    The problem is that my work schedules is never the same....
    I also go twice a week at my martial arts class (hapkido) .... very intense.
    One day out of two i'm off so I could do Insanity in the morning and go to my class at night BUT.....the other day.... i start work early and come home to change and go straight to my class....I'll be too tired after a day of work + my 1h30 class to do it for sure.

    So I was wondering if it's so bad if I skip insanity once a week and replace it with my class. I would count the dates instead of the days. I would not stop my cardio, just modified once a week. That's all I can think of and I want to do it bad.

    Or I could do two workouts in the day before or after my class to compensate?

    Any advice?

    I think that you could replace insanity. I'm military so i had PT on some days.. and i would skip insanity for that day. Like if we did cardio at PT and it was a pure cardio day.. i would definitely skip it. I still did pretty good on it
  • dawnsfitnesspage
    dawnsfitnesspage Posts: 13 Member

    I'm Dawn and new to MFP and insanity. After seeing it advertised and hearing my brother tell me there was no way I would ever achieve anything like that or be able to do even one workout I was inspired to prove him wrong! I am very unfit and overweight but want to use this as a kick start to my fitness and clean eating plan. My goal was to sort any aspects of my life out that weren't making me happy before my 30th birthday in June, my fitness is really one of them.

    I have a daunting feeling that I am biting off more than I can chew but it would feel so amazing to accomplish something like this and it's really what I need to feel good about myself again. I'm waiting for delivery (which should hopefully be tomorrow) so then I can devise an eating plan to go along with the workouts.

    Any help or advice people can give me would be gratefully received - I very much feel like a novice walking into this blind! Just hope I can find the strength and determination. Good luck on your journey everyone!
  • twinksie
    twinksie Posts: 17 Member

    I'm new to the group and am going to get back to trying Insanity again. Last time I did it, I loved how crazy it was, but I only got through the first month. Now, I'm back with a vengeance and am going to give it a go again.

    Oh, and I also signed up for a half marathon in March because I am insane. (Most I've run before is 10K, so I thought, why not set a new challenge?!).

    Seeing the before/after pictures has reminded me to take some before I start.

    I'll be wearing a HRM like I did last time, so I can tell exactly how hard I'm working. (As if Shaun T shouting wasn't enough...)

    I'm excited!!
  • lcalvert21
    lcalvert21 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! Im week 5 of insanity =)
  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    Hello :) Just starting month 2 today... or at least I'll start it once I regain some life after doing the fit test :p
  • bewitched90
    I'm on day 4 and looovin' it! My goal is size 2 jeans by the end of it (size 4 right now)
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    Day 51.

    Overall, knees hurt. Hate doing squats & power jumps. GAH!!
    Everything else, love (;
  • danj_64
    danj_64 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi all, I will be starting my second round next week.
  • CraigAtter
    Hi everyone im Craig from the UK and im new to Insanity and started on 1st Jan and just completed day 6. Loving it so far.

    I lost 210lbs last year and these are by far the hardest workouts ive ever done over the last year. Looking forward to the day off tomorrow lol.
  • jerzeygirl619
    jerzeygirl619 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone. Hope you are all reaching your goals. I just got my hands on Insanity. I have one more week of recovery and then I plan on starting. I've watched one of the videos just to see what I was getting into and it looks intense. I'm both excited and a little nervous. Hopefully this will be the workout that works for me.
  • jason10012
    jason10012 Posts: 13 Member
    Just stopping in to say hi to everyone as well. I got Insanity the other day and I'm going to start it on Feb. 1. I know I'm going to be in pain, and sore, and I'm sure I'll have a few harsh words to say after the workouts but I'm actually looking forward to doing them and getting in even better shape.
  • leopauls
    leopauls Posts: 2 Member
    I was doing The Rack workout, but I need to do more cardio now. I lost 24LBS (using Lose it) and now I joined the MyFitnesspal Community. I still need 15-20 Lbs off so INSANITY will help me with that!

    Let's see if I can last!

    have agreat day.
  • JesiDM
    JesiDM Posts: 268 Member
    Hi all! Starting day 5 today! It's definitely hard work but it's worth it!!
  • Cmcook84
    Hello! My name is Cat...Just started Insanity this last Monday, so today is Pure Cardio.