how much weight have you gained



  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    15 weeks +8lbs

    It's funny, when I got pregnant I was 138 but I have a hard time counting my weight gain from 138 not 140 b/c on 140 was my "goal" weight so I don't like to count those 2 extra pounds haha. but with those 2 extra pounds it is 8 gained so far.
  • 18 weeks tomorrow and +10lbs (which has been pretty constant from 16 weeks, plus or minus some water fluctuations)
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    39w2d and I've been fluctuating the same few pounds for the last several weeks. Today I'm up 35.5lbs. Really hoping I stay at this weight until the end, but my appetite has been ramping up since baby dropped late last week.
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    I'm 34 weeks and 1 day! I've gained 15 lbs thus far!!!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I was gaining slow and steady, didn't really change my eating and I'm now up 53lbs@37 weeks :( I'm really over the weight as I'm getting so close, just hope it doesn't creep up too much more and hopefully a lot is easy water weight. I have never "run out of room"...anyone else have this problem. I maybe get fuller a little sooner but I can still eat a lot, I was almost hoping for
  • Skatha89
    Skatha89 Posts: 49 Member
    I gained 1lb in the last 2 weeks! I'm hopeful that means it's all baby weight!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I was gaining slow and steady, didn't really change my eating and I'm now up 53lbs@37 weeks :( I'm really over the weight as I'm getting so close, just hope it doesn't creep up too much more and hopefully a lot is easy water weight. I have never "run out of room"...anyone else have this problem. I maybe get fuller a little sooner but I can still eat a lot, I was almost hoping for

    I havent run out of room either! I keep hearing ppl say they did but it just isnt happening for me yet and i dont think it will. I too was hoping for it , i thought it would slow some of the weight gain down
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I was gaining slow and steady, didn't really change my eating and I'm now up 53lbs@37 weeks :( I'm really over the weight as I'm getting so close, just hope it doesn't creep up too much more and hopefully a lot is easy water weight. I have never "run out of room"...anyone else have this problem. I maybe get fuller a little sooner but I can still eat a lot, I was almost hoping for

    I havent run out of room either! I keep hearing ppl say they did but it just isnt happening for me yet and i dont think it will. I too was hoping for it , i thought it would slow some of the weight gain down

    At 32 weeks, I no longer feel full. I swear the only reason I stop eating is because I know that I have just eaten a bunch of food and really couldn't possibly need to eat anymore.

    Also, as far as weight gain being genetic...I just asked my 5'8" mother how much she gained with my brother and I. Apparently, 14 pounds both times for each of us. So if pregnancy gain is genetic, I think maybe I got my paternal gramma's DNA in this department.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I was gaining slow and steady, didn't really change my eating and I'm now up 53lbs@37 weeks :( I'm really over the weight as I'm getting so close, just hope it doesn't creep up too much more and hopefully a lot is easy water weight. I have never "run out of room"...anyone else have this problem. I maybe get fuller a little sooner but I can still eat a lot, I was almost hoping for

    I havent run out of room either! I keep hearing ppl say they did but it just isnt happening for me yet and i dont think it will. I too was hoping for it , i thought it would slow some of the weight gain down

    At 32 weeks, I no longer feel full. I swear the only reason I stop eating is because I know that I have just eaten a bunch of food and really couldn't possibly need to eat anymore.

    Also, as far as weight gain being genetic...I just asked my 5'8" mother how much she gained with my brother and I. Apparently, 14 pounds both times for each of us. So if pregnancy gain is genetic, I think maybe I got my paternal gramma's DNA in this department.

    It's not genetic in my case...well at least with my mom. She is 5'3" and she gained 40lbs with me, and I'm obvsiously way ahead of that...even though I'm 5 inches taller than her.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I was gaining slow and steady, didn't really change my eating and I'm now up 53lbs@37 weeks :( I'm really over the weight as I'm getting so close, just hope it doesn't creep up too much more and hopefully a lot is easy water weight. I have never "run out of room"...anyone else have this problem. I maybe get fuller a little sooner but I can still eat a lot, I was almost hoping for

    I havent run out of room either! I keep hearing ppl say they did but it just isnt happening for me yet and i dont think it will. I too was hoping for it , i thought it would slow some of the weight gain down

    At 32 weeks, I no longer feel full. I swear the only reason I stop eating is because I know that I have just eaten a bunch of food and really couldn't possibly need to eat anymore.

    Also, as far as weight gain being genetic...I just asked my 5'8" mother how much she gained with my brother and I. Apparently, 14 pounds both times for each of us. So if pregnancy gain is genetic, I think maybe I got my paternal gramma's DNA in this department.

    It's not genetic in my case...well at least with my mom. She is 5'3" and she gained 40lbs with me, and I'm obvsiously way ahead of that...even though I'm 5 inches taller than her.

    not genetics with me either! Lol. my sisters gained 15lbs with their pregnancies and I am the only one who gains way more. Lol. I gained 47 with my DD and I assume I will get close to 40lb with this pregnancy. :-/

    29wks and I am up 23.6lbs!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    None :) I'm 9+ weeks and gain and lose the same ole pound
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I'm 8 weeks right now and have gone up and down 3 lbs so far. My last pregnancy I lost 10 lbs the first trimester I was so sick and then gained 50 lbs the last 4 months of my pregnancy! I'm hoping not to repeat that pattern this time...need to get my eating under control--more fruits and veggies--less carbs!
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    Here I am for my weekly update :)

    At 8 weeks pregnant I was +6lbs
    at 10 weeks pregnant I was +11lbs
    at 11 weeks pregnant I was +10 lbs
    At 12 weeks +8lbs
    At 13 weeks +10lbs
    At 14 weeks + 12 lbs
    At 15 weeks + 9lbs
    At 16 weeks + 10.5 lbs
    At 17 weeks + 12.5 lbs
    At the never-ending 18 weeks + 16lbs
    19 weeks + 14.5 lbs
    20 weeks + 20 lbs
    21 weeks + 17 lbs
    22 weeks + 18.5 lbs
    23 weeks + 17 lbs
    24 weeks + 18 lbs
    25 weeks + 17.5 lbs
    26 weeks + 18.5 lbs

    I'm feeling right on track at the moment... :)
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Here I am for my weekly update :)

    At 8 weeks pregnant I was +6lbs
    at 10 weeks pregnant I was +11lbs
    at 11 weeks pregnant I was +10 lbs
    At 12 weeks +8lbs
    At 13 weeks +10lbs
    At 14 weeks + 12 lbs
    At 15 weeks + 9lbs
    At 16 weeks + 10.5 lbs
    At 17 weeks + 12.5 lbs
    At the never-ending 18 weeks + 16lbs
    19 weeks + 14.5 lbs
    20 weeks + 20 lbs
    21 weeks + 17 lbs
    22 weeks + 18.5 lbs
    23 weeks + 17 lbs
    24 weeks + 18 lbs
    25 weeks + 17.5 lbs
    26 weeks + 18.5 lbs

    I'm feeling right on track at the moment... :)

    looks good!! good job
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    40w2d and up 36lbs this morning. For a while there at the beginning of my 3rd tri I was afraid of reaching 40+, but the weight gain has pretty much stalled (fluctuating the same few lbs) since about week 35. Hoping this baby comes out soon, I don't want to suddenly start retaining water now that I'm overdue. (One of my friends suddenly bloated up several pounds after the 40w mark :noway: )
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    40w2d and up 36lbs this morning. For a while there at the beginning of my 3rd tri I was afraid of reaching 40+, but the weight gain has pretty much stalled (fluctuating the same few lbs) since about week 35. Hoping this baby comes out soon, I don't want to suddenly start retaining water now that I'm overdue. (One of my friends suddenly bloated up several pounds after the 40w mark :noway: )

    Water weight gain isn't something to worry about. It goes away so quickly just like it comes on. Don't stress. You're doing really really great!
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    Wa to go jls!! Looks like you got to 40 weeks right within your goal weight gain! :)
    So..... anyday now?!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    40w2d and up 36lbs this morning. For a while there at the beginning of my 3rd tri I was afraid of reaching 40+, but the weight gain has pretty much stalled (fluctuating the same few lbs) since about week 35. Hoping this baby comes out soon, I don't want to suddenly start retaining water now that I'm overdue. (One of my friends suddenly bloated up several pounds after the 40w mark :noway: )

    awesome job! I hope to be around the same!!!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Wa to go jls!! Looks like you got to 40 weeks right within your goal weight gain! :)
    So..... anyday now?!

    I hope so! I'm DONE and we're getting anxious. DH is so disappointed each morning when he gets up and realizes he has to go to work. :laugh:
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Well hoping people feel better about their weight gain after my post here :smile:

    Over the course of 40 weeks (gave birth on my due date) I gained 50 lbs :ohwell:

    One week later and I have lost 22 lbs of it. I had a C-section and so have not been working out, just eating right and had that fall off quick! I'm BF-ing so have added in an additional 500 calories a day to keep the supply up and have still been losing. So for everyone who has put on WAY more than they wanted to (like I did) fear not! :flowerforyou: