how much weight have you gained



  • Skatha89
    Skatha89 Posts: 49 Member
    36 weeks and up 2 more pounds for a total of 40lbs!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    33 weeks and up 49lbs :(. But the baby is measuring at 35 weeks ( although im not really sure what that means, does it mean he may come early?/)
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I've stopped weighing myself everyday (it was getting to be too depressing), so I'm not sure exactly what I weigh. The exciting news is that as of today (@33 weeks) I noticed it feels like the baby is taking up enough room in there that there is no longer so much room for food. Unfortunately, it's making breathing kind of hard. The doctor says this is normal...
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    That's great you haven't really gained!!! You are not alone!!!! I went from 237-150lbs in a years time RIGHT before getting preggo. .as a matter of fact I had actually met my mini goal of 150 after I knew I was preggo lol the fear of gaining too much was/is definitely there! I think the reason i have put on what i have is from being lazy and over endulging for my first two trimesters! Ive since been able to pretty much maintain in the third bc ive been eating better and working out but you are def not alone!! And dont feel bad, theres so many others out there that feel the same way!!! Oh yeah, i am 35 weeks and have gained 33.5 lbs. The important thing is that we are growing a human inside us so we need to eat more and put on a little weight ;-) after baby we can concentrate on losing and getting our bodies back so I wouldn't stress too much :) and feel free to add me!

    While I think it's great too, in reality I am sure I can attribute that in part to not eating enough. Yesterday is a good example. I had a bottle of water during my work out, and drink water throughout the day. I had 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with peanut butter for breakfast with a glass of 1% milk. I was literally running around until about 1:30 yesterday afternoon and was starving so broke down and grabbed a small fry and a mcdouble from mcdonalds while I was out. I am in school for nursing and have 2 exams this week so I was studying last night. I ended up snacking on 2 or 3 of those 50-90 calorie chocolate bars leftover from halloween and that was it for the day. DH and the kids weren't home so I didn't have any motivation to make anything for dinner.

    This is really pretty typical. Sometimes I will eat both lunch and dinner, but most times it's an either or. This isn't healthy :(

    Oh girl! You need to be careful and get enough cals! My dr gave me 1800 when I first found out I was preggo!
  • This is my first pregnancy and I’m 20 weeks on Wednesday. According to the scale this morning I have gained 19lbs :..( The first trimester really messed me up. I was really hungry, needed to eat to make the nausea go away and was soooo sleepy I stopped exercising for a month and a half. Before getting pregnant I had been on MFP for a year, logged every day, worked out almost daily and had lost 31lbs so I feel really bad with this weight gain. My doc told me I should only gain 15lbs total cuz I started out obese.
    I have an appointment with a nutritionist tomorrow so hopefully that helps and I’m determined to log daily again. I had stopped. Keeping it around 1800 and hope that works. Plus now that I'm in my 2nd trimester I feel a lot better. No more nausea and I have more energy to workout again (Zumba and bike riding)
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    This is my first pregnancy and I’m 20 weeks on Wednesday. According to the scale this morning I have gained 19lbs :..( The first trimester really messed me up. I was really hungry, needed to eat to make the nausea go away and was soooo sleepy I stopped exercising for a month and a half. Before getting pregnant I had been on MFP for a year, logged every day, worked out almost daily and had lost 31lbs so I feel really bad with this weight gain. My doc told me I should only gain 15lbs total cuz I started out obese.
    I have an appointment with a nutritionist tomorrow so hopefully that helps and I’m determined to log daily again. I had stopped. Keeping it around 1800 and hope that works. Plus now that I'm in my 2nd trimester I feel a lot better. No more nausea and I have more energy to workout again (Zumba and bike riding)

    hey don't stress out. I gained a lot my first and beginning of 2nd tri. Up until 24wks I had gained 20-21lbs. I am 30wks now and as of this morning I have gained 23.2lbs. It had slowed down soooo much and I am still eating the same as before! I actually don't exercise as much as I used to. I used to exercise 5-6days a week and now I am down to 3 days a week. last week I only exercised once. Lol. But I have a feeling the reason I am not gaining weight is because I am losing muscle mass and its turning into fat, my jeans have gotten tighter around my butt and thighs :-/ LOL. I will get back to doing total body workouts but maybe 2 days a week and then cardio for 2 days. I really want to exercise more, but I have been getting a lot of BH from it so I want to take it easy until I am closer to 40wks. I also keep my cals 1800-2100 a day. Depends on how hungry I am. I have days that I can never be full and days where I get at 1700 cals and I feel soooo full. Pregnancy calories is a guessing game. Just go by how you feel. I never starve myself. :)

    30wks + 23.2lbs
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    This is my first pregnancy and I’m 20 weeks on Wednesday. According to the scale this morning I have gained 19lbs :..( The first trimester really messed me up. I was really hungry, needed to eat to make the nausea go away and was soooo sleepy I stopped exercising for a month and a half. Before getting pregnant I had been on MFP for a year, logged every day, worked out almost daily and had lost 31lbs so I feel really bad with this weight gain. My doc told me I should only gain 15lbs total cuz I started out obese.
    I have an appointment with a nutritionist tomorrow so hopefully that helps and I’m determined to log daily again. I had stopped. Keeping it around 1800 and hope that works. Plus now that I'm in my 2nd trimester I feel a lot better. No more nausea and I have more energy to workout again (Zumba and bike riding)

    Hang in there girl! i'm trying not to get upset about my weight gain too. i'm 17 weeks and up 15lbs. I decided it's time to start logging again because I hadn't been. i also wasn't able to work out for a while b/c of complications and it's been hard to get back on the ball (esp cause it's FREEZING here now!) I have decided not to step on the scale until my next OB appt so he can tell me my total weight gain instead of getting upset over a bad week. I keep telling myself "(I lost the weight before I can lose it again!)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    This is my first pregnancy and I’m 20 weeks on Wednesday. According to the scale this morning I have gained 19lbs :..( The first trimester really messed me up. I was really hungry, needed to eat to make the nausea go away and was soooo sleepy I stopped exercising for a month and a half. Before getting pregnant I had been on MFP for a year, logged every day, worked out almost daily and had lost 31lbs so I feel really bad with this weight gain. My doc told me I should only gain 15lbs total cuz I started out obese.
    I have an appointment with a nutritionist tomorrow so hopefully that helps and I’m determined to log daily again. I had stopped. Keeping it around 1800 and hope that works. Plus now that I'm in my 2nd trimester I feel a lot better. No more nausea and I have more energy to workout again (Zumba and bike riding)

    hey don't stress out. I gained a lot my first and beginning of 2nd tri. Up until 24wks I had gained 20-21lbs. I am 30wks now and as of this morning I have gained 23.2lbs. It had slowed down soooo much and I am still eating the same as before! I actually don't exercise as much as I used to. I used to exercise 5-6days a week and now I am down to 3 days a week. last week I only exercised once. Lol. But I have a feeling the reason I am not gaining weight is because I am losing muscle mass and its turning into fat, my jeans have gotten tighter around my butt and thighs :-/ LOL. I will get back to doing total body workouts but maybe 2 days a week and then cardio for 2 days. I really want to exercise more, but I have been getting a lot of BH from it so I want to take it easy until I am closer to 40wks. I also keep my cals 1800-2100 a day. Depends on how hungry I am. I have days that I can never be full and days where I get at 1700 cals and I feel soooo full. Pregnancy calories is a guessing game. Just go by how you feel. I never starve myself. :)

    30wks + 23.2lbs


    I've gained more than I should so far, and I'm only nearing the end of my first trimester. I am trying not to let it stress me out. Right now my body doesn't need much in the way of extra calories (and I was eating a lot to keep nausea at bay), but as I get further along, it will need more and more... Meaning if I keep eating the same way I am now, my body will be "using" more of those extra calories to put towards the baby, and more of my weight gain will actually be baby, not my butt. Or at least I hope that's how it goes!

    11w2d, +7 to 9lbs, depending on how nice the scale wants to be to me
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    This is my first pregnancy and I’m 20 weeks on Wednesday. According to the scale this morning I have gained 19lbs :..( The first trimester really messed me up. I was really hungry, needed to eat to make the nausea go away and was soooo sleepy I stopped exercising for a month and a half. Before getting pregnant I had been on MFP for a year, logged every day, worked out almost daily and had lost 31lbs so I feel really bad with this weight gain. My doc told me I should only gain 15lbs total cuz I started out obese.
    I have an appointment with a nutritionist tomorrow so hopefully that helps and I’m determined to log daily again. I had stopped. Keeping it around 1800 and hope that works. Plus now that I'm in my 2nd trimester I feel a lot better. No more nausea and I have more energy to workout again (Zumba and bike riding)

    Hang in there girl! i'm trying not to get upset about my weight gain too. i'm 17 weeks and up 15lbs. I decided it's time to start logging again because I hadn't been. i also wasn't able to work out for a while b/c of complications and it's been hard to get back on the ball (esp cause it's FREEZING here now!) I have decided not to step on the scale until my next OB appt so he can tell me my total weight gain instead of getting upset over a bad week. I keep telling myself "(I lost the weight before I can lose it again!)

    Yeah, that's the other thing - I lost it once, I can do it again! I lost 82 pounds after my son was born (not counting the initial 20 lbs loss in the first couple of weeks or so). I'd like to keep my weight gain below 35# this time, but even if I don't and gain a whole lot more, I should still be way under where I was the first time. Which means I can do it again!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Updated monthly breakdown:

    May (weeks 1-4) +0
    June (weeks 5-8) +0
    July (weeks 9-12) +4.7
    August (weeks 13-17) +4.7
    September (weeks 18-21) +7.4
    October (weeks 22-26) +23 <- at school for 3 weeks and ate out more than normal and crazy class hours limited working out :blushing:
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    sooo...after remaining steady for about 2 months, I gained 6-7lbs between last Friday and this morning. I'm 29 weeks and up 30.5lbs now - each day I was hoping it would go away, but it seems to be sticking around. Trying not to panic, but really? 7lbs in 5 days? No swelling, no constipation, nothing - bahhhh! Welcome to third trimester nonsense, right?
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    Here I am for my weekly update yet again - starting my 3rd trimester now! I guess this is where the scale is supposed to sky rocket?! Strangely enough, I saw more of a gain this week.

    At 8 weeks pregnant I was +6lbs
    at 10 weeks pregnant I was +11lbs
    at 11 weeks pregnant I was +10 lbs
    At 12 weeks +8lbs
    At 13 weeks +10lbs
    At 14 weeks + 12 lbs
    At 15 weeks + 9lbs
    At 16 weeks + 10.5 lbs
    At 17 weeks + 12.5 lbs
    At the never-ending 18 weeks + 16lbs
    19 weeks + 14.5 lbs
    20 weeks + 20 lbs
    21 weeks + 17 lbs
    22 weeks + 18.5 lbs
    23 weeks + 17 lbs
    24 weeks + 18 lbs
    25 weeks + 17.5 lbs
    26 weeks + 18.5 lbs
    27 weeks + 21 lbs

    All I can say is, pregnancy is weird.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    sooo...after remaining steady for about 2 months, I gained 6-7lbs between last Friday and this morning. I'm 29 weeks and up 30.5lbs now - each day I was hoping it would go away, but it seems to be sticking around. Trying not to panic, but really? 7lbs in 5 days? No swelling, no constipation, nothing - bahhhh! Welcome to third trimester nonsense, right?

    it will continue. I dont weigh myself everyday but i have gained as much as 6lbs in a week so i dont know if it was all at one or spread out. There just seems to be no way to figure it out
  • Yeah, I gained 3 lbs in like 3 days (15 total at nearly 20 wks) that is sticking around. It is very weird. I'm trying not to care, but it is hard.

    It kind of makes eating well difficult for me as well as I kind of think 'well, I'm gaining a ton of weight anyway, might as well choose the popcorn chicken over the lean fish!'
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yeah, I gained 3 lbs in like 3 days (15 total at nearly 20 wks) that is sticking around. It is very weird. I'm trying not to care, but it is hard.

    It kind of makes eating well difficult for me as well as I kind of think 'well, I'm gaining a ton of weight anyway, might as well choose the popcorn chicken over the lean fish!'

    I completely understand that thought. Even when I try really hard and eat well for a week, I don't seem to gain any less, so what's the point? So my motto is induldge some but make sure I still get in some healthly food!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Yeah, I gained 3 lbs in like 3 days (15 total at nearly 20 wks) that is sticking around. It is very weird. I'm trying not to care, but it is hard.

    It kind of makes eating well difficult for me as well as I kind of think 'well, I'm gaining a ton of weight anyway, might as well choose the popcorn chicken over the lean fish!'

    I completely understand that thought. Even when I try really hard and eat well for a week, I don't seem to gain any less, so what's the point? So my motto is induldge some but make sure I still get in some healthly food!

    I have felt like this too. There have been weeks on end where i have eaten 90% healthy and gained just as much as when i ate 90% junk food.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Yeah, I gained 3 lbs in like 3 days (15 total at nearly 20 wks) that is sticking around. It is very weird. I'm trying not to care, but it is hard.

    It kind of makes eating well difficult for me as well as I kind of think 'well, I'm gaining a ton of weight anyway, might as well choose the popcorn chicken over the lean fish!'

    I completely understand that thought. Even when I try really hard and eat well for a week, I don't seem to gain any less, so what's the point? So my motto is induldge some but make sure I still get in some healthly food!

    I have felt like this too. There have been weeks on end where i have eaten 90% healthy and gained just as much as when i ate 90% junk food.

    Here's the thing. How many times are we going to be pregnant in our lives? (Unless you're my grandmother, and the answer is 10/half your life...) The point is, I think if there is ever a time to not beat yourself up so much about indulging ***a little*** it's now.

    Don't get me wrong, I swear I am still tracking my calories and making an effort to stay within nutrient requirements, etc...but I am just not going to begrudge myself the ice cream I want.

    Dammit. :-)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member

    Here's the thing. How many times are we going to be pregnant in our lives? (Unless you're my grandmother, and the answer is 10/half your life...) The point is, I think if there is ever a time to not beat yourself up so much about indulging ***a little*** it's now.

    Don't get me wrong, I swear I am still tracking my calories and making an effort to stay within nutrient requirements, etc...but I am just not going to begrudge myself the ice cream I want.

    Dammit. :-)
    I like this motto....I also like your profile pic :)
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I think as long as we are trying and conscious what else can you do? just be mindful and what happens happens. I have not changed my eating habits and I have weeks I gain a lot and weeks I don't gain anything and I always eat the same. I eat healthy 85% of the time. I still have icecream often, chocolate often, and junk food. But I am mindful and its all about portion control. I eat out every now and then. When I do eat out I look for the healthier options. Such as grilled chicken sandwich from Mcdonalds, rather than a quarter pounder. Or if I eat mexican, I will get fajitas cause its the "healthiest" option compared to enchiladas and such. I was eating WAY cleaner before being pregnant, but I am allowing myself to indulge on some kind of junk at least once a day. Lol.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Here's the thing. How many times are we going to be pregnant in our lives? (Unless you're my grandmother, and the answer is 10/half your life...) The point is, I think if there is ever a time to not beat yourself up so much about indulging ***a little*** it's now.

    Don't get me wrong, I swear I am still tracking my calories and making an effort to stay within nutrient requirements, etc...but I am just not going to begrudge myself the ice cream I want.

    Dammit. :-)

    I think I love you.

    But seriously, you're right. Assuming all goes to plan, this is probably the second and last time I will be pregnant. I went apesh*t the first time, and I paid for it by having to bust my butt to lose all that weight. This time, even if I gained the same amount of weight I did last time, I'll still be much better off than I was the first time, and I know *exactly* what I have to do to lose it.

    So yeah, I say enjoy yourself! Indulging a little here and there is hardly the worst thing you could do.

    Now I just need to take my own advice!