November Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Me: 3

    Binge: 2
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    I keep forgetting about these challenges :( I'm going to try to continue with this one!
    So far,
    Me - 5
    ED - 0 :)

    And I'm pleased to announce to all of y'all, it's been 66 days since i last binged or purged.
    Hope all is well <3
    Congrats! Wish you all the best!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    November 2012

    Diane: 2
    The Binge: 3
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    I keep forgetting about these challenges :( I'm going to try to continue with this one!
    So far,
    Me - 5
    ED - 0 :)

    And I'm pleased to announce to all of y'all, it's been 66 days since i last binged or purged.
    Hope all is well <3
    Awesome job!!! The one who gave us this awesome idea :) Keep up the good work!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Hum. Not sure to count as a binge. I am not going to so for today me: 1 binge: 0
    However, in confession I did eat a larger meal than I really needed at dinner. I'm sick. I'm about ready to say I have the flu. At any rate, I dont' feel well at all and so of course, thought of food. I was ordering a hamburger and was not not not going to get the cookie, but coudn't seem to walk out the door with out. ALl I could was think of that cookie. Oh food how you control me some days. There was a time I controlled food. I believe food is getting its revenge.

    I'm not counting it because I don't feel disgusting, which is often how I feel after a binge. I eat when not not hungry and just keep shoving it down. TOday I was really hungry! Just didn't need as much as I ate. So that is my story for today and I'm sticking to it. :)
    Yes overeating is not a binge :) I think we all know when we are out of control and in a binge cycle. If not there are some really good books out on this matter. We all define binges differently. For me a binge is mindless uncontrolled eating cycle which usually last for 30 min to 2+ hours in duration.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Yes overeating is not a binge :) I think we all know when we are out of control and in a binge cycle. If not there are some really good books out on this matter. We all define binges differently. For me a binge is mindless uncontrolled eating cycle which usually last for 30 min to 2+ hours in duration.

    Yesterday I went WAY over calories and ate a bunch of cookies...But, it wasn't out of control and mindless. At the time, I totally knew what I was doing (as opposed to being in what I call "zombie mode", where I don't even think, I just NEED food). I thought about it beforehand and knew what I was getting myself into. I wanted them and ate them and enjoyed them...till later on in the evening and this morning. Now of course I feel huge and tend to beat myself up over it. I'm counting it as a binge. I am forgiving myself so I can move forward. I think forgiving ourselves is important in order to stop. I am working on getting better at it.

    Me - 3
    Binge - 2

    I really want today to be better. I have a plan and will stick to it. I just hate it that being at work is such a difficult time for me. Not wanting to be there, boredom, procrastination are triggers for me and when junk food is around some days I feel like can't resist.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    As of November 5, 2012:

    Me: 0
    The Binge: 1 (11/4)
    Overate (100 cals or more): 4 (11/1: 579; 11/2: 295; 11/3: 688; 11/5: 758 )

    I've been horribly lazy lately. The overeating is out-of-hand, but at least I'm not binging.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Nov. 2012

    Dee - 5
    Binge - 0
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Yes overeating is not a binge :) I think we all know when we are out of control and in a binge cycle. If not there are some really good books out on this matter. We all define binges differently. For me a binge is mindless uncontrolled eating cycle which usually last for 30 min to 2+ hours in duration.

    Yesterday I went WAY over calories and ate a bunch of cookies...But, it wasn't out of control and mindless. At the time, I totally knew what I was doing (as opposed to being in what I call "zombie mode", where I don't even think, I just NEED food). I thought about it beforehand and knew what I was getting myself into. I wanted them and ate them and enjoyed them...till later on in the evening and this morning. Now of course I feel huge and tend to beat myself up over it. I'm counting it as a binge. I am forgiving myself so I can move forward. I think forgiving ourselves is important in order to stop. I am working on getting better at it.

    Me - 3
    Binge - 2

    I really want today to be better. I have a plan and will stick to it. I just hate it that being at work is such a difficult time for me. Not wanting to be there, boredom, procrastination are triggers for me and when junk food is around some days I feel like can't resist.
    Work can be hard for me too. I have my own snacks here and most days this works for me. Some days at the end of the day I cave in and since at the end of day this wards of going back and back and back since I am leaving soon. Most days this works too. Yes some days I count really bad overeating days as binge even though it was really not a binge because in a way I was out of control even if not a true blue binge :) Keep up the good work and keep checking in!!
  • suse33
    suse33 Posts: 43 Member
    Nov 5
    Me- 3
    Binge -2
  • berumotto
    Me: 2
    Binge: 3

  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    As of November 6th:

    Me: 4

    The Binge: 2 (11/1, 11/2)

    I've been four days binge free, but the binge monster keeps tempting me >.<

    Oh well, I'm going to kick it's butt!

  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    As of November 5, 2012:

    Me: 0
    The Binge: 1 (11/4)
    Overate (100 cals or more): 4 (11/1: 579; 11/2: 295; 11/3: 688; 11/5: 758 )

    I've been horribly lazy lately. The overeating is out-of-hand, but at least I'm not binging.

    So organized! I like it.

    And atleast it's just overeating, and not binging! Youre probably eating enough calories to maintain your weight. Like I said, better than binging.
  • wendyzets
    November 6th

    Wow, didn't realize how difficult this would be!!!
    Me: 3, all three binging!!!
    Binge: 0, take that Binge *****!!!
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    Me - 4
    Binge - 2 (11/1, 11/4)

    A win for me! Ate PB with no binge. Keeping it up. I haven't weighed myself in some time and I'm quite nervous. I'll plan for Saturday to weigh in.
  • wilmawm
    wilmawm Posts: 81 Member
    The Binge--0

    The Binge did his best to bust me last night but I held him off! I went over my calories yesterday -- didn't exercise as much as I generally do -- and the Binge-monster tried to convince me to go over just a little more. Well, I wouldn't have stopped with just a little food; it would have turned into a full-blown binge. Binge-monster, you lose!
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    T, Nov. 6

    beatrix: 5
    The Binge: 1
  • jewel1013
    jewel1013 Posts: 20 Member
    Me: 0
    Binge: 1
    Not a horrible binge as in past, but a binge or what I call as sugar binge. It is interesting i used to numb out and/or feel a mind tinge of happiness when I binged. I noticed tears today. I'm not sure it is because I have the flu or something else deep is surfacing.
    Tomorrow is another day. I find checking in on this site keeps me real!
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    As of November 1, 2012:

    Mollie - 2
    The Binge - 4 (1, 2,4, 6)

    Logged it all - 5 (Goal 25 days or more)

    Well I had written a whole little book about last nights mini binge but lost it and no time to re-write it. :grumble:

    Happy Hump day!!

    We can do this!!
    One day at a time....
    One meal at a time....
    One bite at a time.....