Introduce yourself



  • angrypoet
    angrypoet Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Brianna and i've struggled with ana, mia, and ednos. i'm 15 and i'm in high school. i want to lose 15 pounds and i would love any support i can get. i love music and art. i have a dog and a cat. i like wasting time watching movies and tv. and i hate having major depression.
  • Hello. I'm Diane, 24, London. I am recovering from anorexia, it is hard work but I am desperate to find a healthy and happy place in my life.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Hello, I'm Eleonora, almost 21 years old from Italy. I've always been the fatty, chubby, plump kid and girl while growing up. I've never liked my body and I've always felt ugly, due to my extreme lack of self esteem. I've been complaining superficially about my body all of these years but never really put myself through an eating disorder because I was like.. Okay I'm ugly and fat and I'll be forever. But food is good to relax and everything so just accept it, you're going to be fat forever. My self hate and sense of worthlessness led me to various kind of self harming, including binging and purging during the last months. I haven't told this to anyone and I'm doing my best to lose some weigh by myself, the healthy way, even though I don't think it will help me to gain more self confidence. I just don't want to struggle all my life with such problems :)
  • LostGirlLosing
    LostGirlLosing Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm Victoria Elizabeth. I'm 18 years old and a sophomore in college. I was diagnosed with EDNOS a few months ago, but I've been struggling with an anorexia and bulimia for years. When I went off to college for the first time last year, my ED got really bad. I stopped eating and lost 20 pounds. Over the month of winter break, I gained 15 pounds back, which triggered my ED even more. It got so bad, that by the end of January I had to drop out of school and move back home.

    Since then, I have been working on my ED with a therapist and a dietician, and I am feeling so much better. It's still a daily struggle and I have a long way to go, but I'm stable enough now to go back to school in the fall. I feel like I'm getting my life back!

    Please feel free to add me or message me, I'm not shy!
  • DLaszlo
    DLaszlo Posts: 5 Member
    Um, hi. I'm Doriya. I'm 18 and I'm about to go into my junior year of high school. I lost two years of school because of ED treatment. My first diagnosis was Anorexia restrictive sub type and my second was EDNOS AN restrictive subtype. According to the new DSM, my next diagnosis will probably be atypical anorexia. Unless I've lost weight by the time I'm in treatment next. I will say this.. If you're in recovery and you don't want to be triggered then don't add me because I would really hate to trigger anyone.

    I recently tried to eat a little better but then I stepped on the scale and freaked out and now I'm back to doing what I was doing before because that's just what happens with me.

    Anyway, feel free to add me. If you want to know a little bit about me, I love doing ballet, singing, and acting. I went to an arts high school for two years, a world renown one, for singing and am a classically trained singer. I would like to become a psychologist because I love to help people and after being a psychologist for a while I would love to open a ballet studio. I love to read and I love fashion and I'm a nerdfighter and I love British tv shows.

    Ummmm... yeah.. Oh! I'm also a vegetarian for moral reasons and I have been dealing with body image and food issues for as long as I can remember.
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    Hi, I'm Megan. I'm 24 years old and I have 3 little boys ages 6, 3 and 11 months. I'm divorced. I've dealt with eating issues since I was 13 on and off. I've never been officially diagnosed because I hid it quite well in my teens and my mom wasn't around much for awhile. I recovered for awhile but it has come back with a vengeance. I believe I'm probably anorexic or perhaps EDNOS. I really want to beat this, I want to give up the thoughts....not sure if I ever will but I'm going to try. My boyfriend is helping me, otherwise I'd probably weigh much less by now. The symptoms that came on this time around have scared me. I can't live with way for the sake of my kids at least! Add me if you're trying to recover :)

    I eat vegan as well :)
  • MissKatie2011
    MissKatie2011 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name is Katie, I'm 18 and I'm fairly new at this. A lot of people have been struggling with an eating disorder for years. I haven't been diagnosed but that doesn't change anything. I've been struggling with food for years now but for the past 6 months or so, it's been getting harder and harder. I'm eating around 600 calories or less, depending on the day. I exercise a lot also. I also have depression and social anxiety. I was diagnosed with those. I was on medicine but stopped taking them. I've had social anxiety since I was little. I hope to find some friends on here!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is April. I'm on the road to recovery from anorexia/bulimia, and it's not easy. I'm here to lend an ear, lend a shoulder, try to help others and sometimes lean on you when Ed's voice (Ed=eating disorder) gets too loud.
  • Hi, all. I do not currently struggle with anorexia/bulemia, but have in the past. I truly do need to lose about 30 pounds, and that is not an exaggeration or result of unhealthy self-perceptions. My profile photo was taken in 1999 and represents the "ideal me" (at least 40 pounds lighter than I am now). Just joined My Fitness Pal, and all this calorie counting and logging is starting to bring back the old feelings of deprivation = good and other kinda scary, yet somehow also appealing, control-freaky thoughts. Thought I'd seek out some others who might understand before I find myself alone and in trouble!

  • April, you sound like just the kind of "My Fitness Pal" I need. :smile:
  • bongbunny
    bongbunny Posts: 37 Member
    Just joined My Fitness Pal, and all this calorie counting and logging is starting to bring back the old feelings of deprivation = good and other kinda scary, yet somehow also appealing, control-freaky thoughts. Thought I'd seek out some others who might understand before I find myself alone and in trouble!

    This was me. I came here to lose 20 pounds and bought into the idea of eating 6 times a day (every few hours) while restricting calories. I lost the weight this way, but the time spent preparing food, thinking of it, and actually eating it became all-consuming and triggered the return of my eating disorder. It has never really went away, but fades into the background at times. MFP unfortunately brought it back to the forefront - there was simply too much focus on food :/ I am better(ish) now, but it has taken a lot of research and effort on my part to find an eating style that works with my disorder rather than against it.

    I wish everyone here good luck in finding ways to keep your disorders at bay. Feel free to add me IF you are recovery minded.
  • moechi
    moechi Posts: 18 Member
    I am Moe, currently living in Asia, 22 years old.

    I think I have EDNOS, I restrict my intake. I am bouncing from wanting to be healthy and wanting to be thinner.
    I have lost around 22lbs cause of this.

    In need of support, I have most of the IMs, if you are interested.
  • hey there. i'm from VT and i'm trying to lose weight after 3 years of battling the ups and downs of anorexia and bulimia. the name's robot. i'm a 20-year-old female (NOT a college student, too many drops and treatment centers and hospitals). i live on a strict budget, which makes it difficult but kinda fun to find healthy foods.

    also training for a 10K in a month!

  • hdecker
    hdecker Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm Heather. 36 years old. Behavior-free for 4 years after 18 years of Ana/Mia and about 12 months in residential and PHPs. Gained weight after stopping behaviors, and only now am I strong enough in my recovery to start weight loss. Need some support! Thanks!
  • Hi I'm 21 years old. I have been suffering from anorexia, bulimia, and exercise abuse for 5 years. I just want myfitnesspal to help me stay on the right track in my recovery as far as how many calories I need to get in. I don't plan on weighing myself, which sounds weird, but it would trigger me. I hope this group can be supportive. :smile:
  • Hi, I'm Anais, I'm 14 years old, and I have an eating disorder. I'm really struggling on recovery. I was using myfitnesspal in my darkest days where I would eat 0-300 calories a day and work out for hours and purge frequently. Now I'm working for a weight of 108 and eating 2000 a day, though I have only put on 2 pounds in 4 months. I usually end up eating 1300-1600 a day. I would love a friend to be able to talk to (on here or texting) daily and even if possible at every meal for support and encouragment. I need the help. Good luck to you all. XX
  • moonrats
    moonrats Posts: 7 Member
    You can call me MoonRat. I live in Kentucky USA and I'm 21 years young.

    I developed an Eating Disorder when I was about 11 years. I've tried recovery a few times, I always fall back. I've come to the conclusion that I'll have to deal with this for the rest of my life.

    So here I am on MFP, keeping track of what I do.
    I am aiming to lose weight right now.
    I joined this group to have support from people that understand where I'm coming from and have no judgment.

    Glad to be here and can't wait to meet you all.
  • i'm alisha and i've suffered from an eating disorder and i still am doing. everyone says i'm really thin but i don't think i am, i think i'm fat and that's what i see everywhere. i stopped eating because of depression and someone said i'm fat when i wasn't and it all started from there, it went too far and now i don't get hungry much. i know that this way is harder to lose weight because it has messed my metabolism up bad and i'm scared now if i start eating i'll gain the weight back.

    i don't want to have any fat excess fat on my body, i want to have really think and skinny thighs, arms and body. i want to be perfect which will never come true. everyone tells me to put weight on but i think i'm fat as it is. i HATE this! i need help and support..
    i'm scared of food, i'm scared of oils, butter and greased things. i always record what i eat and write it down with the number of calories, i eat ice throughout the day and always have battles inside my head on what i should eat on that day!
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Just call me NCchar :)

    I am a 33 year old female, living in North Carolina. I have never been diagnosed with an eating disorder though I have been treated for depression and anxiety. I believe I may have OCD as well.

    I binged in high school and college, lost a good bit of weight healthily at age 20, then starved another 30 pounds off (approximately). I ate about 300-500 cals a day with a binge a couple times a week followed by a laxative (or 3) so it wouldn't "stick." I worked an active job up to 18 hours a day and also made time to do over an hour of cardio several times a week.

    A few years later, after getting involved a healthy romantic relationship for a few years, I considered myself mostly recovered. Some huge stressors in my life that came one after the other triggered the bingeing again and I gained back all I had lost and kept off plus an additional 20 pounds or so from my previous highest weight.

    I joined MFP this summer to try to once and for all get to a healthy weight in a healthy way, to learn to eat normally, and to get really and truly fit.

    I don't know what is happening to me this week but I feel like I'm relapsing starting with my very first binge since joining (yesterday) resulting in an additional 1300 cals on top of my goal and nearly 5000 mg of sodium, making me uncomfortable and bloated today. In my head I know this isn't a big deal but my head doesn't feel right, just now. My emotions feel all out of whack in general, I alternate between wanting to rage and wanting to sob, and I don't even know why - I felt this way prior to the binge, so I think the binge is a symptom not the cause. I can't seem to get out of my own head this week and I can't stop the negative self-talk about everything, not just food/weight/body issues.

    Anyway, I joined the group JUST IN CASE because I do not want to start down this road yet again.
  • QueenoftheWillis
    QueenoftheWillis Posts: 16 Member
    Um, hi. I'm Doriya. I'm 18 and I'm about to go into my junior year of high school. I lost two years of school because of ED treatment. My first diagnosis was Anorexia restrictive sub type and my second was EDNOS AN restrictive subtype. According to the new DSM, my next diagnosis will probably be atypical anorexia. Unless I've lost weight by the time I'm in treatment next. I will say this.. If you're in recovery and you don't want to be triggered then don't add me because I would really hate to trigger anyone.

    I recently tried to eat a little better but then I stepped on the scale and freaked out and now I'm back to doing what I was doing before because that's just what happens with me.

    Anyway, feel free to add me. If you want to know a little bit about me, I love doing ballet, singing, and acting. I went to an arts high school for two years, a world renown one, for singing and am a classically trained singer. I would like to become a psychologist because I love to help people and after being a psychologist for a while I would love to open a ballet studio. I love to read and I love fashion and I'm a nerdfighter and I love British tv shows.

    Ummmm... yeah.. Oh! I'm also a vegetarian for moral reasons and I have been dealing with body image and food issues for as long as I can remember.

    So this is me. I deleted my account and then remade. This is my new one. Hello (: