Here we are again!

FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
Well I'm pretty sure you are all ready for a new challenge for 2013. Let's do this!!!:flowerforyou:

We will be starting Tuesday, January 1, 2013. Please wait till that day to start posting in the days of the week. l prepared each day of the week to post in when we get started. I hope that is not confusing. Post your INTRO in here.

My name is Melanie. I have been married for 23 years. We have 2 girls: Kayla 22 and Lacy 17. No grandchildren as of yet.

Feel free to add me as a friend. I can't have too many of those. LOL.

2013: Here we come!


  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Hey! I'd like to join in on this, 52lb sounds like exactly what I need to lose to get to my goal, and It would be great to be able to do it in a year!
  • I'm ready! Let's go!
  • lem_orc29
    lem_orc29 Posts: 179 Member
    I like this idea! My ultimate goal is to reach my goal weight in 2013 (though that's actually 68 lbs away), but I'm pretty sure I'd be happy with 52 as well! Let's do it!
  • Hi I would like to join your group.
  • MrsBiscoe
    MrsBiscoe Posts: 177 Member
    I am in, looking to lose at least 58 lbs to bring me to my goal weight and be in a healthy weight bracket. I plan to drink at least 8 oz glasses of :drinker: water a day, exercise at least 3 -4 times a week. I am ready to get the ball rolling for 2013.
  • dawnreid2012
    dawnreid2012 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi there!!! I would like to join this group as well!!! My goal is to lose 50 pounds but hey why not another 2 :)
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Hi: I would love to join this group. I need to loss 75 lbs. So 52 is a good start to get me there.:smile:
  • texasokie
    texasokie Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone. I'd love to do this with you, I've got about 70 lbs to lose but need a starting place. I like the ideal of starting a new year with others who have the same goals as myself. I'm 55 yrs old, 5'2" and currently weigh around 195 my goal is 120. I work full time at a job where I mostly sit at a computer most of the day so I need to work on sitting up an exercise routine. Am currently reading a book on weight lifting so I can get toned as I lose. A little nervous about it all but I know I can do it! Am looking forward to losing weight with you all in 2013!
  • IndependentMe
    IndependentMe Posts: 182 Member
    Hi All!
    Lots of changes for me over 2012. 2013 will be my year. I'm excited to join! Just started a new gym today, so I hope to stay motivated to make it a daily healthy habit and achieve 50lbs or more this year!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Suzanne :drinker:

    2012 has been a tough year struggling with my binge eating addiction, gaining most of weight back from it. I feel I am ready for the new year and getting better, so we got this! :bigsmile: 52lbs would bring me back closer to my goal weight again.
  • Bloodredmoon
    Bloodredmoon Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Suzanne :drinker:

    2012 has been a tough year struggling with my binge eating addiction, gaining most of weight back from it. I feel I am ready for the new year and getting better, so we got this! :bigsmile: 52lbs would bring me back closer to my goal weight again.

    This is a very difficult thing to struggle with. I've struggled with this myself on and off, it's gotten a lot better this past year though. I'm currently on an upswing. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has really helped me with this. I also just recently got a book called "end emotional Eating" by Jennifer L. taitz, PsyD. Her book uses Dialectical Behavior Therapy. I've only just put a small dent in it but it has already helped me!

    You are not alone, more people struggle with this on some level than you think! Lots of love, feel free to add me!
  • FarmerLynn7
    FarmerLynn7 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in! I actually reset my counter on Sunday. It made sense for me to start a little early as my circumstances have changed. I finish building my little home gym tomorrow, I'm home everyday until I find another job as I just got laid off, and I'll be eating a bit differently to keep the grocery budget to a minimum.
  • I am in and looking forward to 2013!
  • Ladymocha02
    Ladymocha02 Posts: 2 Member
    YAY!!! This is right in line with one of my goals for 2013! I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!!! My name is Sarah and I am already on the mark to get rid of this excess weight! Not trying to LOSE it because I definitely do not want to find it anytime in the future, I'm want to GET RID of it... ALL 52lbs!!! Let's get it!
  • crbf
    crbf Posts: 58 Member
    I'm ready for the challenge! I've gained so much weight in the past 3 years because of my severe chronic pain (70 pounds), so I'm on board!
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    I've been improving gradually with my fitness lately, but haven't done well with improving my diet. A pound a week sounds doable, though! While 52lbs might not get me to my ideal weight, it will get me in a much healthier position.
  • elaineirene84
    elaineirene84 Posts: 65 Member
    My goal is much more than 52 lbs but if I can lose at least that in a year I will be very happy! Let the weight loss begin!
  • Count me in...I'm 30 years @ 211 lbs today. Would love something like this to keep track of my weight loss...I'm one of those "please yell at me to lose weight" kinda gal :( I need a group to get this done. thanks for starting this group.

  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    Count me in. I had lost a total of 80 pounds last May and then let a devastating breakup cause me to slack off and gain 40 back. Losing 52 pounds won't put me at my ultimate goal, but I will be a heck of a lot closer and lot healthier!
    I'm always looking for some motivation and a challenge group like this might be just the trick!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    I'm ready for the challenge! I've gained so much weight in the past 3 years because of my severe chronic pain (70 pounds), so I'm on board!

    I too suffer with chronic pain issues. I need to get a ton of weight off to try and avoid spinal surgery...
    Where is your pain?