Tuesday - Goals



  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    My goals for this year is to get healthy and to get down to a healthy weight . Plus to be able to maintain that weight.
    To get there I plan on working out at least five days a week by doing my treadmill every other day.
    Plus I want to start lifting weights twice a week.
    I will cut back on my carbs. The bad ones, sugar, white flour etc.
    And eat more veggies and to eat basically clean whole foods....
    Drink more water
    Log in here every day.
    And most of all be honest with myself.........
  • Ollie888
    Ollie888 Posts: 4 Member
    Just getting going. 52 lb in 52 weeks.
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    I have lots of goals for the year but the primary one is to get healthy.
  • uniquesarah
    uniquesarah Posts: 79 Member
    1) To excerise 5 times a week
    2) To eat more fruit and veg
    3) To walk more
    4)To record a fitness diary
    5) To be able to treat my self to some new clothes
  • PosiesforRosie
    PosiesforRosie Posts: 24 Member
    My main goal this year is to get to 140lbs - I am now 177lbs

    To achieve this:
    I need to drink water
    make sure that I exercise 5 times a week
    eat vegetables
    stay motivated
    use the wii and exercise equipment I have at least 3 times a week

  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    My goals for 2013:

    - lose 52lb - This brings me within my goal range. Since I've always been large I don't know what lower weights look like on me. My goal range is between 175-155lb, depending on when I feel happy with how I look. 52lb will take me to 170.

    - DRINK MY WATER! 2L per day at least!

    - Get walking! at least 3-5 times a week!

    - Plan meals ahead of time

    - Feel sexy to my husband!

    I'm looking forward to reaching my goals, and I think this is going to be a great group to do it with!
  • TKelly06
    TKelly06 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for 2013 are:

    1 Get pregnant (long dragged out process bleck!)
    2 Lose weight during the above process
    3 Be healthier
    4 Make lots of friends on MFP
    5 Feel comfortable in my clothes
    6 Have my rings sized down for the last time so I don't have to wear ring guards
    7 Have fun with the support of friends while we all go through the ups and downs of this process :)

    ETA: Please feel free to add me as a friend! I am a daily MFPer
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    My goal is to lose the remaining 20 LBS I have to lose by my birthday on April 4th. That means I have exactly 13.5 weeks to drop that 20! That is roughly 1.5 LBS per week!
  • My goals are to lose weight... I really want to lose 80 lbs, but 52 sounds like a more reasonable goal! I also want to have more energy, more confidence, eat healthier, and exercise regularly!
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,190 Member
    My Tuesday goal is to get my workouts in so I am not so cranky. Short term I would like to complete the C25K program, have started it twice before but never finished due to non-exercise related injuries.:wink:
  • valcladdagh
    valcladdagh Posts: 210 Member
    Very excited to start 2013, especially with this group and this challenge.

    My goals for 2013:
    First, get back on track after the holidays, started with getting my water back up to 8 or more glasses a day yesterday and today.

    Second, lose 52 lbs as the group title says, this will bring me into onederland and down to what I weighed after college (30 yrs ago) and before I settled down with my partner (19 years ago) - 176 lbs (at 228 now)

    Third, to log everyday and be supportive to all my friends and acquaintances on MFP, this is what made the first 36 lbs I have lost since Aug so easy to do. The last few weeks have been hard and not just because of the holidays but because of time not spent on here.

    Fourth, to start being more active, I was good in the fall but have slacked off a lot since the colder weather hit so I need to get that going again. I am not fond of exercise but I always feel better when I do it.

    I am sure there are, or should be more :), but that's it for now.

    Good luck everyone, I hope 2013 proves to be the year all our hopes in this one area of our lives comes true!
  • cohensta
    cohensta Posts: 3 Member
    My goal is to continue to track my foods daily and not get distracted. I would also like to increase my daily activity.:smile:
  • scpeach04
    scpeach04 Posts: 32 Member
    My goal is to continue on the track that I am on right now. I desire to continue losing. My weight loss journey this time started on 10/9/12. I want to be at a total of 100# gone by that time. I would like to lose 2# a week but 52 pounds for the year is a safe goal as well.

    Mainly I want to be healthy my health goals are as follows:

    1. be in the best shape I can be in when I have surgery 3/27/13. (having structural jaw surgery done.. LeFort I and II due to ongoing jaw problems and migraines for many years.

    2. Attend Zumba classes at least 3 times weekly (until my surgery then back at it as soon as I am released)

    3. Plan my meals

    4. On a weekly basis average at least my body weight daily in water/non calorie/decaf drinks.

    5. Try new forms of exercise on a monthly basis - add in at least one session of something different. Example January skiing/snowshoeing... February swimming laps again... March???

    That's it for now!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to a great group of losers!
  • As of today my goals are:
    1. to lose 50 pounds this year
    2. to exercise at least 6 days a week for 30 minutes
    3. to take the time for myself to exercise without feeling guilty or selfish.
  • warrinet
    warrinet Posts: 6 Member
    My goal is to continue on the path that I started when I discovered MFP in November of 2012. I will continue logging the foods that I eat. I will continue staying within the calories that I am allowed each day. I will continue engaging in some form of cardio everyday and gradually include strength training. I want to lose an average of a pound a week (52 lbs this year) which will put me at my ideal weight for the first time in about 30 years. (Feel free to add me to your list of friends:flowerforyou: )
  • mrtobias50
    mrtobias50 Posts: 93 Member
    My goals for 2013 are to keep doing what worked* in 2012 and up the ante:

    1. To lose 52+ lbs

    2. To increase bike time to 75 minutes and add in strength training 2-3 times per week

    3. to reduce oil and increase greens in my meals.

    * eating plant-based, logging food in MFP and using my Fitbit, exercising on my exercise bike 6 days per week, meditating daily
  • my1focus
    my1focus Posts: 62 Member
    Lose 52+ pounds!
    Feel confident when someone whips out a camera instead of dreading it!
    Look forward to exercising!
    Get rid of knee pain!
    Log Log Log!
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I started with a BMI at 68.....I recalculated and it is 52.9.....yay!!!!!!!!
  • lisa2219
    lisa2219 Posts: 85 Member
    My goals are:

    1. Track everyday.
    2. Quit drinking soda
    3. Break my addiction to fast food/take out.
    4. Go to my TOPS meeting every week for weigh in accountability

    #2 and #3 are going to be the hardest for me I think the best way is to go cold turkey. To accomplished this I am going to make weekly food plans and stick to them. I will allow myself to go out to eat with friends or family (we usually go to sit down restaurants and not very often). I am also going to experiment and try new recipes so I don’t get bored with the same old stuff.
  • MarielenaC
    MarielenaC Posts: 94 Member
    My goals are:

    1. Track everyday.
    2. Quit drinking soda
    3. Break my addiction to fast food/take out.
    4. Go to my TOPS meeting every week for weigh in accountability

    #2 and #3 are going to be the hardest for me I think the best way is to go cold turkey. To accomplished this I am going to make weekly food plans and stick to them. I will allow myself to go out to eat with friends or family (we usually go to sit down restaurants and not very often). I am also going to experiment and try new recipes so I don’t get bored with the same old stuff.

    Skinnytaste.com is family friendly!! my kids love the potato soup :) they were surprised when I told them half of what is in it isn't even potato haha! chicken pot pie soup is another favorite my whole family enjoys!