


  • teejayjancik
    teejayjancik Posts: 46 Member
    Great to see another Minnesotan here! Welcome Dave! You will love this crazy bunch of Fat Men!
  • alsatty
    alsatty Posts: 28
    I'm Alan from Georgia. Been with the group for a while. You'll find great support and many suggestions here. Thanks guys and feel free to add me.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    You guys are all insane. Certifiable. A bunch of grown men acting like idiots.

    I would like to join, please.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Welcome to the club Grim, ALL HAIL THE HAT!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    You guys are all insane. Certifiable. A bunch of grown men acting like idiots.

    I would like to join, please.

    Welcome, and yes we are quite insane
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    As a middle aged fat man (albeit a shrinking one) I am still able to swill beer, and eat pizza all whilst doing the Truffle Shuffle!

    Greeting and ALL HAIL THE HAT!!! Hope fully I haven't lost too many lbs. to be able to join in the camaraderie and shenanigans going on here. It is fantastic to find a group that doesn't consist entirely of women.

    My name is Rob. I'm 46, married (26 years if we make it to Nov 22nd), with three grown boys. I'm a German born American with a Mexican stomach. That means I like German Beer, Texas BBQ, and Steak Tampiqueña!

    I was 450 lbs. and lost about 252 lbs over a 2½ year period. I gained it all back because "since I lost it all I didn't need to diet anymore" and went back to my old eating habits. For the first six months I was fine. somewhere over the next 18 months I gained it all back without even realizing it until one morning I woke up fat again.

    I decided to do something about it one night when it dawned on me I was watching Biggest Loser while eating a half gallon of Bunny Tracks ice cream. I had lost it before (following the Atkins diet) so I knew I could do it again only this time my weight came with side effect... high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, constant numbness in my arms and legs from poor circulation, etc.

    I managed to lose 139 lbs before finding mfp and an additional 64 pounds since then for a total of 203 lbs to date. It seems to be a much slower journey the second time around, but since I'm changing how I think about and relate to food I expect it to be the last time I ever have to lose it.

    Congratulations to everyone on your progress so far!

    I humbly petition for admittance to TROOMAFM. ALL HAIL THE HAT!

  • mdawson2112
    mdawson2112 Posts: 26 Member
    My name is Mike and I have recently found my way back to MFP again! About 3 years ago with the help of this site I lost 65 pounds and since then I found them all again and they brought some friends.

    I am seperated from my ex and living with my girlfriend of 4 years with my son nad her son. y boys are 14 and 16. My daughter 20 lives with her grandmother.

    Like many other I am dealling with work, kids and relationships and its great to find a place of like minded men.

    All Hail the ROoMAFM!
  • Chris_2013
    Chris_2013 Posts: 107 Member
    Hello brothers. Chris here. 42 year old Canadian. Married, two daughters and life is good other than my weight. I've battled it most of my life and have had wild swings. Healthiest ever was 13 years ago but since getting married and having the kids my weight has gone up and exercise has gone down. Hit my highest weight ever in September, 325 lbs. My clothes didn't fit and I was running out of breath doing the simplest of activities. Saw my Doctor and my cholesterol is high and i don't want my kids growing up fatherless. Have now lost 37 lbs with ultimate goal to lose 125. Love this website and believe food journaling is key to success. Read on someone's profile a couple of days ago that they never eat a single bite of food until its logged and I think that is smart. If you are cheating on your own damn food diary then who are you fooling?

    Love the all guys group and am looking forward to getting to know some of you guys.

  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Welcome Rob,Mike and Chris, the more the merrier. pull up a chair and grab a beer
  • wolfjj79
    wolfjj79 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello all! Just found this group and realized, "holy cow! I'm considered middle-aged now!!!!!!". Of course, I don't feel that way and still think of myself as 25. I'm 33 and 237lbs now. I started my most recent weight loss quest @ 255 (MFP about 241), on Sep 7. My goal is the 200lb range. I, too, wish to shrink my boobs and have done so already to some degree using cardio kickboxing and pushups.

    I read many of the intros here and you guys are hilarious and hope to join you in all the fun. ALL HAIL THE HAT!
  • paleofatman
    Ha! Old Fat Guys. Cool.

    Me too.

  • AASmith1977
    AASmith1977 Posts: 14 Member
    Middle Age? Check.
    Fat? Check.
    Man? Check.

    Greetings from MN! Glad to have found this group. About 9 months ago I lost 30lbs with MFP, only to gain it all back-literally back at my starting weight from 9 months ago.
    I've been using work and kids as an excuse, but no more. Time to get back on the wagon!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    WELCOME to the new members, please send a FR to theroyalorder and then you will have access to the profile and a way to speak directly to all the other members. again welcome.
  • guywmarsh
    Hi, I'm Guy, 53, 5'-7, 188 lb, father of 3 near Atlanta, GA. I just started today (New years resolution). This group sounds just right for me.
  • PhatAv8r
    PhatAv8r Posts: 153 Member
    well, I got invited, and I definitely fit the definition....

    53 - middle aged
    301# (down from 353 in 2012) - still fat

    yep, that does it... have we ever tried to do a challenge type thing just with the big guys on here to be motivated as a group?

    Anyway, I live in China, Shanghai to be exact. so it's going to be a while before I can join any group meetings... but hopefully we can all keep in touch via MFP and push each other to achieve better results in 2013
  • teejayjancik
    teejayjancik Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome Gentlemen!! You will love being with this great group of guys!! Pull up a chair and grab a beer!!
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    I am in .... 62 .fat and ready to see something.... Anything... But the crying... I have been here 2 weeks and only lost X lbs. 20 year old females... But ya gotta admit the cleavage pics are nice.
  • gregr072
    gregr072 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello! I signed up for mfp to track calories and and exercise. I am a past graduate of the C25K program, I was running regularly and feeling great, then I broke my ankle and never got back on the horse as far as exercise goes. Along with that my diet habits went downhill as well. At my annual physical a week ago, the Dr. said I needed to lose about 38 pounds, so that is my goal for now. He suggested the goal of losing it in two years. I'm thinking I can do it in a year, based on past succeses. I'm a numbers geek, so I really like the mfp platform.

    I'm getting back into the C25K program and figuring out where my body is in terms of fitness. I used to enjoy lifting quite a bit so I'm hoping to work that into my routine as well in coming weeks.

    Other than that, I live north of Seattle and enjoy spending time with friends and family (wife and daughter). My hobbies are the outdoors (hiking, camping, bird hunting), sports, books, and music.

    So that is my story. Thanks for reading!

    Also, thanks to AAsmith for the invite!
  • furfax
    furfax Posts: 3 Member
    Thats why I just joined this group to understand what older men need to do to lose weight.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Thats why I just joined this group to understand what older men need to do to lose weight.

    Welcome and I would suggest following the MFP plan for 1 pound a week. You will lose as long as your honest and log everything you eat or drink. Weight loss happens in the kitchen, fitness happens in the gym.