June 2013 Due Dates!!



  • Babrao
    Babrao Posts: 152 Member
    Hi All - I am due on June 15th with a baby BOY! This is my first baby, my boyfriend already has 2 sons (6 & 5), so we are giving them a baby brother. I am not doing good with the weight situation. I had lost 65 pounds up until June but then gained about 10 pounds back and then got pregnant and have gained 20 pounds (ughhhhhh). I am just about 17 weeks along, I am hoping that I am one of those who gain alot in the beggining and then don't gain much through the rest. I am not really showing yet and would like my bump to finally come out of hiding, lol. Are any of you showing yet?
  • nmp6454
    nmp6454 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello All-I am due June 19th with my second. I have a 20 month old daughter and finally lost all the weight from that pregnancy when I got pregnant with this little one! My goal is to stay withi the recommended 25-335 lbs unlike last time (49lbs).

    Congrats to everyone!
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi! I am totally showing! Its a little crazy because I've only gained one pound but my baby bump is in full effect! My due date is June 22nd, First baby, starting weight 159, current weight 160 and I'm 5'5. Guess I'm losing it from other places and redistributing it to my boobs and bump! LOL The sickness is finally over. Thank God. We find out the sex on Groundhogs Day. I had such a tough first trimester all I could eat was carbs. I need to concentrate on eating veggies and fruit. What an exciting time!:love:
  • Watchmeshrink21
    Watchmeshrink21 Posts: 69 Member
    June 10th !!!! Seems like it will never get here
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    Where are we at June?!?! There's no convo going on in here....lots of second and third time mommies perhaps? There's not as many questions the second and third time around. Or just not big forum users? I, for one, read lots but don't comment that often. Congrats to all the new folks. Hope everyone is hanging in there. It's been 2.5 years since my last pregnancy, and I've noticed a lot of things this time I didn't in my past two. It's probably due to being a SAHM, and having more time to pay attention to what all is going on with my body. For starters, round ligament pain has been driving me crazy for the past week. I don't remember it being that bad with my first two. Could it be that due to all the exercise prepregnancy I actually got my abs in better shape than before children? It just seems like this baby has sat way differently than her siblings. As in, I cannot seem to get rid of the bladder pressure. I feel like I live in the bathroom! I've also noticed that if I get woken up in the middle of the night I have a terrible time trying to go back to sleep. AND my skin looks awful, it's super duper dry which is really strange for me as my skin has always been oily.
    None of that is "complaining" per se, just observations about things that have been really different for me this time around.
  • amchha
    amchha Posts: 33 Member
    Hi June Mommies!

    Ive been MIA on this discussion lately too, sorry about that. I read A LOT but have not been commenting much lately.
    Here is my update: This is my 4th baby ( but its been 10 years since my last) YIKES! I am showing BIG TIME! All my tiredness and nausea seem to be gone so I am finally back into the swing of things as far as journaling, eating healthy ( not bread anymore, I lived off it 1st tri) and moving and exercising a lot more. It feels great! I slacked off and gained 23 lbs the first 17 weeks. NOT GOOD! But this last month I have held my weight steady and feel in control. It just feels so good to be out of that never ending 1st trimester..

    My goals are to continue eating fresh organic veggies and fruits, smoothies, and healthy fats and proteins. Get at least 8,000-10,000 steps in through out my day ( i feel SO much better, sleep better, and no swelling when i do), drink 100 oz water, and only 1 treat a week. Hold my weight throughout the 2nd tri, as much as I can

    Our ultra sound to find out the gender of baby is next tuesday! Im nervous, hoping for a healthy baby, but also a boy. Of course a girl would be loved to pieces too!

    Congrats to all the new moms on this thread, and congrats to all of you that have kept your weight in check
    We are over 1/2 way there!!!!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Where are we at June?!?! There's no convo going on in here....lots of second and third time mommies perhaps? There's not as many questions the second and third time around. Or just not big forum users? I, for one, read lots but don't comment that often. Congrats to all the new folks. Hope everyone is hanging in there. It's been 2.5 years since my last pregnancy, and I've noticed a lot of things this time I didn't in my past two. It's probably due to being a SAHM, and having more time to pay attention to what all is going on with my body. For starters, round ligament pain has been driving me crazy for the past week. I don't remember it being that bad with my first two. Could it be that due to all the exercise prepregnancy I actually got my abs in better shape than before children? It just seems like this baby has sat way differently than her siblings. As in, I cannot seem to get rid of the bladder pressure. I feel like I live in the bathroom! I've also noticed that if I get woken up in the middle of the night I have a terrible time trying to go back to sleep. AND my skin looks awful, it's super duper dry which is really strange for me as my skin has always been oily.
    None of that is "complaining" per se, just observations about things that have been really different for me this time around.

    You could have posted this for me! My baby is sitting much different this time and my skin is drier than it has ever been. I am putting 100% cocoa butter on my face to keep it from splitting! At least 3-4 nights a week, I get up around 1:30 am and barely get any more sleep the rest of the night.
  • amchha
    amchha Posts: 33 Member
    Where are we at June?!?! There's no convo going on in here....lots of second and third time mommies perhaps? There's not as many questions the second and third time around. Or just not big forum users? I, for one, read lots but don't comment that often. Congrats to all the new folks. Hope everyone is hanging in there. It's been 2.5 years since my last pregnancy, and I've noticed a lot of things this time I didn't in my past two. It's probably due to being a SAHM, and having more time to pay attention to what all is going on with my body. For starters, round ligament pain has been driving me crazy for the past week. I don't remember it being that bad with my first two. Could it be that due to all the exercise prepregnancy I actually got my abs in better shape than before children? It just seems like this baby has sat way differently than her siblings. As in, I cannot seem to get rid of the bladder pressure. I feel like I live in the bathroom! I've also noticed that if I get woken up in the middle of the night I have a terrible time trying to go back to sleep. AND my skin looks awful, it's super duper dry which is really strange for me as my skin has always been oily.
    None of that is "complaining" per se, just observations about things that have been really different for me this time around.

    You could have posted this for me! My baby is sitting much different this time and my skin is drier than it has ever been. I am putting 100% cocoa butter on my face to keep it from splitting! At least 3-4 nights a week, I get up around 1:30 am and barely get any more sleep the rest of the night.
  • amchha
    amchha Posts: 33 Member
    I will have to agree that my bladder is sure getting a work out! Im peeing 3-5 TIMES a night! and I was having a hard time falling back to sleep until this last week when I started doing much more cardio than before. I dont know if thats why, but it is helping me stay motivated if just to sleep! :smile:
  • phillyclemson
    phillyclemson Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations to all of the June 2013 MFP mothers-to-be! I'm excited to have found all of you and share in the adventure of what's ahead between now and June. I'm going to be a first-time mother (at the good ol' "advanced maternal age" of 36). My due date is June 18, 2013, and I'm hitting the 17-week mark today. I'm also a member of Team Green.

    Like you, I'm posting to MFP with the hopes of effectively managing my weight gain to stay within the recommended 25 to 35 lb. range. Your comments and ideas of how to use MFP for this purpose have been very helpful--thank you!

    I have a couple questions that I hope any of you may be able to answer:

    1) How do you ensure you're gaining weight at an "appropriate" amount each week? Do you rely on your doctor? General approved health recomendations (for example, up to 5 lbs. in the first trimester and 2 to 4 lbs. each month following)? Or through website tools like BabyCenter's Pregnancy Weight Gain Tracker?

    2) Do any of you know how to (and if we can) set up the Goals page to show calcium, vitamin C and iron to be more than 100% of the daily recommended value (referred to DV in MFP speak)? In other words, what calculation does MFP use to reach 100% DV of calcium, vitamin C and iron for each calorie count? I'm concerned that my MFP calorie total doesn't reflect these higher "pregnant women" values. For pregnant women, WebMD recommends 1000-1300 mg of calcium, 27 mg of iron, and 70 mg of vitamin C. (I haven't scoured MFP's online resources for the answer yet, as I'm hoping one of you may know.)

    To happy, healthy pregnancies for us all! Looking forward to being part of this support group.
  • amchha
    amchha Posts: 33 Member
    I dont know if your friends with P-Rex, but she just posted this awesome resourse about the composition of pregnancy weight.
    This is the best chart/explanation I have seen yet. Maybe this will help with your questions.....:smile:

    I think this is a great article!
  • phillyclemson
    phillyclemson Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for pointing me to the article Amchha!
  • phillyclemson
    phillyclemson Posts: 3 Member
    Hello again. I found the answer to my question about how to set up the Goals page to show calcium, vitamin C and iron to be more than 100% of the daily recommended value (referred to DV in MFP speak). See the entry from Scott on the MFP staff on Sept. 3, 2012 from the following post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/492706--dv-of-calcuim?hl=dv#posts-10704023. To sum up MFP's response, "Daily Value percentages are based on a 2,000 calorie diet for a healthy adult [as outlined by the FDA.]"

    Therefore, the following 100% DVs are calculated for every user on MFP:
    Calcium = 1,000 mg
    Vitamin C = 60 mg
    Iron = 18 mg

    For pregnant women, WebMD recommends:
    Calcium = 1,000 to 1,300 mg
    Vitamin C = 70 mg
    Iron = 27 mg

    Given these nutrition guidelines for pregnant women, I updated the Goals section of MFP to reflect the following DV percentages:
    Calcium = 130% DV
    Vitamin C = 117% DV
    Iron = 150% DV

    I hope this information is helpful to everyone.
  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi everyone! I am due June 3rd myself. Finally feeling better and cannot wait to find out on Friday what we are having! :-)
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    I am totally LOVING my body right now!! Anyone else? First time mom due June 22nd. :D Love love love my bump. :love:
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    YAY!! So glad to see all the new folks and some conversation flowing :)@Amanda, I'm totally loving my baby bump this time around. I was at a very different point in life with my first two babies. This time I'm at SAHM, so relaxing! No worries from the professional standpoint. So I posted yesterday that I was having what I thought must be "round ligament pain" but yesterday I realized, no this achiness is much too low (right above my pubic bone.) Plus I could get no relief from it at all, it didn't matter what position I was in it was just a low, consistent, dull ache/pressure. So I decided to call the Dr's office and get an appt for today. Glad I did, cause sure enough pain wasn't normal, turns out I have the beginnings of a bladder infection! UGH! DIdn't have any normal burny sensations while peeing, nothing that would have clued me in that that's what it was. Although my midwife told me that was normal to not have the usual symptoms while pregnant. She also told me my lack of water drinking definitely contributed to this. I went this evening to get my antibiotic filled. So lesson learned, I will just have to force down those 8 glasses of water a day. And for anyone else dealing with any lower abdominal pain, it may not be due to uterine growth!!
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I'm feeling pretty large at 18w5d...it's giving me flashbacks to my last pregnancy...:P...feeling swollen, having to pee ALL the time (especially at night or when I try to run), aches and pains, etc!

    On a happy note, I feel the baby moving around and nausea is much better than it has been!
  • kimfield99
    kimfield99 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello again. I found the answer to my question about how to set up the Goals page to show calcium, vitamin C and iron to be more than 100% of the daily recommended value (referred to DV in MFP speak). See the entry from Scott on the MFP staff on Sept. 3, 2012 from the following post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/492706--dv-of-calcuim?hl=dv#posts-10704023. To sum up MFP's response, "Daily Value percentages are based on a 2,000 calorie diet for a healthy adult [as outlined by the FDA.]"

    Therefore, the following 100% DVs are calculated for every user on MFP:
    Calcium = 1,000 mg
    Vitamin C = 60 mg
    Iron = 18 mg

    For pregnant women, WebMD recommends:
    Calcium = 1,000 to 1,300 mg
    Vitamin C = 70 mg
    Iron = 27 mg

    Given these nutrition guidelines for pregnant women, I updated the Goals section of MFP to reflect the following DV percentages:
    Calcium = 130% DV
    Vitamin C = 117% DV
    Iron = 150% DV

    I hope this information is helpful to everyone.

    Thank you for posting this - it has been driving me batty calculating it on the side but this was exactly what I was looking for!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    20 weeks as of today!!! Super excited to be half way thru. Yet also frantic feeling...so much to get done!!
  • kori333
    kori333 Posts: 174 Member
    Thought I'd add myself to the list here! I'm due mid June with baby #4. I have one boy and this will be our 3rd girl. I lost 40 lbs before getting pregnant with MFP and was in the healthy BMI range for the first time since junior high. Our other kids took at least a year or more to conceive due to PCOS but this one surprised us by only taking 2 months. (Being healthy has its great benefits!) I've never worked out while preggo before but this time I'm trying really hard to keep it up. I do Zumba a couple times a week. I was weight lifting at night before but now I'm just too exhausted for that between the pregnancy and chasing after 3 kids all day.