Welcome! Say hello....



  • jmontowine
    My name is Jacci and I'm new to MFP. I've been married almost 15 years and we have 5 boys ranging in age from 20-12. I am considered morbidly obese. My goal is 180 pounds, this means I have 170 pounds to lose. I work full time so between work and home, I don't eat right. And I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper. But I'm making small changes to my diet and activity...I deserve to feel better. Our oldest son is getting married and all be damned if I will look like a whale on my sons' wedding day!
  • adenium11
    adenium11 Posts: 173 Member
    Hey there! Ive been here a few months but have not used the site to my advantage till now!

    30 yr old married Mommy of twins! My 30s are going to be the best! I am finally gonna get into a size 10 pants during my 30s and run a 1/2 marathon ( Hoping for 2014) I have 50 lbs to lose and am working towards that through healthy eating, ( NO DIETS!) weight lifting and currently training for a 10 km!

    Need lots of support as I dont have that in my personal life. Please feel free to add me!
  • siriusgirl
    siriusgirl Posts: 44 Member
    My name is Jacci and I'm new to MFP. I've been married almost 15 years and we have 5 boys ranging in age from 20-12. I am considered morbidly obese. My goal is 180 pounds, this means I have 170 pounds to lose. I work full time so between work and home, I don't eat right. And I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper. But I'm making small changes to my diet and activity...I deserve to feel better. Our oldest son is getting married and all be damned if I will look like a whale on my sons' wedding day!

    Great attitude and wonderful motivation!
  • wannabtight
    wannabtight Posts: 187 Member
    Hello, I. Am 36 and have 34 lbs to lose. Looking to connect with others and use their motivation and inspiration to help me with my goal. Please add me if you would like to help me.:smile:
  • shellyann1180
    Hi! I'm 32 and from the great ole area of NEPA. I decided that I want to live my 30's better then my 20's were. My 20's had some ups and downs and downs but my 30s are looking up! I work full time, dance once a week (tap-I have been dancing since I was 6) and will be starting a 10 week Pilates class through work (I am the Admin Asst in the Health Services Dept at a college). I just started this job and am motivated to get healthy. One of the nurses here is a WW leader so I feel judged (in a good way) when we eat lunch! I try to make my lunches as healthy as possible when she is at work! She is my motivation. After work, it all goes downhill. Its cold, dark and snowy and all I want to do is sit under a blanket with my SO and my kids (5yr old dog and 9 mo old kitten). I am looking for friends that know what its like to fight to get healthy and want to swap motivations!
  • Sonriendo
    Hello... Am 35 and am here to get my Hot 20's body back....
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Brittany, Jacci, adenium11, wannbtight, shellyann1180 and Sonriendo! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We have been doing a 3 Month Self Challenge, join us if you are interested. I believe it wraps up just before Valentine’s Day, which then I will start another. Check out the thread (3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 4) and if you care to join us just private message me and I will add you to our spreadsheet.

    I have also started a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.
    I will begin posting weekly challenges hopefully by Sunday.

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy new year! :drinker:

  • uniquesarah
    uniquesarah Posts: 79 Member
    hi im sarah from england im 34 im 208 pounds and 5ft 4 i would like to get to a healthy BMI while keeping my curves
  • gatorprincess
    gatorprincess Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Karlene. I'm looking to lose weight and gain support on my journey,:wink:
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group sarah and Karlene! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We have been doing a 3 Month Self Challenge, join us if you are interested. I believe it wraps up just before Valentine’s Day, which then I will start another. Check out the thread (3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 4) and if you care to join us just private message me and I will add you to our spreadsheet.

    I have also started a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.
    I will begin posting weekly challenges hopefully by Sunday.

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy new year! :drinker:

  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm a 38 y/o female (almost 39 - in March!) and I'm truly hoping to get stronger and healthier in 2013. I spent 2013 working on this as well, but I was also healing from some emotional and physical issues...so I think now that those are resolved, I can actually move forward from here.

    Even though I'm a tad overweight, I am an aerobics instructor and teach water fitness to seniors. Water fitness is great and EVERYONE should do it. It is really helping me as now I do it 2-3 times a week. I got my Zumba certification and teach one Zumba class a week too. Friend me if you LOVE Zumba . . . b/c I do!

    For work, I am an independent English tutor, author, part-time at-home paralegal, aerobics instructor, and part-time administrative assistant. Oh yeah...and I teach ACT prep classes on occasion. Yes, I really have that many different jobs!

    I am divorced, and I have no kids and no husband! Not even a bonus kid :-)
  • lookinglasslass
    lookinglasslass Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm Alice. I'm 30 years old! Have been on mfp since March last year, still got a long way to go, but after a bit of a blip at the end of last year I am making a new start. I like eating normal food (no faddy diet rubbish!) and working out at the gym while trying to keep inline with my mfp daily goals.
    So far that's working ok for me. But my biggest downfalls are nights out and stress eating (especially exams!)
    I work full time in finance and I'm also studying for my chartered accountancy qualifications (though, please don't hold that against me! lol).
    Recently, in December, I got engaged to my otherhalf. We have been together 8 years in May. So currently saving for a wedding at the moment and trying to get back to going to the gym a few times a week.to get our figures in shape!

    Looking forward to seeing what motivation this group can offer me,as I would really love to keep on track this time!
  • stephygrace81
    My name is Steph, I'm 31, recently married, and have 2 amazing boys!! I don't know about the rest of you, but I have noticed a change in my body as I hit 30... not only am I over weight, but I am 5'3, have PCOS and i am 30!!!:smile:
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    Hello, Im Teresa, mummy to 4 kids. Started this journey last January and was succeeding then I broke my ankle and it all went downhill. Im determined to do well this time and be a fit mummy so I can keep up with my kids.

    Looking forward to getting to know some of you and supporting each other on this journey.
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    heloooooooooooooooooo everyone!

    long story short, 38 years old - live in Tampa FL area. not married, no kids. hockey, crossfit and 5ks are my thing :)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Athena125, Alice, Steph, Teresa, and kelr0110!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We have been doing a 3 Month Self Challenge, join us if you are interested. I believe it wraps up just before Valentine’s Day, which then I will start another. Check out the thread (3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 4) and if you care to join us just private message me and I will add you to our spreadsheet.

    I have also started a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.
    I will begin posting weekly challenges hopefully this evening.

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy new year! :drinker:

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    heloooooooooooooooooo everyone!

    long story short, 38 years old - live in Tampa FL area. not married, no kids. hockey, crossfit and 5ks are my thing :)
    Tampa was my old stomping ground until 3 years ago when I moved to NC. I miss my big city. lol
  • joemyfit
    Hello to all. Omaha and 38. In about a month I will be on my last year of 30 something. So I decided for my "mid-life" wow, 40 is about here moment ... I would get in shape instead of buying a new car :) Much better for you and way cheaper, well training can be expensive.

    Since I started last year dropped 60 lbs. Need to drop a few more, but now about to start the work of building up more strength and endurance. Going to try to do my first triathlon in April.

    Good luck to all and here to support everyone and their goals.
  • little_lauren
    little_lauren Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I'm Lauren, 33 and from the Midlands, UK. Decided its about time to stop kidding myself and acknowledge that I am not as comfortable in my own skin as I think I am.

    I've found myself a wonderful man to support me regardless, but I'm struggling with his food issues as well as my own - he doesnt eat veg or salad & little fruit - and convenience/ minimal fuss wins over cooking 2 different meals when we're together.

    So, I am embarking on getting myself organised so convenience doesnt win, and planning to get myself on my own track with MFP's help

    Best of luck to everyone

    L x
  • suzannearaya1976
    suzannearaya1976 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello All! I am brand spanking new to MFP only tracking for 6 days so far, but loving the results!!

    I am 36 Years Young and I am a Mom of 2 wonderful kids, a 4 1/2 year old Son and our newest addition a 3 1/2 month old Daughter. I haven't always struggled with weight, just one time after high school, then for the past 3 years. With my firstborn I only gained 12 pounds and lost 35 after delivery and nursing. With our second born I gained 25 (after another 25 pound "over the years" gain) so I'm up over 50 pounds from when I met my Husband 12 years ago. I'm not looking to get to that starting weight again, but I am looking to regain energy to be a good role model for my kids.

    I am food addicted. Not only do I love to cook and bake; I love to eat it all. Can't leave anything on my plate, I stress if people waste food. I am always thinking about food: what I'm going to eat, when I'm going to eat how much I'm going to eat. Purely obsessed.

    I am very active, both my husband and I are very active. I work for a Sporting Goods Company so I should be active, but I feel as I get older my energy has completely diminished. Everything is a struggle. I still do things but my whole being protests. Not too mention having 2 kids...such a change from having 1, but that's a whole different topic, lol.

    Looking forward to reaching my goals and reading about everyone else reaching their's too! :)
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