Whats for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I thhink I miss yesterday.

    But I remain gluteen free juat went over calories
    But today suring better.

    Breakfast....chex cereal and milk
    Lunch lucerna shake
    Dinner tortills chips and cheesse with salsa sauce
    Snack ....lucerna shalke
  • practicalwisdom
    - Chocolate Vega One shake
    - 2 pieces of Food For Life millet bread, one with peanut butter

    - Turkey wrap (on Food for Life tortilla) with Laughing Cow swiss cheese and sprouts
    - 1/4 cup of plain greek yogurt
    - A few grape tomatoes

    - Rice with yellow curry and mixed veggies

    - A few carrots
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hello i been missing here.
    Just wanted to report. i made it thru the holidays gluten free. Amazing

    My meals today

    Meal plan Jan. 1,2013
    B. ,.......eggs and canadian bacon, 1/2 sliced gluten free bread, red grapes and coffee
    L..............Lunch.... 2 c soups with beans and left over roast, tea
    D.............dinner........ Same as lunch.only added 1/2 cup of blackeyes peas for good luck.
    Snack Yogurt and fruit

    Have a Happy new year.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    For the week I made:

    Swirly crustless zuchinni carrot quiche (12 eggs, shredded zuch, shredded carrots, sausage (can omit if no meat) seasonings of rosemary and sage) baked at 375 for 45 mins) ..from practical paleo

    Pot of chicken tortilla soup (3 chicken breasts shredded, 48 oz chicken broth, 1 can fire roasted diced tomatoes, red pepper, onion, garlic, poblano pepper, jalepeno pepper, bring to a boil and simmer. add seasonings like cumin, chili pepper etc..)..from paleomg.com,

    dinner: flank steak. sliced thin and cooked in coconut oil in a skillet, Cooked up green beans, water chestnuts, red onion, red bell pepper in skillet. Tossed them all together and added GF soy sauce. Made a ton. Hubby will serve it over rice from Trader Joes I dont bc Im low carbing it right now..
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh I hope you continue to post your recipe here . it all sound so good.
    i was going to make a paleo meat loaf today, But had so much soup made up decided to go with soup today.Thankks a bunch for sharing
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Breakfast: greek yogurt with frozen blueberries and raw almonds or a vegetable filled omelet. Sometimes just leftovers of whatever we had for dinner.

    Lunch: salad with lots of vegetables, meat of some kind (chicken usually), grilled chicken breast with broccoli, stir fry chicken and vegetables, a hamburger patty with sauteed onions on it (no bun), a chicken breast with mango salsa, curry chicken salad with toasted almonds either plain or in a lettuce wrap or whatever else I can come up with

    Snacks: green smoothie (at least one every day and often after a workout) nuts, fruit, raw vegetables, etc.

    Dinner: To varied to try to list but usually it has a protein, vegetable and quinoa, rice or something along those lines. My family is addicted to quinoa so we eat it a lot.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Already saw my bf from above. Mexican for lunch.

    Dinner: mustard thighs (425 bake chicken thighs with dijon mustard and melted earth balance vegan butter and rosemary mixed and brushed on for about 40 mins) side of steamed broccoli with ms dash
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    B- plain Greek yogurt, chocolate PB2, and a sprinkle of Kind Granola.
    L-chopped southwestern salad, cottage cheese, clementines.
    D-unsure, maybe leftover chili
    S-whole milk cappuccino, banana
  • Havhope
    Havhope Posts: 5 Member
    One of you mentioned a homemade trail mix. I have been trying to do this. So far I have rice chex, popcorn, raisins, & craisins. I am allergic to nuts so I can't add those. Any other suggestions? I am brand new to this whole gluten free thing.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Can you have seeds? Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are really good in trail mix.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i am cookin a Meat loaf for the weedend. its from the everyday paleo book. really smell good too. Can hardly wait till lunch time tomorrow to eat it.

    Monday thru Friday i eat 2 cups of veggies and beef soup for lunch and Dinner On the Sat. and Sunday i eat regular gluten free meals.
    Lost 2.8 lbs this week So not bad. This is my first week on this way of eating. I have been on gluten free meals for almost 2 months now. But I was eatin to many bake oods and was gaining weight. So now back to Basic. I learn my lesson.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Today my eating plans is:

    B ......egg, apple small slice of cheese, coffee
    L......tuna salad
    stuff in 1/2 half alvocado side of french style green beans
    D....... Meat loaf. , oven fried sweet potaoes more green beans.
    S....g reek yogurt and fruit

  • Formagus
    You might think about rinsing your rice before cooking it. I read in Consumer Guide that rice has high levels of arsenic. Rinsing the rice should greatly reduce any traces of that element.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks for the tip
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Dinner: egg ,egg whites, kale, tomato all in a skillet served with a cut up sweet potato into fries

    Also using my dehydrator I made a zuchinni bread and banana date cookies. All found on about.com under deydrator recipes.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    good Sunday morning beautiful day outside for a few momments and smell the fresh air It will do you a great feelings

    B.......g.reek yogurt ans slice peaches a few choppedtunaa walnuts, coffee
    l........ tuna over shredded lettuce raw veggies 1 T ranch dresssing
    D...... Meat loaf, baked sweet potato. fried brussell sprouts with bacon and onions salt and pepper
    S....... Peaches
    6 glasses of water a day

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    does anyone know what brand of weiners that may be gluten free?

    My meals todau
    B......................scramble eg and peaches
    L ..................potatoe soup
    D................... potaoe soup
    S.................yogurt and fruit
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,198 Member
    does anyone know what brand of weiners that may be gluten free?

    My meals todau
    B......................scramble eg and peaches
    L ..................potatoe soup
    D................... potaoe soup
    S.................yogurt and fruit

    Marie - there are quite a few brands---Applegate Farms, Hebrew National, and Organic Prairie are brands that I've heard are gluten free. But as always----check every package before purchasing. I'm sorry I don't have personal experience on this, I don't eat them.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin do you eat meat at all? I don't recalled you eating any? I am not much of a meat eater but do eat some.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,198 Member
    Every once in a great while I may have a bit of fish or chicken. But mostly no, no meat, virtually no dairy, no eggs, no bread.......I'm pretty boring.