Day 6 - Week of Workouts Challenge!!



  • laf0195
    laf0195 Posts: 71 Member
    This ones pretty easy for me, because I've got my workouts planned out like two our three weeks ahead at all times, lol! I definitely find it easier to get it done if I've committed to it well ahead of time.this is what I'll be doing:
    Monday: Leslie Sansone's Walk Slim 4 Fast Miles + light calisthenics
    Tuesday: Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism
    Wednesday: JM Banish Fat Boost Metabolism +light calisthenics
    Thursday: JM Banish Fat Boost Metabolism + light calisthenics
    Friday:JM Banish Fat Boost Metabolism
    Saturday: JM Banish Fat Boost Metabolism + light calisthenics
    Sunday: Leslie Sansone Walk Slim 4 Fast Miles AND JM Banish Fat Boost Metabolism

    No rest this week, Monday just doing walking is considered my rest, lol!

    Hope everyone succeeds this week! Good luck!
  • melissagrow
    melissagrow Posts: 13 Member
    500 calls burned a day is my goal. Here is my plan:
    Mon 30 min circuit AM, 45 mins treadmill PM
    Tues 30 day shred AM, 45 mins treadmill PM
    Wed 30 min circuit, AM, volleyball PM
    Thurs 30 day shred AM, 45 treadmill PM
    Fri circuit, treadmill

    Sat 60 min walk/jog

    I may change treadmill to outside. It just depends on the weather here. I will allow for some flexibility as long as I meet my overall goal of 500 calls burned per day!

    Happy exercising everyone!
  • mommabunz
    mommabunz Posts: 8 Member
    Here's my plan:

    Monday - off (first day back to work after maternity leave. Anticipating rough day)
    Tuesday - Zumba
    Wednesday - yoga
    Thursday - Zumba
    Friday - yoga
    Saturday - Zumba
  • tigermorris
    My plan for the week, although it is much simpler that most! I am just starting back again.

    Sun- rest
    Mon.- climbing stairs
    Tues- Aqua Blast- 1 hour
    Wed.- climbing stairs
    Thurs- training session and Aqua Blast
    Fri.- rest
    Sat.- 40 min eliptical and bike workout
  • jennybex
    jennybex Posts: 33 Member
    Insanity and spin in the same day - wow, you are my hero. Here is my plan:

    Monday - 3 mile walk/run on treadmill
    Tuesday - 45 min dance workout dvd
    Wednesday - 3.5 mile walk/run on treadmill
    Thursday - spin class
    Friday - 3.75 mile walk/run on treadmill
    Saturday - Kickboxing
    Sunday - 4 mile walk/run on treadmill (10k coming up on 2/17 so i am trying to work up to it)
  • Leahbcc
    Leahbcc Posts: 38 Member
    Monday~ Training day
    Tuesday~ Hope to go to gym in am
    Wednesday~ Hope to go to gym in am
    Thursday~ Hope to go to gym in am
    Friday~ Hope to go to gym in am
    Saturday~ Hope to get to gym
    Sunday~ Hope to get to gym

    I only go to the gym on training days part of my goal is to get to the gym more often...My family is also coming home {mother/father} from down south for a few days. Will keep you all up dated on my progress
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Week 1/7: Sick for 6 days, Getting back on Track here.:smile:

    Morning workouts and I Stretch every day of the week:
    M - Light Calisthenics
    T- Light home Circuit
    W- Rest Day (Travel Day)
    R - Return to GISFW (Upper Body & Treadmill walking)
    F - Rest Day; Set up Nutrition Consult follow up
    SA - GISW (Lower Body & Treadmill walking)

    Things that are working for me::happy:
    -Increased Water
    -Food Prelog one day ahead
    -Being in this Challenge is extra motivation to get me focused
    -Daily MFP log & friends support
    -Nutrition consult from GISFW
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    Here is my plan for the week:

    Mon: 30 day shred/ stationary bike (20min)/ Wii EA Active
    Tues: 30 day shred/ step-ups (40min)/ Wii EA Active
    wed: 30 day shred/ stationary bike (20min)/ Wii EA Active
    thurs: 30 day shred/ step-ups (40min)/ Wii EA Active
    fri: 30 day shred/ stationary bike (20min)/ Wii EA Active
    Sat: 30 day shred/ step-ups (40min)/ Wii EA Active
    Sun 30 day shred/ Wii EA Active
  • smcesko
    smcesko Posts: 126 Member
    I am doing Turbo Fire so my week is planned for me as well. However if I can swing it this week I am going to do the elliptical for 45 one or two nights this week.
  • Barrettmomof3
    Barrettmomof3 Posts: 140 Member
    Wow In looking at what everyone else is doing. I need to up my game.

    Right now I have been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred in the Am and trying to fit in another session of something cardio at night (Zumba or Calistenics). I will have to double up tonight as I didn't wake up in time this morning. All is well, I will work hard to get it done!!!

    Good Luck everyone.

    Thanks for the Inspiration!!
  • LauraS916
    LauraS916 Posts: 35 Member
    Monday: Zumba 45 mins & 6 min Abs
    Tuesday: 30day shred 20mins & C25k 30 min session
    Wednesday: Zumba 30 mins & C25k 30min session
    Thursday: 30day shred 20mins & 30mins on treadmill
    Friday: Zumba 30 mins & C25k 30min session
    Saturday: 45mins workout class with the girls
    Sunday: Rest Day/Family day!
  • niici
    niici Posts: 32
    Yeah! I'm taking part in this challenge. As I do my workouts very spontanious, I'll just call it 'Workouut':
    MO: Running
    TUE: Running
    WED: Workout
    THU: Workouut
    FRI: Running & Dancing
    SAT: Workout
    SUN: Running

    I decided to start and end the week with running. It gives youu a chance to reflect on your whole week and a chance to think of the following week. Plus you will sleep great after running.
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Monday - AM Ballet Beautiful DVD & PM 20 pus-ups, and 30 mins. walk/ Leslie Sansone
    Tuesday - AM Ballet Beautiful DVD & PM Tone It Up 40 mins.
    Wednesday - AM Ballet Beautiful DVD
    Thursday - AM Ballet Beautiful DVD & PM Tone It Up 40 mins.
    Friday - AM Ballet Beautiful DVD & PM 30 mins. walk/ Leslie Sansone
    Saturday - AM Ballet Beautiful DVD & Yoga class
    Sunday - AM 60mins. stair master
  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    Pretty good weekend with pre-planning. Found that I can print my planned day, stick it in my purse as a reminder and check list. I love checking things off. Also as I pre-planned, I could see if I was high in certain areas and change those foods before I got "In Trouble".

    My workout plan this week-
    M-Burst training cardio on elliptical strider, 45 minutes strength training-weights, ab isolations- all day to music
    T- Cardio on cross trainer 60 minutes, ab isolations- all day to music
    W-Burst training cardio on stationary bike, 45 minutes strength training-weights, ab isolations- all day to music
    Th-Day of rest- mall walking-ab isolations- all day to music
    F-Burst training cardio on elliptical strider, 45 minutes strength training-weights, ab isolations- all day to music
    S- Cardio on home elliptical 60 minutes, ab isolations- all day to music

    Saturday and Sunday my 16 year old is competing in the Miss Teen CA, USA pageant. Hopefully being nervous burns calories.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I'm starting my 6 day a week weight lifting so my week breaks down to:

    M/F - Bicep/Tri/Shoulder and abs
    Tu/Thur - Legs and abs & 20 min Cardio
    Wed - Chest/Back/Shoulders and abs
    Saturday - Chest/Back, abs, and 30 min Cardio
    Sunday - rest day
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    monday- zumba
    tuesday - jump rope
    wednesday - zumba
    thursday - jump rope
    friday - zumba
    saturday - jump rope
    sunday - jump rope
  • LusciousLady
    LusciousLady Posts: 43 Member
    My plan:
    Monday-Elipictical trainer
    Tuesday-weight training/eliptical
    Wednesday-Walking-stair climbing
    Thursday-Weight training
    Friday-Walking-stair climbing
    Saturday and Sunday-ramdon activites-depending on what I'm doing with the kids.
  • SalPal03
    SalPal03 Posts: 80 Member
    Monday - Ripped in 30 DVD (no doing Ripped in 30, but I can't it to the gym)
    Tuesday - HIIT & Arms & sholders
    Wednesday - Ripped in 30 DVD
    Thursday - HIIT & Chest & Back
    Friday - HITT & Legs
    Saturday - rest
    Sunday - HIIT
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    This week --

    Monday: Slim in 6 Start It Up Day 3 and c25k week 1 day 1
    Tuesday: Slim in 6 Start It Up Day 4
    Wednesday: Slim in 6 Start It Up Day 5 and c25k week 1 day 2
    Thursday: Slim in 6 Start It Up Day 6
    Friday: c25k week1 day 3
    Saturday: walk dogs twice ~ for at least a total of 30 minutes
    Sunday: Slim in 6 Ramp It Up Day 1
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    This week --

    Monday: Slim in 6 Start It Up Day 3 and c25k week 1 day 1
    Tuesday: Slim in 6 Start It Up Day 4
    Wednesday: Slim in 6 Start It Up Day 5 and c25k week 1 day 2
    Thursday: Slim in 6 Start It Up Day 6
    Friday: c25k week1 day 3
    Saturday: walk dogs twice ~ for at least a total of 30 minutes
    Sunday: Slim in 6 Ramp It Up Day 1

    Cheers to my pomagranate team!!!