Getting to Know ME!



  • Ashlee2421
    Ashlee2421 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey y'all! I'm a single mom to a 1 year old. I've been single since I was about 3 months pregnant. I'm a working mom just trying to get by. I'm finally making time to better myself and my body.

    I'm hoping to get down to a comfortable weight so I can have more confidence in myself. I'd love to start dating again.
    My biggest downfall is exercise. I have the energy, but I'm reeeeeally good at making excuses.


    lol get it
  • Hi my name is Brianna. I am 19, I'll be 20 on Oct. 28th. I have a 1 almost 2 year old (Oct. 4th) daughter Chloe. She is the light of my life. My hope is that I can create a happy life for her and that I can be someone that she is proud of. I really want to show her that no matter what happens in life you need to follow you dreams and be happy with your decisions even if it doesn't make others happy.
  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi, my name is Kathi. I am 43, a single mom of two boys, ages 12 and 9. They are great boys, my youngest has a form of Aspberger's, so life is definitely an adventure. They are with me most of the time and every other weekend I drive them 1.5 hrs to meet up with their dad, then drive back to pick them up. Our car rides are a highlight for me, odd one may think, but they are captive and have to have a conversation with me! I love it!

    I am enjoying my time getting myself back in shape after spending all of my energy on everyone else. My boys have been a huge support with the exercise, they are liking the new more active mom.
  • boophil
    boophil Posts: 99 Member
    Hi! I've been around the board for a while, but I don't think I ever introduced myself. I'm Becky, 40 years old, and a single-mom by divorce to an amazing 8-year-old girl. My ex left shortly after DD turned 3. She is very active in cheerleading and Girl Scouts. I work full-time, so time management is always a struggle for me. DD usually sees her dad every other weekend, but the rest is up to me. He won't take her to any of her friend's parties, Girl Scout events, etc. He used to come watch her cheer when his GF was the coach and her daughter was also cheering. Now that the GF quit and she won't let her daughter cheer anymore, my ex has not been to one of DD's games this year. It's pretty sad when you consider that he and the GF are who signed her up to cheer in the beginning 3 years ago! I've dated a bit, but the guys I've met have turned out to be major losers. It's hard to date at this age and the pickings in my area are not prizes!
  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi! I've been around the board for a while, but I don't think I ever introduced myself. I'm Becky, 40 years old, and a single-mom by divorce to an amazing 8-year-old girl. My ex left shortly after DD turned 3. She is very active in cheerleading and Girl Scouts. I work full-time, so time management is always a struggle for me. DD usually sees her dad every other weekend, but the rest is up to me. He won't take her to any of her friend's parties, Girl Scout events, etc. He used to come watch her cheer when his GF was the coach and her daughter was also cheering. Now that the GF quit and she won't let her daughter cheer anymore, my ex has not been to one of DD's games this year. It's pretty sad when you consider that he and the GF are who signed her up to cheer in the beginning 3 years ago! I've dated a bit, but the guys I've met have turned out to be major losers. It's hard to date at this age and the pickings in my area are not prizes!

    I have boys, but pretty much the same dad situation. It is very, very frustrating.
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    Hi! I've been around the board for a while, but I don't think I ever introduced myself. I'm Becky, 40 years old, and a single-mom by divorce to an amazing 8-year-old girl. My ex left shortly after DD turned 3. She is very active in cheerleading and Girl Scouts. I work full-time, so time management is always a struggle for me. DD usually sees her dad every other weekend, but the rest is up to me. He won't take her to any of her friend's parties, Girl Scout events, etc. He used to come watch her cheer when his GF was the coach and her daughter was also cheering. Now that the GF quit and she won't let her daughter cheer anymore, my ex has not been to one of DD's games this year. It's pretty sad when you consider that he and the GF are who signed her up to cheer in the beginning 3 years ago! I've dated a bit, but the guys I've met have turned out to be major losers. It's hard to date at this age and the pickings in my area are not prizes!

    I have boys, but pretty much the same dad situation. It is very, very frustrating.

    Hi guys! Well let me tell you about MY ex husband. My son is almost 9. He has seen his father a total of 7 days in his ENTIRE life. The last time was over a year ago. Soooo sad that these men willingly miss out on amazing little human beings. :(
  • fp64
    fp64 Posts: 128 Member
    Separated Jan 2011, divorced 2012, exwife is a horrible, miserable alcoholic. I've custody of two great kids, 11 & 13.
    There's very little co-parenting, and I'm a stress-eater. Not a good combo. Started at 273, first goal is 269 > baby steps, right?
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    Hey all! I'm Terra and mom to a 15 year old boy. His dad is in the picture but for the most part I parent on my own. The juggling between work, extracurricular activities and trying to have some semblance of a social life is a challenge on a good day and downright miserable on a bad one LOL. I've always been a stress eater and the weight slowly crept on over the years. Then I began dating a guy that was a complete foodie and the weight began jumping on in leaps in bounds. He is gone now and the pounds are slowly falling off. But it's hard and being a single parent on a healthier lifestyle journey has its own unique challenges. So, I am glad to have found this group and look forward to learning from you all and hopefully being able to help others as well.
  • kdzi
    kdzi Posts: 78 Member
    Hi, I'm Kristin. I'm a single-mom-by-choice to a 7-year-old boy. I'm a researcher, and I work 50-60 hours/week. We spend a lot of our time together doing either what has to be done (laundry, groceries, gardening), visiting grandma, or keeping up with my son's activities (soccer, swimming, friends). There's been very little time for me these past 7 years, and I'm struggling to find ways to be active with my son, or to squeeze in fitness when he's doing something else. Eating healthy has never even an issue--our meals have always been pretty healthy...but my portions were out of control and the snacks...well, those were my stress relief...and look where that's got me! I just started 9/29, and this time feels different! I feel so much better and more motivated this time around!
  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    Separated Jan 2011, divorced 2012, exwife is a horrible, miserable alcoholic. I've custody of two great kids, 11 & 13.
    There's very little co-parenting, and I'm a stress-eater. Not a good combo. Started at 273, first goal is 269 > baby steps, right?

    Baby steps definitely! I definitely eat when stressed. Spent the majority of my marriage packing on the pounds from stress and many years of being beaten down. Best of luck on your journey!!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Separated Jan 2011, divorced 2012, exwife is a horrible, miserable alcoholic. I've custody of two great kids, 11 & 13.
    There's very little co-parenting, and I'm a stress-eater. Not a good combo. Started at 273, first goal is 269 > baby steps, right?

    You sound like me...
  • HI All ' Single Parents Getting Fit' :) I'm happy to be a part of your group. I read through alot of your postings and can relate to your stories!
  • I'm a single mom on a mission to get my body back! I'm new to the site and would love to have more like-minded friends to support and to support me! Add me!
  • SWilcox818
    SWilcox818 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined this group. I thought it would be a great place to get support from and provide support to others who can relate. I am a single mom to a wonderfully precocious and beautiful 2 year old girl, Aubrey. It's always been just her and I (her 'father' opted out when I was pregnant, although he met her 5 times between ages 3 weeks and 6 weeks we've not heard a word from him since).

    I've always struggled with my weight. But, I want my daughter to learn good, healthy habits from me and to know that even if she does some day struggle with her weight, she CAN win the battle with the right tools and lots of support. And, of course, I want her to be proud of me as I am proud of her.

    My Mom is travelling this weight loss journey with me as well so that she also can set the right example for my daughter. I am very fortunate to have had a wonderful example of a single mom, but life still manages to throw me curveballs and having even more support is a wonderful thing. I am also a great listener/reader and would love to help support others in this neverending battle against weight.

    In the last 10 weeks I've lost 17 pounds and my Mom has lost 10. We're off to a great start! Thank you everyone for being part of this awesome group. I look forward to reading and providing more posts and if anyone wants to add me as a friend, please send me a message.

  • Hello everyone! I am new to all of this, after 15 years of marriage I find my self with two teenage boys and back in the dating scene. But most importantly, I need to be healthy for my boys. My doctor just put me on Phentermine to help my weight loss a bit. I get very frustrated from time to time. I am at my largest weight to date and that is unexceptionable. I need to lose 130 pounds.
    Just wanted to introduce myself. BTW my name is Kim. Hope everyone has had a fantastic day!
  • Hi I'm new to this group I have 3 wonderful kids two boys who are 6 and 4 and my daughter who is 3 I've been raising them on my own for almost 4 years now. My boys were just diagnosed with adhd and I decided it was time to make a healthy change for me and my family so here I am.
  • NikLeighB
    NikLeighB Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I am new to the group. I am a single mom of 2 kids (son is almost 7 and daughter is almost 4). I am currently going through a divorce (should be final any day now) and dealing with an ex who comes and goes as he pleases (well he doesn't just show up on my doorstep.. he lives in NC and the kids and I are in MI but he randomly calls and gets mad if I don't answer the phone but then doesn't take the returned phone calls when the kids call him back and doesn't try calling them again for weeks). I am lucky in the aspect that he always pays child support but that comes with emotional abuse attached to it. I am in a rough place emotionally right now and the weight is just coming on. I need to get back on track and am looking for community support and new friends.
  • Hi, I'm a single mom of a beautiful girl who turned 18 three days ago. Time flies! Keep in mind that all of your hard work will pay off one day. All of sacrifies that you make as a single parent will be rewarded. I've been raising her all by myself for the past 6 years!!! Now that she is 18 and very independent, I realized I have a lot of "me" time. Wow, I have time to work out, read, etc??? LOL. It is an awesome feeling. Sometimes I come home and see that she has done all the chores by herself. (First, I was shocked, but now I'm just thrilled.) Since she is a vegetarain who turned vegan two weeks ago, she is doing most of the cooking for herself. It is a great opportunity for me to just focus on myself and get healthy too. This is the year of no excuses!!!!!!!! Good luck all : )
  • boophil
    boophil Posts: 99 Member
    Hi! I am new to the group. I am a single mom of 2 kids (son is almost 7 and daughter is almost 4). I am currently going through a divorce (should be final any day now) and dealing with an ex who comes and goes as he pleases (well he doesn't just show up on my doorstep.. he lives in NC and the kids and I are in MI but he randomly calls and gets mad if I don't answer the phone but then doesn't take the returned phone calls when the kids call him back and doesn't try calling them again for weeks). I am lucky in the aspect that he always pays child support but that comes with emotional abuse attached to it. I am in a rough place emotionally right now and the weight is just coming on. I need to get back on track and am looking for community support and new friends.

    I can totally relate. Some guys (not all) feel that paying child support is giving us money to go out and party with, get our hair done, etc. They just can't grasp that it goes toward the raising of our kids! Hang in there and if you ever need to vent, let me know! Sending you a friend request.
  • Mijournee
    Mijournee Posts: 2 Member
    Hi!! I am new to the group. Last May, I adopted my beautiful 11 year old daughter and became a mom. I am on a journey to drop 100 pounds to become healthier for myself and my daughter. I have a long way to go, but I am determined to finally do it. :smile: