Introduce yourself!



  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Welcome Ana, Kate & dreamkrisann!

    Ana - your first attempt was just a practice run! You will be a body revolution graduate this time for sure!

    Kate - I think it's brilliant that you are havingna challenge with your boyfriend! A little bit of competition is just the thing to keep you on track and committed! I'm trying to get rid of my pouch too :( I'm not following the meal plan as such, I'm just trying to eat as many of the "yes" foods as often as possible and staying within mfp cals and macros.

    Dreamkrisann - I agree.. Jillian does rock! I'm a huge fan!

    Good luck all!
  • ayersdn
    ayersdn Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone! I just started JMBR today. I need to keep myself motivated to complete this program! I am a mother of 2 children under the age of 3 and I am trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Good luck! :)
  • mrunner2
    mrunner2 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, my name is Ana and I am 26 years old, am 5' 1 and weigh 151 lbs. I've been overweight ever since I can remember. In the summer I completed phase 1 of BR and lost 5 lbs but then lost motivation so I am restarting the program today. Good luck all :)

    Welcome Ana!!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hey everyone! I just started JMBR today. I need to keep myself motivated to complete this program! I am a mother of 2 children under the age of 3 and I am trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Good luck! :)

    Hi! welcome to the group. I have one 2 year old and he's a workout in himself, never mind two children under 3! i'm sure you will be back to your pre-pregnancy weight in no time at all!
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi all, I'm Cristín, I have started body revolution today and hope having a group of people doing the same thing will keep me motivated every day! I have two small children 20 months and 8 months and still have 7lbs of pregnancy weight to lose, on top of all the other weight!! My first aim is to lose the 7lbs! I loved 30ds and have done some of jillian michaels other DVDs so am really hoping to enjoy body revolution, I did her kickstart week halfheartedly before Christmas so I am ready to get going now! I just need to remember to set my alarm to get up before the kids in the morning otherwise I'm so tired in the evening I don't put in as much effort! Good luck all!
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    Hi everyone

    Will be starting on Mon 14th. I ma aiming to change gyms at the end of the month and whilst doing body revolution will do swimming and maybe exchange cardio for gym cardio for a change. I also will not be following the diet plan as we are a family and eat together and I can't afford the plan quite frankly...fresh food is bloody expensive these days lol.

    Been here forever it seems and plateau for a year...god knows why, I have tried it all.

    Finished insanity in Nov and not done much since due to Xmas and illness...doing yoga meltdown this week to get myself moving again.

    I am 42, married, 2 boys, a doberman and a cat.

  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    Hello everyone! I started my second round of jillian's BR on Monday! The first time I lost 17 lbs. I am hoping to reach 130/135 eventually! I'm a stay at home mom of two children ages 23 months and 4 (almost 5!). I also enjoy running. :)
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Welcome Cristin, marty & rosarenee!

    I hope the programme lives up to it's title and we get our bodies revolution-ized!

    Glad to have you as part of the group!
  • tygereyesfire
    tygereyesfire Posts: 11 Member
    Hi my name is Ruth and I'm from the UK. I started Body Revolution on Saturday so today is day 7 of the kickstart. I'll find out on Monday if i've lost anything. I will be devastated if I haven't as I have tried so hard this week...I am a bit worried as it doesn't take very much for me to give up if I don't get results. If i do well i'm not so bad but I won't lie, Phase 3 is already playing on my mind lol.

    I haven't been overy hungry which is good as I thought i might (I have been following the food plan as well). I have had to make a few minor tweeks for it to be British shops friendly and have found all but one or two ingredients for next week.

    I have been on and off doing Weight Watchers for the last 6 years or so and whilst at times I have had good results I have plateaued and very much in need of a new inspiration to get going again. I turned 30 this year and I had planned all last year to have lost all my weight before y 30th birthday and it came and went and nothing happened except i put on a stone and a half that I has spent all the year before losing. I had managed to get 3 stone down and have now undone half of my good work and I don't want to keep doing this. I want to sort my weight out for good and enjoy clothes for the first time and not be stressed out trying to find something to wear every time I go out. I hope some of you can relate to that.
    I just want to get through this 90 days and see where I am at Currently optimistic and have all fingers and toes crossed while i go into my second week.
  • rozzay28
    Hi, my name is Amanda. I'm 28 and a mum of 2. My youngest is 2 1/2 so it's getting harder to use him as an excuse for still carrying my baby weight lol. I will be starting body revolution on Monday, hoping to lose around 15 kg (33lbs) but to be honest more focused on the shape of my body. If I end up happy with my shape but not at my goal weight so be it. Before kids I was at the gym and running 5k+ most days, now I'm puffed walking up a couple flights of stairs. Will be great to have a like minded group of people to chat with.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hi my name is Ruth and I'm from the UK. I started Body Revolution on Saturday so today is day 7 of the kickstart. I'll find out on Monday if i've lost anything. I will be devastated if I haven't as I have tried so hard this week...I am a bit worried as it doesn't take very much for me to give up if I don't get results. If i do well i'm not so bad but I won't lie, Phase 3 is already playing on my mind lol.

    Hi Ruth! I have recently finished the kickstart week and lost most of my xmas gain. I just wanted to say that sometimes, when you start a new fitness regime - especially if it works you hard and your muscles ache - there is a chance your body could retain water. Si, if you find there is little or no loss on the scale this week don't be discouraged, your hard work won't have all been for nothing, and it will show on one of your later weigh-ins!

    Good luck on your BR journey.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hi, my name is Amanda. I'm 28 and a mum of 2. My youngest is 2 1/2 so it's getting harder to use him as an excuse for still carrying my baby weight lol. I will be starting body revolution on Monday, hoping to lose around 15 kg (33lbs) but to be honest more focused on the shape of my body. If I end up happy with my shape but not at my goal weight so be it. Before kids I was at the gym and running 5k+ most days, now I'm puffed walking up a couple flights of stairs. Will be great to have a like minded group of people to chat with.

    Welcome Amanda!

    I love the fact that you're not relying on the number on the scale to determine when you've become that person you want to be... It's all about body image and feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. Id take a nice body shape over weight any day!

    Glad to have you as part of the group!
  • Sdennis817
    Sdennis817 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone and Happy Saturday! Im Sherry from NC! 45 years old. My DVDs just came yesterday so I am starting today. I want to stay on the schedule she has in the plan from Monday to Saturday so I was thinking of doing the cardio today. I am so excited. I'm not following the meal plan however because I am experiencing success with the Zone which I started a few days ago. It's easy but takes planning and makes sense. I haven't had headaches or been hungry. I actually stopped the sugars, breads and starches right around Christmas. I love Jillian. I have one of her yoga DVDs and it is awesome. I am glad to see her back on BL this season! I've always exercised as long as I remember instilled in me by my mother doing aerobics when I was growing up Jane Fonda days- but have also struggled with my weight since my 30s. Excited to get started with JMBR!!
  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    Hi everyone and Happy Saturday! Im Sherry from NC! 45 years old. My DVDs just came yesterday so I am starting today. I want to stay on the schedule she has in the plan from Monday to Saturday so I was thinking of doing the cardio today. I am so excited. I'm not following the meal plan however because I am experiencing success with the Zone which I started a few days ago. It's easy but takes planning and makes sense. I haven't had headaches or been hungry. I actually stopped the sugars, breads and starches right around Christmas. I love Jillian. I have one of her yoga DVDs and it is awesome. I am glad to see her back on BL this season! I've always exercised as long as I remember instilled in me by my mother doing aerobics when I was growing up Jane Fonda days- but have also struggled with my weight since my 30s. Excited to get started with JMBR!!

    Welcome Sherry! I'm sure you're going to love this program! You can start the program as designed (WO1, WO2,Cardio1, etc.) ANY day of the week! I started on a Thursday. I would recommend you start with WO1 today rather than cardio. Have fun and I look forward to following your success!
  • ayanabrito
    ayanabrito Posts: 5 Member
    Hi guys,

    I'm Ayana a mother of two beautiful girls ages 1 and almost a 5 year old. I have alot of things going on in 2013 and need to be fit and healty to get these things done. From my highest weight I have already lost 41 lbs and 37lbs to go, I know I can do this!! Ive started and stopped the program a few times, I really like the workouts and want to be consistent and finsh the 90 days by my birthday in April. My plans are to do a 1200 calorie lower carb plan to hit my goal. Lets do this!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hello Sherry, Hello Ayana, thanks for joining!

    You're enthusiasm for this programme is fantastic! Long may it continue..right through all the hard work we have ahead - all the aches & pains we will endure and buckets of sweat that will be lost! :laugh:
  • kaycee1969
    kaycee1969 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello my name is Chantal and I am the mother of two boys 9 and 5. I love Jillian Michaels dvds and have done some.
    I started JMBR on Jan7th 2013, my goal is to lose at least 25lbs.
    I have a question: how many calories are you eating on this plan? I am doing the paleo diet and was going for 1200 cal, but I was starving and had to increase it to 1600 cal.
    I am determined to finish this program with the support and motivation from this group.
    Thank you
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hello my name is Chantal and I am the mother of two boys 9 and 5. I love Jillian Michaels dvds and have done some.
    I started JMBR on Jan7th 2013, my goal is to lose at least 25lbs.
    I have a question: how many calories are you eating on this plan? I am doing the paleo diet and was going for 1200 cal, but I was starving and had to increase it to 1600 cal.
    I am determined to finish this program with the support and motivation from this group.
    Thank you

    Hello Chantal.

    The plan does say it's 1200 cals, but I say it's more a case of listening to your body and never going hungry. See how you go on your 1600 cals, if you find you don't get a loss after a few weeks then steadily reduce your cals. It will take time to discover the level you need to eat at to be in defecit but I don't think it will be much (or any) lower than your 1600. Alot of people think they have to.slash calories and workout like a crazy person to lose weight (I did too once upon a time) but it's just not necessary. Good luck on your BR journey!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    YAY! We've smashed through 100 members!! :drinker:
  • petiteshannon
    Hi everyone! I'm Shannon! I am on day 3 of the kick start part of JMBR. In the summer we had an engagement party and one f the pictures made me up happy. It was at that point that I knew I had to make a change. So here I am day three and my lower body is dead! And not to mention I hate the long man exercise! I have till may 2013 to lose my 30lbs and get fit and feel better! Wish me luck!