How tall are you?



  • Rebzan
    Rebzan Posts: 24
    I am 6 foot even. I never wear heels because I have never had good knees and they tend to pop out of place. I love being tall. I get to help people at grocery stores to reach the stuff on the top shelf and friends can easily spot me in a crowd of people. The only negative thing to being tall is finding pants that fit and are fashionable.
  • morninglory5782
    morninglory5782 Posts: 30 Member
    I am 5'-8 1/4". :D and I never wear heels...I always hated being tall because I 'stood out', but i've learned to love it. But heels are just too much :)
  • 5'11" and I wear 4" heels whenever I can. I work in an almost all male office and I tower over all but my GM he and I see eye to eye when I wear heels.
  • jilli814
    jilli814 Posts: 33 Member
    :happy: I am 5'7. I love heels, but my feet take a break in the summer because I love flip flops too!
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    I'm 6'1 and with heels 6'4ish :-)
  • Am now 5'11 used to be 6' have lost an inch somewhere...must be my age lol
    have high heels but dont wear them....used to hate being tall now I love it!
  • Btskinny
    Btskinny Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 6'0 and I love heels and wedge shoes. I can't wear heels alot because I have bad disc in my back. It's a shame that I already have a bad back being that I'm only 31. I love being tall and wouldn't trade it for anything
  • thezenphoenix
    thezenphoenix Posts: 28 Member
    5'7-5'8 It seems to always change when I go in for a check up most I was every told was 5'9 lol
  • 5'11"... and definitely not afraid to pull out heels. Though, anything over 3" feels intimidating to ME... from a coordination perspective! I frequent 3" heels. I figure, if I am already 5'11", what's the difference if I am 6'2"???
  • I am proudly 6'1" - at 54 years of age, a bit unusual for my generation. Love my cowboy boots (2 1/2" heels ) everyday - and 3" + heels when I dress up.
  • ksmcq1967
    ksmcq1967 Posts: 41 Member
    5'9.5" and wear up to 2 inch heels. I wish I could wear the taller shoes but I'm not coordinated enough. My best friend is 4'11.5" so I tower over her all the time.
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    5"8 and a half (174cm) and loving it :bigsmile:
  • Yarasil
    Yarasil Posts: 20 Member
    5 ft 10 in

    I do not wear heals over 2 inches or so. More because after wearing combat boots for six years in the military my foot just don't like them.
  • Yosemite4vr
    Yosemite4vr Posts: 84 Member
    5'9" I don't wear heels that often but I like them :) I just don't own very many.
  • 5'10, and I'd love to wear heels more often but not only are all my friends short (which I admit isn't that much of an issue when you've got enough confidence :)) I lack the places to wear them! I'll just have to wait until I'm a tad older!
  • SuzieQ430
    SuzieQ430 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 5'10". I am on my feet all day at work, so heels for me are seldom.
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    I'm somewhere between 5'11 and 6' I'm not entirely sure. Although it seems every guy I know that claims he's 6' is shorter than me... The only time I ever liked being tall was when I played volleyball in highschool, besides that I hate it. My boyfriend is just a hair shorter than me thankfully, it doesn't bother him at all but it embarrasses me. I have social anxiety so anything that makes me stand out (or above) is a massive negative in my world.I'm trying to hate it less, but it's not the easiest thing to do. I also hate having big feel (size 12) is incredibly difficult to find so I wear men's sneakers and men's flip flops pretty exclusively. Anyone think they can teach me to embrace my height?
  • Nektariosmom
    Nektariosmom Posts: 69 Member
    5' 11.5". Heels slow me down!
  • 5'10 here and no heels for me, I feel like I have a high enough center of gravity!
  • I'm 5'9" and ever since I saw how my calves look in heels these days, I may start being more heel-friendly haha!