Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • Steph_123
    Steph_123 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't know your height, but we are basically weight and body type twins! I rowed through college so my legs were huge. I've lost a little weight since stopping crew and leaving the undergrad party scene, but have not been able to get close to my goal weight. Every time I work out more I put on more weight, like I trained for a marathon and gained weight. So now I'm more watching what I eat and seeing if that works.

    I'm 24
    HW: 158 lbs
    CW: 144 lbs
    GW: 130 lbs (I'd be happy with my high school weight of 135 lbs depending how I look/feel)
  • Me...

    5'-5" or 6" depending on which doctor I go to
    Age: 24

    HW: 155
    LW: 120
    CW: 145

    Goal: 130-135
    Feel free to add me! I could use some motivation.

    I think we could be twins! My stats:

    Height: 5'5.5"
    Age: 23
    HW: 149
    LW: 115
    CW: 143
    GW: 135ish
    UGW: 125ish

    I'm adding you! If anyone wants to add me feel free.
  • allisonj87
    allisonj87 Posts: 55 Member
    HW: 176(pregnant had LO 9/26)
    CW: 133
    LW since joining MFP: 117
    GW: 120-122
    Height: 5'5" or somewhere around there
  • msmil
    msmil Posts: 9 Member
    Age: 35
    HT: 5' 7"
    CW: 160 :(.....
    GW: 135-140
  • ashleyxxxo
    ashleyxxxo Posts: 41 Member
    21 :)
    HW: 145 (last year)
    LW: 118 (about 3 years ago)
    CW: 123
    GW: 120 but I am pretty happy with what I am

    Goals, to tone up. Start lifting weights. And getting back into eating healthy.
    I would like somebody to help me with this transition. That would be awesome!
  • height: 5"3
    heaviest: 149
    lowest: 138
    current: 140.8
    goal: 120!
    i would love to do this! great idea(:
  • e3m3m3i
    e3m3m3i Posts: 4 Member
    I need a twin!

    Age: 23

    Height: 5'2" (but even smaller frame)
    HW: 135
    CW: 104
    GW: 100-105 (maintain current weight/tone)
  • purpleroxmysocks
    purpleroxmysocks Posts: 137 Member
    height- 5ft8
    heaviest-232(many moons ago. never went that high again!)

    you may be the closest but I'm not sure...

    height=5'8.5" ha
  • blullb
    blullb Posts: 37 Member
    Im 5' 7 3/4"
    CW: 130
    GW: 126

    We are very similar in height and both only have a bit to lose:)
    Feel free to add me if you like, i am a bit older then you tho (just turned 33 last wknd)
  • blullb
    blullb Posts: 37 Member
    Here's all my info

    33 Years old
    2 kids
    5'5 1/2
    Heaviest 180 (pregnant 28 years old )
    Lowest 125 (early to mid 20's)
    CW- 143
    BF% 23.8
    Eating 1200 calories a day

    I am also 33 years old with 2 children
    Our goal weight is very similar: mine is 126
    Current weight is: 130 but i started at 140 a few month ago.
    I am also eating 1200 cals a day.
    Feel free to add me as your friend:)
  • purpleheart416
    purpleheart416 Posts: 34 Member
    Age 44
    Height 5'4"
    HW: 179
    CW: 157
    GW: 140
  • Age: 28

    Height: 5 ft 6 inches

    HW: 180.2

    CW: 154.8

    GW: 125.0

    Please feel free to add me !
  • henckle
    henckle Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm about the same height. I am 30. I want to weigh 125, but I currently weigh 138. I am starting to count calories for the first time.
  • lofy17
    lofy17 Posts: 11
    This is great! Hopefully I can find my twin! :)

    Age: 23
    Height: 5'2.5"
    CW: 137
    GW: 110-115
  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    Hi. Can I join?

    I am 41, 2 children
    Height 5'4"
    LW 116
    HW 151
    CW 133
    GW 129 ish

    Any twins?
  • hi :) i am 19
    my height is 5'6
    my heavyest weight is 156 pounds
    my current weight is 152
    my goal weight is 142

    anyone similar to me? :D
  • Mamagill08
    Mamagill08 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP

    HW 153
    CW 140
    Goal 125-130

    Looking to lose weight and tone up!
  • lofy17
    lofy17 Posts: 11
    I'm 20
    My current weight is about 140 and I would like to get down to 115 ish?

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I could use the encouragement and motivation! (:

    I think we are twins! I am 5' 2-3". My current wait is 136 and I would like to get down to 115-12-?? :)
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    age 32
    ht 5'5"
    HW: 150
    LW: 114
    CW: ?? (too scared to weight myself--i know it's too low)
    GW: 130?

    i don't care about my wt as much as muscle tone..
  • I'm 32 (but everyone always thinks I am way younger because I am so short lol)

    Height: 5"0
    Heaviest weight: not sure but prob about 135-140 (just after I had a baby - 14 months ago)

    Current weight: 105
    Goal weight: 100 (almost there -in Nov. I was 111 so am on my way!)

    *for me, it's not really about the number on the scale. I would love to lose my belly fat (have lost some but still have some) and tone up my stomach..also get rid of what love handles I have.