Official Weigh-In Post



  • hi

    15/1/ 206
    22/1 204
    28/1 202

    Have had to convert from kilograms to pounds
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    1/2 - 170
    1/9 - 169
    1/16 - 167
    1/23 - 166
    1/30 -
    2/6 -
    2/13 -
    2/20 -

    Totally forgot to update this....
    Had a rather indulgent weekend.... I will weigh myself on Wed and hope the damage isn't too bad!! :ohwell:
  • obiausten
    obiausten Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry posting late. My second week was bad, so trying to get better.

    1/2 - 231
    1/9 - 235 ( travelled for an all inclusive vacation)
    1/23 - 233
    1/30 -
    2/6 -
    2/13 -
    2/20 -
  • 1/2 134
    1/8 131
    1/15 128
    1/29 126.5:bigsmile: Woohoo! 6.5 to go!
  • niici
    niici Posts: 32
    1/1- 143 lbs (that's 65 kilos)
    1/8- 142 lbs (64.5 kg)
    1/15- 138.6 lbs (63 kg)
    1/22- 138.6 lbs (63 kg)
    1/29- 135.3 lbs (61.5 kg)
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    i weighed myself this morning now even remembering it was Weight Day.


    not what i wanted to see....but at least its still in the 200s. ill take it. i just need to "weight" for last weeks workouts to catch up to me. :)
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    1/2 165.4
    1/9 164.4
    1/15 163
    1/22 163
    1/29 163? >

    I weighed 2 pds less before I became sick at end of the week. So I had the break through I was working on & expecting.
    Meanwhile the OTC meds for my cold activated my colitis.
    My nutrition & weighin is rescheduled for next week…

    I’ll keep plugging away on my journey:sick:
  • Xineoph
    Xineoph Posts: 38 Member
    1/2 -175.8 (79.9 kg)
    1/9 -173.6
    1/16 -171.2
    1/23 -169.4
    1/30 -166.8
    2/6 -
    2/13 -
    2/20 -
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    A day late on my normal weigh-in, but I inadvertently consumed WAY too much sodium Sunday night and I know it messed up my weight for Monday morning. I was at 127 yesterday and then 125 today. My waist didn't change overnight and my BF% measurement wasn't much different so I know the water weight was Monday's problem. I learned a valuable lesson in checking all ingredients before making a recipe. And just FYI....Frank's Red Hot Sauce is about all sodium so use sparingly.

    1/3 - 127.8
    1/7 - 127.6
    1/14 - 126.4
    1/21 - 126.6
    1/29 - 125.0
    2/4 -
    2/11 -
    2/18 -
  • traynorj82
    traynorj82 Posts: 234 Member
    1/2- 220.4
    1/9- 224.2 :(
    1/16- 220.9 getting better
    1/23-220.2 and I am down an inch on both my waste and hips. :)
    1/30-218.6 Finally!
  • 1/2 - 190.5
    1/9 - 187.5
    1/16 - 185.7
    1/23 - 183.4
    1/30 - 182.7
    2/6 -
    2/13 -
    2/20 -
  • firedupfriend
    firedupfriend Posts: 140 Member
    02/1 106.8kg 234.96lbs
    09/1 104.1kg 229.02lbs Loss 2.7kg 5.94lbs
    16/1 103.5kg 227.70lbs Loss 0.6kg 1.32lbs
    23/1 102.1kg 224.62lbs Loss 1.4kg 3.08lbs
    30/1 101.6kg 223.52lbs Loss 0.5kg 1.10lbs Injured knee - cut back on exercise

    28 days 11.44lbs
  • 1/2 - 153
    1/9 - 152
    1/16 - 148
    1/23 - 146
    1/30 - 145

    Yippee - I had a bad weekend too. Lots of pizza and icecream!
    Well done everyone for getting through yet another week. x
  • 1/2 - 243.0
    1/9 - 240.2
    1/16 - 237.6
    1/23 - 238.8
    1/30 - 238.0
    2/6 -
    2/13 -
    2/20 -
  • elescott
    elescott Posts: 22 Member
    1/2 - 134
    1/9 - 132
    1/16 -
    1/23 - 131.4 Well the previous 10 days were my bad eating/hormonal week so I'm happy to not have gained! Back on the wagon...
    1/30 - 129 Started doing the Wheat Belly Diet (a lot like Paleo but with some dairy) and gave me the kick I needed!
    2/6 -
    2/13 -
    2/20 -
  • sky15425
    sky15425 Posts: 219 Member
    1-2 165.6
    1-9 163.6
    1-16 163.0
    1-23 162.0
    1-30 161.6
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    1/2 - 170
    1/9 - 169
    1/16 - 167
    1/23 - 166
    1/30 - 166
    2/6 -
    2/13 -
    2/20 -

    I guess no change is better than going up! haha Was hoping to at least lose 5 lbs in January, but I guess I will settle for 4...
    My goal is to get to 160 by the end of the challenge. :smile:
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I gianed this past week and was not happy because I worked out like crazy! But I think I know the culprit...certain carbs I cannot have!
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    1/2 - 205
    1/9 - 204
    1/16 - 204
    1/23 - 202
    1/30 - 202
    2/6 -
    2/13 -
    2/20 -

    I've been doing a lot of stress eating lately. Will have to get my head back in it to try to reach my goal by 2/20.
  • A great challenge so far...fingers crossed it keeps coming off!
    1/2 - 219
    1/9 - 217
    1/16 - 215
    1/23 - 214
    1/30 - 212
    2/6 -
    2/13 -
    2/20 -