CUT Progress After RESET-Tell us your ups/downs!



  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    Starting my cut at 15% today. Ate 2500 calories for the past 7 weeks and few days. Scale said 209 today, I started at 204. Guess I have some water retention and sodium there due to Christmas food.

    So as for today, I'm eating 2160 calories with 40/30/30 macros. I'll be doing this for some weeks and then surely take a "break" and get back to TDEE.

    I may have a new job working 60 hours/week starting in january. I really hope it won't get too much in the way of training, but I really think this may not help me losing and keeping goog track of my diary. I'll have to be really commited at this to achiev my goal. Exercising may be the difficult part !

    Can't wait to see some results though and I hope they may not soon :)
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    How's everyone doing now that we're through the holiday craziness?

    For me the last month was terrible. My back hurt all month so I put NROL and running on the backburner. I was gifted some $$ from a departing daycare family at the end of December and used some $ to see an Eastern massage therapist that I saw years ago when my back flared up. That woman has magic! Anyways, I used some X-mas $ I had to get some new running shoes. Yay! I've gone for two run/walks since having my back worked on and so far so good. I would like to resume NROL. I hadn't gotten very far since my back pooped out on me so I will likely repeat the first two weeks rather than sstarting with week three.

    Eating wise I had taken time off from logging food, so I've started logging again. By last weigh-in I was up 13 pounds from where I left off at the end of November. I don't think that's all real weight, but I'm sure some of it is. It's time for me to get back into the game. I have zombies to run from in April in the Run for Your Lives obstacle 5k. I need to build some muscle to help with that!

    My goals coming into this year are to continue to build muscle and lose fat. I'd like to drop four sizes this year. I know that might sound like a lot, but I dropped two last year and had quite a few "off" months. So I know that if I'm more consistent I can do this. I'd like to successfully complete my zombie run, run the local 5k (which hubby is going to train for!!), run the Bix7 (a 7 mile race that I ran last year) and beat last year's time, and complete NROL4W!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I did reset last spring. My weight was varying between 229-232 just before that. It hasn't come off fast with a 15% cut. I am now down to 222.2. It seems I lose best when my general activity is up. I typically exercise 1 hour a day 6 days a week but it is having active jobs that has helped me lose the best. So recently I got a Fitbit to monitor my general activity. I have had a few weeks resting from a deficit. I gained just a bit over the holidays but am back down and then some. Some knee injuries from weight training kept me from my running as much as I wanted. But I will be starting back adding intervals to my walks soon. Maybe some weight training soon too.
  • sigh...doing a caloric revamp ("reset)...really really really super super nervous...desk job, but workout out at least 5...but usually 7 times a week...atleast an HRM says i burn 500+ cals a session...had dropped my caloric intake to 1400 (not eating exercise calories nor reducing exercise intensity)...was including some surplus days..but now i bumped it up to 2200 until this saturday...and will drop it 100cals/week (maybe 200) until i get to 1800..wish me luck (and no ripped pants :(...
  • enoid1
    enoid1 Posts: 14 Member
    I see myself in a lot of the members here...being good, scale not moving but body is changing though my fat monitor isn't. Guess I need to implement the principles of this "program". My question is how to best measure myself? I tend not to take measurements because there's no guarantee I'm measuring the same exact area I measured previously to ensure accuracy of my results.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I see myself in a lot of the members here...being good, scale not moving but body is changing though my fat monitor isn't. Guess I need to implement the principles of this "program". My question is how to best measure myself? I tend not to take measurements because there's no guarantee I'm measuring the same exact area I measured previously to ensure accuracy of my results.

    The best way to measure yourself is the same way all time. Consistency is key. While those body fat monitors are not the most accurate, if you use the same one at the same time all the time, you will see an over all trend.

    The other best way is to just go by how you feel and how your clothes are fitting. Those are tangible results that you can't argue with. They just take a bit longer to notice.

    IMO if you are feeling better and your clothes are starting to look and fit better, then you are on the right track and you should keep doing what you're doing.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    weight before reset 149
    after reset 155
    current weight 150-152

    I started cutting the end of November 10% .....lost about 5 pounds... I stopped losing so I decided to start a 15% cut the beginning of this month and the scale hasn't moved and I actually feel more bloated.
    I am wondering is that normal?
    Should I do another quick reset ?
    Did I cut too soon? Not enough? Too much??

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated !
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    weight before reset 149
    after reset 155
    current weight 150-152

    I started cutting the end of November 10% .....lost about 5 pounds... I stopped losing so I decided to start a 15% cut the beginning of this month and the scale hasn't moved and I actually feel more bloated.
    I am wondering is that normal?
    Should I do another quick reset ?
    Did I cut too soon? Not enough? Too much??

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated !

    Were you still gaining at the end of the reset, meaning you were actually eating above TDEE?

    Because that's not a lot of gain, it would seem you nailed the TDEE probably.

    If your body is stressed from a mere 10% deficit and slows down enough to remove the deficit, then your body is too stressed.

    How much exercise and what type are you doing?

    And are you actually measuring, because with that little of a deficit and depending on your workouts, you could be trading fat for LBM right now. And LBM, even if no muscle, increases your metabolism.

    That result also means you are likely lifting, and if you want the fat AND weight gone and not gain LBM, you can take bigger deficit.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    weight before reset 149
    after reset 155
    current weight 150-152

    I started cutting the end of November 10% .....lost about 5 pounds... I stopped losing so I decided to start a 15% cut the beginning of this month and the scale hasn't moved and I actually feel more bloated.
    I am wondering is that normal?
    Should I do another quick reset ?
    Did I cut too soon? Not enough? Too much??

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated !

    Were you still gaining at the end of the reset, meaning you were actually eating above TDEE?

    Because that's not a lot of gain, it would seem you nailed the TDEE probably.

    If your body is stressed from a mere 10% deficit and slows down enough to remove the deficit, then your body is too stressed.

    How much exercise and what type are you doing?

    And are you actually measuring, because with that little of a deficit and depending on your workouts, you could be trading fat for LBM right now. And LBM, even if no muscle, increases your metabolism.

    That result also means you are likely lifting, and if you want the fat AND weight gone and not gain LBM, you can take bigger deficit.

    No I stopped gaining for about 3 weeks before I reset. I was eating 1912 . it 10% I was eating 1751 and now at 15% I am eating at 1625.

    I am not exercising as much as I should with the weather being so cold. But when I do I usually eat most of my calories back but not always.

    i have measured my waist and stomach and they are both at times 1 inch smaller and at others 1 inch more. depending on how bloated I feel.

    You can have a look at my diary. if you like,,,,I know I need to reduce my sodium.

    Thanks for the reply :smile:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    No I stopped gaining for about 3 weeks before I reset. I was eating 1912 . it 10% I was eating 1751 and now at 15% I am eating at 1625.

    I am not exercising as much as I should with the weather being so cold. But when I do I usually eat most of my calories back but not always.

    i have measured my waist and stomach and they are both at times 1 inch smaller and at others 1 inch more. depending on how bloated I feel.

    You can have a look at my diary. if you like,,,,I know I need to reduce my sodium.

    Thanks for the reply :smile:

    When you do exercise you eat most of your calories back?

    But you are doing a total TDEE with deficit method. Does that TDEE not include any exercise in the estimate?

    If it actually does, you aren't supposed to eat exercise calories back.

    If that TDEE is non-exercise, then yes, you eat exercise calories back. That have the same deficit taken off. After you've also removed the already account calories of TDEE for that time.
    And they should be very accurate calorie burn info. If HRM, totally tweaked.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    I did my TDEE without exercise accounted for because I am so random with exercising.

    I did just change gym from Planet Fitness to World Gym....I am really excited about it because I love the classes they order (RIPPED) and because its a mile from my work so I can go there for lunch on the days I dont have time after work!
    I am going to start lifting again so I relize that the scale will not move much.
    Thanks for all the replies.
    No I stopped gaining for about 3 weeks before I reset. I was eating 1912 . it 10% I was eating 1751 and now at 15% I am eating at 1625.

    I am not exercising as much as I should with the weather being so cold. But when I do I usually eat most of my calories back but not always.

    i have measured my waist and stomach and they are both at times 1 inch smaller and at others 1 inch more. depending on how bloated I feel.

    You can have a look at my diary. if you like,,,,I know I need to reduce my sodium.

    Thanks for the reply :smile:

    When you do exercise you eat most of your calories back?

    But you are doing a total TDEE with deficit method. Does that TDEE not include any exercise in the estimate?

    If it actually does, you aren't supposed to eat exercise calories back.

    If that TDEE is non-exercise, then yes, you eat exercise calories back. That have the same deficit taken off. After you've also removed the already account calories of TDEE for that time.
    And they should be very accurate calorie burn info. If HRM, totally tweaked.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Well, I have yet to start NROL. However, I have found a few ladies who might be interested in going through the program at the same time. That would obviously be awesome in terms of support and accountability. So it might mean waiting a few more weeks to start while they look over the book, but it's really worth it to me to wait if it means having people doing it with me!

    I lowered my activity level to lightly active because my workouts can be so hit or miss right now. That being said, I will eat more as needed if I workout more. When I'm consistently working out more I'll increase them back to the moderately active level.

    Right now the scale has gone back and forth and back and forth this week. It's frustrating because I've been back on track with logging and that's usually enough for me to see a downward trend. I've had a ton of sodium this week. I am trying to work on it, but our lives are so busy that it's really hard to cut out boxed, bagged, canned stuff. Anyways, I will keep working on it.

    The good news is that my thyroid health is improving. My last labs were good and I'm not surprised. The one weird thing about my thyroid is that when it's underfunctioning I have no desire to be social and make plans. When it's working correctly, I start making plans and getting together with friends. I've been more social in the last month, so I knew it was functioning better. That being said I'm still tired all the time. Come to find out that despite supplementing iron and vitamin D since September, both levels have continued to drop. Dr. is having me double dose my vitamin D for two months. I'm continuing with the iron until my next appt. February 18th. So??? I'm hoping we can get these levels up where they need to be. It sure would help me function and continue with my journey to health!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Crystal, so glad to hear the thyroid problems are working themselves out:) Glad to see you back at it!

    I havent posted in a long time. Still plugging along. I had some advice about my diary from kiki and lucia, and I have been working hard to lowering my carb intake and increasing protein higher. Ive been near damn perfect for the past three weeks and loving it. Its not as hard as I thought it would be to lower my carbs a bit. I have become more aware of what kind of carbs I choose, and when I have it, I damn well enjoy it:)
    Just completing Meso 2 with STS and looking forward to a rest week this weekend. I have to shorten it a bit due to holidays Im taking at the end of Feb and I want to make sure I can complete Meso 3 in time. So I will give it at least 4 days on rest, maybe 5 and then back in again.. Im hoping for some nice inches lost this round, but I thought the same with Meso one and was a bit disappointed..

    Anyways, still here, still plugging along, still reading:)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Crystal, so glad to hear the thyroid problems are working themselves out:) Glad to see you back at it!

    I havent posted in a long time. Still plugging along. I had some advice about my diary from kiki and lucia, and I have been working hard to lowering my carb intake and increasing protein higher. Ive been near damn perfect for the past three weeks and loving it. Its not as hard as I thought it would be to lower my carbs a bit. I have become more aware of what kind of carbs I choose, and when I have it, I damn well enjoy it:)
    Just completing Meso 2 with STS and looking forward to a rest week this weekend. I have to shorten it a bit due to holidays Im taking at the end of Feb and I want to make sure I can complete Meso 3 in time. So I will give it at least 4 days on rest, maybe 5 and then back in again.. Im hoping for some nice inches lost this round, but I thought the same with Meso one and was a bit disappointed..

    Anyways, still here, still plugging along, still reading:)
    Raynn I've been thinking about you! Lowering my carbs/upping proteins made a massive difference with me. Same with sugars...which were hiding in the massive amounts of greek yogurt I was consuming. Oops! I hope you start seeing the change soon! You're a beast!!:wink:
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    what do u lower ur carbs to? im down to the last 10 pounds and its gettng very hard. i havent lost anything in months
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Nothing nutty. I try and keep it around 100-150g most days....more importantly making them carbs from veggies etc. Then I'll have the occasional meal where I eat whatever I want. :-)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Crystal, so glad to hear the thyroid problems are working themselves out:) Glad to see you back at it!

    I havent posted in a long time. Still plugging along. I had some advice about my diary from kiki and lucia, and I have been working hard to lowering my carb intake and increasing protein higher. Ive been near damn perfect for the past three weeks and loving it. Its not as hard as I thought it would be to lower my carbs a bit. I have become more aware of what kind of carbs I choose, and when I have it, I damn well enjoy it:)
    Just completing Meso 2 with STS and looking forward to a rest week this weekend. I have to shorten it a bit due to holidays Im taking at the end of Feb and I want to make sure I can complete Meso 3 in time. So I will give it at least 4 days on rest, maybe 5 and then back in again.. Im hoping for some nice inches lost this round, but I thought the same with Meso one and was a bit disappointed..

    Anyways, still here, still plugging along, still reading:)
    Raynn I've been thinking about you! Lowering my carbs/upping proteins made a massive difference with me. Same with sugars...which were hiding in the massive amounts of greek yogurt I was consuming. Oops! I hope you start seeing the change soon! You're a beast!!:wink:

    Thanks:).. I dont feel like it today and having some issues on the mind, but still here:)..
    Yeah I found the same with the greek yogurt,., i switched to plain and dropped about 15g of carbs from my servings:).. I havent been eating much bread either.. My carb allowance is still higher, simply because Im heavier, but I have been keeping in under the 40% mark consistently, and getting the protein above the 30% consistently... so thats a start..
  • beautifulswan1
    beautifulswan1 Posts: 58 Member
    Hello everyone. I will begin my cut tomorrow. TDEE - 15%. That puts me at 2000 calories. I did a 9 week reset. I'm excited to see the results of the cut. Glad to have you here to help me through it.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I am taking pictures next week. But I started my cut around Jan 2nd. That is when I started MFP and within days found out about TDEE and changed right away.

    Since then I have lost:
    2.5in on my waist
    1in on my neck
    1.5 in on my hips
    1.5 in on my right thigh
    and .28in on my left arm

    I have lots of self doubt. I have NOT seen the scale move so I get hings like "maybe I am over compensating on measuring"..."maybe I am measuring wrong", "maybe this is all in my head"...etc. But I am WORKING on my issues. I wont quit and I am seeing progress on tape. Just not what I am use to and what society beats into our head on scale. Hopefully when I take pictures in a week, I can see the change for myself. I am 5 1, 131, my BMR is 1393 I believe and I am eating 1600 daily.
  • sukielovesveggies
    sukielovesveggies Posts: 12 Member
    Upped my cals after eating way below BMR for the last couple of years. (I lost 87 pounds eating very low), then got off track logging, had a knee injury that kept me from the gym for 4 months and gained almost 20 back. Couldnt lose on 1200 and finally came to my senses reading these posts. Upped my cals to average 1800, Im back at the gym, and just ordered NROLFW. Im sure I will have to tweek this more, perhaps do a nice long reset... But feeling better already, stopped gaining weight and it sure is nice to eat more!